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Corrigé de la série 2 d’exercices : Knowledge Representation en IA

Corrigé de l’exercice 1 :

∀x is_table(x) ∧ Contains(x, copies) ⇒is_Large(x)

(∀x)(( ∀y)((object(x) ∧ Different( x, y))⇒ Is_that_We seek(x))

(∀x)((Is_Student(x) ∧ Is_Serious(x))⇔ (Can_succeed(x,school))

Corrigé de l’exercice 2 :

— ∃ x ∀ y is_Sport(x)  children (y)  like (y,x)
— ∀ x is_course(x)  is_elective _course (x)  (¬∃y is_test(y))
— ∀ x is_student(x)  prefer _successfully_ complete_ all courses (x, first)

Corrigé de l’exercice 3 :

Not all students do not have a brother in this University

All courses have a prerequisite

There are a student who is not on vacation

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