Metapsionic Psicards

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Metapsionic Sciences A !

Appraise FUwa oLure: WE -4
Initial Cost: 10
Power Score: Int -4 Maintenancecost: M
Initial Cost: 14 Range: touch
Maintenance Cost: M Preparation Time: 5
Range: 0 Area of Heck individual
Preparation Time: 0 Prerequisites: psychic surgery,
Area of Effect: personal 5th level
Prerequisites: none
With aura alteration, a psionicist can tem-
With this power, a psionicist can determine porarily disguise a person's a l i i e n t , dis-
the likelihood that a specific course of action guise his level, or remove aura afflictions like
will succeed. He focuses on a course of action curses, geases, and quests.
and examines the possibilities. He assigns Disguisiia character's alignment or level is
probabilities. Then he mentally processes the easiest to do. The disguise is temporary,
enormous calculations to amve at an overall lasting only 1-6 hours. It has no effect on the
probability of success. character's real a l i i e n t or class, but a
In game play, the character must first pass a psionicist with aura sight will be fooled by the
power check. If he does, the DM must reveal fake aura.
the percentage chance for the plan or action's Because curses, geases, and quests are im-
success. Exact odds may be difficult or impos- printed on the character's aura, they can be re-
sible to determine, but the DM should provide moved with this power. A psionicist who tries
his most accurate, honest appraisal. this suffers a -6 penalty to his power score
No one, not even a psionicist, can foresee and must expend 20 PSPs instead of 10. If the
the future with assured accuracy. Like precog- die roll is 1,the psionicist's patient must make
nition, the success of this power depends on a saving throw vs. spells to avoid losing one
how closely the characters adhere to their experience level. (A slip of the psychic scalpel
plans. Do they act as they intended? React as can close off vital parts of the brain.)
they intended? What factors did they fail to Power Score-No other effect.
foresee? Every deviation steers events away 20-The full PSP cost of the power must be
from the predicted path. If this power is used, paid despite the lack of success, and this
the DM should give the best answer he can, psionicist cannot alter thiis aura until he
based on information the characters have. achieves a higher experience level.
Factors they don't know about, and therefore
can't take into account while forming a plan, Empower
can change things dramatically.
Power Score-The player is allowed to re- Power Score: Wis -12
roll any three die rolls to help make his charac- Initial cost: Varies
ter's forecast more accurate. Maintenance Cost: na
20-The psionicist can't use this power suc- Range: touch
cessfully again for ld4 days. PreparationTme: 0
Area of Hect: 1item
Prerequisites: 10th level
This is not a tool for weak or inexperienced
characters. Empower allows a psionicist to im-
bue an item with rudimentary intelligence and it, the psionicist can seal those powers within
psionic ability. The process, which requires ex- the item. To do this, he must prepare the item
traodinary time and effort, is described below. one more time (expending50 PSPs), and make
Item Requirements. An item must meet two an endowment power check one last time. If
requirements before it can be empowered. the item is sealed successfully, it can never gain
First, it must be of exceptional quality-worth any additional powers-but it can't lose them,
250% to 500% of the normal cost for an item either. An item that has not been sealed will
of its type. Second, it must be new. The proc- lose one power per month until it is just a nor-
ess of empowering must begin within 48 hours mal object again.
after the item is manufactured. If it is delayed An empowered object has 8 PSPs per devo-
longer, the item cannot be empowered. (If the tion and 12 per science. It has Intelligence equal
psionicist still tries, he automatically fails Step to its maker's Intelligence minus Id6 points,
One below, expending 50 PSPs.) If the item with a minimum of 12.Its ego is 2 points per de-
meets these two requirements, the psionicist votion and 3 points per science. Unless it was
can begin the empowerment. empowered with another telepathic power, it
Step One. At the start of each day, the communicates as indicated on Table 113,
psionicist must first prepare the item to receive 'Weapon Intelligence and Capabilities" in the
psionic power. This costs 50 PSPs and requires Dungeon Master's Guide (p. 186, A & P 2nd
a power check. If this check fails, the day is Edition). Its alignment matches its ueator's.
wasted; no further progress can be made until The weapon has its own personality, however,
the next day. and likeall intelligent weapons, it will try to as-
Step Two. If the item has been prepared, the sert its independence at every opportunity.
psionicist can give it access to a discipline. It The empowering process must be unbro-
can have access to only one discipline, never ken. If a day passes in which the psionicist
more, and the psionicist himself must have ac- does not at feast try to prepare the object, it is
cess to it. This step costs 100PSPs and requires finished as is. He cannot even try to seal the
a power check. powers; they will wear off over the course of
Step Three. The psionicist can attempt to time.
empower the item with any single power he Power Score-No other effect.
knows within the chosen discipline. (The item 20-If three 20's are rolled during the em-
must have been properly prepared on the same powering process, the item is a complete and
day.) The psionicist must make two successful utter failure.
power checks: first, a check for the chosen
power (using the appropriate power score), Psychic Clone
and second, another empower check. If both
checks succeed, the item has that psionic Power Score: Wis - 8
power, with a score two points below the Initial Cost: 50
psionicist's. If Step Three is successful, the Maintenance Cost: 5/round
psionicist expends another 100 PSPs. (Failure Range: 60 feet
means he expends half that amount, as usual.) Preparation Time: 10 rounds
Step Four. The psionicist can imbue the item Area of Effect: special
with other powers by repeating Step Three. The Prerequisites: dairaudience,
item can acquire one power per day, provided it dairvoyance, psychic
has been properly prepared (see Step One). messenger, 5th level
Step Five. When the item has acquired all When this power is initiated, a clone of the
the powers which the psionicist intends to give psionicist steps out of his body. It is in every

94 Chapter Eight
way identical to the original form, except that self if need be, though his paver smre is re-
it has no substance. The psioniast can see and duced by 5 k~this case. Phobias, aversions,
hear what the clone sees and hears. The clone idiocy, comas, seizures-all these psychic ail-
will do anything the psionicist wants it to (as if ments can be treated and eared, as well as
it wete actually him). Furthermore, the psioni- several others. Curses or ions-
cist's psyche goes with the clone, thus enabling such as geases and ch cured.
it to perform all of his psionic powers. This power cannot awe possassian, either.
This power has a serious drawback. As long However, psychic s u r g q c m fMfirm that
as the clone exists, the psionicist himself is the problem reaUy is possession, and caw force
practically a turnip. He retains only three the possessing entity into psianic conrbat if the
senses: smell, taste, and touch. He cannot surgeon desires. This may be risky, since mea-
move, see, or hear. AU his psionic powers are hws capable of possession are o h quite
transferred to the clone. In effect, the immo- powerful and the psioni
bile character is no longer a psionicist; not their power beforehand
even psionic sense will reveal his true nature. psychic surgery could cure
He can be slain without any combat rolls if an rectly by forcing a psionidly weak entiw to
opponent wishes to do so. flee rather than face combat.
The clone can travel up to 60 feet from the Most psychic d m e n k can be cured in one
psioqicist. It can go anywhere the psionicist tum or less. However, if the psicmkist's power
himsplf could go. For example, it can walk check result equals 1 or 2, the p d k m is par-
down a corridor, walk across acid (the clone ticularly tricky and requires d
has no substance and cannot be hurt), and repair. If the power check fads, the
swim (provided the psionicist can). Because too great for the psionicist to fix.
the psionicist could walk through an unlocked again afier gaining another &ce level.
door, so can the clone-although the clone Special Operations: Psychic surgery has
passes through l i e a ghost. However, a clone two special uses. First, the smgeup can use rhis
cannot travel through walls or walk on water, power to help nonpsiordcists &ash
because the psionicist could not either. wild powers. If the psionkist pdorms
The clone is impervious to all forms of at- kind of operation
tack and damage except psionic or mental at- gains a -2 bonus to his
tack (which will affect the psionicist). Chapter 1.)
Power Score-The clone can travel through The second operation can heffeck of
walls and other solid objects. any power in the telepathy
20-No other effect. nent with no maintenance CQ
rarely grateful, because the
Psychic Surgery stowed on the subject, only
Power Score: Wis -5 or fate-linked, for example. The fdiowjng re-
Initial Cost: contact strictions apply:
Maintenance Cost: lO/turn
Range: touch 1) The power must be m le (i.e., it
Preparation Time: 10 must have a maintenance cost).
Area of Effect: individual 2) The power must have a range of other
Prerequisite: telepathy, contact than zero.
3) The surgeon m&t know the power and
Psychic surgery allows a telepath to repair use it successfully on the patient.
psychic damage. He can even operate on him-

Metapsionics 95
4) A psionicist cannot use this type of sur- independently and retains control of the body.
gery on himself or on another psionicist. Before he attempts to make his personality
If he tries, nothing happens. whole again, the psionicist must make a sav-
5) At most, only one power can made per- ing throw vs. paralyzation if any of the fol-
manent per turn. If the result of the lowing is true 1)he does not control both
power check is 1 or 2, the procedure portions of his mind, 2) he has unrepaired psy-
takes two turns instead of one. chic damage, or 3) is suffering unwanted con-
This procedure can also be reversed; i.e., tact. A successful save means that his mind
psychic surgery can be used to remove a per- returns to complete health and throws off all
manently implanted telepathic effect. undesired influences. Failure means that
Power Score-The surgery takes only 5 afflicted portion of his mind becomes do
rounds per ”implanted” power. nant and he passes out for ld6 turns, but r
20-The surgeon cannot use this power suc- gains consciousness free of undesir
cessfully again for ld4 days. influences.
Power Score--The mind splits into thr
Split Personality parts instead of two.
20-The character passes out for ld6 t
Power Score: Wis -5
Initial Cost: 40
Maintenance Cost: 6/round Ultrablast
Range: 0 Power Score: wis -10
Preparation Time: 1 Initial cost: 75
Area of Effect: personal Maintenance Cost: 0
Prerequisites: psychic surgery, Range: 0
10th level Preparation Time: 3
This is not a psychosis; it’s the power to di- Area of Effect: 50‘radius
vide one’s mind into two independent parts. Prerequisites: 10th level
Each part functions in complete autonomy, A character using psionic ultrablast can
like two characters in one body, Both parts overwhelm and damage nearby psyches.
communicate fully. Both can use psionic do this, he casts thought waves in all dire
powers, even at the same time. That means a tions. In laymen’s terms, the psionicist ”
split personality can use twice as many psionic bles” psychically for three rounds. Th
powers per round. (The character’s total num- consciousness bursts forth and a horrid, psy-
ber of PSPs remains the same, however, with chic scream penetrates all minds within 50
both personalities drawing from it.) Alter- feet. Victims may never be the same again.
nately, one personality can use psionic powers All characters within 50 feet of the psionic
while the other does something else-e.g., ultrablast must save vs. paralyzation. Failure
converse, ponder a puzzle, or control the body means they pass out for 2d6 turns. Those who
in melee. Thus, split personality allows a char- pass out must immediately save vs. paralyza-
acter to fight physically and psionically at the tion again. If they fail a second time, they lose
same time. all psionic power. Only psychic surgery c
Mental attacks directed against the psioni- help them recover.this loss.
cist affect only half of the mind. Contact must Although the blast does not affect the initi
be established separately with each half. If one tor, therisksaregreat. Ifthepowercheckfa
half is destroyed, controlled, or subdued he becomes comatose for Idlo days. So
somehow, the other half can continue fighting characters may think he‘s dead.
Power Score-Creatures of 3 hit dice or less Convergence
die if they fail their save.
20-The initiator must save vs. paralyza- Power score: Wis
tion or die. If he lives, he loses the use of all his Initial cost: 8
psionic powers for 2d6 days. Maintenance Cost: 0
Preparation Time: 1
Metapsionic Devotions Area of Effect:
Cannibalize Prerequisites:
Power Score: Con
Initial Cost: 0 When psioniasts put their heads together,
Maintenance Cost: M me results can be impressive. Convergence al-
Range: 0 lows psionicists to link their minds into one
Preparation Time: 0 synergetic beii-an entity more powerful
Area of Effect: personal than the sum of the individual parts.
Prerequisites: 5th level There is no limit to the number of psionicists
who join minds. Each participating psionicist
This power allows the character to canni- must know the convergence power, however,
balize his own body for extra PSPs. When it is and each must make a succedul power check
used, the character can take any number of in the same round. Then they are linked. All
Constitution points and convert them directly their PSPs flow into a single pool, from which
to PSPs at a ratio of 1:s. (One Constitution each draws his strength. If one participant
point becomes e& psionic strength points.) knows a power, now anyone in the group can
The psionicist can use these points anytime, as use it.
if they were part of his total. Each participant can use psionic powers at
The Constitution reduction is not perma- the normal rate per turn:one defense and one
nent, but it is debilitating and long-lasting. other power per round. If the group is at-
The character immediately loses bonus hit tacked psionicdy, the attack must overcome
points. His system shock and resurrection sur- every working defense. If it does, the attack
vival chances are reduced. Most importantly, affects every character in the convergence, or
all of his psionic power scores which are based as many as possible.
on Constitution are reduced by the appropri- When the convergence is discontinued,
ate amount. PSPs that remain in the pool are evenly di-
A psionicist can recover one cannibalized vided amongall the participants. Fractions are
point of Constitution per week of rest. Rest rounded down, and no individual can exceed
means staying quietly at home (safely in- his usual maximum (extra points are lost).
doors). Adventuring is not allowed. Power Score-No other effect.
Power Score-The psionicist gains 8 PSPs 2O-The participant loses Id20 PSPs.
without reducing his Constitution.
20-The character loses ld4 Constitution
points, but can regain them by resting.

_ Ii i

Metapsionics 97
Enhancement dde to do so (no power check is required).
Otherwise, the girding remains in place until
Power Score: Wis -3 the psionicist runs out of PSPs. That means a
initial Cost: 30 psionicist who's unconscious or sleeping could
Maintenance Cost: 8/round awaken to find all his psionic strength girded
Range: 0 away. If the psionicist wishes to reestablish a
Preparation Time: 5 gird that he discontinued, he must make a new
4rea of Effect: personal power check.
Prerequisites: 6th level Power Score-No other effect.
20-The gird attempt disrupts the power.
This power yields the same results as the
Meditative Focus proficiency, in less time. Intensify
When a psionicist learns this power, he selects
one discipline to enhance. As long as he main- Power Score: Affected - 3
tains the enhancement power, all of his power Initial Cost: Wincrease
scores within the chosen discipline are in- Maintenance Cost: l/round
creased by two. At the same time, all other Range: 0
Jower scores are reduced by one. Preparation Time: Wincrease
Power Score-Other scores are not re- Area of Effect: wrsonal
ked. Prerequisites: rd level
20-All power scores in the chosen disci-
pline are reduced by one for 24 hours. Intensify allows the psionicist to improve
either his Constitution, his Intelligence, or his
Gird Wisdom for psionic applications. To improve
one-for psionic purposes only-he -must
Power Score: Int -3 weaken the other two-for all purposes. Each
Initial Cost: 0 point of increase in the targeted ability de-
Maintenance Cost: 2 x maintenance creases the other two abilities by the same
Range: 0 amount. In addition, each point of incre
Preparation Time: 0 costs 5 PSPs.
Area of Effect: personal For example, Zenita is a psionidst with C
Prerequisites: 3rd level 15,Int 16, and Wis 17. She.wantsto intensify
her Intelliienceby 4 points. To do so, she must
Each time a psionicist girds another power, spend 20 PSPs initially (5 PSPs for each bonus
he can maintain that power automatically- point of Intelligence). Her Intelligence is raised
i.e., without mental concentration. Thus, a 4 points to 20. Meanwhile, her Constitution
psionicist who is maintaining only girded and Wisdom scores drop 4 points (to 11and
powers can sleep without disrupting those 13, respectively). The increase in Intelligence
powers. affects psionic powers only. The drop in Con-
To use gird, the psionicist must first initiate stitution and Wisdom affects everything appli-
and maintain the power he intends to affect. cable except psionic strength points: psionic
Then he must make a girding power check. If power scores, hps, system shock rolls, saving
he succeeds, he automatically pays twice the throws, spell bonuses, spell failure, etc.
normal maintenance cost for the girded A psionicist can raise an ability score to a
power-or a minimum of 1PSP per hour. To maximum of 25, provided he has enough PSPs
remove the girdmg, he must consciously de- and no other score is reduced below zero.

98 Chapter Eight

Power Score-The character's ability is Martlal Trance

raised to the level he intended, but the cost of
this power is reduced to 3 PSPs per increased Power Score: Wis -3
point. Initial Cost: 7
20-The psionicist must make a system Maintenance Cost: 0 (free
shock roll or the ability he intended to boost Range:
decreases by 1point for 24 hours. Preparation Time: 1
Area of Effect:
In some situations, the psionicis
Power Score: Wis -5 useful to enter a trance before engaging in psi-
Initial Cost: 25 X magnification onic combat. This trance focuses the charac-
Maintenance Cost: magnification/round ter's complete attention on his psionic activity
Range: 0 and tunes out all other distractions. While in
Preparation Time: 5 the trance, he gains a + 1bonus on all o
Area of Effect: personal Telepathy scores (all powers in the discipl
Prerequisites: 6th level The martial trance ends whenever the c
acter chooses to end it. It is not deep; the char-
Magnify allows the psionicist to magnify acter is brought out of it by any blow, shake,
the effects of another power in all conceivable or slap. His attention is completely occupied,
ways-e.g., double damage, double range, so any melee attack against him hits automati-
double modifiers, and so on. However, the af- cally and causes maximum damage.
fected power's initial cost is proportionately Power Score-He manages to maintain
magnified, as is its maintenance cost. enough awareness to dodge melee attacks.
The psionicist initiates the magnify power 20-No other effect.
first. At the same time, he must designate
which power he intends to improve. Unless he Prolong
maintains the magnification, he must immedi- Power Score: Con -4
ately use the power he wishes to improve (in Initial cost: 5
the same round). Otherwise he can maintain Maintmance Cost: t/round
the magnification until he uses the affected Range: 0
power (a costly endeavor). Once the power Preparation Time: 0
has been performed, magnify must be reini- Area of Effect: personal
tiated to perform again. Prerequisite: 4th level
The amount of magNfication depends upon P
the psionicist's level, as follows: When this power is in effect, the range of all
powers is in& by 50%,as is the radius of
their areas of effect. This has no effect on powers
Levels 6-10 x2 I

Levels 11-15 x3 ' with a range of zero or individual, nor does it al-
Levels 16-20 x4 ter personal, or singleitem areas of effect. It
does alter powers that affect a quantity of stuff;
Power Score-The magnification factor is prolonged disintegration, for example, destroys
one greater, with no additional cost. up to 12 cubic feet of material instead of 8.
20-The affected power becomes inopera- Power Score-The increase is 100%.
20-All rangedareas of effect are halved
tive for a day.
for ld4 hot&..

100 Chapter Eight

activity, even if it is only to maintain a power.
Use of the mind blank power is psionic activ-
Power Score: wis -5 ity, too, even though it expends no PSPs.
When the character makes his first success-
Maintenance Cost: 3/round ful power check, he learns whether or not
someone-or something-is psionically active
Preparation Time: 1 within range. If the psionicist makes a another
Area of Effect: 100-foot radius successful power check in the following
Prerequisites: 3rd level round, he also learns 1)how many PSPs are
being spent, and 2) where the psionic activity
When a psionicist invokes this power, he is occuring (direction and distance). If psionic
sends out a powerful ring of psionic noise (ex- activity is occurring in more than one place,
tending to 100 feet). All psionic activitywithin the psionicist gets a fix on all of it within 200
this area requires twice the normal initial cost yards.
and maintenance. The initiating psionicist is Power Score-Second-round information is
not affected; the noise actually begins about gained in the first round.
an inch beyond his aura, creating a bubble of 20-This power cannot be used effectively
relative quiet around him. for one turn.
Other psionicists in the area of effect will
not realize anything is wrong until they have
actually used a power. If they are maintaining
Psychic Drain
a power, they discover the inflated rate after
Power Score: WE -6
paying twice the normal maintenance cost.
If two psionicists initiate psionic inflation in Initial cost: lO/person + contact
Maintenance Cost: none
the same area, the psionicists must conduct a
Range: 30 yards
psychic contest. The loser’s psionic inflation
Preparation Time: 0
ceases. If both characters fail, then both cease
their power maintenance. Reroll ties. Area of Effect: up to 6 minds
Prerequisites: telepathy, contact,
Power Score-All psionic activity within
6th level
the area requires three times the n o d initial
cost and maintenance. Psychic drain enables the psionicist to tap
20-The psionicist cannot recover PSPs for
into the personal, psychic energy of other pea-
two hours.
ple to augment his own psionic strength. Up to
six people can be tapped at one time.
Psionic Sense Each subject, who is often called a host,
must first be asleep. Next, the psionicist must
Power Score: Wis -3 make contact with the person’s mind. Then he
Initial Cost: 4 expends another 10 PSPs and makes a psychic
Maintenance Cost: I/round drain power check. If he succeeds, the host
Range: 0 falls into a trance which lasts 4-9 (ld6+3)
Preparation Time: 0 hours. The character can be awakened with
Area of Effect: 200-yard radius some difficulty before then, but he‘ll be groggy
Prerequisites: telepathy and disoriented for another hour.
With psionic sense, a character can detect While the host is in the trance, the psionicist
psionic activity anywhere within 200 yards. can siphon psychic energy. Just as a vampire
Any expenditure of PSPs constitutes psionic draws blood to grow strong, the psionicist

Metapsionics 101
drains Wisdom, Intelligence, and Constitution Receptacle
points. He can drain as much as he desires. For
every ability point the psionicist drains, he Power Score: Wis -5
gains 10 PSPs. Initial Cost: 0
Any PSPs gained cannot be banked (added Maintenance Cost: 0
to the psionicist's total). They cannot be si- Range touch
phoned any faster than they are used. In other Preparation Time 1round/point
words, when the psionicist expends PSPs, he Area of Effect: one item
automatically draws these points from his Prerequisites: empower or valuable
host(s)-unless he specifies otherwise. The gem
psionicist must remain withii range of the en- This power allows a psionicist to store psi-
tranced characters in order to draw strength onic energy in a special receptacle. The psioni-
points from them. cist can draw upon the energy later to fuel his
If he exercises moderation, the psionicist other psionic powers. He cannot use these
does not harm his hosts. A host only begins to points when his total pool of psionic strength
suffer ill effects when he loses more than 50% is at its maximum. However, he can keep the
of his psionic potential. (Potential equals Wis- stored PSPs on hand until he's running low on
'dom, Intelligence, and Constitution com- psionic energy, and then use them immedi-
bined, minus 30 points. See "Psionic Strength ately. (It's like storing a pint of your own blood
Points" in Chapter 1.)The table below shows at a hospital. With a little time, your body re-
the effects of excessive depletion. Psychic sur- places the pint. Later, if you should lose blood
gery can correct these problems. in an accident or operation, you can use the
stored blood to recover the loss quickly.)
Before powers can be stored, a receptacle
Potential must be prepared. Two types of containers are
Lost Effect on host appropriate: a vessel prepared with empower
51-60% Temporary amnesia (2-12weeks) (a metapsionic science), or a valuable gem that
61-70% Permanent amnesia has been specially prepared using the recepta-
71-80% Intelligence reduced to 4 cle power.
81-90% Intelligence reduced to 4; put in Empowered Vessel. Any vessel can serve as
coma for 1-12days, must make a receptacle for psionic energy if it is empow-
system shock roll every day or ered first. The psionicist must perform the ini-
die tial preparation and fiial sealing described
91-100% Save vs. death or die; if subject earlier under "empower." He does not do any-
lives, Intelligence, Wisdom, and thing further; the vessel needs no additional
Constitution each reduced to 3, powers. It can hold PSPs equal to his psionic
permanently potential, multiplied by his experience level.
Valuable Gem. A gem can hold 1PSP for
Power Score-The psionicist does not harm every 100 gold pieces of its worth, rounded
the subject(s) this time, regardless of how down. For example, a gem worth 650 gold
much he drains. pieces can hold 6 PSPs, and a gem worth 1,000
20-Contact broken. gold pieces can hold 10 PSPs. The gem still re-
quires preparation, however. To do this, the
psionicist must slowly fill the gem with
PSPs-1 per turn-until the gem reaches max-
imum capacity (Vim of its value). The psioni-

1 ht
cate memories that have been loosed from
When the task is complete, the psionicist must other minds. A psionicist must join at least
make a power check. If he fails, only one-half two other psionicists in a convergence before
of the gem‘s capacity is useable. he can use this power. He-or one of the other
Storing Points. Using his receptacle power, participants in the convergence-then poses a
he can automatically place 1 PSP into a prop- question regarding a specific event in the past.
erly prepared container per round. When he is To find the answer, the psionicist must make a
finished, the psionicist must make a receptacle successful power check.
power check. If it succeeds, all is well; if it When retrospection succeeds, th
fails, only half the points he expended are ters tap into a universal, pervasive
stored in the receptacle, while the rest are They have access to any informatio
merely spent. existed in anyone’s memory regarding the
Using Stored Points. The psionicist can re- dent they are investigating. The amount o
trieve stored points automatically. The recep- tail that comes to mind depends on pow
tacle must be in contact with his flesh. He can check results:
never retrieve more points than the receptacle 1 extremely vague and fragmentary
currently holds, nor can he retrieve so many 2 vague or incomplete
that it raises his current psionic point total
3-5 complete but not very specific
above his maximum. N o matter how many re-
6 + reasonably complete and specific
ceptacles he has, a psionicist can never store
more PSPs than his maximum total. (For ex- Memories bear the mark of the personaliti
ample, if his usual maximum is 100 PSPs, he who created them. The DM should role-play
can store no more than 100.) Only the psioni- the memories accordmgly, not just recite infor-
cist who placed the points in the item can use mation. If the psionicists’ alignments differ
them. significantly from the memories’ alignments,
The danger of this power is receptacle loss. reaction rolls are in order. Memories can be
If the receptacle is damaged or destroyed, its polite and helpful, or they can be cantanker-
contents (PSPs) are instantly subtracted from ous and downright rude. Memories which
the psionicist’s total possible points. This loss have lain undisturbed for centuries may be an-
is temporary, but until the psionicist is once gered by the intrusion, or they may be de-
again back up to his full PSP score he recovers lighted for the chance to air themselves out
PSPs only half as fast as normal. and bring the truth to light.
Power Score-No other effect. Power Score-No other effect.
20-No other effect. 20-No other effect.

Retrospection Splice
Power Score: Wis - 4 Power Score: Int - ( 2 x # spliced)
Initial Cost: 120 Initial Cost: 5 x # spliced
Maintenance Cost: na Maintenance Cost: # spliced/round
Range: 0 .Range: 0
Preparation Time: 10 Preparation Time: # spliced
Area of Effect: persona1 Area of Effect: personal
Prerequisites: convergence, 7th level Prerequisites: 2 + level (see below)
Retrospection is a kind of psionic seance. It Splicing psionic powers is tremendous
allows psionicists to delve into the past and lo- useful. In effect, the psionicist is splicing t
gether two or more separate powers into one for every power he attempts to splice. That
psionic release. This is very difficult, however, means a character who attempts a five-power
and it requires great precision. The more splice has a score of Int -10.
powers the psionicist attempts to splice, the Many psionicists use splice to combine just
more likely he is to fail. two powers: contact, and another power that
First, the character must make a successful requires contact. This is the most common
splice check. His power score is decreased 2 combination.
points for each power being spliced. For exam- Power Score-The character receives a +2
ple, if he is splicing two powers, his score bonus on power checks when unleashing the
equals Intelligence -4. The initial cost of this spliced powers.
endeavor is 5 PSPs for every power being 20-No other effect.
If the character passes this first power Stasis Field
check, he must then initiate each spliced
power in succession-without interruption. Power Score: Con -3
He does not have to make a separate splicing Initial cost: 20
check for each of these powers, but he still Maintenance Cost: 20/round or l/round
pays their initial costs. Furthermore, each Range: 0
spliced power has absolutely no effect at this Preparation Time: 3
time. Area of Effect: max. 1 yard/level
Once all the powers have been initiated, the Prerequisites: 8th level
psionicist must make a second splice check.
(His power score is still reduced two points for A stasis field is a region in which time slows
each power being spliced.) If he fails this to a crawl and energy is reduced to a meaning-
check, all his efforts are lost; the PSPs he spent less fizzle. When created, the stasis field sur-
are gone, and none of the powers works. If the rounds the psionicist l i e a bubble. It can have
power check succeeds, the psionicist can any radius he desires, up to a maximum of 1
maintain the splice by expending 1 PSP per yard per each level of his experience. For ex-
spliced power per round. ample, a 10th level psionicist can create a field
At any later time (during which the splice with up to a 10-yard radius.
has been maintained), the psionicist can un- From the outside, the stasis field looks like a
leash the spliced series of powers. In effect, he sliitly shimmering, completely smooth silver
performs all of the spliced powers simultane- globe. When something presses against the
ously-or with split second separations if de- edge, it gives slight resistance, but the object
sired. Success is not automatic. The psionicist passes through.
must perform the individual power checks for Inside the field, all is murky and dim. Light
these spliced powers when he releases them. filters through from the outside, but it turns
He does not have to pay their initial costs gray. A light source inside is only about one-
again, however. fourth as bright as usual.
The maximum number of powers that a Time is 60 times slower in a stasis field. That
psionicist can splice equals his experience is, for every round (or minute) that passes in-
level. For example, a 2nd level psionicist can side, an hour elapses outside. (This dilation is
splice up to two powers, and a 3rdlevel psioni- not apparent to those inside the field, how-
cist can splice up to three. A complex splice is a ever.) Each round the psionicist spends inside,
long shot at best, however. As noted above, a he must pay 20 points to maintain the stasis
psionicist’s power score decreases two points field.

Energy and motion also change inside a sta- undead, and others as noted in the Monstrou
sis field. Energy magicks-e.g., fireball, magic Compendium. It specifically excludes
missile, cone of cold, and flumestrike-have demigods, and avatars. When such a cr
no effect; the spells appear and then fizzle in is wrenched, it is forced entirely into one p
midair. Movement is slowed down visibly, or the other, at the psionicist's option.
and swift objects are affected more than slow If the creature is forced out of the Prime
objects. Character and creature movement terial plane, it is trapped in the other plan
rates are halved. A dagger can easily be 2d6 turns. It can return to the Prime Materi
pushed through someone, but a lightninglike when that time has elapsed.
slash with a sword is slowed to a graceful arc, If the creature is wrenched entirely into th
almost like slow motion. A missile weapon is Prime Material plane, it is trapped only
useless; the missile drifts lazily through the air, long as the psionicist continues paying t
only to bounce off an unwary target or be maintenance cost. As soon as he stops, t
dodged by a target who's looking. creature's dual existence is immediately r
If the psionicist keeps the stasis field cen- tablished.
tered on himself, it moves with him. He can Except where contradicted by the Mo
transfer the focal point of the field to anything strous Compendium, a creature wrenche
he touches, however. Then he can move freely onto the Prime Material plane suffers any
within the field, or even leave it. If he does all of the following effects, at the DMs optio
leave the field, the cost to maintain it is re-
duced to 1 point per round. (From one per- Its armor class is penalized Id6 points.
spective, this is actually an increase in cost, Undead lose the ability to drain life en-
since it equals 60 points for every round which ergy.
passes inside. Remember, one hour outside - -~lusesreauired to hit the crea-
equals one round inside.) While outside the ture are reduced by 1.
field, the psionicist can roam up to 100 yards The creature is killed permanently if
from it and still maintain the field. However, loses all of its hit points.
he cannot move the field from the outside. To
move it again, he must re-enter it. The DM should impose any other penalti
Power Score-No other effect. which seem appropriate, considering the crea-
20-The psionicist pays the full initial PSP ture and the other plane invol
cost. Power Score-The crea
dazed. It has a -2 initiativep
Wrench ubsequent round.
20-No other effect.
Power Score: Wis -4
Initial Cost: 15
Maintenance Cost: 8/round
Range: 30 yards
Preparation Time: 0
Area of Effect: 1 undead
Prerequisites: none

This power affects only creatures which ex-

ist simultaneously on the Prime Material and
another plane of existence. This includes most

Metapsionics 105

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