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Universidad del Quindío – Facultad de Educación

Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas




Teacher: School Grade: Duration in hours:

Leidy Carolina Mejia I.E Ciudadela de Occidente 11-2 5 hour
Orozco 11-3
I recognize people by their physical and personality traits, and actions in present perfect.

Objective based on language functions:

Students will use vocabulary related to the physical appearance and personality traits while
implementing present perfect tense into sentences in writing and oral way.

Specific objectives:

To identify my characters based on descriptions using adjectives.

To use the perfect estructure in oral communication.

To identify mistakes into present perfect sentences.

Topic: present perfect +(review of adjetives)


Knowing Doing Being

To know which adjectives can To express in an oral way their To communicate cordially in
describe themselves and their personal likes, dislikes and an oral and writing way,
Universidad del Quindío – Facultad de Educación
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas

classmates expectations information about


To recognize the estructure of To formulate afirmative To share their ideas using

the present perfect sentences and questions using present perfect interacting
present perfect/ have you with their friends in a place
ever...? full of respect and solidarity.

Contents (Vocabulary / grammar / pronunciation / intercultural-sociolinguistic):

 Adjetives of personality and physical appareance
 Present simple
 Am I...?
Integrated Skills:


Procedure, interaction patterns and timing:

Stage, Activity Description Stage aim

*To develop metalinguistic
Warm up- reviewed the topic of the previous awareness when other or
10 minutes class and the words they have learn , and learn themselves have
the two new words grammatical or spelling
Each student will receive a “good” and “wrong”
30 minutes card and teacher will show some sentences *To use their speaking skill
SS-SS where they have to raise the card they believe and critical thinking while
applies to the sentence. Then, they have to giving their own opinions
explain why they choose that card. about controversial topics.

 The teacher will play music while the

30 minutes students rotate a paper ball, when the
SS-SS music stops the students who has the
paper ball should open it and talk
about the topic in the paper for 2
minutes using their previous knowledge
of the L2
Universidad del Quindío – Facultad de Educación
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas

30 minutes * Then, the students will rotate a ball again until *To describe situations
SS-SS-T the majority the students speak from the recent past using
present perfect in oral way.
*Students will make groups of 3 people each
one is going to see a mysterious picture that the
teacher will show it for 30 seconds. Then, the *To use their spatial
student that saw the image and he or she have intelligence to draw
to describe the picture using present perfect and something according to
their partners should guess the image according recieved information while
30 minutes to the information given then they should draw discribing escenes using the
SS-SS the picture in a piece of paper and at the end, present perfect tense.
together we are going to decide the group with
the most similar draw to the original image .

*Teacher will give a paper with a celebrity or

famous name in it and the students will put the *To identify characters
20 minutes name in their head and they should guess who based on their actions using
SS-SS- T they are with the help of their classmates who the present perfect to
are going to formulated and answer questions provide clues.
and make affirmative sentences using the
present perfect.
She has won a Grammy
Has she acted in movies?

40 minutes Each student will bring a cardboard and a *To present details about a
SS-SS picture of a Famous person who they like. Then, famous character by
they will have to write 10 things the famous affirmative sentences in
person have done and decorate the cardboard present perfect.
as a poster.

*To use the present perfect

1 hour *Each student is going to socialice their posters in afirmative sentences
with the class. while performing in oral
SS-SS way


Teacher will evaluate the writing production and oral performance of the students during the
presentation of the posters.

Materials and resources:

Paper, candies , globes, ball of wool, present perfect sentences slides, video, computer,
cardboard, markers, pictures of celebrities.
Universidad del Quindío – Facultad de Educación
Programa de Licenciatura en Lenguas Modernas



become aware of our aspects to improve and strengths.

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