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Catherine Gamboa


Business Plan

We at Ostrander Nursery hope to offer a wide variety of plants, trees, vegetable plants, along with a
selection of garden supplies. We believe that most of the plants we will be selling will be grown in our
greenhouses. We also believe that with a suitable and convenient location, Ostrander Nursery will
successfully market its products to the residential customer, as well as contractors and renters.

We at Ostrander Nursery would love to see and acknowledge a five to ten percent increase in our
customer base annually, which will serve as a factor to dictate our success. Our marketing strategy
includes providing a knowledgeable staff, affordable prices, a great location, and top notch customer

We also plan to experience a growth rate of 20% in sales for the second year of operation and build
upon that as our Nursery grows. We believe that with adequate, creative marketing and a quality choice
of plants and garden supplies for our customers, we will be able to achieve success and make our
presence known in the nursery community.

Ostrander Nursery has been the long time dream of owners Oscar and Alexander Grant for many years,
and has been a project in the making for the last five years. Oscar and Alexander Grant, two brothers
with a precise goal and visions, will manage all aspects of the Nursery. Alexander, we believe will
manage the staff and be involved with the ordering of merchandise, while Oscar will be in charge of the
ordering of the garden supplies and tree stock, as well as the maintenance of the greenhouses.

Our Products and Services

We at Ostrander Nursery plan to offer a wide variety of bedding plants, shrubs, trees, and vegetable
plants along with many garden accessories such as fountains, stepping stones, garden tools, fertilizers,
and potting soils. We believe that most of our plants will be grown on-site in state-of-the-art
greenhouses. First and foremost, we plan to buy full grown plants for our first few months of inventory.
Our main source of revenue stream at Ostrander Nursery will come from the direct sale of plants and
trees from our outdoor and indoor greenhouse facility. We hope to carry a number of seasonal and year
round (perennial) species. We also plan to sell to both individual customers and landscape contractors.
We will also generate secondary revenue streams by organising the transportation or big orders of trees
and plants on behalf of individual customers and landscape contractors.

Our Mission and Vision Statement

Our vision at Ostrander Nursery is to become one of the leading ventures in the Plant Nursery Business
and in the whole world, starting from the United States.

We at Ostrander Nursery are very much dedicated to provide a wide variety of plants and trees in an
aesthetic setting. We understand that the customer service we provide is extremely important, because
we want each customer to have a pleasant shopping experience, and it is the intention of our staff to
answer questions with expertise and to offer advice when we feel it is needed.


Market Trend

It is a known fact that most businesses in the farming industry are no longer relying only on non –
organic farming. They have now added both organic crop cultivation and non – organic crop cultivation
and despite that organic food are costly; they are steadily increasing in demand.

Also we all know that the agricultural industry is as old as man’s survival on planet earth, but that does
not in any form make it over saturated or filled; ventures in the industry keep exploring new ideas
technologies in order to improve cultivation processes and also food preservation process; mechanized
farming has without doubt increased the level of foods and crops that are being produced. The industry
will always be needed for the survival of man and his family.

Farmers are now growing crops in large numbers in a country where such crops could never survive
before now and in locations where there are little or few farming land due to the advancement of
technology. Individuals can now make use of rooftops (basement) of their houses to plant crops even at
large quantity.

Our Target Market

Our target market strategy at Ostrander Nursery will be relying on becoming an attractive choice for
homeowners and landscape contractors in the city of Salem Oregon. We believe that the target markets
we are going to be chasing are the residential consumers searching for a large variety of plants and trees
to beautify their residences.

We also believe that the Landscape contractors will be attracted by competitive prices and a diverse
inventory. We understand that individuals will want to shop at our location because of the superior
customer service we hope provide. We at Ostrander Nursery would like to see a five to ten percent
increase in customers annually, and the profile of our customer consists of the following demographic

Male and Female.

Married and Single.

Combined annual income in excess of 25,00

Age range of 25 to 80 years, with a median age of 40.

Own houses or townhouses valued at over 150,000.

Our competitive advantage

There are approximately more than 17,000 businesses that operate one or more facilities that sell plants
and trees to both individual customers and contractors. It has been estimated that in each of the last
five years, the plant nursery industry has generated in excess of while providing jobs to more than

Aggregate payrolls in each of the last five years have exceeded $3.5 billion. This goes to show that the
industry is a matured industry, and the future expected growth rate is expected to mirror that of the
general economy.

We at Ostrander Nursery believe that we have one of the most extensive and affordable plant and
flower selections in the entire State of Oregon, and a very knowledgeable staff ready to give out
unparalleled customer service. We believe that contractors looking for a reliable nursery will find we at
Ostrander Nursery very supportive and easy to work with. The ease and convenience of our location is a
very big plus and a competitive advantage to us.

Sources of Income

We at Ostrander Nursery plan to offer a wide variety of bedding plants, shrubs, trees, and vegetable
plants along with many garden accessories such as fountains, stepping stones, garden tools, fertilizers,
and potting soils. We believe that most of our plants will be grown on-site in state-of-the-art
greenhouses. First and foremost, we plan to buy full grown plants for our first few months of inventory.

Our main source of revenue stream at Ostrander Nursery will come from the direct sale of plants and
trees from our outdoor and indoor greenhouse facility. We hope to carry a number of seasonal and year
round (perennial) species.

We also plan to sell to both individual customers and landscape contractors. We will also generate
secondary revenue streams by organising the transportation or big orders of trees and plants on behalf
of individual customers and landscape contractors.

Sales Forecast

We at Ostrander Nursery have been able to analyse what our sales or the income we will be generating
in the next three years. We have put plans in place and we believe in our strength and the way we plan
to run Ostrander Nursery, and we believe we will achieve these goals and figures.

We have also perfected our sales and marketing strategies to help us achieve our aim and goals, we
have employed experienced hands and individuals we believe can help us be what we want, when we

Our sales projections was analysed from two main revenue streams: the general public, and contractors.
We believe that our sales projections for the upcoming year will be based on a modest growth rate for
sales. We are Ostrander Nursery being a new plant nursery business we are projecting a growth rate of
20%, believing our advertising will bring in new customers daily.

Our Pricing Strategy

Our strategy at Ostrander Nursery will based on serving our customers with expert service and product
knowledge, to build our marketing plan to reach homeowners, renters, and contractors, to focus on
satisfying the needs of our customers, and to focus on providing quality plants at affordable prices.
Ostrander Nursery believe that to get the right pricing for our plants, we need to make sure that we
choose a good location for Plant Nursery, choose a good breed / seeds that will bring forth bountiful
harvest, reduce the cost of running our plant nursery to the smallest minimum and make sure we attract
buyers to our business, as against taking our plants to the market to source for buyers; with this, we
would have successfully removed the cost of transporting the goods to the market and other logistics
from the equation

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