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(After Haley is walked down the aisle)

(To Mr. Graham) Who gives this woman to be married to this man?" or "Who presents this
woman to be married to this man?"

Welcome family, friends and loved ones. We are gathered today to celebrate the union of Haley
and Brantlee. We are all here to support this commitment of love and to share the joy of Haley
and Brantlee as they choose to spend their lives together.

Thank you Mr.Graham and Mr. and Mrs. McConaughey for your presence here today. Your
love and unwavering support throughout their lives have given them the confidence and tools
necessary to enter into this new chapter together.

Haley and Brantlee, your marriage will be a lifelong promise to love, respect, trust and honor
each other through the good, the bad and the unexpected. This union represents your
commitment to support one another as individual beings but share your joys, sorrows, and
dreams as one. A strong bond works in unison not only to nurture the best parts of your
personalities, but to understand each other’s differences and flaws. You are committing to learn
how to grow alongside one another while remembering to keep an open mind throughout your

When I first met Haley I was working with her and instantly I knew this she would be someone
special in my life. Not too long after I had met her fiance Brantlee and after seeing the love and
support they had for one another. I had realized and soon had the first hand experience of
knowing that this was a couple who had not just truly unconditionally love for one another but
also for those around them. I think everyone in this room today knows the deep love that pours
out from both of these two hearts.
Today, you gain an equal partner that will be your confidant, your defender and your motivator
through all of your aspirations and goals. You will celebrate each accomplishment, provide peace
through every setback and most importantly, give love in life’s both big and little moments.

You are creating a new home where love, trust and loyalty are the foundation. No matter what the
future throws your way, rely on those foundations and you shall only see your bond grow
stronger and your souls grow wiser.

Marriage is not easy, but from what I’ve seen in the two of you, I know your relationship will be
an example to follow. You show care and compassion, you trust one another and most
importantly, you are each other’s best friend.


Now Brantlee and Haley, please join hands and face each other.

Brantlee, do you take Haley to be your wife? I do.

Haley, do you take Brantlee to be your husband? I do.

The couple has chose to write their own vows, Brantlee

[ Brantlee does his Vows]

Thank you, Haley

[ Haley does her Vows]


Your rings represent this promise to one another. The never-ending circle is a symbol of an
infinite, unbreakable love.

Brantlee , take this ring and place it on Haley ‘s finger. Repeat after me:

Haley, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.

Haley, take this ring and place it on Brantlee ‘s finger. Repeat after me:

Brantlee, I give you this ring as a symbol of the promise I made to you today.


Having pledged your love and promise to one another today in front of all of your friends and
family and by the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife.

You may now kiss the bride.

Congratulations! Friends and family, it is my honor to introduce to you: Dr. and Mrs.

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