Quality Management Consultants:: Instructions For Use

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d using them
Quality management consultants :
instructions for use
A decision to implement a QMS may be the organization’s first real contact
with the world of ISO 9000 – especially if it is an SME – and many turn to an
external consultant for help. The ISO 9000 family will soon include guidelines
for making the right choice and the best possible use of QMS consultant.

When an organization decides Work began in 2001 to devel- world of ISO 9000 and conse-
to use the services of an exter- op ISO 10019, Guidelines for quently they may not be suf-
nal consultant for the realiza- the selection of Quality Man- ficiently informed to make
tion process of a quality man- agement System consultants the best decisions regarding
agement system, a number of and use of their services on the the choice of a competent con-
typical questions may arise, basis of the Italian standard sultant, establishing a sound
for example : UNI 1836. The new work item contract and making effec-
generated a lot of interest : 41 tive use of the consultancy
• How can we find a good con- experts were nominated by 25 services.
by Giancarlo Colferai sultant and how can we dis- ISO member countries to par-
tinguish a competent consult- ticipate in its development. Guidance for all stages
Giancarlo Colferai is project ant from one who is not ?
leader of the ISO working group To this end, ISO 10019 pro-
• How should the contract How can we distinguish
developing ISO 10019. After a vides guidance for all stag-
with the consultant be drawn
career in service industries, he is a competent consultant es : from selecting a compe-
up to avoid disappointment
now Director of CEPAS, an Italian from one who is not ? tent consultant,
and unwelcome surprises
company carrying out certifica- requesting
once the work gets going ?
tion of personnel and training an offer
The aim of ISO 10019 is to
courses. • What is the quality man- and then
provide useful and practical
agement system realization drawing
information to organizations
E-mail cepas.roma@tiscali.it process and what are the
– especially small
tasks of the consultant and
Web www.cepas.it and medium-sized
those of the organization’s
enterprises – when
employees ?
they decide to real-
ize a quality manage-
In order to answer these and ment system. For many
other questions, ISO techni- organizations, this is their
cal committee ISO/TC 176, first contact with the
which is responsible for the
ISO 9000 standards, is devel-
oping a new guideline that is
now being balloted as a Final
Draft International Standard
(FDIS). It is expected to be
published as an International
Standard in February 2005.

ISO Management Systems – September-October 2004 13


up a contract, to setting up • The consultant should be

the quality management sys- empowered to interact with
tem (QMS). However, among the organization’s employ-
its most useful contributions ees at all levels in order to
(clause 5.3 of the standard) gain familiarity with the
are to articulate important organization’s processes.
considerations such as the fol-
• The resulting system should
lowing :
not generate unnecessary
• Even if the QMS is being administration and docu-
implemented in response mentation.
to contractual or market-
• The consulting services
ing requirements, there is
should be compatible with
an opportunity to use the
the organization’s culture,
realized QMS as an effec-
competence of its employ-
tive and efficient manage-
ees, existing processes and/
ment tool.
or documentation.

In other words, if the top man-

agement of an organization
fully understands and firmly
believes in the above princi-
ples, then they will decide to
find a competent QMS con-
sultant, selecting him or her
from the best consultants
available on the market. They
can use ISO 10019 as a guide-
line not only to select a com- added value to the organiza- ISO 10019 covers two impor-
petent QMS consultant, but tion, increasing its competi- tant topics :
also to estab- tiveness.
lish a good • firstly, the selection of a
contract and
The success of the QMS Is it not
QMS consultant, indicating
to use his/ depends mainly on the case that
criteria for the selection
• There is a potential for the the involvement and when an
her services process and judging the
QMS to provide a basis for
in an effec- commitment of top consultant’s competence,
continual improvement of tion decides
tive and effi- management and not how the consultant should
the organization’s perform- to buy a new
cient way. on the consultant alone be required to demonstrate
ance. machine
that he or her maintains
The typical (or plant, or
• The success of the QMS and improves competence,
approach we presently see system) in order to obtain an
depends mainly on the and ethical considerations,
will change : selection of the improvement in productiv-
involvement and commit- and
consultant will no longer be ity, it looks at several good
ment of top management • secondly, the use of the
made based simply on the machines and selects the one
and not on the consultant QMS consultant’s services,
lowest price and the certain- that will assure the most cost-
alone. defining what they are, how
ty of obtaining ISO 9001: effective performance for the
• Employees must be 2000 certification merely as intended use ? the contract should be estab-
involved at all levels in a label. Instead, it will be lished (Annex A 1 provides
order to integrate the qual- based on the ability of the very useful and detailed ele-
consultant to help the organ-
The content of the standard ments regarding this top-
ity management system
with the organization’s ization in the realization of a After the introduction, scope ic on how avoid unpleasant
overall operations. QMS that provides a true and normative references, surprises in progress).

14 ISO Management Systems – September-October 2004


d using them
Selection of a competent rience in managerial, profes- efficiency to stimulate the Ethical considerations
consultant sional or technical aspects of organization to look for
As far as ethical considerations
the consultant services to be opportunities for improve-
According to the guidelines a are concerned, ISO 10019 high-
provided involving the exer- ment and assist in promot-
competent consultant should lights the importance for the
cise of judgment, problem- ing a process approach and
be ethical, perceptive, ver- QMS consultant to avoid or
solving and communication continual improvement of
satile, decisive, communica- declare any conflict of interest,
with all interested parties. the QMS within the organ-
tive, practical, accountable maintain the confidentiality of
and facilitative and should According to ISO 10019, the information acquired from the
have detailed knowledge of role of the QMS consultant 4. Assist in identifying the clients, avoid creating unnec-
relevant standards, certifica- during the various stages training needs to enable essary dependence on his or
tion processes and skills in of quality management sys- the organization to main- her services, not to offer serv-
general quality management tem realization (as detailed tain the QMS. ices for which he or her does
principles, methodologies and in Annex A of the guide- not have the necessary com-
lines) includes the following 5. Where applicable, assist petence, maintain independ-
actions : the organization in iden- ence from certification bodies
The QMS consultant should tifying the relationship and impartiality in the organi-
also have knowledge of 1. Illustrate the concepts con- between its QMS and any zation’s selection of the certifi-
the statutory and regula- cerning quality manage- other relevant manage- cation body.
tory requirements relevant ment paying special atten- ment system (e.g. envi-
to the organization’s activ- tion to the understanding ronmental, or occupation- The guidelines repeatedly
ities, as well as reasonable and adoption of quali- al health and safety) and emphasize that the consult-
knowledge of the organiza- ty management princi- facilitate the integration of ant should provide realistic
tion’s prod- ples, ensur- such systems. cost estimates for the con-
ucts, processes ing that the sulting services rendered and
and custom- ISO 10019 clarifies once design and that the organization should
er expecta- and for all many of implemen- be aware of this critical item.
tions prior the essential aspects that tation of
Participants in the 27-29 April
to initiating have often been sources the QMS Use of the consultant’s
2004 meeting in Delft, The
the consult- of misunderstanding is suited to
Netherlands, of working group
ing services. the organi-
WG 9 of ISO/TC 176 subcommittee The guidelines define how
The consult- zation’s cul-
SC 3, to put the finishing touches the consulting services could
ant should understand the key ture and specific business
to the ISO 10019 guidelines be applied to the activities
factors relevant to the prod- environment.
before release as a Final Draft of the quality management
uct sector in which the organ-
2. Involve all relevant individ- International Standard.
ization operates.
uals in the QMS realization,
Competence in management advising and supporting the
practices is very important organization in identifying
for the consultant in order the appropriate processes
to understand how the qual- needed for its QMS, define
ity management system inte- the relative importance and
grates and interacts with the interaction of those proc-
overall management system esses and assist the organ-
of the organization. ization in identifying doc-
umentation essential to
One of the most important
ensure the effective plan-
factors in the selection of a
ning, operation and control
QMS consultant is his or her
of its processes.
ability to apply knowledge
and skills in real situations. 3. Once the processes have
Therefore, the consultant been identified, evalu-
should have relevant expe- ate their effectiveness and

ISO Management Systems – September-October 2004 15


d using them
system realization process for the organization (details the ongoing evaluation, of the co-actors – consultant,
(detailed in Annex A.2), for are indicated in Annex A.1). maintenance and improve- the organization’s top man-
example: definition of objec- ment of the QMS ; agement, management rep-
The guidelines also recom-
tives and requirements, ini- d) implementing the plan resentative – for each step of
mend that when entering
tial evaluation, planning, and consequently moni- the process.
into a contract, the following
design and development, toring and evaluating the
activities should be given due To sum up, ISO 10019 clari-
training, implementation and effectiveness of such, and
importance (more details can fies once and for all many of
improvement. implementing contingent
be found in Annex A.2) : the essential aspects that have
ISO 10019 then goes on to actions as appropriate ; often been sources of mis-
a) setting agreed contract
recommend that the organ- objectives that are specif- e) ensuring the agreed mile- understanding between the
ization establish a complete ic, measurable, achievable, stones are met or rede- organization and the QMS
contract with the QMS con- realistic and time-limited ; fined, and consultant. Above all, it high-
sultant, prior to commenc- lights the importance of the
b) setting out a detailed con- f) defining a process to
ing the consulting activity, involvement and commitment
tract plan with agreed mile- approve the outcomes of
in order to avoid disappoint- of the top management of the
stones and outputs and the contract.
ment and unwelcome sur- organization and the right
prises. This contract should communicating the plan to choice of a competent con-
Annex A.2 illustrates an
clearly define the scope of all interested parties ; sultant as being key factors
example of the process for
the work (including out- c) identifying the training the realization of a quali- for the success of the quality
puts), have realistic mile- needs of relevant employ- ty management system and management system. •
stones and be cost-effective ees so they can perform indicates the responsibility

The commitment of top management and the right choice

of a competent consultant are key factors for the success
of the quality management system.

16 ISO Management Systems – September-October 2004

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