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Hybrid warfare, or also called fifth generation warfare, is a concept or military strategy that is a
mixture of both traditional and non-traditional ways of waging war and includes methods of
warfare such as fake news or propaganda, election mediation, diplomacy, irregular wars, and
cyberspace war and support of proxies to achieve their strategic objectives. The term “hybrid
warfare” was coined in the tactical vocabulary at the beginning of the 21st century. It combines
kinetic and nitric options to compensate for traditional power dynamics. The uncertainty and
denials associated with the hybrid war make it a good choice for nations to use force - they are
not afraid of being blamed for retaliation. In this era of technological advancement where the
states have to pay a large cost of men and the technology and for the resources used in the
traditional or conventional warfare states often involve or engage themselves in this mode of
warfare in order to disintegrate and destabilize their adversaries. This expands the battle ground
to almost all sectors of a state and its society, relatively than conventionally limited to battles
between armies.

In half of his tenure since his election in May 2014, there have been dramatic changes in
Pakistani politics under Prime Minister Narendra Modi. From the initial excitement to the
impromptu visit to Lahore in December 2015 and the subsequent “surgical attacks” on terrorist
camps in Pakistan in September 2016, Mr. Modi's Pakistani politics are back on top. With a very
tense border in Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), an increase in terrorist attacks against Pakistan, and
key choices along the way, Indo-Pakistan relations appear to have reached a point of no return.
Escalation of the conflict remains a real and constant possibility.

In Pakistan, India has been actively involved in the abuse of this fault line since 1947, and
Pakistan has lost thousands of civilians and security personnel’s in an Indian plot. This type of
conflict is caused by a combination of natural and holistic causes, which already exist in almost
every country in the world with different strengths, but this conflict is with the outside world and
India and it continues to strive to create such a division.
Indian intelligence agencies, which are actively involved in the destabilization of Pakistan,
recently captured Kulbhushan Yadav, an Indian intelligence agent commander, uncovering
Indian Hybrid war plans against Pakistan during interrogations. The Baluchistan issue is an
example of India's hybrid war against Pakistan from time to time; the recent wave of suicide
attacks by Baloch separatists and the attack on the Chinese embassy also depict India's intention
to disrupt the CPEC in Baluchistan in the future. Different external factors such as America and
western countries are also involved in the destabilization of Pakistan, and some Arab countries
also fund and host separatists movements in Baluchistan.
In March 2021, the Brussels-based EU Disinfo Lab released a research report called Indian
Chronicles that revealed an astonishing network of disinformation and publicity to Pakistan. The
report reveals more than 15 years of operations in 116 countries involving over 500 fake media
groups and 12 fake NGOs. This network seeks to promote pro-Indian and anti-Pakistan rhetoric
in the European Union and the United Nations. Also, the report accused the Indian news agency
Asian News International (ANI) of distributing and disseminating fake news generated by the
network. Although the report is careful not to link the network to the Indian state, this important
initiative can and will only exist to the knowledge of the government. If only the critics were not
filled with happy ignorance, if they only realized the scale of the threats to the security of the
besieged Pakistani state, it would have fired the military and intelligence services. Given its
narrow scope, the EU's DisinfoLab report has yet to make progress in discussing India's
geopolitical behavior in general. However, this report will help Pakistani diplomacy show how
closely the Indian media works with the government, especially when it comes to foreign affairs.
As a result, Pakistan faces security challenges from both east and west that come from the
context of India and Afghanistan. At the same time, it was forced to discuss the hybrid war
imposed by India. At the border, you know your target, so protecting yourself can be an easy
task. However, conducting hybrid warfare is considered difficult due to the complexity of the
technology used. India has a long history of using hybrid warfare technology against Pakistan
and has been strengthened in recent years by sponsoring terrorist activities and media
propaganda aimed at invading Pakistan. However, Pakistan has successfully alleviated the hybrid
warfare and propaganda imposed by India. Since hybrid warfare is more of the story than the
actual use of force, Pakistan needs to develop a more aggressive strategy to counter the vigorous
hybrid warfare imposed by India. Pakistan needs a balanced strategy to counter India’s actions
on all fronts. Therefore, it is time to understand the nature of Hybrid War with an emphasis on
social and political harmony in Pakistan. Most importantly, we need to know what CPEC can be.
Overcoming weaknesses requires good governance based on liberation. We cannot deny that this
is an era of multilateralism, but in many ways it works well if there is a bilateral relationship.
Meetings and seminars are necessary but require more practical activities. We live in a rapidly
expanding world. So we need a story against Indian history, that "dialogue and terrorism cannot
go hand in hand".

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