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1 Psychoportation

Psychoportive Sciences stops paying the maintenance cost, but the

psionidst himself must return via some other
Banishment method: teleportation, probability travel, etc.
Power Score: Int -1 Probability Travel
Initial Cost: 30
Maintenance Cost: lO/round Power Score Int
Range: 5 yards Initial Cost: 20
Preparation Time: 0 Maintenance Cost: 8/hour
Area of Effect: individual Range: unlimited
Prerequisites: teleport Preparation Time: 2
Area of Effect: individual
With this power, the psionidst can teleport Prerequisites: none
a creature against its will to a pocket dimen-
sion and hold it there. The creature being ban- With probability travel, a pshnicist
ished must be extremely close-within 5 verse the astral plane physically as if he’s in as-
yards. The pocket dimension is a featureless tral form. This power has a distinct advantage
area with a benign environment-it may be over magical astral travel. When a wizard uses
hot or cold, dark or I&, but not so much that the astral spell, he forms an astral body, which
it will cause injury. remains connected to his material body by a
Banishment has a boomerang feature. If the silvery cord. In contrast, a psionicist using
psionicist fails to pay the pay the maintenance probability travel never leaves his physical
cost, the banished creature automatically re- form; he brings it along. He has no cord, so,
turns to its original location. The creature can- unlike the wizard, he can never die because his
not reappear in a location that now contains cord has been severed. (On the other hand, he
other matter, however (e.g., to a doorway can still be blown to bits.)
that has been closed, or to a spot that now has The astral plane boasts nothiing that would
a sharp stakes upon it). If this happens, the attract tourists, but its two-dimensional color
creature returns to the nearest open space. In pools serve as highways to the outer planes.
other words, psionicists cannot rely on the These pools, scattered randomly throughout
boomerang feature to kill or harm a creature. the astral plane, provide connections to all
As long as the psionicist pays the mainte- surface layers of the outer planes.
nance cost, the creature will not automatically Travel through the astral plane is speedy: 10
return. If the creature has access to the astral yards per minute per Intelligence point. How-
or ethereal planes, or it can teleport between ever, distance on the astral plane does not
planes, it could try to retum that way. If the equate to distance on other planes. After
banisher is still maintaining the power, how- ld6 +6 hours of travel, the traveler reaches the
ever, a psychic contest takes place. If the color pool he sought. There is a flat 75%
banisher wins, the victim is prevented from re- chance that this pool leads to the exact destina-
kming. tion the character wants. Otherwise, it is at
Power Score-The banished figure cannot least 10 miles off target-maybe more.
leturn of its own accord; it must wait until it is The psioniast can take other persons (as de-
allowed to return. fined by the cham person spell) along on his
20-Both the intended victim and the probability trip. Each passenger costs 12 extra
psionicist are banished to the same place. The PSPs initially, plus 4 extra PSPs per hour, and
lther figure bounces back when the psionicist adds one-half hour to the time needed to find
the correct color pool. Passengers must travel

64 Chapter Six

Dimensional D w c Juan deades not to stay for dinner.

Psych1 lrtation 65

voluntarily; this power cannot drag a charac- psionic power does neither; it merely teleports
ter into the astral plane against his will. something. To be rid of the creature, the
Combat on the astral plane is unusual. The psionicist must banish it, teleport it again, kill
traveler’s physical body cannot affect astral it, or control it somehow. If the creature is in-
bodies in any way. However, psionic powers telligent, the psionicist might reason with it.
do work against the minds of astral travelers. However, the creature is almost certain to fly
Most magical items do not work in the astral into a murderous rage when it discovers its
plane. Magical items which are keyed to a par- plight.
ticular plane do function there, often with en- The psionicist can make the summoned
hanced effect . creature materialize anywhere within 200
If the psionicist simply turns off this power yards of his present position. This is a tremen-
while in the astral plane, he doesn’t leave. In- dous advantage, since the creature, at least ini-
stead, he’s stranded, unable to move except by tially, has no idea who summoned it. Its anger
physically pushing off of solid objects (which is liiely to be vented against the first target it
are extremely rare in the astral plane). He’s finds. However, if the psionicist‘s power check
also stranded if he runs out of PSPs or is result was a 2, this range is reduced to 50
knocked unconscious on the astral plane. The yards. If the result was a 1,the creature pops
only exit from this plane is a color pool. in within 10 yards. Obviously, some risk is in-
If you’d like to learn more about traveling volved.
on the astral plane, see the AD&W handbook The psionicist chooses the plane from which
Manual of the Planes. the creature will come. He does not choose the
Power Score-The color pool is right where creature, however; that’s determined at ran-
the character wants it to be. dom. A creature from one of the elemental
20-The character attracts the attention of planes usually wit1 be an elemental of the ap-
an astral creature, which may or may not be propriate type. A creature from an outer plane
hostile, at the DMs discretion. probably will be a native of that particular
plane, but it could also be a visitor, or even an
Summon Planar Creature adventurer who happened to be in the wrong
place at the right time. In contrast, the astral
Power Score: Int - 4 or ethereal planes are a cornucopia of crea-
Initial Cost: 45/90 tures, frequented by beings of every imagina-
Maintenance Cost: na ble description. In any event, the DM decides
Range: 200 yards which creature is summoned, drawing from
Preparation Time: 12 the monsters for which he has game statistics.
Area of Effect: one creature This book describes some extraplanar crea-
Prerequisites: teleport tures. Many more are covered in the Manual
This science allows the psionicist to reach of the Planes and various Monstrous Compen-
into another plane, grab whatever creature he diums, especially the compendium featuring
happens to find there, and teleport it to his outer planar creatures.
own plane. The victim will be disoriented for It costs 45 PSPs to summon a creature from
one round after amving; as a result, he suffers the astral or ethereal plane. If the psionicist is
a two-point penalty on die rolls for initiative, dipping into an inner or outer plane, the cost
attacks, and saving throws. soars to 90 PSPs.
A magical summons offers some control Power Score-The creature summoned en-
over a planar creature, and usually returns joys this sort of thing and won’t be angry with
that creature to its home automatically. This the psionicist.

2 -The psionicist attracts the attention of
a PO erful, extraplanar creature without sum-
mon it.
uum or is instantly displaced.
Restraints do not affect teleportation. A
character who is tied up, shackled to a wall, or
buried up to his neck can still teleport. The re-
straints remain behind.
Clothing, on the other hand, does accom-
pany a character who teleports. He may also
carry small items in his grasp or wear equip-
ment (e.g., armor) on his person, not exceed-
infinite ing one-fifth of his own body mass. If he
tion Time: 0 doubles the amount of PSPs expended, he can
carry up to three times his body mass, or take
none along one or two other characters on whom he
t is the essential power within this has a firm grasp.
.It allows thepsionicist to teleport to A character can teleport any distance, but
iar spot. The destination must be a as the distance increases, so does the chance of
t the character knows and can picture failure and the cost in PSPs. Ranges, point
costs, and power score modifiers are shown
If the teleportation die roll is a 1 or 2, the
character and anyone else with him are mo-
mentarily disoriented by the jump. They can
do nothing during the round which immedi-
ately follows the teleport. After that, they suf-
fer a 2-point penalty to the following for ld6
or is currently on fire, such rounds: initiative die rolls, psionic power
n't affect the teleport . checks, and attack rolls.
Initial Power Score
For example, if a character tries to Distance Cost Modifier
10 yards 20
100 yards 20 0
1,ooO yards 30 -1
10 miles 40 -2
100 miles 50 -3
1,ooO miles 60 -4
10,000 miles 70 -5
planet to planet* 100 -6
* Players with the SPELLJAMMER"' boxed set
should note that interplanetary teleports are
possible only within the same crystal sphere. It
is impossible to teleport between crystal
spheres or different planes of existence.
Power Score-The PSP cost is reduced by
20 percent, rounded up.
ds, as air rushes into the sudden vac- 20-No effect.

. xtation 67
Teleport Other the physical body. Nearly all astral travelers
have such a cord. It is visible as a translucent
Power Score: Int -2 string which stretches 10 feet from the astral
Initial Cost: 20 + body, and then becomes invisible and intangi-
Maintenance Cost: na ble. If the cord is severed, both bodies die (so
Range: 10 yards does the character). The silvery cord is nearly
Preparation Time: 0 indestructible, however. Usually it can be sev-
Area of Effect: na ered only by the psychic wind at its most pow-
Prerequisites: teleport erful, or by the silver swords of the githyanki.
This power is identical to the one listed di- Since the astral plane is a highway leading
rectly above, except it is used to teleport other to other planes, a character who uses this
characters. The psionicist stays where he is power usually has another destination in
while someone else is teleported. The charac- mind-either a distant point on the prime ma-
ter must be willing to be teleported, or uncon- terial plane or an outerplanar locale. When the
scious. PSP costs and power score traveler reaches his destination, a temporary
modifications are the same as for teleporta- physical body is formed there. This body re-
tion. (In other words, cost and difficulty in- sembles the character’s real body in every re-
crease with distance.) If the psionicist pays spect, and the two are still connected by the
twice the usual PSP cost, he can teleport up to invisible, silvery cord.
three characters, provided they are firmly If either the astral body or the temporary
grasping one another. physical body is killed, the cord returns to the
Power Score-The PSP cost is reduced by real body. This second physical body is not
20 percent, rounded up. formed if the character travels to another loca-
20-All would-be teleporters are seriously tion on the same plane where his real physical
disoriented. They cannot cast spells and suffer body is located. He can view that plane in as-
a -4 penalty on all die rolls for ld4 turns. tral form, but cannot affect it or even enter it
physically, nor can he direct magical or psi-
Psychoportive Devotions onic powers into it.
Magical items can be taken into the astral
Astral Projection plane, but most lose their magical properties
temporarily while in that plane.
Power Score: Int If you‘d l i e more detail on astral travel and
Initial Cost: 6 the astral plane, see the Manual of the Planes,
Maintenance Cost: 2/hour an A D & P game handbook.
Range: na Power Score-The first color pool found is
Preparation Time: 1 precisely where the psionicist wants it.
Area of Effect: personal 20-The psionicist attracts the attention of
Prerequisites: none a powerful creature in the astral plane.
Astral projection is similar to probability
travel, except the traveler is not accompanied
by his physical body. Instead, an astral body is
created. This astral body immediately leaps
into the astral plane. Only creatures or charac-
ters who are also on the astral plane can see it.
A silvery cord connects the astral body to

68 Chapter Six
Dimensional Door tal suffer intense pain. Fools who poke their
head through a portal must make a system
Power Score: Con -1 shock roll; failure means they lose 50% of
Initial Cost: 4 their current hit points and pass out.
Maintenance Cost: 2/round Inanimate objects are not affected by expo-
Range: 50 yards + sure to the dimension’s edge. In fact, a charac-
Preparation Time: 0 ter can throw or fire objects through a portal,
Area of Effect: na and they’ll come out on the other side. Attack-
Prerequisites: none ers suffer a - 4 penalty on their to-hit rolls
Like teleportation, a dimensional door takes against targets on the other side of the dmen-
a character from one location to another. The sion’s edge.
similarity stops there, however. With dimen- Range: The normal range of this power-
sional door, the psionicist opens a man-sized i.e., the maximum distance between the two
portal which leads to the edge of another di- portals-is 50 yards. The distance can be ex-
mension. The edge acts as a lightning-quick tended only with severe reductions to the
transit system, carrying travelers to a destina- character‘s power score, as shown below. In-
tion chosen by the psionicist who uses this creasing the range does not increase the PSP
power. cost, however.
When the psionicist uses this devotion, he Distance Power
creates a door lea+ into the alternate di- Between score
mension. The door is a vaguely outlined por- Doors Modifier
tal, which appears in front of the psionicist. At 50 yards 0
the same time, an identical portal appears 75 yards -2
wherever he wants it, within range (see be- 100 yards -5
low). The door can have whatever orientation 150 yards -8
the psionicist chooses. If someone (including 200 yards -12
the psionicist) steps into either portal, he im-
mediately steps out of the other. Both doors Power Score-Transit does not cause disori-
remain in place for as long as the psionicist entation.
maintains the power. 20-The psionicist is momentarily exposed
The dimension accessed by this power is not to the transit dimension and is disoriented as if
fully understood. Clearly, it has very different he had stepped through the portal.
qualities of time and space, such that motion is
greatly accelerated. For many years this tran- Dimension Walk
sit was thought to be instantaneous, but ardu- Power Score: Con -2
ous experiments by Larue d j a r Azif of Initial Cost: 8
Dhaztanar have proved that a very tiny bit of Maintenance Cost: 4/turn
time does elapse. What this means is still un- Range: na
known. Preparation Time: 2
Travel via this power is disorienting. Pre- Area of Effect: personal
sumably, exposure to the alternate dimension Prerequisites: none
traumatizes the body in some way. As a result,
a traveler is dazed and cannot attack or move With dimension walk, a psionicist can
for one round after stepping through a dimen- travel from place to place in his own dimen-
sional skip portal. Quick transit is advisable. sion by piercing other dimensions at right an-
People who shove only an arm through a por- gles. This has two advantages over a
dimensional door: 1)a dimension walk is not Dream Travel
physically traumatizing and 2) the range of
travel is greater. On the other hand, dimen- Power Score: Wis -4
sion walk only allows the psionicist himself to Initial Cost: 1/25 miles
travel, and he can easily get lost. Maintenance Cost: M
The dimension walker opens up a vaguely Range: 500 miles
shimmering portal. Only the psionidst who Preparation Time 0
opened the portal can enter it. As soon as he Area of Effect: personal
does, the portal closes behind him. He finds Prerequisites: none
himself engulfed by an inky grayness that is Dream travel is a powerful but unreliable
virtually without features. The effect is one of means of getting from here to there. The trav-
extreme sensory deprivation. eler journeys in his dreams, and awakes wher-
The psionicist can travel through this gray ever his nocturnal wandering carried him. The
realm at a speed of 7 leagues (21 miles) per psionicist can even take other characters with
turn. He cannot see where he is or where he’s him, although it’s more difficult than traveling
going while in the realm. He has only his in- alone. (See “Passengers“below.)
stinct to guide him, and must make a Wisdom To use dream travel, the psionicist must be
check every turn. If these checks succeed, hell asleep. Once asleep, he begins fashioning a
find himself at his chosen destination when he dream that involves traveling from his present
steps out of the realm. If any single Wisdom location to his intended destination. At the be-
check fails, however, the character will stray ginning of the journey, the DM secretly makes
off course by several miles. When the walker a power check for the character. If the check
steps out of the gray realm, the DM can place succeeds, the psionidst will reach his destina-
him in any location, within the maximum dis- tion. If the check fails, the character will fall
tance from his starting point (e.g., if the short 10% for each point that the die roll ex-
psionicist walked for 10 rounds, he must be ceeded the power score.
within 21 miles of his origin). It’s up to the If the DM wants, this power check is all
psionicist to figure out his location; this power that‘s required to handle dream travel during a
doesn’t help him gain his bearings. game. However, it’s far more satisfying to ac-
Aside from getting lost, dimension walking tually role-play the dream. The player creates
is completely safe. Apparently anything that the setting and describes his intentions, with
lives in the other dimensions crossed cannot the DM interrupting to change things arbitrar-
interact with dimensional travelers. (Larue ily and throw obstacles in the character‘spath.
djar &if of Dhaztanar postulated that these If the player overcomes the obstacles and
other dimensions teem with life just as much as solves problems inventively, the DM is justi-
our own, but because the traveler is crossing fied in giving a bonus to the character’spower
them “against the grain”, as it were, they do check. If the dream is dull and lifeless, the DM
not register on his senses.) The character can can also penalize the power check.
bring along as much as he can carry, but bugs The DM should remember that this is a
of holding and other dimensional storage de- dream; terrain on the journey may not resem-
vices spill their contents immediately if taken ble actual terrain, the character may be com-
into this space. pletely different, and the world may be
Power Score-The psionicist receives a + 2 completely strange. The length of the dream
bonus when making his Wisdom checks. journey should be approximately the same as
20-Overcome with vertigo, the character the real distance, however, and the final desti-
can do nothing but retch for three rounds. nation should be at least similar to the real des-

70 .Chapter Six
. . .

S+?F -
Dream Travek Five passengers set sail that day for a three-hour tour...

PsvchoDortation 71
tination. Such dream adventures should mini- flexively teleport to a safe location. After
mize combat and maximize problems, puzzles, making a successful power check, the psioni-
and surreal atmosphere. If combat d o g occur,it cist must specify where he intends to go. He
has no effect on the character physically, but if must also defiie very specifically what condi-
he is killed, he wakes up, right where he started. tions will trigger the teleportation. These can
All dream journeys take approximately eight be anything he wants, but the teleport will not
hours to complete, successful or not. be triggered unless he is aware that the condi-
Passengers: The psionicist can bring other tions have been met. A volcanic eruption 500
characters along with him in the dream. His miles away will not trigger teleportation un-
power score is reduced by one for each passen- less the character has some way to know that
ger he carries. Passengers must also be sleep- the volcano is erupting.
ing. A single power check launches everyone For example, here are three typical triggers:
on the dream journey. If the check fails, they being reduced to 10 or fewer hit points, seeing
still attempt the dream journey but fall short a mind flayer, and being attacked by a magic
of their target. The psionicist must pay the missile spell. When such predetermined condi-
PSI' cost of the trip individuallyfor each char- tions are fulfilled, the character instantly tele-
acter accompanying him in the dream. ports to the programmed location.
Intelligent animals can also be drawn into When the teleport is triggered, the character
the dream, but normal animals (horses, dogs, must have enough PSPs remaining to teleport
falcons, whatever) are very difficult to bring to that location, because he pays the cost just
along. The psionicist must make a separate as if he were performing a normal teleport.
power check to draw in each animal and his (See "teleport.") He must also make a teleport
power score is halved, rounded down, when power check, with penalties based on the dis-
making this check. tance traveled. If this power check fails, so
When the dream travelers reach their desti- does the programmed teleport.
nation, they awaken. In the place where they No PSPs are spent when the trigger is de-
lay sleeping, their bodies and any equipment fined, but the character spends two points per
carried or worn fades away. At the same time, hour from that time just to maintain the trig-
they fade into being at their new location, still ger. The trigger remains in effect until the
in sleeping posture, but fully awake. character stops paying the maintenance cost.
Power Score-No additional effect. Power Score-The character can ignore
20-The dream is nightmarish. The psioni- power score penalties for distance.
cist must save vs. paralyzation or appear dead 20-No other effect.
until violently struck.
Time Shift
Teleport Trigger Power Score: Int
Power Score: Int +1 Initial Cost: 16
Initial Cost: 0 Maintenance Cost: na
Maintenance Cost: 2/hour Range: 0
Range: infinite Preparation Time: 0
Preparation Time: 0 Area of Effect: personal
Area of Effect: personal Prerequisites: teleport
Prerequisites: teleport Time shiftiig allows the psionicist to travel
A telepprt trigger is a programmed event up to three rounds into the future and observe
which causes the psionicist to instantly and re- things until time catches up with him. He sees

72 Chapter Six
everything frozen around him just as it will be Psionic Power
when that moment in the future actually ar- Time Strength Score
rives. Shifted cost Modifier
The psionicist enters a different reality when 1round 3 0
he u s e this power. No one in the "still life" that 2 rounds 6 -2
surrounds him can see or detect him in any 3 rounds 12 -6
way. He can move freely through the environ- Power Score-No other effect.
ment, putting himself wherever he wants to be 20-The psionicist is disoriented, and suf-
when he returns to normal time. But he cannot fers a -2 penalty on all die rolls for as many
affect anything around him,nor can anything rounds as he intended to shift.
affect him. Even two time-shifted characters
are cQmpletelyinvisible to each other. To the
people in real time, the character simply van- TimeISpace Anchor
ishes and then reappears sometime later. Power Score: lnt
The character does not exist for any normal Initial Cost: 5
game purpose during the period when he is Maintenance Cost: l/round
time shifted. If, for example, a fireball spell Range: 0
detonates in the room while the character is Preparation Time: 0
time shifted, the character is completely pro- Area of Effect: 3 yards
tected against its effects. In fact, unless the Prerequisites: none
blast leaves visible effects (charred walls or
This power protects psionicists against un-
corpses or sulfurous fumes), the character
wanted teleportation. When a time/space an-
won't even know it happened. He sees none of chor is in effect, the psionicist cannot be
the intervening events. teleported against his will unless he loses a
This power cannot help a character escape
psychic contest.
contact, however. If someone has established Anyone and anythm else inside the &yard
contact or tangents (see Chapter 2) with the radius is also protected using the psionicist's
time shifter-and continues paying their power score. Items are protected automati-
maintenance cost-then the tangents or con- cally, but living creatures or characters are
tact will still be in effect when the character re- protected only if the psionicist wants them to
turns to normal time. be. Each additional creature protected costs
Time shifting offers an obvious advantage another PSP per round. This power cannot
in combat. A psionicist can leap one round prevent someone from teleporting himself
into the future and maneuver into position for away; it only prevents teleporting from an
an attack. In that case, the shifter receives a outside source.
+4 bonus to his attack roll. With enough Power Score-The psionicist receives a + 2
time, he could even escape. bonus in any resulting psychic contests.
How long does a time shift last? If the 20-The psionicist is rooted to the spot for
psionicist travels one round forward, then he ld6 rounds. During that time his AC is penal-
has one round in which to maneuver. If he ized 5 points.
travels two rounds forward, then it takes two
rounds for reality to catch up. Three rounds is
the limit. The farther (or longer) the trip, the
more difficult it is to make, as shown in the ta-
ble below.

Psychoportation 73

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