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For Kant, what is the role of reason in living morally?

Kant answers that we do our moral duty when our motive is

determined by a principle recognized by reason rather than the
desire for any expected consequence or emotional feeling which
may cause us to act the way we do. The "will" is defined as that
which provides the motives for our actions. Kant argues that
reason directs human wills to operate within the standard of moral
law. By conforming to moral law, one is invariably acting in
accordance to the categorical imperative, in which an agent
performs an action because it ought to be performed, rather than
hypothetical imperative, which is prompted by sensual and selfish
desires. Kant foundation of morality on reason as basically rigid

What is legal is not always moral

Laws should increase the good life and make existence more
comfortable for those that it serves. Our laws do not always reflect
a national morality, and what is legal and illegal does not always
translate to what is right or wrong. For example, it is taught from a
young age that murder is wrong, bad and evil. Legal is what the
collective wants. Laws are made to ensure satisfaction of the
majority against the minority. The people who are in jail don’t like
the laws that put them there, but everyone else does. To the jailed
people, laws are unfair and discriminatory, but everyone else is
fine with that. Morality is defined for the individual. The goal of
morality is to make one be good versus bad. That’s why it doesn’t
always align with laws, especially when it comes to fringe and
minority cases. The basic distinction between the legal and moral
is easy enough to identify. Most people agree that what is legal is
not necessarily moral and what is immoral should not necessarily
be illegal
Differentiate rights from virtue theories
Rights are what someone is entitled too for example You have the
right to have free speech in what you believe. Virtues are traits or
attitude that people strive towards in order to become better
developed human. Being honest to someone if they confront you
is an example of virtue. An action is only right if it is an action that
a virtuous person would carry out in the same circumstances. A
person acts virtuously if they possess and live the virtues. A virtue
is a moral characteristic that a person needs to live well.

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