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Ink-jet printed ZnO nanowire field effect transistors

Yong-Young Noh, Xiaoyang Cheng, Henning Sirringhaus, Jung Inn Sohn, Mark E. Welland et al.

Citation: Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 043109 (2007); doi: 10.1063/1.2760041

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Ink-jet printed ZnO nanowire field effect transistors

Yong-Young Noh,a兲 Xiaoyang Cheng, and Henning Sirringhaus
OE Group, Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, J. J. Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge CB3 0HE, United Kingdom
Jung Inn Sohn and Mark E. Welland
Nanoscience Centre, University of Cambridge, J. J. Thomson Avenue,
Cambridge CB3 0FF, United Kingdom
Dae Joon Kang
BK 21, Physics Research Division, SKKU Advanced Institute of Nanotechnology, Sungkyunkwan University,
Suwon 440-746, Korea and Center for Nanotubes and Nanostructured Composites, Sungkyunkwan
University, Suwon 440-746, Korea
共Received 30 May 2007; accepted 26 June 2007; published online 26 July 2007兲
Semiconducting nanowires provide routes for realizing high-performance electronic devices, but for
many applications of such devices low-cost manufacturing techniques are needed. The authors
demonstrate here top-gated zinc oxide nanowire field effect transistors 共NW-FETs兲 fabricated by
ink-jet printing. High resolution submicrometer gold gaps between source and drain electrodes were
defined by a self-aligned ink-jet printing technique, and the nanowires were deposited from solution
onto these electrode arrays and gated from the top using a spin-coated poly共methyl methacrylate兲
gate dielectric. The typical NW-FETs exhibited a mobility of 2 – 4 cm2 / V s, a current on/off ratio of
104, and a transconductance of 20.5 nS. The process provides a pathway for fabrication of NW-FETs
by low-cost, large-area solution processing and direct printing techniques. © 2007 American
Institute of Physics. 关DOI: 10.1063/1.2760041兴

Inorganic semiconductor nanowire field effect transistors A particularly interesting class of materials for solution
共NW-FETs兲 have recently attracted significant attention as processed NW-FETs is the metal oxide semiconductor such
they potentially allow combining high device performance as zinc oxide 共ZnO兲 共Ref. 10兲 or tin dioxide 共SnO2兲 NWs.11
with the attractive features of solution processing for appli- They are environmentally stable, and when exposed to air
cations such as gas or biological sensors, flexible displays, they do not form insulating surface oxides. This makes for-
memory, and ambient intelligent devices.1–4 The perfor- mation of an Ohmic contact using simple solution processing
mance of NW-FETs has been much improved through less difficult than it would be, for example, for a silicon
growth of high-quality materials, optimized device geometry, nanowire. Here we report on a methodology for integrating
encapsulation of the nanowire, and improvement of contact ZnO NW into all-solution processed and printed field effect
resistance.5–8 Nevertheless, several key challenges remain to transistors 共FETs兲. In order to contact ZnO nanowires of
be addressed. One of them is the development of low-cost typically 5 ␮m length, we use a recently developed self-
manufacturing processes based on direct-write printing tech- aligned ink-jet printing 共SAP兲 technique. The SAP technique
niques, which make full use of the compatibility of the nano- allows defining electrode patterns of conducting polymers
wires with solution processing. The application of graphic- such as poly共3,4-ethylenedioxithiophene兲 doped with poly-
art printing techniques to solution-based patterning of 共styrene sulfonate兲 共PEDOT:PSS兲 or metal 关gold 共Au兲, sil-
functional materials is considered as a promising paradigm ver兴 nanoparticle ink with channel lengths of
for manufacturing of large-area, low-cost electronic circuits 50– 400 nm.12,13 The SAP process is based on defining the
on flexible substrates.9 In the literature to date, most NW- electrode pattern in two steps. In a first printing or other
FETs have been fabricated using short channel source-drain patterning step, a first electrode is defined, the surface of
electrode patterns defined by slow, conventional processes which is then modified to become dewetting to the ink for a
such as electron beam lithography. Using printing technique second conductive electrode. The ink flows off the surface of
to contact the nanowire poses several problems. On the one the first electrode and dries in close proximity, but not in
hand the relatively short length of the nanowires of typically electrical contact to the edge of the first electrode pattern.
less than 10 ␮m requires printing techniques with suffi- Using simple ink-jet printing equipment, a small gap can
ciently high resolution that can define reliable contacts to the thus be defined between the two electrodes in a reliable man-
two ends of the nanowire. This excludes many graphic-art ner with high yield.
printing techniques such as offset or gravure printing the The ZnO NW-FETs were fabricated in a top-gate device
resolution of which is limited to 20– 50 ␮m with presently configuration by an all-solution process. A submicrometer
available equipment. On the other hand the formation of a ink-jet pattern was realized by SAP of Au nanoparticle ink
good Ohmic contact to the nanowire 共NW兲 is essential to onto a prefabricated first Au electrode, the surface of which
achieve a good performance. However, little is known about was modified with fluorinated self-assembled monolayer
how to form an Ohmic contact between a metal and an inor- 关Figs. 1共a兲 and 1共b兲兴. ZnO NWs were deposited on the pat-
ganic semiconductor if the interface is formed from solution. tern by spin casting or ink-jet printing of a highly diluted
isopropanol 共IPA兲 共spin coating兲 or IPA and ethylene glycol
Electronic mail: mixture 共ink-jet printing兲 solution of the NWs

0003-6951/2007/91共4兲/043109/3/$23.00 91, 043109-1 © 2007 American Institute of Physics

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043109-2 Noh et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 043109 共2007兲

FIG. 2. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Schematic diagram of top-gate NW-FET with

SAP source-drain electrodes. 共b兲 Current vs voltage characteristics between
two self-aligned printed Au electrodes separated by a 500 nm with 共filled
squares兲 or without 共filled circles兲 single ZnO NW. The same measurement
was done after annealing 共200 ° C, 1 h兲 in oxygen and moisture-free glove-
box 共filled triangles兲. No current is observed in the absence of the nanowire.
共c兲 Output and 共d兲 transfer curve of all solution processed ZnO NW-FET.
The gate leakage currents were measured at VD = 1 V 共filled triangles兲 at the
same time.

FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 共a兲 Schematic diagram of the self-aligned ink-jet

printing 共SAP兲 process. 共b兲 Example of the SAP pattern observed by a temperature tube furnace. Argon as the carrier gas for the
transmittance mode of an optical micrograph 共scale bar: 100 ␮m兲 with the vapor reactants was introduced into the reaction tube at a
enlarged view of the indicated area shown as an atomic force microscope
flow rate of 50 SCCM 共SCCM denotes cubic centimeter per
共AFM兲 image 共2 ⫻ 2 ␮m2兲 on the top. 共c兲 Optical micrograph view, 共d兲
AFM 共6.2⫻ 6.2 ␮m2兲 and 共e兲 scanning electron microscope image of a minute at STP兲, while the furnace was heated to 930 ° C at a
single ZnO NW placed across the SAP gap 共length of ZnO NW: 5 ␮m兲. rate of 40 ° C / min. After the growth process the samples
were cooled slowly to room temperature in argon gas ambi-
ent. ZnO NWs were dispersed in IPA 共spin coating兲 or IPA
关Figs. 1共c兲–1共e兲兴. The top-gated transistor was completed by and ethylene glycol mixture 共ink-jet printing兲, and a single
spin coating of poly共methyl methacrylate兲 共PMMA兲 and ink- NW was transferred onto pattern by spin casting or ink-jet
jet printing of PEDOT:PSS as the gate dielectric and gate printing 关see Figs. 1共c兲–1共e兲兴. The main benefit of applying
electrode, respectively. Corning 7059 glass slides were used ink-jet printing technique to deposition of the NW solution is
as substrates after cleaning sequentially with acetone and the ability to selectively deposit the NWs into the channel
IPA for 10 min in each step and then rinsing with de-ionized area with a relative high yield compared to spin casting from
water. The first electrode Au was patterned using conven- diluted ZnO NW solution. The sample was then annealed
tional lift-off photolithography technique into an ink confine- 共200 ° C, 1 h兲 in an oxygen and moisture-free glovebox
ment structure comprising two Au pads separated by a gap of 共⬍5 ppm兲 to remove adsorbed oxygen on the NW surface
typical 50 ␮m dimension 关see Fig. 1共b兲兴. The surface of the and to improve the electrical contact at the NW-Au interface.
first Au electrode was modified by 1H, 1H, 2H, A 100– 200 nm thick PMMA 共Aldrich, molecular weight
2H-perflourodecanethiol 共Fluorochem Ltd., UK兲 using Au- = 120 000兲 gate dielectric film was then spin coated from
thiol chemistry to get perfect dewetting of the subsequently anhydrous n-butyl acetate solution 共40 mg/ ml兲. FETs were
printed Au nanoparticle ink. The Au nanoparticles function- completed by ink-jet printing of PEDOT:PSS as a gate elec-
alized by organic ligands 共average diameter of ⬃4 nm兲 were trode 关see Fig. 2共a兲兴. We found that the annealing process
obtained from Harima Co. Ltd and diluted with xylene sol- gives an enough adhesion between NW and Au electrode to
vent to print. Au nanoparticle ink droplets were deposited avoid washing away by spin coating of PMMA overlayer.
into the confinement gap defined by the first electrode pattern The samples prepared without the annealing process exhib-
using a homebuilt ink-jet printing setup with a standard ited a relatively low yield due to partly vanish of NW from
single-nozzle drop-on-demand piezoelectric print head 共Mi- the substrate after spin coating of PMMA. The electrical
crodrop GmbH, Germany兲. The samples were annealed on characteristics were measured with an HP 4155B semicon-
hot plate 共250 ° C, 1 h兲 to increase the Au conductivity. After ductor parameter analyzer in nitrogen atmosphere under yel-
annealing the printed Au line exhibited a conductivity of low light.
over 104 S / cm. We emphasize that the Au patterns for the The current flow between Au source and drain through
first electrode can also formed by ink-jet printing of Au the single ZnO NW was first measured in the absence of a
nanoparticle as described in our previous report.13 ZnO NWs gate electrode 关Fig. 2共b兲兴. The samples were prepared with
were grown on a-plane sapphire substrates by thermal the same process like above without a printing PEDOT:PSS
chemical vapor deposition. ZnO powder and graphite pow- gate electrode. A high current density of 3184 A / cm2 at
der were mixed in a 1:1 weight ratio. Then, source materials 0.1 MV/ cm was observed to flow from source to drain
were ground together and placed on an alumina boat which through a single ZnO NWs. The amount of current flow was
was loaded into an alumina reaction tube located in a high improved around 1.5 times after annealing 共200 ° C, 1 h兲
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043109-3 Noh et al. Appl. Phys. Lett. 91, 043109 共2007兲

15– 20 cm2 / V s兲 with high on/off current ratio of 105. The

significantly better performance of the long-channel length
devices indicates that the properties of the submicrometer
ZnO NW-FET are mainly limited by contact resistance, as
opposed to other possible reasons such as other issues related
to the solution fabrication or the crystalline quality of the
nanowires used. Further improvement of the performance of
ink-jet printed ZnO NW-FETs is expected from using SAP
source-drain patterned electrodes of lower work function
metal nanoparticles, such as Ag or modification of contact
between ZnO and Au electrodes by self-assembled
In conclusion, we have demonstrated all-solution pro-
cessed ZnO NW-FETs. Using SAP of Au nanoparticles sub-
micrometer channel length for source and drain gaps was
realized into which solution-dispersed single ZnO nanowire
FIG. 3. 共Color online兲 Output 共a兲 and transfer 共b兲 curve of top-gated ZnO was deposited by spin casting or ink-jet printing. We believe
NW-FET having 2 ␮m channel length fabricated by optical lithography. that our approach can be applied to a broad range of
solution-dispersible NW semiconductors, and that it can be
samples in the glovebox due to a better contact at ZnO extended to other device configurations, such as, for ex-
NW-Au interface, the reduction in depletion width, and the ample, configuration in which the NW is first deposited onto
effect of surface passivation with the PMMA dielectric.7 the substrate and the electrodes are then printed by the SAP
Figures 2共c兲 and 2共d兲 show typical n-type output and transfer process to contact the nanowires. Although further optimiza-
characteristics of the solution processed ZnO NW-FET. We tion of contact formation and choice of gate dielectric and
observe good modulation of the channel conductance by the nanowire surface passivation are needed to enhance perfor-
applied gate voltage with low gate leakage in the transfer mance, our printing approach provides a potential pathway
curve and a clean saturation and pinch-off behavior in the for the cost-effective, solution-based manufacturing of NW-
output curve. The characteristics indicate that the transistors FETs.
operate in n-type depletion mode. Maximum transconduc- The research was supported by the Engineering and
tance 共gm兲 was 20.5 nS at VD = 1 V and at VG = 4 V. The field Physical Sciences Research Council 共EPSRC兲 and Samsung
effect mobility 共␮兲 of our ZnO NW-FETs was estimated Electronics, Korea. One of the authors 共D.J.K.兲 is also sup-
from the following equation; ␮ = L2gm / CbVD,14 where L is ported by the SRC program 共Center for Nanotubes and
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Cb = 2␲␧0␧rL / ln共2h / rNW兲,14 where ␧r is the dielectric con- Foundation.
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