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Raju Thupran


Professional Summary:

 9 + years of strong software experience in design, development and deployment of web -

based Client-Server business application.
 Extremely skilled and efficient in building Web User Interface (UI) using Angular,
Typescript, HTML4/HTML5, CSS2/CSS3, XHTML, JavaScript, jQuery, JSP, Bootstrap,
 Good understanding and practical experience of Model, View, and Controller concept that
separates the concern to better organize the project.
 Proficient in developing UI using jQuery and JavaScript Libraries for Web Applications and
Mobile Applications.
 Developed Single Page Applications i.e. web applications using JavaScript MVC
frameworks Such as AngularJS from starch, developed web pages for different device like
Mobile, IPad, and desktop using Responsive Web Design and Bootstrap.
 Strong working experience in client scripting language and server side scripting
languages like JavaScript, jQuery, NodeJS Angular JS, Angular2.
 In-depth knowledge of integration of RESTful Web Services, HTTP services and Web
services with web applications.
 Expertise in consuming web-services in the form of JSON via AJAX calls for creating
business progress views as visual charts by using visualization tools like High Charts, D3Js.
 Development experience in React JS and Docker working with React Flux architecture using
complex Object Oriented concepts in improving the performance of the websites.
 Extensive knowledge and hands on experience in developing Node JS
applications using MVC frameworks and installation of client side dependencies using
 Used Node JS NPM module Grunt and Gulp to run tasks and build properly the project
(compile, minify, concat etc.)
 Successfully deployed and compiled many of the applications on Tomcat web server, IBM
Web Sphere, Web Logic and Glassfish Application servers.
 Expertise in applying the latest software development approaches including MVC, Test
Driven Development (TDD), and event - driven applications using AJAX, Object Oriented
(OO) JavaScript, JSON, JSP, and XML.
 Responsible for checking cross browser compatibility and hence worked on different browsers
like Safari, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google chrome.
 Significant experience in debugging and troubleshooting existing code using Chrome
Developer Tools, Firebug, Postman, CURL.
 Experience in creating test suites using Jasmine, Karma and Protractor, Experience in
mobile frameworks such as Ionic and Cordova for creating HTML/JS based mobile
 Solid proficiency with distributed version control tools such as GIT, GitHub,
SVN and cloud platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS), Amazon EC2, Heroku.
 Worked on IDEs such as Microsoft visual studio, Sublime text, IntelliJ, Web Storm, and
Eclipse etc and project management tools such as JIRA, Bugzilla, Trac, Fisheye etc
 Involved in all phase of SDLC like Requirement Analysis, Implementation, Maintenance and
extensive experience with Agile, SCRUM and sprint planning cycles.
 Worked closely with the project management and marketing team to completely define
specifications to help ensure project acceptance. Involved in Understanding functional
specifications and developing creative solutions to meet business requirements.

Technical Skills:
Web Technologies: HTML4/5, CSS2/3, XHTML, JavaScript, Typescript, Jquery, JSP, Bootstrap,
AJAX, SASS, LESS, SVG, Bootstrap, XML, JSON, SOAP, REST API's, Spring Boot
Languages: Javascript, Typescript, Knowledge on C, Java.
JavaScript Frameworks and Libraries: Angular JS 1.x/2/5/6, NodeJS, Backbone JS, Underscore js,
D3.js, React JS, Express JS, Ext JS, Rx JS, Ember JS, Can JS, Require JS, Knockout JS, Polymer,
Front - End Build Tools: NPM, Bower, Gulp, Grunt, Browserify, Webpack, Yeoman
Web Servers: Apache Tomcat, Apache HTTP Web Server, LAMP Server, WAMP Server, XAMPP
IDE's and Editors: Visual Studio,Adobe Dreamweaver, Eclipse, NetBeans, Atom, Brackets,
Notepad++, Sublime text, Web Strom, Spring Tool Suit
Testing: Jasmine, Karma, Mocha, Chai, Enzyme, Cucumber, Protractor
Databases: MySQL, Oracle, DB2, PostgreSQl,MangoDB
Operating Systems: Windows 7/8/10, LINUX, Mac OS
Tools: Word Press, Drupal, JUnit, QUnit, Matrix, DDMS, Selenium, Jira

Professional Experience:

Client: Cardinal Health – Dublin, OH Sep 19 – Till date

Role: Sr. Front End Developer

 Developed applications using Agile Methodology that included iterative application

development, weekly Sprints, stand up meetings, Followed Rally for tracking processes and
streamlining Agile planning.
 Updated UI applications from Angular 2 and 4 to 5, 5 to 6, 6 to 7, 7 to 8, 8 to 9 using
Angular Migration guide based on their release dates respectively.
 Implemented lazy loading concept to the angular application
 Updated angular material library to support the new icons and model of the applications
 Developed multiple components dynamically using angular 2, and implemented routing and
navigation using angular 2 routing module
 Upgraded UI applications from ionic 3 to ionic 4 based on the release dates respectively.
 Experience in building responsive applications using ionic framework
 Built web applications which supports various screens of different sizes and mobile platforms
as well using ionic framework.
 Utilized the features of Angular 8 to present effective web design.
 Developed various pages in the applications in front end technologies HTML5, CSS3-
SASS, JSON, Angular.
 Developed data formatted web applications and deploy the script using client side scripting
using JavaScript
 Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to simulate process for web application,
page navigation and form validation.
 Developed data insertion forms and validated them using JavaScript
 Created formatter wrapper JavaScript API with Moment.js to format date, time and numbers.
 Built Angular 8 components, UI services to consume rest services using Component based
architecture provided by Angular 8.
 Developed powerful Single Page Application and dynamic responsive Web Application
with Angular 8.
 Created Angular service and integration with RESTful APIs. Used Angular HttpClient to
send GET/POST request to fetch data from server.
 Developed the components using Angular 8 needed for the application from the scratch and
customizing from various Angular related libraries to meet the application's functionality.
 Implemented latest Ecmascript6 (ES6) features like arrow functions, constants, block-scope
variables and class inheritance etc.
 Utilized the features of Angular 8 to present effective web design.
 Utilized Angular Cli to develop front-end functionalities and researched the command
that Angular Cli provided.
 Worked with NPM commands and using Package.json for managing dependencies and dev-
dependencies of Node.js applications
 Experienced in cross browser compatibility check and thoroughly performed unit testing and
integration testing.
 Debug the issue in firebug for Firefox, web developer tools in Chrome, Safari and IE 8,9,10
 Produced deliverables such as screen layouts, user interface elements, final assets.
 Working experience with version control system GIT and bug tracking tools Rally in
an Agile Scrum environment.

Environment: HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, SASS, Angular 5/6, Angular Materials, Angular Cli, RxJS,
Java 1.7, Spring boot, RESTful Web-Services, Docker, Apache Tomcat, ES6, JavaScript, Typescript,
Media Queries, JQuery, JSON, DOM, JSP,, MVC, NPM, Node.js, Webpack, Mac, Safari, Chrome,
Protractor, Agile, Git, Rally, SQL.

Client: Southwest Airlines, TX. July -18 to Aug

Role: Sr. Front End Developer

 Responsible for developing all the UI pages using HTML, CSS3, Bootstrap, Angular

2.0, JavaScript, Typescript, AJAX, JSON and RESTful API.
 Worked in a team, involved in developing the UI layout and front-end programming for web
application that matches requirements of Client.
 Gathered and analyzed the requirements and converted them into User Requirement
Specifications and Functional Requirement Specifications for the designers and developers to
understand them as per their perspective.
 Developed and tested features in an AGILE environment using Angular-2 and Typescript.
 Utilized the features of Angular 2.0 to present effective web design.
 Created single Page Application with loading multiple views using route services and
adding more user experience to make dynamic by using Angular JS 2.0 framework and React
 Used a Bootstrap 3.0 from Angular2.0 platform and point it to the root component of the
application instead of Angular ng-app.
 Experience in working different changed procedures of Angular 1.x to Angular 2.0 such
as, @Route, RouterOutlet, router-link etc.
 Used Typescript and its features such as static typing, classes and interfaces.
Created TypeScript reusable components and services to consume REST API's using
Component based architecture provided by Angular 2.
 Worked on Angular 2.0 by consuming RESTFul web services & Used Angular 2.0 forms like
Template Driven forms and Modern Driven (Reactive) forms to perform form validations both
on server and client side.
 Utilized JQuery UI for dialogs, date picker, tabs, model pop ups and advanced components
to implement UI model.
 Used JavaScript and XML to update a portion of a web page thus reducing bandwidth usage
and load
 Coded JavaScript for page functionality and Pop up Screens
 Designed dynamic client-side JavaScript codes to build web forms and simulate process for
web application, page navigation and form validation.
 Followed Test Driven Development (TDD) methodology for developing test cases and unit
testing using Jasmine test framework with the Karma test runner.
 Used Protractor provided by Angular for end to end (e2e) testing.
 Used Angular 2.0 for delivering user experiences such as high performance, off-line
accessibility and zero-step installation.
 Leveraged Angular 2 resources for all data access, encapsulating URLs and standardizing
data access interfaces. Created custom directives for re-usable components (Multi-filed form
elements, background file uploads etc.)
 Create Single Page Applications (SPA) that loads a single HTML page using Angular JS
2.0, Node JS and Rx JS Observable to generate continuous and responsive Web apps,
without page reloads, thus dynamically updating that page as the customer's side interacts with
the app.
 Implemented HTTP requests using Rxjs Observable library to handle multiple values over
 Created Widgets, Dashboards, Charts, login functionality implemented and session handling
base functionalities added.
 Created Angular 2 components, implemented Interpolation, Input variables, Bootstrapping,
NgFor, NgIf, Router Outlet, binding the click event, Component decorator, binding to the hidden
 Worked on Typography, Notifications, and Timeout functions, cards, Dialogs, Forms, Tables,
Switches, Icons, Dashboards, Widgets, Charts and buttons for developing Bootstrap
4 using Angular 2.
 Created Routing in between various components consuming the Router Outlet Directive.
 Created interactive websites and website features using JavaScript and JQuery/ JQuery UI.
 Extensively used Angular-cli to generate components, routes, services, pipes and to
run tests.
 Co-operating with back-end developing proves of building the Restful API and communicating
with the external web services.

Environment: HTML5/HTML, CSS3/CSS, Docker, Angular JS 1.X, Angular 2.0, Node.JS,

Express.JS, ES6, JavaScript, Media Queries, Lodash, JQuery, JSON, DOM, JSP, RWD, MVC, Gulp,
Grunt, Bower, Mac, Safari, Chrome, Jasmine, Protractor, Agile, Source tree, SQL.

Client: Ryder, Miami, FL Dec-17 to June-18

Role: Sr. Front End Developer

 Involved in write application level code to interact with APIs, Web Services
using AJAX, JSON and hence building type ahead feature for zip code, city and county look up
using JQuery, Ajax and JQuery UI.
 Developed and designed AJAX based
Prototype, JavaScript, JQuery and AJAX based UI framework.
 Developed page layouts, navigation, animation buttons and icons.
 Responsible to store and retrieve user entered data to HTML session storage hence give
user feature of running several session at one time.
 Used Angular.js and Node.js or developing single page web applications.
 Wrote Page level code using JavaScript with Angular.js framework along with JQUERY and
other JavaScript libraries.
 Implemented content switching using React.js routing and fetched data through
asynchronous call.
 Developed and prepared test cases for Unit testing with JUnit.
 Worked closely with Photoshop designers to implement mock-ups and the layouts of the
application using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and Angular.js.
 Created UI designs using Web 3.0 standards.
 Designed and Developed React.js based UI frame-work which wrapper on top
of Flux architecture and gulp enhanced workflow.
 Responsible for creating the screens with table-less designs meeting W3C standards.
 Worked on creating responsive website for smart devices using Responsive design and
media queries.
 Extensively used JavaScript for client side validation.
 Conducted Unit testing with Firebug, IE Tester and end-to-end testing on the supported
browsers and devices.
 Create interactive websites and website features using JavaScript and JQuery/ JQuery UI.
 Used Selectors in JQuery for updating content on DOM nodes.
 Contributed to typescript in java development by creating an account on GitHub.
 Performed extensive Unit testing (end-to-end) and prepared detailed test scripts as part of it.
 Applied industry best practices and standards when project requirements are lagging.
 Implemented various Validation Controls for client-side validation and implemented custom
validation controls.
 Worked with the team of architects and back-end Developers to gather requirements and
enhance the application functionality and add new features.


Company: Porus Software Consultants, India Oct-2012 to Aug-2015

Role: UI Developer

 Developed all the UI pages using AngularJS, Node JS, HTML5, CSS3,

JSON, JavaScript, jQuery, Ajax.
 Developed dynamic responsive Web Application by integrating Angular JS with Bootstrap
which is further integrated with Web Services.
 Experience in developing single page applications (SPA) using AngularJS, using various
angular modules like UI-router.
 Experienced in using Modernizer to check cross- browser compatibility, making sure that the
HTML and CSS features are working properly.
 Using Angular JS created Responsive Web Design (RWD) and did data manipulations to
display data in company standard format in UI.
 Worked with AngularJS for creating own HTML elements for building a companied website
which is an open source project.
 Used Bootstrap and Angular UI to make the application user-friendly in the development of
the Navigation bars, Tables, Sliders, Calendars etc.
 Implemented a Single Page Web Applications (SPA) based front end for displaying user
requests, user records history and security settings various users using JavaScript and Angular
 Worked on Angular JS features like Two Way Binding,
Custom Directives, Controllers, Filters, Services and Project Architecture, React JS features
like Components, Lifecycle methods, and unidirectional data flow using the Flux Architecture.
 Used Node Js as proxy to interact with Rest services and Database, building real-time Web
 Created view-model and controllers and worked with demo JSON data and services until API
gets ready.
 Used jQuery to traverse through a DOM tree and manipulated the nodes in the tree and
Implemented the Drag and Drop functionality using jQuery framework.
 Unit tested all the front-end AngularJS code using Jasmine, Karma.
 Handled all aspects of the web application including maintaining, testing, debugging,
deploying and printing.
 Debug the issue in firebug for Firefox, web developer tools in Chrome, Safari and IE 8,9,10
 Followed scrum methodology and biweekly sprint in the project.

Environment: Angular JS, Express JS, Node JS, RWD, HTML5, CSS3, Materialize, JavaScript,
Angular Data-tables, Grunt, Bower, NPM, GIT, Mocha, Chai, Jasmine, Karma, Web storm, Chrome,
Firefox, IE 10+

Company: Zerone Consulting Pvt.Ltd. Kerala, India June-2008 to Sep-2012

Role: Front End Developer

 Responsible for design and development of the web pages from mock- ups.
 Designed CSS based page layouts that are cross-browser compatible and standards-
 Used jQuery for basic animation and end user screen customization purposes.
 Developed a single page, mobile-first, cross-device/cross-browser web application for real-
time location sharing utilizing AngularJS, JavaScript API.
 Coded dynamic and browser compatible UI web pages using JavaScript, CSS3, HTML5,
JQuery, Ajax and responsive design in MVC environment.
 Involved in developing HTML and AngularJS for client side presentation and, data validation
on the client side with in the forms.
 Developed Tabbed pages using AJAX and Angular.JS, Node.js and Ext.js for quick view of
related content, scores, top stories, and headlines.
 Implemented the search functionality for Internal Application using AngularJS.
 Created pages for Login using single sign on, main page containing favorites and page for
continuous integration configuration.
 Worked with CSS3 and bootstrap to create Responsive web designs for multiple
 Built backend REST API with Node.js, Express js.
 Developed a modern web workflow using Grunt, Bower, and Browserify as a part of my
 Created animation effects during the data load, waiting for the Ajax response using JQuery.
 Interact with other developers and end users to design and implement new features
throughout the framework.
 Developed Responsive web design using Media Queries and Twitter Bootstrap.
 Debugging using firebug & web developer tools on Chrome, Firefox and Internet Explorer.
 Prototyped several versions of possible UI approach to provide choices to the business.
 Developed the page layouts, navigation, animation buttons and icons.
 Used jQuery, a cross browser JavaScript library to dynamically update the page content on
the client side.
 Developed unit test cases and functional test cases using Karma framework.
 Improved the performance and response time of the application by implementing AJAX.
 Worked with business analysts to understand their business models and goals.
 Used advanced level of HTML5, JavaScript, CSS3 and pure CSS layouts (table less
 Produced content pages with CSS3 layout and style markup presentations and also used
JavaScript methods and properties.
 Successfully implemented Auto Complete/Auto Suggest functionality using Ajax, JQuery,
Web Service call and JSON.
 Developed REST API for test server for Express Router middleware based API's with Mongo
DB integration.
 Developed a core component of Analytics with Angular JS.
 Developed dynamic e-mails using JavaScript, and hand coding of HTML5 and CSS3.
 Actively participated and provided feedback in a constructive and insightful manner during
weekly Iterative review meetings to track the progress for each iterative cycle and figure out the
 Ensured site design integrity and quality control consistency throughout the project's lifecycle.
 Responsible for quality assurance of finished websites including the validation of web forms
and links.

Environment: Angular JS, Bootstrap, Node JS, jQuery, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, services, Sublime
Text, Oracle 11g, GitHub, Google Developer tool, Bootstrap, Grunt, Browserify, SVN, Firebug.

Bachelor of Technology in Computer Science, Anna University, India.-1992
MS Information Science, Eastern Illinois University, IL-2016
Master of Business Administration, Eastern Illinois University, IL-2017

*References available upon request

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