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Roxanne B.

What things did I consider to create this drawing?
Upon making this artwork, I consider myself if I have this ability to draw figures or an
object. What type of artwork am I really good at? I assessed myself to know what are my
weaknesses at drawing and that is drawing the part of body of a certain person. With that, I
come up with this idea which I am comfortable with.
What is my motivation to draw this?
I want to show that any of us could draw, we just don't try making one. We all have our
own creativity and we would not know unless we try. We should push ourselves to our limit
because we will never know unless we do it on ourselves.
Why did I create this drawing? What are my intentions?
This artwork serves as a reminder that this day will pass and tomorrow is a better day for
us. Every time I see a sunset, it calms me and reminding that there are great things will come.
Just be patient and look forward to a better tomorrow. I intend to make it simple for the viewers
to understand what I really want them to feel. This artwork can be interpreted by many for the
reason that we all have different perspective and views in life.

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