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Running head: RADICALIZATION 1


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Radicalization, its root causes, and why a particular group of individuals opts to engage in

the vice pose pertinent questions for the authorities and the general populous. Whatever causes

several young individuals originating from diverse backgrounds to join violent groups thus

ending up as extremists begs for critical interrogation. Arguably, a myriad of factors compel a

sizable population of individuals living in the Diaspora to end up radicalized and ultimately


 Why some Diaspora populations are at risk of radicalization

Substantially, the Diaspora encloses groups of individuals residing in a foreign country while

still maintaining close ties with their homeland. This group does not include those individuals

leaving their country of origin for economic reasons only to return after terminating their

economic engagement. A myriad of factors can make a section of the Diaspora susceptible to

radicalization. In the first instance, a majority of migrants harbor a sense of insecurity among its

ranks. This feeling further amplifies itself, especially among labor migrants who ascertain

disproportionate treatment from the local population (Waldmann, 2010).Additionally, some of

these migrants live in very challenging conditions, mainly due to the lack of appropriate


Consequently, to rescue such situations, the individuals’ device means to earn extra revenue

via a system that can also articulate their opinions audibly. These migrants mostly end up
radicalized and consequently as extremists. Additionally, studies indicate that due to migrant

encountering a new culture, culture shock becomes apparent. This group of individuals takes

time to adjust and assimilate with the local communities. It becomes intricate for these

individuals to reconcile their cultural norms with those of the host community (Waldmann,

2010). This cultural indifference mostly results in these individuals seeking middle ground to

make them discernible within the community. In most instances, such tendencies render these

individuals vulnerable and a potential target for radicalization.

Potential public policy approaches to mitigate radicalization

In the wake of any act of terrorism, potential debates emerge regarding the harnessing of the

security apparatus to improve intelligence capacities. Although this is pertinent, it is even

appropriate to appreciate the prevention of radical acts and the significance therein. Several

measures can suffice to mitigate radicalization. States or cities can afford specific counseling

services for radicalized members. Exit programs can also suffice for supporters and those

prepared to engage in violent acts. The government can also avail resources to assist families of

the radicalized in stemming the vice (Jackson et al., 2019). The feeling of social isolation ought

wiping from the mindset of these individuals to make them feel like part of society.

Additionally, the federal government can accord assistance to the state, private

organizations, and non-governmental organizations that handle the mitigation process. The

federal government can provide funding and expertise since it has the capability. The federal

government should also ensure that these interventions are homegrown, locally driven and

managed to make them acceptable to the communities intend for. In addition, having a locally
based individual who is conversant with how the federal government operates could assist in

enhancing relationships, build trust, and act as a facilitator to local terrorism mitigation.

How potential policies are unsuitable for the mitigation process

Potential policy approaches suited for mitigating risk populations with one worldview may

not be suited for mitigation of other risk populations promoting different worldviews for various

reasons. Worldview is the fundamental conjectures individuals harbor regarding reality. A

person’s worldview is the necessary level of belief that they hold. A person differs from other

world’s views because the way one person perceives things is different from how other persons

see the same thing. That is why; diverse populations require different mitigation techniques. The

inherent variations encompass age, sex, religion, and the kinds of challenges encountered. It is

thus prudent for individuals to appreciate these variations before instituting mitigation measures.

Factors that may shape a particular worldview for members of the Diaspora populations

Several factors may inform the radicalization of members of the Diaspora and consequently,

their worldview. One of the elements is how they perceive things. The way individuals think is

imperative since people lead their lives the way they deem best. This notion is inherent in every

human being. Nobody can refute this claim. Secondly, how individuals differentiate wrong from

right profoundly shapes their worldview. Individuals arrive at decisions when having a clear

distinction between what is wrong and right. The members of the Diaspora will live according to

the way they think. Even if something is morally wrong and they perceive it to be correct, then

they will act wrongly and consequently with dire repercussions and vice versa (Waldmann,

2010). Another factor that is bound to shape the worldview of the Diaspora is pragmatism. Many
individuals who subscribe to the philosophy of practicality believe that the end justifies the

means. These individuals do not bother about the consequences as long as the task they intended

to accomplish is complete. Individuals tend to compromise if they realize that whatever they

purpose to engage in harbors unpleasant results.


Radicalization is a vice that has disturbed authorities and members of the society for

decades. The reasons why individuals subscribe to this vice are numerous and varied.

Radicalization has made inroads into the hearts of the migrant community, with some self-

proclaimed leaders fueling the extremism inferno. It is time nations and individuals joined

forces to deal with this vice forthwith. Institution of proper policy measures must suffice to help

mitigate this vice lest a generation ends up annihilated.



Jackson, B. A., Rhoades, A. L., Reimer, J. R., Lander, N., Costello, K., & Beaghley, S. (2019).

Building an Effective and Practical National Approach to Terrorism Prevention.

Waldmann, P. K. (2010, March 15). Radicalisation in the diaspora: Why Muslims in the West attack

their host countries (WP).

WCM_GLOBAL_CWaldmann, P. K.


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