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Stages of Psychological Age Span Description of the stage Developmental crisis

Trust versus Mistrust Stage From birth to 12 or 15 Babies are almost entirely dependent on their They have to choose
months caregivers. So it should come as no surprise that between trust and mistrust.
how parents interact with their babies has a
profound effect on both their physical and mental
health. Erikson believed that early patterns of trust
help children build a strong base of trust that's
crucial for their social and emotional development.
If a child successfully develops trust, they will feel
safe and secure in the world.
Autonomy versus 18 Months to 03 years The child learns to be independent; failing which They have to show their
Doubt/Shame Stage he feels the shame in his failure to exercise his autonomy instead of
independence. Children in this age range are just doubting their abilities.
beginning to gain a small degree of independence.
They want to and can perform some basic activities
on their own and make simple decisions based on
their preferences. Parents are critical at this stage
of development because if they allow children to
make choices and gain some control of their
actions, they can help children develop a sense of
Initiative and Guilt Stage 03 years to 06 years the child may take initiatives but may also feel If children are not allowed to
guilty about taking those initiatives. The most do things on their own, a
important event at this stage is independence. The sense of guilt may develop
child continues to be assertive and to take the and they may come to
initiative. Playing and hero worshipping are an believe that what they want
important form of initiative for children. Children in to do is always wrong.
this stage are eager for responsibility. It is essential
for adults to confirm that the child's initiative is
accepted no matter how small it may be. If the
child is not given a chance to be responsible and do
things on their own, a sense of guilt may develop.
The child will come to believe that what they want
to do is always wrong.
Industry versus Inferiority 06 years to about 12 During this stage child must learn to put in effort to They have to select their
Stage years learn new skills, failing which he would feel inferior desire, tendency, should be
and incompetent. people progress through a series industrious towards them.
of stages as they develop and grow. Unlike many
other developmental theories, Erikson’s addresses
changes that occur across the entire lifespan, from
birth to death.
Identity versus Role Confusion 12 years to 18 years Teen behaviour often seems unpredictable and They have to develop their
Stage impulsive, but all of this is part of the process of own identity. They have to be
finding a sense of personal identity. Those who clear towards their goal.
receive proper encouragement and reinforcement
through personal exploration will emerge from this
stage with a strong sense of self and a feeling of
independence and control. Those who remain
unsure of their beliefs and desires will remain
insecure and confused about themselves and the

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