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(2) os) om wo ay @ 6s) (2 on} (32) 658) United States Patent Badalamenti et al AND METHODS OF p=CIRCUL ATION CEMENTING OF Anthony M. Badalamentl, Katy, TX (US); Simon Turton, Kingswood, TX (US) Karl W. Blanchard, Cypress, TX (US); Ronald R. Faul, Katy, TX (US) Michael G. Crowder, Orlando, OK (US); Henry E. Rogers, Duncaa, OK (US); James E. Grifith, Loco, OK (US); B, Raghava Reddy, Duncan, OK (us) Assignee: Halliburton Energy Services, In. Dunnean, OK (US) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term ofthis, pateat is extended of adjusted under 35 US. 154(b) by O days Appl. Now 117940,040 Filed: Nov. 14,2007 Prioe Publication Data US 200810087416A1 Apr 17,2008 Related US. Application Data Division of application No, 10929, 163, ied on Aug. 30, 2004, now Pat. No, 7.322.412, 2006.01) 1661386; 166/317 1660285, 166/292, 300, 177.4, 195, 316, 386, 179, 1660317, 376 ‘Sce aplication file for complete search history. 'US007503399B2 US 7,503,399 B2 Mar. 17, 2009 (10) Patent No. 4s) Date of Patent: 66) References Cited US. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2203507 A 121940 Brauer 1664 Coninved) POREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS P 0419281 a2 3/1991 (Continued) (OTHER PUBLICATIONS Notise of Publication date) Mar. 13, 2008 fom US. Appl. No 11939962, Coninved) ‘Shane Bomar Daniel P Stephenson John W. Wustenborg; Baker Primary Examiner Assistant Examiner (74) Attorney Agen, or Firm Botts, LLP. on ABSTRACT A method having the following steps: running a circulation valve comprising a reactive material into the well bore on the casing; reverse-circulating an activator material in the well bore until the activator material contacts the reactive material ofthe circulation valve;reconfiguring the circulation valve by contact of the activator material withthe reactive material: ‘and reverse-cireulatinga cement compesition in the well bare ‘until the reconfigured circulation valve decreases flow ofthe cement composition. eirenlation valve for cementing eas ing in a well bore, the valve having: @ valve housing con- rected to the casing and comprising a reactive material; a plumlity of holes in the housing, wherein the plurality of holes allow Mid communication between an inner diameter of the housing and an exterior of the housing, wherein the reactive material is expandable 1a close the plurality of holes 7 Claims, 16 Drawing Sheets US 7,503,399 B2 Page 2 U.S. STENT DOCUMENTS 6.138799 A 102000. 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vided a method of cementing casing in a well bore, the ‘method comprising: running a ercultion valve into the well bore on the caving; everse-crculating a particulate material in the well bore until the particulate material contaets the ation valve; accumulating the particulate material ‘around the eirenlation valve, whereby the particule material orm cake that restricts Mid flow and reverse-circulating ‘cement composition inthe wellbore until the accumulated particulate material decreases flow of the cement composi- ‘The objects, features, and advantages ofthe present inwen- tion willbe readily apparent to those skilled in the at upon & reading of the description of the preferred embodiments ‘which fllows, BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE FIGURES ‘The present invention may be better understood by reading the following. description ‘of non-limitative embodiments ‘with reference ro the attached drawings wherein lke pars of ‘each ofthe several figires are identified by the same refer- ‘enced characters, and which are briefly deseribel as follows. FIG. 1 is cross-sectional side view of a well bore with ‘casing having a casing shoe and a circulation valve wherein the casings suspended froma wellhead supported on surface ceasing FIG. 2is aside view of circulation valve constructed of ‘ovlindrical section with holes, wherein theeylinical section is coated with or contains an expandable material, 0 o 4 FIG, 3 isa side view of a circulation valve having aa ‘expandable material lig inthe inner diameter ofthe cireu- Jatin valve FIG. 38 is atop view of the plug comprising an expandable ‘material located within the citcalaion valve of FIG. 3A. FIG. isa side view ofa circulation valve constricted of cylindrical section having a basket with holes, wherein the basket contains expandable materia. FIG. SA is aside view ofa circulation valvehavinga basket ofexpandable material inthe ier diameter of the cieulation valve FIG. SB isa top view ofthe basket comprising an expand able material loeted within the circulation valve of FIG, SA. IG. 6 ea cross-sectional, side view of a well orehaving ‘circulation valve attached to easing suspended inthe well bore, wherein an activator material and cement composition js injected ito the annulus at the wellhead. FIG. Tisacross-sectional, side view ofthe well bore shown, FIG. 6, wherein the aetvator material and cement compo- sition has lowed in theannalus dow the eecuation valve. In FIGS. 6 and 7, the circulation valve remains open, PIG. isacrost-sectional, side view ofthe well bore shows, in FIGS. 6 and 7, wherein the ciculation vale is closed and the cement composition is retained in the annulus by the circulation valve FIG. 9A is a crosssectional, side view of an isolation sleeve fo closing the circulation valve, wherein the isolation sleeve is open, FIG. 9B is a cross-sectional, side view of the isolation sleeve shown in FIG. 9A, wherein the isolation sleeve is closed. FIG, 10A is a evss-sectonal, side view ofan alternative {isolation sleve for closing the circulation valve, wherein the isolation sleeve is open, FIG, 101 is cross-sectional, side view of the isolation sleeve illustrated in FIG. 10, wherein the isolation soove is closed. FIG. 11A is a cross-sectional, side view of a circulation valve, having a flapper and a locking mechanism, FIG. LAB isan end view of the flapper shown in FIG. LA. FIG. 12 isa cross-sectional, side view of an embodiment of the locking mechanism idemilied in FIG. 114, wherein the Jocking mechanism comprises dissolvable material, FIG. 13 illustrates cross-sectional, se view ofthe lock: ing mechanism identified in FIG. 11A, wherein the locking ‘mechanism comprises expandable materia. FIG. M4 illustrates cross-sectional, side view ofasliding sleeve embodiment ofa circulation valve having a restrictor plate FIG. 148 illustrates a top view ofa restrictor plate iden fied in PIG. 14, wherein the restrictor plate as expandable ‘material for closing the circulation valve. PIG. 18 is a eross-scetional, side view of an alternative sliding sleove circulation valve wherein the locking mecha- nism comprises issolvabl or shrinkable material FIG. 16 is @ cross-sectional, side view of a alternative sliding sleeve circulation valve wherein the locking mecha- ism comprises expandable material. FIG. 17 illustrates a cross-sectional, side view of a circu Jation valve having afloat plug and vaive lock FIG. 18 isa cross-sectional, side view of the valve lock ‘identified in FIG. 17, wherein the valve lock comprises di solvable material IG, 19 is a cross-sectional, side view of the valve lock identified in TIG. 17, wherein the valve lock comprises a shrinkable material US 7,503,399 B2 5 FIG, 20illustrates a cross-sectional, side view ofthe valve Jock identified in FIG. 17, wherein the valve lock comprises ‘expandable material FIG. 21 illustrates a eross-sectona, side view of a well bore having casing suspended from a wellhead, and a packet attached tothe easing immediately above hoes in the casing, ‘wherein a reactive material and a cement composition ate shown being pumped into the anaulas atthe wellhead. FIG. 22 is a cross-sectional, side view of the well bore ‘Mustated in FIG. 21, wherein the activator material has 2et- vated the packer o expand in the annulus, whereby the packer retains the eement composition inthe annulus FIG, 23A is a cross-sectional, side view of the packer ‘dentified in FIGS. 24 and 22, wherein the packer is shown in a pre-expanded configuration TTIG, 238 is a cross-sectional, side view of the packer ‘dentified in FIGS. 21 and 2, wherein the packer is shown in an expanded configuration, FIG. 24 isa side view ofa circulation valve havingholesin the side walls TIG. 25 is a side view of a circulation valve having 3 wiresvrap sereen. TIG. 264 isa crosssoctional side view of a well bore with ‘casing having a casing sboe anda eieulaton valve wherein, the casings suspended from a wellhead supportedon surface ‘casing, and wherein a pareulate material suspended in 2 slury is pumped dovin the annulus ahead of the leading ede ‘ofa cement composition, IG. 269 isa cross-sectional side view of the well bore showin in FIG. 264, wherein the particulate material is accu ‘mulated around the circulation valve in the annus. Tris to be noted, however, that the appended drawings ithistrate only typical embodiments of thi invention and are therefore not to be considered limiting ofits scope, a8 the ‘vention may admit to other equally eflctive embodiments DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE INVENTION Referring to FIG. 1, cross-sectional sie view ofa well, bore illustrated. In particular, surface casing 2s install ia the well bore L.A well head 3is attached to the top of the surface casing and easing 4 is suspended from the wellhead 2 and the well bore I. An annulus 5 is defined between the ‘wellbore 1 and the casing 4. A casing shoe 10 is attached t© the bottom most portion of the easing 4. A feed fine 6 is ‘connected tothe surface casing 2 Mul communicate with the annulus §. The feed line 6 has a feed valve 7 and a feed pump 8, The feed line 6 may be connected to & cement pump truck 13. The feed line 6 may also he connected to vacant truck, a snd alone pump or any other pumping mechanism known to persons of skill A retura line 11 is connected to the well bead 3-s0 as to Muidly communicate with the inner ameter ofthe casing 4. The return line has a return valve 12 “The casing 4 also comprises a eirculation valve 20 nea the ‘easing shoe 10. When the circulation valve 20 is open circa Jation fd may flow between the annulus and the inner diameter of the easing 4 through the valve. Referring to FIG. 2, side view ofa cireuation valve 20 of the present invention is illustrated, In this particular embodi- ‘ment, the circulation valve 20 is a length of pipe having & phurlity of holes 21 formed in the walls ofthe pipe. casing shoe 10s attached to the bottom ofthe pipe to close the lower ‘end of the pipe, The size and numberof the holes 21 are such that they allow a sufficient amount of lid o pass between the ‘annulus 8 and the inside diameter of the casing 4 through the holes 21. In one embodiment, the cumolative erose-sectional ‘area of the holes 21 is areater than the cross-sectional awa of 0 o 6 the inside diameter ofthe casing 4 In this embodiment, the pipe material of the circulation valve 20 is an expandable ‘material In altemative embodiments, the circulation valve is ‘made of hase material, such asa steel pipe, and acladding or coating of expandable material. When the expandable mate- ‘al comes into contact with a certain activator material, the expandable material expands to reduce the size of the boles 21, This process is explained more fly below. in the embodiment illustrated in FIG. 2, circulation valve 20isacylindrical pipe section. However. tecreulation valve 20may take any form or configuration that allows the closure fof the holes 21 upon expansion ofthe expandable material. HYDROPLUG, CATGEL, DIAMONDSEAL an the like ‘may be used asthe expandable material. These reactive mate- rials may be coated, cladded, painted, glued or otherwise adhered to the ase material of the circulation valve 20. ‘Where DIAMONDSEAL, HYDROPLUG, ane! CATGEL are ved asthe reactive material forthe eirculation valve 20, the circulation valve 20 should be maintained ina salt solution prior o activation. Aa activator material for DAMOND- SEAL, HYDROPLUG, and CATGEL is fesh water, which fuses these reactive materials fo expand upon contact With the fresh water activator material. Therefore, salt solution circulation Mud is circulated into the well bore before the circulation valve and casing are the annulus at the leading edge ofthe cement composition in a reversecirulation dieotion so that the reactive material (IAMONDSPAL, HYDROPLUG, or CATGEL) ofthe ci culation valve 20 will be contacted and closed by'the fresh Water activator material before the cement composition passes through the circulation valve 20. In altemative ‘embodinients, the expandable material may be any expand- able material known to persons of sil in the art. FIG. 3A isaside view ofanalternative circulation valve20 ‘The cieculation valve 20 hasan expandable plug 19. FIG. 3B illustates top view of the expandable plug 19 identified in FIG. 3A. The circulation valve 20 has a eylindrieal housing made of pipe sction with holes 21. Pid passe between an ‘annulus $n the outside of the eigculation valve 20-and the finer diamcter of the valve through the holes 21. 4 casing shoe 10 s attached! to the bottom ofthe eiteulation valve 20. [An expaaable plug 19 is positioned within the inner diam ter of the circulation valve 20. A plurality of conduits 18 fexlend through the plug 19 to allow circulation Mud to flows ‘through the plug 19 when the condnits 18 are open. Also, the outside diameter ofthe expandable plug 19 may be smaller ‘han the inner diameter ofthe circulation valve 20 so that a gap 36 is defined between, The expandable plug 19 may be suspendedin theciteulation valve 20 by supports 17 (see FIG. 3B). The expaidable plug 19 may be constricted of a struc- ‘rally ii base atrial ke steel, which hasan expandable ‘material coated, eladded painted, ued or otherwise adhered tothe exteiorsurlaces ofthe plug 19 andthe interior surfaces of the conduits 18 in the plug 19. HYDROPLUG, CATGEL DIAMONDSPAL and the like may be used forthe expand able material of the plug 19. The plug may be constructed of ‘8 porous base material tat is coated, cladded, and/or sat ‘nied with one above noted eactive material, which provides jmeyular conduits through the open cell structure of the porous base material, The base material may’ be a polymer ‘meshoropen cell fam orany other open cellsteuture known to persons of skill In altemative embodiments, any expand- able material known to persons of skill inthe ant may be used inthe expandable plug. ‘When the expandable plug 19 is aot expanded. as ills: ‘rated, uid may also flow through the gap 36 (see FIGS. 34 US 7,503,399 B2 1 ‘and 31). The circulation valve 20 becomes closed when fsctivator material contacts the expandable plug 19. The ‘expandable plug 19 then expands to eonsriet the conduits 18 fan also to narrow the gop 36, When the expandable plug 19 js fully expanded, the conduits 18 and gap 36 are completely

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