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DevOps/Cloud Engineer


▪ Skilled DevOps/Cloud Engineer with 8+ years of hands-on experience in the IT industry on

automation, Containerization, optimizing mission-critical deployments in Cloud AWS, Azure & GCP,
leveraging configuration management, CI/CD, Agile, Waterfall Methodologies and DevOps processes.
▪ Expertise in setting up the enterprise infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2
instance, ECS, ELB, EBS, S3 Bucket, Security Groups, Auto Scaling, AMI, RDS, IAM, Terraform,
Cloud formation, CloudFront & VPC services, Kinesis, KMS.
▪ Experience in technologies and platforms including JAVA, Node.js, Bazel, Jenkins, Subversion, Git,
Unix/Linux, Windows servers, VMWare, Docker, Vagrant, Ansible, Chef, Puppet, AWS, across
Financial and Healthcare sectors.
▪ Provisioning Web Servers in AWS using different services EC2, ASG, VPC, ELB, Auto Scaling,
Route53, Dynamo using Cloud formation templates, Terraform & AMI’s using Infrastructure as a
Service (IAAS).
▪ Architected and implemented automated Cloud Infrastructure using Chef and Puppet on multi-
platforms like AWS & Azure Cloud Servers.
▪ Experience on ECS (Elastic Container Service) with docker container service to run applications on a
managed cluster of amazons EC2 instances.
▪ Experience in working with configuration management tools like Puppet, Chef, and Ansible.
▪ Experience in setting up Puppet Master, Puppet Agents for managing enterprise policies and
▪ Implemented Continuous Delivery framework using Chef, Jenkins, and Maven in Linux environment
on AWS & Azure Public cloud.
▪ Proficient in using Build Automation tools like ANT, Maven, Gradle, and working knowledge on other
build tools like making files.
▪ Written Chef Cookbooks, recipes and pushed them onto the Chef server for configuring EC2 Instances.
▪ Performed automation tasks on various Docker components like Docker Hub, Docker Engine,
Docker Machine, Docker Compose, Docker Trusted Registry, and Universal Control Plane (UCP).
▪ Dockerized applications by creating Docker images from Docker file.
▪ Extensively worked on CI Tools like Hudson, Jenkins (Opensource and enterprise: Cloud bees),
TeamCity and Bamboo for continuous integration and End to End automation for all builds and
▪ Experience in administering, deploying, and managing RedHat, Ubuntu, and CentOS servers.
▪ Proficient in Python, Perl Scripting, Bash, Groovy, Ruby, Shell Scripting, SQL, build utilities like
open make, ANT, Cruise Control and written scripts for managing various enterprise applications.
▪ Designed, configured and deployed multiple applications utilizing the Azure services like Compute,
Web & Mobile, Blobs, ADF, HD Insight Clusters, Azure SQL, ARM and auto-scaling.
▪ Experience in Azure Platform Development, Deployment Concepts, hosted Cloud Services, platform as
a service (PaaS), Function as a service (Faas), Infrastructure as a service (Iaas) and close interface
with Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentications.
▪ Involved in setting up Kubernetes clusters for running microservices and pushed microservices
into production with Kubernetes backend infrastructure & Developed Kubernetes clusters via
playbooks in Ansible.
▪ Created, managed Kubernetes objects like pods services, namespaces, applications and replication
sets, deployments using the YAML.
▪ Hands-on experience in branching, tagging, and maintaining the version across the environments
using SCM tools like GitHub, Subversion (SVN), IBM ClearCase, and TFS on Linux and Windows
▪ Good knowledge and hands-on Experience in monitoring tools like Splunk, Nagios, etc.
▪ Automated setting up server infrastructure for the DevOps services, using Ansible, shell, and python
▪ Created Azure PowerShell script for APIM backup and restore operations.
▪ Worked with different Bug tracking tools like JIRA, Trello, Rally, Remedy, HP Quality Center.
▪ Integrated Jenkins with various DevOps tools such as Git, Nexus, Ansible, etc.
▪ Extensively worked on Artifactory and Nexus Repository Managers to deploy software built through
Jenkins & Maven Build Jobs.
▪ Extensive experience in web application development using Spring, Hibernate, SOAP, RESTful,
AJAX, JSON, XML, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, Dojo, Bootstrap and Angular framework.
▪ Created Jenkins pipelines for artifacts build, to perform Docker container build and uploading it to the
Jfrog Artifactory repository.
▪ Configured Node Js express applications in production and pre-production environment by 
Configuring with Nginx and Ansible Web servers.
▪ Managed data sources, teams, and users within an organization using Grafana and Dashboard.
▪ Knowledge of IP networking VPNs, DNS, load balancing.
▪ Working experience on Automation Testing frameworks like Selenium, Katalon Studio.
▪ Experience in developing or supporting ASP .NET and C# applications.
▪ Experience in managing data in RDBMS and/or NoSQL databases.
▪ Experience in working in a regulated and secure environment.
▪ Good experience in dealing with Object Oriented Design Implementations and design patterns.
▪ Experience with Oracle, MySQL, NoSQL, MongoDB, RDBMS, and Server DB Tasks.
▪ Implemented ELK stack (Elasticsearch, Logstash, and Kibana) for log indexing.
▪ Worked on web servers and application servers like Web logic, Tomcat, Web sphere, JBOSS to
deploy code.
▪ Experience in working with Service Cloud, Sales Cloud, Marketing Cloud and Development in
▪ Extensively worked on R Studio for Data Mining Applications like Logistic and Multiple
Regression, Neural N/W’s & random Forest Jobs.
▪ Strong ability to troubleshoot any issues generated while building, deploying, and production support.


Programming Languages C, C#, Java, SQL, R, XML, .NET

Scripting Shell, Bash, Python, Ruby, Groovy
Versioning Tools SVN, GITHUB, Bitbucket.
Automation Tools Jenkins, Cloud bees Jenkins, Bamboo, Hudson, TeamCity
Build Tools Ant, Maven, Gradle
Configuration Management Tools Chef, Puppet, Ansible
Databases MYSQL, MSSQL, Oracle and MongoDB, DynamoDB
Virtualization VMware, Vagrant, Docker, Kubernetes
Monitoring Tools Nagios, Splunk, Prometheus, Grafana, Dashboard
Cloud Technologies AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, OpenStack
Bug Tracking Tools Bugzilla, Atlassian JIRA, Trello, Remedy, ServiceNow
Repository Manager Artifactory, Nexus, Jfrog artifactory
Web servers WebLogic, Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBOSS, Nginx
Operating Systems LINUX (RHEL 6/7), Unix, Ubuntu, Centos, Windows, Mac

● Valparaiso University - Valparaiso, Indiana, USA.

Master of Science: Information Technology – May 2016.

● JNTUH - Hyderabad, India.

Bachelor of Technology: Electronics and Communications – May 2011.


Client: T-Mobile, Bothell, WA, USA July 2019 to

Azure Cloud Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

 Proficient in developing Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) infrastructure and

pipeline to quickly and accurately deliver software applications automatically using AKS.
 Developed power shell scripts and ARM templates to automate the provisioning and deployment
 Designed Azure virtual machines (VMs) and VM architecture for IaaS, FaaS and PaaS; understand
availability sets, fault domains and update domains in Azure.
 Worked on Power Shell scripts to automate the Azure cloud system creation of Resource groups, Web
Applications, Azure Storage Blobs & Tables, firewall rules.
 Configured pods, container image used, and attached storage with the help of AKS.
 Involved in Implementation of various AWS cloud Applications & deployment using Amazon EC2, S3,
RDS, ELB, Autoscaling, Cloud Front, EBS, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch, Redshift, Lambda, IAM,
Implementing Virtual cloud platforms using.
 Good hands-on knowledge of Source Code Management (Version Control System) tools like GitHub,
Bitbucket & code repository software (Git), and Managed GitHub repositories and permissions,
including branching and tagging.
 Experience with automation/configuration management/integration using various tools like Maven,
Jenkins, Ant, Docker.
 Recorded real-time metrics in a time series database built using a HTTP pull model, with flexible
queries and real-time alerting with the help of tool Prometheus and Splunk.
 Developed Maven scripts to automate the compilation, deployment, and testing of Web and J2EE
applications. Proficient in Ant, Shell, Ruby, Python, Gradle, and Perl Scripting.
 Implemented UI components and web pages using technologies and the tools such as bootstrap,
styling, CSS, jQuery, HTML5, JavaScript, typescript.
 Maintained the user accounts (IAM), RDS, ROUTE 53, VPC, RDB, Dynamo DB, SES, SQS, and SNS
services in the AWS cloud.
 Involved in AWS S3 services like creating buckets, configuring buckets with permissions, logging,
versioning, and tagging & lifecycle policies to back the data from AWS S3 to AWS Glacier.
 Good understanding of Infrastructure as Code (Programmable Infrastructure), and achieving that by
using tools like Puppet, Chef, Ansible.
 Wrote Playbooks and implemented various roles for applications using Ansible to ensure deployment
of Applications/Services on the client hosts replacing the dependency on Chef Cookbooks and Chef
Recipes to automate infrastructure as a code.
 Conducted detailed research on Mesos-Marathon and Kubernetes for container orchestration.
 Created Ansible roles in YAML and defined tasks, variables, files, handlers, and templates.
 Hands-on knowledge of software containerization platforms like Docker and container orchestration
tools like Kubernetes and Docker Swarm.
 Used Kubernetes to manage containerized applications using its nodes, Config Maps, selector, Services,
and deployed application containers as Pods using Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), GCP.
 Managed NoSQL database service for app development using Cosmos DB.
 Automated build and deployment using Jenkins (Cloud Bees) to reduce human error and speed up
production processes by Azure Cloud Services.
 Configured the build server to execute the CI/CD process in a clear, maintainable manner with high
visibility into the build, test, and deployment phases with multiple environments: Dev, QA, Flex,
PreProd, Prod.
 Strong hands on experience in using spring (Spring MVC, Spring Security 3.1.1, Spring JDBC, Spring
Boot, Spring DAO and Dependency Injection/Inversion of Control) and Object Relational
Mapping frameworks (ORM’s) like Hibernate with mapping of persistent classes and usage of
Hibernate Query Language, Criteria API.
 Developed RESTful web services with spring boot support to handle data transfer between internal
systems with various other applications.
 Performed large scale migration using the Bazel.
 Build, test, and packaged project with tool Bazel that's easy to adopt and extend the environment.
 Experience in working with Micro Services in a spring boot application.
 Experience with Service oriented architecture (SOA), developing SOAP web services based on JAX-
WS (Document Style) using HTTP Protocol on Bottom Up style development for creating Endpoints.
 Installed and configured Nagios to constantly monitor network bandwidth, memory usage, and hard
drive status. Experience and understanding of Akamai Caching solutions (CDNs).
 Maintained design and troubleshooting documentation using Confluence. Defined thresholds visually,
and get notified via Slack, PagerDuty using Grafana.
 Integrated Automation scripts (Selenium WebDriver API) in Continuous Integration tools (Jenkins).
Used Selenium RC for testing different browsers, Selenium Grid for checking instance of server and
Selenium IDE for record and playback.
 Did Test First development (Test Driven Development) after creating dummy stubs using Junit and
Mockito for mocking objects to test.
 Performed detailed analysis of business and technical requirements and designed the solution by
Visualforce, API, and Web Services.
 Experienced in Designing, Developing and Data Modeling of the application and ensured that they are
within the Salesforce Governor Limits. Involved in developing Salesforce Lightning Apps, Components.
 Developed Lightning components, Global actions, process Builders and object specifications according
to business needs.
 Created Web APIs using ASP.NET Web API allow new Web/Client projects to leverage reusable
 Managed with Agile Methodologies/Scrum, Test Driven Development (TDD) & Unit Testing.
 Secured the cloud native stack, from the host OS to serverless functions using Twist lock and Aqua.
 Identified vulnerabilities in thousands of images, blocked thousands of builds of vulnerable images,
enforced compliance with security standards for thousands of deployments, and identified
compromised containers and hosts at hundreds of customers using Twist Lock and Aqua.
 Built and deployed Docker containers to break up the monolithic app into microservices, improving
developer workflow, increasing scalability, and optimizing speed.
 Worked on Azure Fabric, Micro services, IoT & Docker containers in Azure and involved in setting up
Terraform continuous build integration system.
 Wrote unit test cases to test front-end functionality using Karma and Jasmine.
 Dockerization using Kubernetes. Monitoring containers using Heapster + InfluxDB + Grafana. 
 Integrated with perforce/Github repository and pulled the customization source files, compile, create
packages based on templates, and deployed them through CI/CD pipelines.
 Played DevOps Architect role to work with CMS solution for assessing the platform, building CICD
landscape, defining best practices, Implemented reference CICD pipeline and Dev Sec Ops pipeline
with parallelism approach.
 Hands on Experience in using multiple RDBMS products like IBM DB2, Oracle 9i/10g, Sybase,
Postgre SQL, SQL Server and MySQL.

Environment: Jenkins, Stash, Bitbucket, Bazel, SourceTree, Splunk, SonarQube, Puppet, Git, Chef, Ansible,
Docker, Kubernetes, Confluence, Terraform, JIRA, Shell, SOAP, SOAP-UI, , Java 1.8 (Java 8), JDK 1.8, J2EE, JVM,
Spring Boot, Micro services, Hibernate 4.0, RESTful, Apache CXF, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, Bootstrap.

Client: Cardinal Health, Dublin, OH Oct 2017 to June 2019

Cloud Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities

▪ Experience with an in-depth level of understanding in the strategy and practical implementation of
AWS cloud-specific technologies including EC2, EBS, S3, VPC, RDS, SES, ELB, EMR, ECS, CloudFront,
Cloud Formation, Elastic Cache, Cloud Watch, RedShift, Lambda, DynamoDB.
▪ Implemented various resources in Azure using Azure Portal, PowerShell on Azure Resource Manager
deployment models. Experienced with deploying Infrastructure as Code (IoC) applications using ARM
Templates (JSON).
▪ Configured and Controlled the Scale Up and Scale Out of the App Service Plans and Pricing tier (scale
DTUs) while migrating the Databases and Applications from on-premises to Azure Cloud Platform.
▪ Implemented a GIT mirror for the SVN repository, which enables users to use both GIT and SVN.
▪ Implemented Continuous Integration using Jenkins and GIT.
▪ Integrated the CI workflow with testing tools like Selenium.
▪ Integrated customized automated deployment manager tool with the GitHub by changing and
improvising the shell scripts previously used for SVN.
▪ Developed build and deployment scripts using ANT and MAVEN as build tools in Jenkins to move from
one environment to other environments.
▪ Maintained build related scripts developed in the shell for Maven builds. Created and modified build
configuration files including POM.xml.
▪ Communication with team members for both Ansible Core and Ansible Tower teams to clarify
requirements and overcome obstacles.
▪ Maintained and managed Ansible Playbooks responsible for deploying Framework and other cloud
tools. Worked on Git Flow for production Release.
▪ Created deployment pipelines for various types of customization (~12 categories) as part of
upgrade/migration using Azure.
▪ Automate the deployment of customizations end-to-end as part of upgrade processes.
▪ Experience in managing Ansible Playbooks with Ansible roles. Used file module in Ansible playbook
to copy and remove files on remote systems. Created inventory in Ansible for automating the
continuous deployment.
▪ Create, configured, and managed a cluster of VMs that are preconfigured to run containerized
applications using Azure container services.
▪ Worked with Windows Azure, Cloud Services, Storage/Storage, Accounts, Azure Traffic Manager.
▪ Hands on experience on Azure VPN-Point to Site, Virtual networks, Azure Custom security,
Endpoint security and firewall. Experience on Backup and restore Azure services.
▪ Provided network isolation and improved scaling capabilities using ASE (Azure App Service
▪ Created various Web Forms & User Interface Screens using C#.NET & ASP.NET.
▪ Connected to on-prem resources via ExpressRoute through ASE.
▪ Performed builds and tests using automation software tool Bazel.
▪ Experienced with Bazel tool for compiling large projects with multi-language dependencies.
▪ Created page layouts, search layouts to organize fields, custom links, related lists, and other
components on record pages.
▪ Designed and customized visual force pages using controller extensions, custom controllers, and
standard controllers.
▪ Developed Apex triggers, classes to achieve user’s desired functionality and have written the
dependent test classes.
▪ Developer Efficiency Indexing using Sonar. Generate various reports/metrics like PMD, CPD, Check
style, Cobertura, etc. These reports were generated on daily builds run on Jenkins and published on a
SonarQube site.
▪ Having experience in reverse- engineer existing pipelines and build orchestration processes to
develop more robust build processes.
▪ Created Linux containers in CoreOS and Docker and Automated system using Chef.
▪ Integrated projects with Data dog for logging and monitoring of Docker Containers and Clusters.
▪ Performed development and version control of Chef Cookbooks, testing of Cookbooks using Test
Kitchen and running recipes on nodes managed by on-premise Chef Server.
▪ Developed a CI/CD system with Jenkins on the Kubernetes container environment, utilizing
Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment for the CI/CD system to build, test and deploy.
▪ Installed and configured ELK stack in both legacy and Docker swarm mode and pipelined application
logs from App Server to Elastic search through Log stash. 
▪ Deployment and management of web services with Tomcat and JBOSS provided end-user training for
all JIRA users to effectively use the tool.
▪ Created ELK stack environment: Elasticsearch for Data analytics, Logstash for logs, and Kibana for
visualizing the logs. visualizing data coming from integrated data sources using Grafana &
▪ Experience in Monitoring Frameworks: Nagios, New relic, and Splunk.
▪ Managing and Architecting more than 3000 virtual servers. Monitoring of Application and Servers
through Nagios. Web Servers Administration on Apache and Nginx.
▪ Experienced in troubleshooting and automated deployment to web and application servers like
Microsoft IIS Web Server, WebSphere, WebLogic, JBoss, and Tomcat.
▪ Developed application on Spring4.x framework by utilizing its features like Spring Dependency
injection (Spring IO), Spring JDBC, Spring Security and Spring Boot.
▪ Used Hibernate/JPA2 in the persistence layer, written hibernate mappings using Annotations,
HQL, Criteria and Named Queries.
▪ Participated in front end responsive design development using Angular JS 1.5, JavaScript, Dojo,
JQuery, HTML5, CSS 3.0 and Bootstrap.
▪ Knowledge and experience with Serialization, Exceptional handling, IO streams and JVM memory

Environment: Jenkins, Puppet, Ansible, Kubernetes, Bazel, Webserver, Tomcat, JBOSS, WebLogic and
WebSphere, Bitbucket, SourceTree, Splunk, Grafana, SonarQube, Docker, SVN, Selenium, JIRA, Java 1.8 (Java
8), JDK 1.8, J2EE, JVM, Spring Boot, Micro services, Hibernate 4.0, RESTful, Apache CXF, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON,
Client: Well Care, Tampa, FL, USA June 2016 to Sep
DevOps Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities

▪ Installation, migration, and maintenance of AIX & amp; LINUX operating systems.
▪ Experience in supporting Java-based applications like JBoss, WebLogic & amp; WebSphere and
involved in J2EE application deployment activities and configuration of SSL for the websites.
▪ Implementing a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins, and GitHub and AWS AMI.
▪ AMI Creation for CD/CI using boto API.
▪ Worked closely with the setting up of the Configuration Management Tools Puppet and automation of
the infrastructure with Chef that included migrating from the current infrastructure workflow to the
new workflow.
▪ Worked on Chef Server management console and understanding and working knowledge on all
different components of Chef Server, nodes, and Workstations.
▪ Experienced with Ansible and used to deploy the applications and systems.
▪ Configured DevOps stack with regards to performance monitoring, analytics, and auditability.
▪ Designed shell script for Redshift cluster shutdown/startup automation based on the snapshots.
▪ Developed python modules to automate processes in AWS (AWS cloud formations/ Ec2, boto API).
▪ Automating in Azure for creation of subscription, Storage Account and tables using Windows
PowerShell. Worked with development team and key stake holders to create plan for monitoring
Azure resources.
▪ Wrote puppet modules to configure Apache for a different web application to improve performance.
▪ Developing CD/CI tools using Blue-Green deployment methodology.
▪ Managed the GIT branching strategy for a few applications by creating Release branches,
Development branches thus ensuring the integrity of Trunk.
▪ Worked on Docker Engine to create and use containers; SaaS-Based services for creating and sharing
Docker services in Docker hub.
▪ Used Docker to containerize Micro services in cloud and managed clusters using Docker Swarm and
▪ Incorporated the Code Quality Tools Find Bugs and Cobertura into Maven Projects.
▪ Managed the Maven Repository using the Nexus tool and used the same to share the snapshots and
releases of internal projects.
▪ Developed and supported Software Release Management and procedures.
▪ Worked with the Architects on the SDLC process being the owner of post-development environments.
▪ Used Python and Bash scripting for the automation of different tasks in the production environment.
▪ Configuring cloud application with different third-party tools like New Relic.
▪ Created various CloudFormation templates for application deployment and management.
▪ Established processes and tools to maintain code base integrity, including check-in validation rules
and branch/merge processes.
▪ Having Experience in QC, Remedy, Jira, Service Now, PIER, AOTS to Support Staging, QC, Perf, and
production environment.
▪ Used Spring MVC with Spring Restful Template to Produce and consume Health-based Restful Web
Services from scratch.
▪ Used Spring Security framework to set up authentication and authorization for the application using
firm wide single sign on (SS0).
▪ Creating and editing dashboards. creating a graph panel with the Random Walk scenario using
▪ Applied patches every quarter regularly to meet audit requirements using Oracle OPS Center, Red Hat
Satellite server, Up2Date, YUM, and RPM tools.
▪ Used shell scripting to automate procedures for automated deployment in Linux based systems.
▪ Create, deploy, and manage Linux and Windows VM using Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager,
which includes moving, migrating VM from one cluster to another cluster or within the same cluster.
▪ Configuring DNS, DHCP, NIS, NFS in Sun Solaris 8/9& other Network services Device
management, including adding, changing, and configuring physical and logical devices.
▪ Configured the Load Balancers and VPC with Public and private subnets.
▪ Implemented Case Management Automation to track and solve Customer's Issues. Implemented
Email-to-Case, Web-to-Case to enter generated cases to Case Object.
▪ Involved in integration of their legacy system with Salesforce CRM package through web services
based on BULK API.

Environment: Linux, Jenkins, AWS (EC2, S3, EBS, ELB, VPC, Redshift, Cloud formation), Azure, python (BOTO
API), Stash, Splunk, Grafana, Dashboard, GitHub, AWS AMI’s, Azure, Chef Server, YUM and RPM tools, HTML5,
CSS3,Angular JS 1.x, Typescript.

Client: Spark Zen Technologies, Pune, India Nov 2013 to March

Build and Release Engineer

Roles and Responsibilities:

• Experience in installing, configuring, supporting, and troubleshooting Unix/Linux Networking services
and protocols like NIS, LDAP, DNS, NFS, DHCP, NAS, FTP, SSH, and SAMBA.
• Deployed the applications to Tomcat Application Server and static content to apache web servers.
• Installing, configuring and administering Jenkins Continuous Integration (CI) tool on Linux
machines along with adding/updating plugins such as SVN, Maven, Puppet etc.
• Used EC2 Container Service (ECS) to support Docker containers to easily run applications on a
managed cluster of Amazons EC2 instances. Automated OpenShift’s, Vagrant boxes and Docker
Images Builds with Jenkins, Packer.
• Involved in migrating on-premises to Azure and built Azure Disaster Recovery Environment and
Azure Backups from scratch using PowerShell Scripts.
• Used Python scripting for automation, highly scalable, build promotions for staging to production.
• Worked with the Architects on SDLC process being the owner of post development environments.
• Developed and supported the Software Release Management and procedures.
• Troubleshooting OS / Hardware related issues and monitor server health on a day-to-day basis.
• Experienced with the virtual build, installation, configuration, and maintenance of Linux RedHat 6
both locally and over the network.
• Set up user and group login IDs, network configuration, passwords, and resolution of permission and
access related issues.
• Install, configure, maintain, and troubleshoot enterprise-wide Apache web servers and Tomcat
application containers in a large RedHat Linux/CentOS environment.
• Configuring ELB and auto scaling launch configurations for high availability & fault tolerant Docker
containers in ECS by using ECS & EC2 CloudWatch (CPU/memory reservation and utilization) metrics
and alarms.
• Applying an OS patch and upgrade in a multi-platform (RedHat/CentOS) environment on a regularly
scheduled basis.
• Hardened various Linux RedHat 6 Servers utilizing security policies and CIS Security Benchmark
based template.
• Collaborated with Network Admin in Installing, configuring, securing, and implementing slave
replication on DNS BIND servers.
• Installed, updated, and configured the necessary packages using the RPM, UP2DATE and YUM
software/package management.
• Responsible for configuring and connection to SSH through SSH clients like Putty and Cyber duck and
Password-less setup and agent-forwarding done for SSH login using SSH-Keygen tool.
• Extensively worked with the LAN/WAN, firewalls, and routing for Internet and Intranet connectivity
using different protocols like TCP/IP, DHCP, HTTP/s, FTP, SMTP & SSH.
• Updating patches to keep servers updated against bugs present in the operating system using Red Hat
Satellite Server, YUM, etc.
• Created and edited Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) and documented various performed
• Building and configuring RedHat systems over the network, implement automated tasks through Cron
jobs, resolving tickets according to the priority basis.
• Setup Linux workstations with hardware and software RAIDS and implement LVM. Configure and
maintain clustered RAID subsystems.
• Monitor system activities like CPU, memory, Disk, and Swap space usage to avoid any performance
issues and Participate in 24x7 on-call support personnel in debugging.

Environment & Tools:  AWS, Red Hat Linux, NFS, Samba, DNS servers, DHCP servers, SSH, NFS, FTP, TCP/IP,
DHCP, MySQL, DNS BIND servers, Apache web servers, Jenkins, Docker, Bazel, Grafana, Dashboard, Puppet.

Client: ADEA International Pvt. Ltd - Hyderabad, India Feb 2011 to Oct
Linux Administrator

Roles and Responsibilities

 Worked on Curam Software V 6.0 to implement a Medicaid/Food and Nutrition Services/Work First
eligibility system.
 Managed team of up to 15 resources for a state-wide software implementation based on Curam v6
impacting all 100 counties.
 Managing the build infrastructure of VMs and machines of Windows/ Linux and Unix platforms.
 Performing daily System Administration on Red Hat Enterprise Server 4.x, 5.x, 6.x, Windows Server
 Multiple scripting languages on Linux Platform (bash, awk, sed, python).
 Red Hat Linux Kickstart Installation, implementation, customization, operation, recovery,
performance tuning and Cloud-hosted systems.
 Hardware capabilities.
 Transport security, SSH, and certificates.
 Configured Open LDAP Server with Authentication.
 Installed configured ESX servers and it’s components at the client side.
 Installed and managed the LDAP server for the Database Users.
 Worked on logical volumes using the Cluster Volume Manage CVM.
 Docker Containers for application deployment.
 Relational databases and NoSQL data stores.
 Worked on HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, AJAX, IDS, App Sec, Network Sec.
 Distributed/clustered or grid computing systems.
 Administering Linux OS to include network and software application configuration.
 Configuring continuous integration within a development environment using tools such as Jenkins,
Puppet, Chef, Git, and Nexus.
 Automating repetitive development, operations, and deployment tasks.
 Documenting systems and networks, refining requirements, self-identify solutions, and communicate
with the team.
 Managing databases, including database design, creation, manipulation, and query.
 Utilizing enterprise tools (such as BPM or ESB tools) for orchestration of services and workflows, as
well as messaging queues (e.g. RabbitMQ)
 Monitoring hardware utilization such as memory, disks, and CPU utilization.
 Worked on NFS, FTP, SSH, SCP, Apache Servers.
 Monitoring and administering production servers remotely and at the data center.
 Developed and deployed UI layer logics of sites using JSP, XML, JavaScript, HTML/DHTML, and Ajax.
 System Tuning and Performance Monitoring (HP Open View).
 Managing LVM, VG Partitions profiles, and hardware resources assigned to Partitions.
 Scheduling jobs using the CRON scheduler.
 Documented the policies and procedures for branching, labeling, code merging, check-in/check-
out, and builds.
 Perform Sanity tests to ensure the integrity of code deployment.
 Testing and upgrading production, development, and test LINUX and Windows servers.
 Providing 24/7 on-call support.
 Strategizing infrastructure and managing environments to accommodate an increasing number of
projects. And providing minimal downtime of environments during all testing phases IST, UAT, SIT,
and regression.

Environment: Docker, Jenkins, Linux, Nexus, Chef, GitHub, Python, Stash, Java, JSP, XML, Servlets.

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