Times-NIE-Web-Ed-March 25

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BE N N E T T, C OL E M A N & C O. LT D. | E S TA BLI S H E D 183 8 | T IM E S OF IN DI A .


➤ Shattering the walls of male- ➤ A student from Rajkot ➤ Debutants rise to the STUDENT EDITION
dominated apparel industry are plans a rejuvenating schedule occasion once again for
TODAY’S these power puff girls. Read the that you can try with your India THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 2021

Newspaper in

journey of MasterG & daughters family this weekend Education



PEOPLE “Bitcoin uses more electricity per transaction

than any other method known to mankind, and so
IN NEWS it’s not a great climate thing.” — BILL GATES

TODAY Bitcoin: How environment WHAT IS A BITCOIN?

Bitcoin is the original and most popu-
lar cryptocurrency, or digital coin,
which started circulating in 2009. It
he recent spike in
will pay the premium price was created by Satoshi Nakamoto,
and designed to be free of central
financial authorities like governments

T and central banks. It is “peer-to-

t a time when com- Other firms are also considering
Covid-19 cases in panies and in- whether to add Bitcoin to their peer”, meaning it can be transferred
Maharashtra has vestors increasing- balance sheets. Financial firms directly between online users.
shown that there is a price ly say they are fo- like Guggenheim Partners have
to pay for letting down cused on climate
and sustainability issues, some
already invested in Bitcoin while
Bank of New York Mellon says
one’s guard. With the ‘sec- of them may be about to collide it will start financing Bitcoin
ond wave’ in sight, the top with the reality of another fi- transactions. As there is no central authority
bosses of India Inc have nancial trend, one currently governing supply, bitcoin’s value
worth about $1 trillion: Bitcoin. Status symbol or a depends on people’s confidence in it,
said that there is only one
way to combat the crisis — vaccination for all. From Sajjan Jindal
The cryptocurrency has be- scarlet letter? and has mainly been used for specu-
come inescapable, with big com-
and Anand Mahindra to Vijay Shekhar Sharma, these business panies like Tesla and individual Will owning bitcoins become a lation by financial traders rather than
leaders have suggested to the government to start vaccinating investors alike rushing to stock status symbol — or a scarlet let- real-world commerce.
up on the digital token. But de- ter for a new generation of cli-
the youth too. “Jabs must include those aged 20-45 years.
They’re the real super-spreaders,” they said.
pending on which study
you read, the annual 1
mate-focused investors?Are they
aware of the challenges it pos-
carbon emissions es? The answer is complicated.
from the electricity
Bitcoin Bitcoin supporters say that
Bitcoin is held in virtual wallets with
Bitcoin and process
transaction = created what
it calls a Bit-
cal equations. They earn bitcoins
for their work, which means that
estimates of its carbon footprint
are overstated. And if the com-
unique keys. Transactions are made
by sending bitcoin from one wallet to
carbon footprint of
NFT SOLD FOR $2.9 MILLION its transactions are
equal to the
coin Energy
735,121 Visa transac- C o n s u m p -
the more popular the currency
becomes, the more competition
puters that mine and help trans-
act bitcoins are attached to an
a unique key associated with another
amount emitted by tion Index. there is to mine new tokens. electric grid that uses wind and wallet in a cryptographic process that
witter boss Jack Dorsey sold his first tweet as an NFT for

T all of New Zealand tions/55,280 hrs And as Bitcoin solar power, then mining and is verified by the bitcoin network.
just over $2.9 million dollars recently. The tweet is in the Contradiction
or Argentina. of YouTube becomes more using it will become cleaner over
form of a non-fungible token (NFT) — a kind of unique digi-
Bitcoin leads to popular, the more among firms time. HOW ARE BITCOINS CREATED?
tal asset that has exploded in popularity so resources its eco- Experts believe that cryp-
far in 2021. Each NFT has its own carbon footprint? system consumes. Tesla — a company whose entire tocurrency will eventually be They are generated by ‘mining’, which
premise is to help reduce climate powered completely by clean
blockchain-based digital signature, which To put this into perspective, one change through lower carbon power, eliminating its carbon involves individuals or groups using
serves as a public ledger, allowing anyone Bitcoin transaction is the “equiv- How miners play a role emissions — has invested more footprint and driving adoption computing power to solve complex
to verify the asset’s authenticity and own- alent to the carbon footprint of The miners verify transactions than $1.5 billion of its balance of renewables globally. Howev- math equations to build the
735,121 Visa transactions or 55,280 involving the cryptocurrency by sheet in Bitcoin. How would its er, its role in altering the envi-
ership. The tweet — “just setting up my blockchain and earn rewards in the
hours of watching YouTube,” ac- using computers to solve in- Bitcoin holdings affect its sus- ronment remains as cryptic as
twttr” — was Dorsey’s first tweet, made on cording to Digiconomist, which creasingly complex mathemati- tainability score? the entity itself. form of new coins.
March 21, 2006. The NFT was sold via auction
on a platform called Valuables,

Delhi govt to set up 100 A First: Recycling

owned by the US firm, Cent.


tella Schools of Excellence to replace sugar
S McCartney
has become in chocolate
ays after the announcement of challenges. Every child is unique and gift-
the first to create the setting up of the Delhi ed, we want to ensure that they get the
clothing from Board of School Education opportunity and the support to achieve
mushroom leather. (DBSE), the Delhi Cabinet has higher success in their lives. Schools of
paved the way for establishing about 100 Specialised Excellence will provide the
The 49-year-old schools of specialised excellence in the right platform for our children to nur-
fashion designer national capital. ture their talent and excel in areas of
has teamed up These schools will be choice-based and their specialised interests.”
with Bolt Threads cover grades 9 to 12, i.e, the last four years Sisodia said that these schools hold
in the 5+3+3+4 framework of schooling the potential to serve as examples of how
to use Mylo, a leathery fabric made from the root system of introduced by the New Education Policy providing the correct environment and
fungi, for a black top and utilitarian trousers. (NEP), 2020. opportunities to students can catapult
“The Delhi Government plans to es- them from even the most-marginalised
tablish ‘Schools of Specialised Excellence’ backgrounds to great heights of success
VIN DIESEL’S SON TO DEBUT IN that will cater to students who are gifted
in various areas of study such as Science, Deputy Chief Minister and Education
in various fields.
These schools will act as hubs of
‘FAST & FURIOUS 9’? Technology, Engineering and Mathemat-
ics (STEM), Performing and Visual Arts,
Minister Manish Sisodia said, “We are go-
ing to live in an era of specialisation and
excellence in their respective zones and
provide other schools with the inspiration

Humanities and high-end 21st-century excellence, our children need an oppor- and technical know-how to foster excel- s confectionery groups
ctor-producer Vin Diesel’s

A 10-year-old son, Vincent

Sinclair, is set to debut in
the upcoming installment of the ‘Fast
skills,” stated an official release. tunity to be ready for the next generation lence, he added. scramble to reduce added
sugar, chocolate sweetened
with cocoa fruit pulp is
about to hit supermarket shelves with
& Furious’ film franchise. The ninth
food giant Nestle ready to launch its
installment of the franchise, set for
‘Incoa’ bar.
release in June this year, will see
Cocoa fruit pulp, which is normally
Vincent playing the younger version
discarded, is being
of Vin’s character, Dominic Toretto.
used to flavour
products, reduce
sugar and cut food
Idris Elba inks multi-book deal waste, while boosting
to pen children’s books with the income of cocoa
HarperCollins farmers who can
‘upcycle’ their cocoa
by selling both the
 Hollywood star Idris Elba has
pulp and the beans.

e-Gen Builders
signed a deal with publisher
That ticks several
HarperCollins to come out with a
range of children’s books inspired
boxes with health-
by his daughter, Isan Elba. and environmentally-
 According to ‘The Hollywood conscious consumers.
Reporter’, the books are set to be
Students from Gaztelueta school in Spain “This is a big launch, we give it to all
launched in 2022. prepare an electric car prior to a race, as the customers who want it and don’t
 ”I feel privileged to have the part of a project to promote STEM limit supplies,” Alexander von Maillot,
opportunity to bring stories Nestle’s global head of confectionery,
inspired by my daughter
subjects (science, technology, engineering told Reuters this week.
to life with my incredible partner, and mathematics), and raise awareness on The company is launching Incoa, which
Robyn Charteris, and the power- pollution and climate change in Getxo, has no added sugar, in supermarkets in
house team at HarperCollins,” Elba France and the Netherlands, with other
recently said in a statement. Spain. Reuters European markets to follow.
02 “Life is short, but there is always time
enough for courtesy.”

Paving the way for


hen women don’t get their due in a par-
ticular industry, then (usually) a con-
fident woman or a group of women be-
comes their voice and fights for their rights.
Such is the story of MasterG and Daughters –

an all-women design and skill development
ecosystem for the apparel industry in India.
They train girls from underprivileged sections
of the society into ‘pattern making’ through
various modules in different cities. Gayatri
Jolly, founder and CEO, of this female empow-
erment company, tells Times NIE how girls are
breaking out of inequality to find their ground
in this male bastion and how children and class-based discrimination are as old as
can learn from these ‘work move- signer’s sketch of a style. A pattern When it comes to the formal training floor, our civilisation, and though children today are
ments’ to build an inclusive maker is one who makes the first women are made to sit on sewing machines and made aware of the differences, they are not
future for India. ON scratch to initiate the garment do the menial of the whole procedure. Many made to see its recurrence in every little aspect

How did the

SCHOOL KIDS making in a factory or manu-
facturing unit; the person en-
women have been pushed to live on the margins
of the social fabric, such that they cannot imag-
of their lives. It needs to enter our vocabulary,
in our day-to-day practice to eradicate the nor-
Q idea
of MasterG and
EMPATHISING WITH joys utmost authority in ap-
parel stores/fashion de-
ine themselves being masters or leaders. malisation of different cognitive-behavioural
understanding and reception based on gender.
UNDERPRIVILEGED CHILDREN sign houses as decision You have filed a petition – to have a There are discriminatory systems in place, like
Daughters come makers who fashion de-
Q minimum 1 female pattern maker per the lack of female masterjis, which can tumble

“S chool children should volunteer with NGOs

to you? signers trust and work down only if coming generations acknowledge
closely with. garment factory or fashion house in India. and reject it.
and interact with kids their age from less
How can children be made aware about such
A After having
some experi- privileged sections of the society. Schools should
The traditional ‘In-
dian Khandaani Darzi' tions. The lega- movements for gender parity? What message would you give to chil-
ence in the fash- make it compulsory for students to complete ‘x’ system has been re- cy of the skill and value get passed on only
Q dren aspiring to make a career in the
hours of volunteering at the NGOs, and they can
volunteer to teach underprivileged kids
sponsible for producing
the most trusted and re-
to male children of the family who receive on-
the-job-training from their fathers and uncles. A The habit of questioning existing patterns
need to be inculcated early in children. fashion industry?
with brands like Ar-
mani and Diane Von
Furstenburg, I wanted
what they were able to learn as a
result of having more access to
spected masterjis-cum -pat-
tern makers across genera-
Women don’t acquire these skills as they are
excluded from the process of decision-making.
Education is not rote learning but problem solv-
ing and critical thinking. Problems like gender A When students join the apparel factory/fash-
ion houses as makers, they realise how the tra-
ditional system is broken and has no space for their
to start my own label. quality education.” questioning voices. Often the members of the in-
During this time, while dustry underestimate women’s skill, ethics and
searching for pattern makers, I labour. Many women aspiring to be skilled work-
realised there were no female master- ers in this industry belong to families where they
jis. The normalcy of the fact really surprised do not get the chance to apply for a job as the
and irked me. How come no one was speaking companies and factories lie in the outskirts of
about this gender disparity existing for gener- their village. The whole infrastructure is such
ations in the apparel industry? I knew we had that it does not allow women to mobilise for pro-
to do something about it, and the first step was fessional reasons. These problems resurface in
to bring this dire fact to people’s attention. And our everyday context, but it is important to re-
it all began. alise that they have deeper roots in cultural and
social networks, which have run unquestioned
What is a ‘pattern maker’ and why has it for generations. The wish from the future gen-
Q been a male dominated thing for so long? erations is to not fall into the trap of consider-
ing one gender a liability, given how many women

A Pattern makers are skilled technicians who

create templates that are used to mass-
produce products such as clothing, bags, home
are coerced into leaving their jobs or made to
compromise their work to balance their house-
hold chores. But to intervene and work towards
goods, etc. They translate blueprints and design what remains to be the loose screw in the
models into factory patterns based on a de- industry – the gender disparity.

Gayatri Jolly in the middle (in black pants & top) with the girls undergoing training at MasterG & Daughters

Teaching Resilience Misconceptions about TOWN MAP

teens’ bad behaviour

During Pandemic A s a parent, it must
be really exhaust-
ing for you to deal
By Saakshi Singla, Child and Family Coach, Counselling with your teen. From
Psychology Gender Equality wanting to understand
their source of anger and
Parenting Advocate, and
aggression to repairing
mother of two fiercely the dent caused by the
independent and resilient growing differences be-
young adults. tween the two of you, sure-

o if we are not ly you must be going
born with a through a difficult time.
resilience gene and it is However, as difficult as it
teachable, then what is it that we is for you, it is as chal-
can do to teach resilience to our lenging for your teenage
children? kid to live through this
Given below are some of the phase of his or her life.
ways I talk about in my coaching and Not only are they trying
have been using them in my own par- to adapt to their environ-
enting. My two young adults have ment at school and with
learnt to thrive through the ups and their friends, they are also
downs of their lives and also fighting their own battles
enjoy the sunshine when it is with their changing bodies. There are a lot of things going on in their minds too,
around and dance in the rain which may be hard for parents to fathom. That said, it is important for parents
when there is no other choice. to look beyond the unrealistic expectations you place on your teen and to do away
with the myths about your teen’s bad attitude. Here are some misconceptions
that parents usually have about their teenager’s unpleasant behaviour.
M ake sure your children don’t catch you
complaining, blaming the circumstances
or giving up on things easily. (mind you, this
is the toughest one….as we use a lot of self I nspire them with stories of
resilience – real stories of
people, and from books,
W ell, reasoning out with your teen
and making them see the bigger
sabotaging words in our daily life, without picture in times of crisis is surely a pos-
sometimes noticing that our children are movies and other media itive way to enhance their problem-solv-
watching!) resources on resilience. ing abilities. However, when their mind
is troubled and they’re going through
many changes in their lives, it is less
3. USE LANGUAGE OF RESILIENCE: likely that your reasons and your log-
ic will ever convince or persuade them LATITUDE AND LONGITUDE
B e careful with the language you to listen to you, let alone motivating
them to change their attitude.
use at home. Avoid the phrases
that discourage children from being
resilient and replace them with the
language of resilience.
P unishing your teenage kid will only
worsen your relationship with your
child. While you may be frustrated with
4. INSPIRE THEM 5. TEACH RESILIENCE SKILLS: them, given that their attitude is the
same for a long time now. But punish-
I ndependence, ment isn’t the solution. Rather, try talk-
ing to them about the repercussions of
FROM NATURE: problem- their bad behaviour on the family.
solving, opti-

M ake conversations on
how resilience helps
nature survive. When con-
mism and
social skills. These skills in turn help develop MATHDUKO
coping skills like emotional flexibility, autono-
fronted with life’s obsta- my, empathy, growth mindset and emotional
cles, teach your children to flexibility in kids. They will help your children
be more like nature, and to navigate through the hardships of life.
learn to bend like trees
bending in a hailstorm, or a 6. DON’T BE A FIXER:
seed sprouting in concrete.
T ry your best to keep away and not fix all of
your children’s problems. To let them go
through some difficulties, as hardships are

learning opportunities. Encouraging resilience

is allowing children to attempt solving their
own problems without going to rescue them
the moment we see them frustrated.

G ratitude has the power to transform lives. Counting our blessings and feel-
ing and expressing gratitude, helps our children to see the brighter side of
life. Make sure your home is a place where your children learn the art of
gratitude journalling.


It’s not just a place where you get to learn Einstein’s
Theory of Relativity. It’s also a place where you can think
beyond the classroom. Hence we say, SCHOOL IS COOL!
'Principal of the Year Award'
ACCEPT, LEARN AND MOVE ON for Deepali Shirgave
SARITA BHONGALE VIKHE PATIL, students who belong to generation Z. I
MANAGING DIRECTOR, GAYATRI GROUP OF addressed the team and said, "Even if
SCHOOLS, PUNE you have good reason to be angry and
resentful about what happened, don't.
The situation does not determine Channel your energy into thoughts and
your response. You determine your actions that actually benefit you and
response. Take a moment now to your students today." I made them un-
pause and remember who you tru- derstand that though they are virtual-
ly are. Take time to reflect on the ly available today for students, personal
things that have real and lasting grooming and being presentable still
meaning in your life. remains an essential element for every-
one. We belong to an organisation and

fter Holi celebrations 2020, we in a way we represent ourselves in front
got news of the deadly virus of students and parents as brand am-
'Corona' travelling across the bassadors. We must achieve a perfect
globe to India. The regular rou- balance between online and offline Awardees on the occasion
tine of going to school and managing activities for the students and set a
home was on. The lockdown began on routine for them. director, National Council of Educa- 'How it is going to change our educa-
March 22 and everything came to a The control button is in our hands, tional Research and Training, CB Shar- tion system?' 'As a leader how you are
standstill. It was such turmoil worry- so let's start using it effectively to en- Deepali Shirgave, principal, Aditya ma, former chairman, National Insti- going to implement it in your school?'
ing about the school, teachers, students gage, enthrall and engross our students tute of Open Schooling, Priyadarshi etc.
and parents. through this new normal of schooling English Medium School was conferred Nayak, director, Centre for Education Another accolade Shirgave, also re-
In this situation, I realised the im- and make it seamless. the 'Principal of the Year- 2021 Award' Development and director, Global Talk cently bagged the 'Nari Tu Narayani
portance of technology - the way it has One of the most peaceful mindsets by Centre for Education Development Education Foundation and Rajeev Garg, Virtual Global Award' conferred by
taken over our lives and how we have ever begins the moment you finally Sahodaya president, Mumbai. Fun2Learn channel, on the occasion of

become dependent on it. I got ac- with a baby girl. find the courage to let go of what you eepali Shirgave, principal, The award category was selected as Women's day. The same was organised
quainted with Zoom, Google meets and The agenda of running the schools can't change. It is what it is. Accept it, Aditya English Medium per the online survey and statistics for by founder Rachna Bhimrajaka.
various other platforms that were the was discussed with the team and var- learn from it and move on! School, received the 'Principal effective school leaders. Throughout India, a total of 175 lead-
need of the hour. The lockdown kept on ious training programmes were or- It doesn't matter what you have done; of the Year - 2021 Award' at the In the education conclave, many em- ers were recognised for their excellent
extending as though it will never end! ganised for teachers. We soon realised what matters is what you choose to do ED Leadership conference and award inent speakers discussed about how the work in the field of education.
The year also brought in some good that being tech-savvy is a must for the from here. And say- yes to technology, ceremony organised by Centre for Ed- National Educational Policy is going to The founder president of Bhairav-
news for my family, as I was blessed 21st century teachers and to cater to yes to progress; yes to a bright future! ucation Development and held at Le be progressive with emphasis on mul- nath Shikshan Sanstha's, Shivlal
Meridien, Goa recently. She was felici- tidisciplinary education. They ad- Dhankude congratulated Shirgave for
tated by Hrishikesh Senapathy, former dressed some important questions viz. her commendable achievements.

GK Gurukul hosts Robocom 2020-21

oding is basic litera-
cy in the digital era,
and it is important
for children to un-
dents were selected from each
category for the final round.
The final round was conduct-
ed virtually wherein students
derstand the technology
around them. Learning cod-
presented their projects on
Zoom followed by a viva. For
ing at a young age prepares the paint competition, on the

them for the future. Coding spot topics were given. lobal Talent International
helps students with commu- The final round was School in association with
nication, creativity and judged by Sonia Garecha, core Acumen organised a work-
maths. committee member; Sonal shop on March 1 to get an in-
To enhance the skills and Deshmukh, research scholar depth knowledge about what the Na-
to encourage students to learn at MIT and Meghana Joshi, tional Education Policy is and how it
coding, GK Gurukul School mentor for Engineering col- will change the education system for
recently organised Robocom lege students. teachers as well as for students. The
2020-21, a Robotics and IT com- Junior and senior group students present their projects online The winners were award- session was conducted by Atul Ben-
petition in association with ed certificates, medals and gift geri, vice president and director, Acu-
India First Robotics recently. vouchers. The prize distribu- men Today Pvt. Ltd. He is an educa-
Kamal Pratishtan's Mount from various schools. This group, Paint for junior group tion ceremony was streamed tion entrepreneur and has conducted
Litera Zee School, Wakad competition was conducted in and power point presentation live on Facebook page. The a number of workshops and trained
bagged the Robocom 2020-21 two different rounds with four for senior group. competition was organised by teachers too.
trophy. This was our first at- main categories viz. MIT App Students were asked to Sanjana Pawaskar, computer The session was attended by all the
tempt and the host school re- for junior and senior group, submit their projects for the facilitator and Priyanka teachers of GTIS and managing di-
ceived more than 200 entries Scratch for junior and senior selection round. 5 to 10 stu- Awasare, robotics facilitator. rector Dr. Swapnali Dhoka. The ses- Atul Bengeri, vice president and director,
sion began by welcoming and felici-
tating Atul Bengeri. The difference be- Acumen Today, being felicitated by
tween current education system and managing director Dr. Swapnali Dhoka
the new NEP was made clear by Ben-
geri as he explained all the terms, poli- Teachers attending the NEP workshop
cies and sections of NEP. He said that
now the teacher will play the role of a
mentor, while they learn through to day life," he said. The framework in-
hands-on learning pedagogy. Activity cludes literacy, numeracy, scientific
based learning, experiential learning, literacy, ICT literacy, cultural and civic
21st century skills are the key areas literacy, critical thinking and problem
that NEP caters to. The NEP 2020 ex- solving, creativity, communication,
horts, 'Teachers truly shape the future collaboration, curiosity, initiative, per-
of our children- and, therefore, the fu- sistence, adaptability, leadership and
ture of our nation,' thereby implying social cultural awareness.
that teachers play the most important He said that students will be en-

Rejuvenating activities with family! role in nation building by creating high

quality human resource in their class-
He informed that based on the rec-
Giving an insight of the 21st century skills
couraged to express, ask questions,
clear their doubts, take leadership in
group work so that their curiosity in-
creases and initiative enhances.

W eekends always seem to go

quickly, but they’re longer than
we think. There are 60 hours
between that 6:00 pm
Friday relief and 6:00
the newspaper. After doing some exercis-
es, I rushed to my friends’ places to play
online games. Later, we played cricket and
had dinner at the restaurant of our choice.
Sunday is a fun day with dad, who
to spend quality time with us. The morning
started with a morning walk at the park
where we listened to birds chirping as we
roamed around. In the afternoon, I
watched television as we played carrom.
ommendations of NEP 2020, on teacher
education and training, a National Cur-
riculum Framework for Teacher Edu-
cation (NCFTE) 2021 will be drafted to
guide all teacher education, pre-serv-
such as critical thinking, creativity,
scientific temper, communication, col-
laboration, problem solving, ethics, so-
cial responsibility and digital litera-
cy. The students should also be taught
The key highlights of NEP will in-
clude multilingualism will play a role
as power of different languages, ho-
listic development of learners, inte-
grated learning, experiential learning.
ice and in-service of teachers working basic ethics, social responsibility and The workshop ended with a ques-
am Monday alarm clock. takes out time from My mum who has green fingers prefers in academic, vocational and special ed- should be connected to our Indian cul- tion/ answer session where teachers
Even if we sleep for 24 his busy schedule gardening. In the evening, I baked a cake ucation streams. ture by introducing them to many un- asked their queries and cleared their
The vision of NEP is to create In- known facts of history, science, civil- doubts about NEP. Managing director
of those hours, that all by myself and it turned out to be
dia- centred education system that con- isation and much more about India. Dr. Swapnali Dhoka thanked Atul Ben-
leaves us with 36 really tasty. Post dinner, I read a tributes to a vibrant knowledge society. "Whatever the students are learning geri for such an informative and won-
waking hours. That’s book and drifted off to sleep. Bengeri explained about the 21st should be life-long and they should be derful session for an in depth knowl-
plenty of time for fun, relaxation, and NITYA HAPANI, Class V, century skills that NEP is focusing on able to implement it practically in day edge on the new education policy.
more importantly, recharging our rusted TGES Wadi School, Rajkot
batteries. Fruitful weekends are the
ones that leave us refreshed,
not exhausted, so such a
pleasant time shouldn’t be
spent very aggressively. This
is my weekend plan:
English day at school and VI. The session truly captivated
the young minds. The pictorial proverb
activity engaged the creative students
of class VII; while the enthusiastic stu-

nglish language not only adds bration of this beautiful language by dents of class VIII drew their favourite
This weekend, after getting a touch of convenience to com- itself but any one day specially dedi- literary character.
up late and enjoying breakfast, I munication in general but has cated towards the language makes it Dr. Neha Jindal, assistant profes-
spent ten minutes reading been a gateway to art in the even more special. sor with Symbiosis Institute of Media
form of literature for many writers SPM English School organised var- and Communication addressed the stu-
around the globe. Every day is a cele- ious activities for the students of class- dents of class IX on the significance
es V to IX as a part of 'English Day' cel- of English language and the various
ebration held recently. avenues related to specialisation in
Kakoli Bagchi, English facilitator English language. Principal Veena

BOOK: EXPLORING THE WORLD OF MAGIC and expert, conducted a storytelling

session for the students of classes V
Meshram played a key role in organ-
ising the programme.

‘T he truth’ sighed Dumbledore. It is a

beautiful and terrible thing and there-
fore treated with great caution.”
These lines from ‘Harry Potter and the
Philosopher’s Stone is part of the most adven-
avenge the killing of his parents and set the wiz-
ardry world free from dark arts. He has the sup-
port of the wittiest and brave friends – Ron and
Hermoine and his most caring and knowledge-
able mentor Dumbledore.
turous and interesting book series authored by My most favourite character in the entire
JK Rowling. They teach us the most important series is Hermoine Granger. She is very outspo-
lesson of life. The series of 7 books take you ken, witty, and can solve any problems. A
through the wizardry world of dark arts and unique thing which I like about this book as it
defence against the dart art. It takes us through has shown a lot of maps, letters, newspaper
the lesson of victory of “Good over Evil”. It is a illustrations and notes that takes you to a
story of an orphan boy ‘Harry’ who is ignorant drive-in that world. The book series is irre-
about the magical powers he got from his parents. sistible and exciting and keeps you glued
He eventually throughout. I strongly recommend to all chil-
excels in dren of 8 years and above to
the art of read this book series.
wizardry and fights ANANYA SHAH, Class V, Udgam School For
against the lord of Children, Ahmedabad
dark arts Presentations on ‘My proverb, my
‘Voldemort’ to interpretation’ Class VIII students draw their favourite literary character
BIG STAGE, SO WHAT? India’s decision to hand out debuts to two new players once
again paid rich dividends with all-rounder Krunal Pandya
returning with a half-century and seamer Prasidh Krishna
shining with the ball, in the first ODI against England

Gill, Siraj, Sundar, Saini,

Newcomers taking effortlessly to the
Natarajan took Aussies by storm
international stage indicates that the
➨ Pandya’s blitzkrieg with the willow that caught IPL hasn’t just enhanced their skillsets,
the English bowlers by surprise at the Maharashtra but also their self-belief and
Cricket Association Stadium came after India saw
temperament, which can’t be taught or
stellar performances by some other debutants over
the past few months. Washington Sundar was hand- honed in the nets.
ed debut in the fourth and final Test against Aus- VVS LAXMAN, former Indian batsman
tralia in Brisbane and he responded with four
wickets, besides scoring 62 and 22. ➨ The experiments continued in the T20I series
against England with Ishan Kishan and Suryaku-
➨ The 62 Sundar made in the first innings was part mar Yadav playing their first-ever international
of a match-turning partnership with Shardul matches, although they were already household
Thakur, who was playing only in his second Test, names because of their exploits in the Indian Pre-
the first after 2018, scoring 67 in the first innings mier League, representing Mumbai Indians.
besides snaring seven wickets in the match.
➨ Both Yadav and Kishan scored half-centuries in
Prasidh Krishna ➨ T Natarajan, who made his international debut their maiden international knocks, with Yadav Krunal Pandya
across all formats in Australia, also played his scoring 57 off 31 balls in his second T20I (he did-
maiden Test in Brisbane and picked up three cru- n’t bat in the first match he played) and Kishan
cial wickets in the first innings. Earlier on that slamming 56 off 32 balls while opening the bat-
tour Down Under, India had handed over Test caps ting in his debut game.
to seamer Mohammed Siraj, opener Shubman Gill
and pacer Navdeep Saini, all of whom had played Credit to IPL
limited overs cricket before. ➨ So many debutants making such an early
➨ Siraj and Gill played key roles in helping India impression in their careers has rarely hap-
pened in Indian cricket before. A part of the
win the Test series. Siraj bowled the most num-
reason is the confidence and preparation
ber of overs by an Indian in that series and re-
provided by the IPL in handling high-pres-
turned as their highest wicket-taker with 13 scalps.
sure situations against world class players.
Gill amassed 259 runs at an average of 51.8 with
So, when players are handed India caps, they
two half-centuries.
show no nerve and take on the opposition
with confidence.
Axar Patel, Kishan & Yadav proved
their mettle against England ➨ “I think a lot has to do with the IPL. The
fact that they share dressing rooms with
➨ On returning home, India began international players, rub shoulders with
their Test series against England with the best in the business goes a long way in
a loss. But they brought in debutant removing the complex factor,”
Axar Patel in the next Test, and the left India coach Ravi Shastri had
arm tweaker spun a web around the said while talking about the con-
visitors to pave the way for a 3-1 series victory, fidence with which both Gill and
picking up 27 wickets in three Tests to spearhead Siraj had approached the second Test against
India’s remarkable turn around. Australia in Melbourne.


I know how to handle Ronaldo unaffected by Juventus

setbacks: Portugal coach

pressure: DHAWAN Criticism of Cristiano Ronaldo’s

performances for Juventus has had
no impact on the forward’s morale
India opener Shikhar Dhawan, who hit a match-winning 98 in and he is ready to give 100% for
Portugal in their World Cup qualifier
the first ODI against England after warming the bench for the against Azerbaijan, head coach
Fernando Santos said. Ronaldo
major part of the T20 series, said international cricket is all about came under fire after Juventus
were knocked out in the
pressure and as an experienced player he knows how to handle it Champions League last 16
earlier this month by 10-man

aving lost his place in the T20 eleven, Dhawan was un- Porto, who progressed on
(In) international cricket, pressure der pressure to perform in the opening ODI, with In- away goals. “When
is always there and the thing is as a dia spoilt for choice in all batting positions. Dhawan,
Cristiano is with the
who was benched after the first of the five T20 match-
experienced player, I know how to handle es, explained how he kept himself positive. “I was focusing on national team, he
my process, fitness, skill-work, gym-work and I always stay in always comes with the same vision,
pressure. ...and secondly, as I said, I am
a positive mental space. I always try to look at positives from the same passion, the same will,
experienced player, so I know what shots every situation. That’s what I was doing. I was confident with the same joy,” Santos said. “He
to play on what certain wickets and we my batting. I knew that if I get an opportunity, I’ll take it,” always gives 100% when he comes
the elegant left-hander added. Dhawan also said that the wick- to the national team. I don’t think
read the wicket nicely and communicate et at the MCA stadium in Pune was seaming and swinging. “It he has any problem in terms of
very nicely in the batting unit and that’s was seaming and swinging so, it wouldn’t have made any sense mentality at the moment.”
if you would have gone hard at the start, losing two-three wick-
what we did and that worked for us. ets, so our plan was to just stay on the wicket and respect the
Photo: PTI
SHIKHAR DHAWAN good deliveries and we knew that we can always cash those
runs later on,” he signed off. PTI
Photo: AP

a) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu ❑ b) Sunil Chhetri ❑
c) Jackichand Singh ❑ d) Sandesh Jhingan ❑
a) Luis Suarez ❑ b) Harry Kane ❑
c) Sergio Aguero ❑ d) Thierry Henry ❑
in a Barca shirt. Which former
player’s record did he overtake?
a) Ronaldinho ❑ b) Xavi ❑
Q10: Who has become the 1st
batsman to score 3000
runs in T20 International Cricket?
Which Indian athlete Lionel Messi set a new club c) Andrés Iniesta ❑ d) Samuel Eto’o ❑

Q1: Who is the only batsman to

have scored 3 double
Q4: recently qualified in men’s
long jump for the Tokyo Olympics?
Q7: record of 768 appearances
Divyansh Singh Panwar has
a) Virat Kohli ❑ b) Ben Stokes ❑
c) K L Rahul ❑ d) Rishabh Pant ❑

centuries in one-day cricket?

a) Sahil Mahabali ❑ b) Samsheer S E ❑

Q8: won a medal for India in

a) Rohit Sharma ❑ b) Chris Gayle ❑
c) A B de Villiers ❑ d) Martin Guptill ❑
c) Lokesh S ❑ d) Murali Sreeshankar ❑ international competitions. With
which sport is he associated?
Q11: Who was the first Indian
batsman to achieve 300
runs in an innings in tests?
Which cricketer won the a) Shooting ❑ b) Wrestling ❑

Q2: Who was the first Indian

woman wrestler to have
Q5: Orange Cap in Indian
Premier League (IPL) 2020?
c) Athletics ❑ d) Tennis ❑
a) Sachin Tendulkar ❑ b) Yuvraj Singh ❑
c) Virender Sehwag ❑ d) Sourav Ganguly ❑
won an Olympic medal?
Who won the women’s
a) Geeta Phogat ❑ b) Sakshi Malik ❑
c) Babita Kumari ❑ d) Anshu Malik ❑
a) Virat Kohli ❑ b) Rohit Sharma ❑
c) K L Rahul ❑ d) Kieron Pollard ❑ Q9: singles title at the 2020
All England Badminton
ANSWERS: 1 a) Rohit Sharma 2 b) Sakshi Malik
3 a) Gurpreet Singh Sandhu
4 d) Murali Sreeshankar 5 c) K L Rahul
Who has scored the most Championship?

Q3: Who was honoured as the

AIFF Men’s Footballer of
Q6: Premier League hat-tricks,
equaling Alan Shearer’s tally?
a) Akane Yamaguchi ❑ b) Chen Yufei ❑
c) Tai Tzu-Ying ❑ d) Nozomi Okuhara ❑
6 c) Sergio Aguero 7 b) Xavi 8 a) Shooting
9 c) Tai Tzu-Ying 10 a) Virat Kohli
11 c) Virender Sehwag
Lionel Messi
the Year for 2019-20?

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