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Module Name Advanced Learning and Study Skills

Module Code IT 5010 Version No. 2017 - 0
Year/Level 5 Semester 2
Credit Points 2
Pre-requisites None
Co-requisites None
Methods of Delivery Lectures (Face-to-face) 2 Hours/Week

Course Web Site

Date of Original January 2017
Date of Next Review January 2020


This module is run early in the course to ensure that you acquire the necessary skills
Introduction for studying at Masters level in this professional discipline. It is important that you
are able to participate fully in the course, so that you can gain maximum benefit from
it. This introductory module should help you identify the knowledge, skills and
competences (academic and professional) that you bring with you to the course, from
previous studies or your work experience or both of these.

Also you should identify areas where your skills might need further development in
order for you to achieve your personal aims during the course. The module also
provides the opportunity for you to put the course into the context of your overall
professional development, now and in the future

Learning At the end of the module student will be able to:

LO1: Study support materials and various tools to support your studies and to
enhance your learning
LO2: Analyze and critically evaluate a variety of types of information and
literature (both sources provided by tutors and ones you find yourself)
LO3: Present and communicate information, ideas and outcomes in an effective
and appropriate manner for Masters level
LO4: Critically analyze and evaluate organizational based situations and systems
within the context of the academic subject area
Assessment Assignment 1: Each group will deliver a brief presentation relating to the group task
Criteria (eg business simulation chairpersons report, case study analysis). The presentation
will be assessed by peers and moderated by the lecturer. Assignment 2: An individual
piece of critical writing on a topic related to your specific course. For example an
evaluation of various literature sources (e.g. journal articles, books and web sites)
relating to a chosen topic area and a review of 'the best' ones with justification. You
will submit a draft during the initial study period for tutor and peer feedback
(formative) and the final report will be marked by the tutor. Typical word length is
Continuous Assessments
 Assignment 01 40 % LO3- LO5
 Assignment 02 60 % LO1- LO3
End Semester Assessment

TOTAL 100 %
Estimated Contact Hours
 Lecture 30 hours
Time Allocated for Assessments
 Continuous Assessments 12 hours
 Final Examination 03 hours
Reading and Independent Study 55 hours
TOTAL 100 hours
Module To pass this module, students need to obtain a pass mark in both “Continuous
Requirement Assessments” and “End of the Semester Examination” components which would
result in an overall mark that would qualify for a “C” grade or above


1. Finding, selecting and using information and references, literature searching, critical
thinking, abstraction and evaluation
2. Presentation skills
 Oral
 Written

3. Working in teams
 Learning styles
 Managing teams
 Leadership

4. Grounding in the fundamentals of your chosen domain.

5. Reflective Practice


Any type of plagiarism is not allowed.

Plagiarism: Academic honesty is crucial to a student’s credibility and self-esteem, and

ultimately reflects the values and morals of the Institute as whole. A student may work
together with one or a group of students discussing assignment content, identifying relevant
references, and debating issues relevant to the subject. Plagiarism occurs when the work of
another person, or persons, is used and presented as one’s own.

--------------------------End of Module Outline--------------------------

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