The Unstoppable Trillion Dollar Tsunami

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Table of Contents

How to Profit With Green Energy: Make Millions as a Greenie ....................................... 3

Change Through Profit ................................................................................................. 3
Blue Sky Dreamers ...................................................................................................... 4
The Katusa Solution..................................................................................................... 5
The Green Revolution .................................................................................................. 6
Cosmic Accounting.......................................................................................................... 7
Cosmic Income Statement ......................................................................................... 12
Summary.................................................................................................................... 16
The Coming Tsunami of “Green” Money or the “Making Money” Business ................... 17
Get Up to Speed - Clean Energy 101 ........................................................................ 19
Powering Profits: Where Does Green Energy Come From? ...................................... 20
How Much Money is at Stake to “Go Green” ................................................................. 30
3 Critical Letters Every Single Investor MUST Know..................................................... 32
What is ESG? ............................................................................................................ 32
An Avalanche of Money Is Going Coming into This Corner of the Market… .............. 34
How is ESG Impacting Companies? .......................................................................... 34
Adapt or Die: The Knockout Combination .................................................................. 36
What’s the Outlook for ESG? ..................................................................................... 37
In a Gold Rush, Sell Picks & Shovels: A License to Print Money .................................. 38
The Incredible Warren Buffett Story No One is Telling… ........................................... 40
Dying Industries: From Dirty to Green, A Stunning Turn of Events… ........................ 42
Comparing Apples to Apples With LCOE: .................................................................. 44
This Mega-Trend Will Only Accelerate... .................................................................... 52
Blink and You’ll Miss Cashing in on Climate Change................................................. 53
Even the Kingdom of Oil is Going Green! .................................................................. 56
The “Irresistible Equation” for Politicians .................................................................... 57
Details, Disclosures and Terms of Use ......................................................................... 59

© Copyright 2021 |2
How to Profit With Green Energy: Make Millions as a
By Robert Kiyosaki
The world is an ever-changing place.
Some changes appear to be good for humanity and some do not.
Right now, we are in a place of transition in many different areas – equality for women,
equality for minorities, health of the environment, security from terrorism, security from
viruses, and capitalism to socialism.
Changes are always happening.
Generally, most people who want change, think the change that is coming is too slow.
But it does not have to be. There is a way to make change happen faster.
How? Make the change financially profitable.
For example, women were not accepted in the workplace before World War II. But that
Businesses needed employees and since the men were off to war, they were willing to
accept women as workers rather than shutting their businesses down.
By accepting women, businesses made money.
When the government wanted more housing for the population what did they do? They
made it profitable for investors by giving them tax breaks. The same was true when
the government needed more energy – they gave oil drilling tax breaks.
• It’s simple: money and the drive for profits makes changes.

Change Through Profit

But we have not seen a way to get investors involved in Green energy on a grand
Solar power, wind power, hydro and geo-thermal energy have been viewed as too
expensive to profit from.
The government tried when it created huge investments into solar. Unfortunately, most
of that money was funneled to “thank” the solar industry for backing specific
Basically, it became corrupt. The answer is not in government funded projects but in
investor funded projects.

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Until now, investors have stayed away from Green energy as they have not seen a
model that will generate them profits. But that is about to change.
My friend, and quite possibly the most successful resource venture capitalist and fund
manager in the US, is about to change that. Marin Katusa is a very, very, very brilliant
young man.
He is a bestselling author, hedge fund manager, professional investor and former high
school calculus teacher.
He can break down complex ideas and make anyone both understand them and profit
off them.

Blue Sky Dreamers

I identify the environmental problem as a problem of B.S. - Blue Sky dreamers. The
Blue Sky dreamers don't actually want to get their hands dirty. They don’t want to do
the hard work of thinking. They want to do the easy work of judging. Henry Ford
famously said,
“Thinking is the hardest work there is, which is probably the reason why so few
engage in it.”
But judging others… that is easy to do.
These Blue Sky dreamers do not take the mental energy to understand the actual
They want a green world, which we all want.
We all want a better future for our children and descendants than we have today. But,
to have an electrical world, you have to have copper, and you have to have all sorts of
rare earth minerals.
The reality that is companies focused on electronic products, like Apple, Tesla and
other revolutionary technology companies, rely heavily on rare earth minerals mined
from the earth.
Here is the problem: 98% of those rare earth minerals are coming from China. They
are not coming from a place whose environmental and ethical practices meet the
North American standard.
For example, cobalt is still being mined by children. Is that something we want to
support? No.
The whole world would rather not acknowledge this. The world and its Blue Sky
dreamers don't like these harsh realities.

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They like the idea of a future of clean energy, green values and butterflies and flowers.
The problem is building these things are very difficult.
• For example, Marin Katusa explained that geothermal wells are a great
supplier of Green energy except that they require extremely deep and ugly
mined holes.
These are big, ugly and expensive.
Much more expensive, much larger, and much uglier than an oil well. So, to make this
“green” energy work, first you’ve got to infuriate all the environmentalists.
But here’s the real problem: those geothermal wells are not cheap. Neither is solar nor
hydro power.
So, while those Blue Sky dreamers want Green energy, they don’t know how to pay for
They don’t think about that – they just judge everyone who is not producing it. They
are ultimately, by Henry Ford’s definition, lazy.

The Katusa Solution

Marin Katusa figured out how to pay for it by finding a way to make it highly profitable.
When I was a student of Dr. R. Buckminster Fuller, he talked about the world’s
accounting system being off. He said we were using the old rules of energy in our
We need to adopt the new rules.
This is where Marin made his breakthrough.
Marin created what I call, “Cosmic Accounting”.
Cosmic Accounting creates a way to accurately measure the energy output of “green”
and alternative energies in comparison to energy created by oil.
Oil is measured by BOEs. BOE stands for Barrel of Oil Equivalent. 1 BOE = about
6,000 cubic feet of Natural Gas.
But until Katusa’s breakthrough, Green energy did not have any metric like this to
compare apples to apples with. Katusa created the GBOE which is the GREEN
ENERGY Barrel of Oil Equivalent. The GBOE is already changing the energy world.
***Here’s the math (But feel free to skip to the next section)***
And don’t worry if you can’t follow it, I can’t either!

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How it works:

Our megawatt year of green power is now 8.76 million kilowatt hours (kWh). Now
we convert kilowatt hours into megajoules using the defined ratio:

Now we can convert this to green BOEs, using the definition of a BOE as 6.12
x103 megajoules.

Crazy right?
Here’s the short of it:
Using this conversion, we now know that 1 megawatt of green power produced over
one year is equivalent to 5,154 barrels of oil per year or 14 barrels of oil per day.
The purpose of Katusa’s formula is to figure out how much oil a well would have to
gush initially in order to produce the same number of BOEs over its lifespan as a
geothermal well (or any solar or wind farm) can produce over its much longer life span.
These life spans vary, so we chose three representative values for each kind of well.
For oil field wells we looked at life spans of 10 years, 15 years, and 20 years.
For geothermal field wells we chose 20 years, 50 years, and 100 years.
Now we set our cumulative production equations equal to each other, insert decline
rates (1.75% for the harmonic geothermal decline and 14% for the exponential oil
decline), and run through our well life spans (T1 = 20, 50, and 100 and T2 = 10, 15,
and 20).
Still with me?
If not, don’t worry…

The Green Revolution

Bottom line is this… Green energy produces more energy at a lower lifetime cost.
This makes Green energy a better investment as it is more profitable. In fact, BP, one
of the world’s largest oil producers, just held a 3 day conference announcing that the
future will be in GBOE.

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The true GREEN revolution is starting. Katusa says:
All of the North American and European companies are going to accept that
(GBOE). Now will Saudi Aramco do that? No. Will the Russian oil companies?
No. So they're going to do what's best for them.
But the North American and European companies have to meet their criteria of
making money, but also meeting the needs of the environmentalists, the
And like I said, the flow of money won't come in unless they accept the new
world that we're in.
Here’s where it gets exciting for investors and people like you and me. Katusa says:
I am surprised nobody has done this yet, but I am sure the folks at Goldman
Sachs will read this report, repackage it as their own concept, and make billions
from consolidating the undervalued Green energy sector.
They can apply the GBOEs (Green barrels of oil equivalent) concept and get
bankers to accept GBOEs on the balance sheet as they do BOEs. That’s fine, I
hope they do.
I have already run all the numbers on the best and most undervalued Green
energy producers in the North America. Once word gets out, the buyers will pay
my subscribers and I premium prices for our holdings.
I started this chapter talking about profit and using that as a motivator to get good
works done.
Energy is the biggest product in the world, except most of it is being wasted.
Energy is the biggest industry in the world. Civilization runs on energy.
The world is an ever-changing place. Right now, we are in a place of transition in
energy and the environment.
And while the change has been so very slow, it’s about to hit the accelerator… of an
electrically powered race car.
Profit is the ultimate power for change.

Cosmic Accounting
This is a chapter I have wanted to write my whole life, but I did not know how to
communicate its message properly.
In addition to my inability to simply explain its concepts, it originally had the problem of
not being about money and investing. This caused another problem...

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If you read my Tweets you know that as soon as I talk about anything other than
money the comments are rapid and fierce, yelling at me to stay in my lane and stick to
But I recently met Marin Katusa, a genius of a man, who was able to communicate the
message I wanted to share and show how it is also a message built around money
and investing.
Confused? Well, in this chapter will explain the concept I call “Cosmic Accounting.”
Dr. Buckminster Fuller
After the influence of my rich dad, there was another man who changed my life. His
name was Dr. Buckminster Fuller.
Buckminster Fuller helped me shift my mindset from more selfish thoughts of luxury to
realizing there is more to life than money.
Dr. Fuller is often called The Planet’s Friendly Genius. He is best known for designing
the geodesic dome. In 1967, I hitchhiked from my school at Kings Point in New York to
Montreal, Canada to Expo ‘67, the World’s Fair themed “Man and His World”. I
especially wanted to see Dr. Fuller’s massive geodesic dome. The dome was
In 1981, I had the opportunity to study with Bucky Fuller for a week at a ski resort in
Kirkwood, California. That week changed the direction of my life.
I studied with him again in 1982 and 1983. He was teaching our class how we could
predict the future. Dr. Fuller passed away a few weeks after that last event.
Fuller was known for many things. He was a scientist, an architect, a mathematician
and a futurist. Many of his predictions have come true with uncanny accuracy.
Dr. Buckminster Fuller once said that when change went invisible, the speed of that
change would increase exponentially—what he called accelerating acceleration.
In his lectures, Dr. Fuller talked about the pace of technology and how we were
“entering the world of the invisible.” To him technology was advancing so rapidly that
many people were blind to it…and would be blindsided by it.
This is exactly what is happening right now as Green technology is taking off so fast it
is quickly becoming more efficient than energy from coal, oil and gas.
I was a student of Dr. R Buckminster Fuller, and he talked about where our accounting
system was all off. And for those of you who know Rich Dad Poor Dad, the rich dad is
all about accounting.

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Here is a quick refresher:
In Rich Dad Poor Dad, I taught the Income statement as seen on the next page:
This is the cash-flow pattern of an asset:

The top part of the diagram

is an Income Statement,
often called a Profit-and-
Loss Statement. It measures
income and expenses:
money in and money out.

The lower part of the

diagram is a Balance Sheet.
It’s called that because it’s
supposed to balance assets
against liabilities.

Many financial novices do

not know the relationship
between the Income
Statement and the Balance
Sheet, and it is vital to
understand that

Assets put money in your


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This is the cash-flow pattern of a liability:

Now that assets and

liabilities have been defined
through pictures, it may be
easier to understand my
definitions in words.

An asset is something that

puts money in my pocket. A
liability is something that
takes money out of my

This is really all you need to


If you want to be rich,

simply spend your life
buying assets.

If you want to be poor or

middle class, spend your life
buying liabilities.

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Cosmic Accounting takes the same principles – only the Income Statement is not
yours, it’s planet Earth’s. Or, as Buckminster Fuller called it, Spaceship Earth.
For decades I have tried to marry the idea of energy and the Earth’s income
Why use energy for Earth’s Income Statement?
Energy is the biggest product in the world. The problem is most of its being wasted.
Energy is also the biggest industry in the world.
Civilization runs on energy.
As I mentioned earlier, I could not figure how to accurately create the Earth’s Income
That is until I met a genius named Marin Katusa. Katusa is quite possibly the most
successful resource venture capitalist and fund manager in the U.S. and an incredibly
brilliant man.
More importantly, Marin Katusa and I have come together as brothers of the spirit.
And the reason is because he figured out a way to end our environmental problems.
So, I'm going to explain why it's called cosmic accounting on the next page…

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Cosmic Income Statement

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Cosmic Accounting creates a way to accurately measure the energy output of “green”
and alternative energies in comparison to energy created by oil.
Earlier I showed you an excerpt from Rich Dad Poor Dad…
When you look at the balance sheet you will notice that your house is not an asset.
Your house is a liability. The accountants have it all wrong. So do those in the energy
business. Their accounting and measuring of energy is all wrong.
The earth has assets.
So what we have is oil, gas, coal, and nuclear.
These make up the nucleus of planet
Earth. Or more accurately, surround the
nucleus and fuel it.
Buckminster Fuller said years ago that
the reason this was being stored on
planet Earth was so that in a couple of
billion years from now, Earth would
fulfill its purpose and become a star like
the sun.
The consequence and punishment of
our burning of Earth’s fuel and
preventing Earth’s true purpose of
becoming a star is the toxins and
pollutions that we create and that are
killing us.
These assets would be called the
Earth's savings account. And what
happens is when we burn this stuff to
provide electricity, it comes out as a
liability and the liability is toxins and
environmental damage.
If you understand a balance sheet (the
bottom half of the income statement)
you know that for every asset there is a
That is why it’s called a balance sheet.
As you know today, California’s forests are burning down.
We have hurricanes one after the other.

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We have cancer and death because of the toxins going into our body.
We breathe in toxic air from the exhaust of cars and coal plants and it infects our
body’s filters, our body’s organs.
So, as you know with Covid-19, the
reason so many old people die more
than young people is because older
people have more toxins in their body.
It all starts here. It’s all because we're
burning fossil fuels.
What Katusa figured out, was that we
could take the income from God, which
is solar, wind tides, geothermal,
hydropower and more, and convert it
into a measurement that would show
the world and investors its true value
compared to the earth’s assets.
This “Green” income is God, or the
Universe’s gift to the world.
I stated earlier:
Dr. Buckminster Fuller once said that
when change went invisible, the speed
of that change would increase
exponentially—what he called
accelerating acceleration.
In his lectures, Dr. Fuller talked about
the pace of technology and how we
were “entering the world of the invisible.”
To him technology was advancing so rapidly that many people were blind to it…and
would be blindsided by it.
This is exactly what is happening right now as Green technology is taking off so fast
that it is quickly becoming more efficient than energy from coal, oil and gas.
There is a catch.
Right now, even as fast as technology is progressing, we need the earth’s assets to
create the technology needed to receive the “Green” income God/the Universe is
gifting us. Thus, the asset column is generating the ability to receive in the income

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This is where Katusa’s brilliance comes into the picture. No one could see the value of
this Cosmic Accounting. No one could see the truth about the income the Green
energy was producing.
Oil and energy businesses knew the value of oil barrels and how much energy they
produced. And they knew the value of natural gas and how much energy it produced.
They measured this energy output in Barrels of Oil Equivalent, or BOEs.
Katusa created a formula for calculating the value of Green energy. He created the
GREEN ENERGY Barrel of Oil Equivalent or GBOE, so that businesses and investors
could compare apples to apples when investing their resources and money.
Through this mathematical formula, Katusa proved that Green energy was more
valuable, in large part because it never runs out. The sun, wind, tides and geothermal
heating will never stop.
Katusa’s formula made the invisible parts of Cosmic Accounting visible to the world
and to businesses and investors.
As I said earlier:
As soon as I talk about anything other than money the comments are rapid and fierce,
yelling at me to stay in my lane and stick to money.
But now Katusa has proven Green energy to be more profitable.
As I said earlier, “Katusa is quite possibly the most successful resource venture
capitalist and fund manager in the U.S.”.
Well, Katusa has created a fund for investors to profit from this Cosmic Accounting.
• Unfortunately, you and I cannot get in the fund because it is already full
and Katusa is unbending on holding the value for his investors, so try as
hard as I have, he will not accept new investors.
The importance of this chapter is to introduce Cosmic Accounting to the world and
show that Green energy is not only going to save the world, but make a lot of profit in
the process for those who can see and grasp the concepts in Cosmic Accounting.
I have always said that if you follow the tax code and do what the government wants
you can become wealthy.
Now I believe that you can follow what the Universe and God want and become
incredibly wealthy.
It’s a great time to be alive and making the invisible visible.

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I do not want to speak for Marin Katusa here, but what I deem as the most import elements to
take from this book are two points:
1. Profit can be found through investing in Green Energy.
2. As you see the largest governments in the world catching on the Green Energy
bandwagon, you can be guaranteed there will be a lot of money to grab hold of.
I was not kidding earlier when I said that the way to get rich is to follow the tax code. My Rich
Dad Advisor Tom Wheelwright taught me that.
Taxes breaks are financial incentives for doing what the government wants.
It is the language of government.
After reading this short book, I think it is very clear the direction governments are moving I and
what they want.
Green energy is the future. Not only will green energy benefit mankind by benefiting Plant
(spaceship) Earth, Green energy, if invested in properly and with education, can make the
investor very rich.
This is a sector that is growing too fast and with too much money in it to be ignored. But don’t
just go to the stock market and buying every green energy stock.
If you don’t get educated first you’ll get picked off by the vultures.
And vultures only eat you after you are dead.
Marin Katusa is the authority I look to for Green Investments. But don’t just do what he says.
Read this book, understand why he’s doing and saying what he does, then decide what you
should do.
Let’s go make some green from making the world clean.

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The Coming Tsunami of “Green” Money or the
“Making Money” Business
By Marin Katusa
I’m writing about big bets on unstoppable trends because you can make a lot of money
getting in before it comes alive.
Right now, one of the biggest, most lucrative, most unstoppable trends in human
history is in its early stages.
It’s a trend that will create epic amounts of wealth in the way computers did…
In a way the Internet did…
And a way oil did.
I’m personally betting a huge amount of my own money on this trend. I’ve analyzed
financial markets for 20 years now.
This is the biggest slam dunk I’ve ever seen.
And while many financial advisors will say what I’m doing is crazy, I know they are
After I show you the facts, I’m confident you’ll agree that what I’m doing is rational
given evidence before us.
I’m also confident you’ll want to do the same (and own stakes in the same businesses
as me).
The trend I’m talking about is a historic economic change that is about to take
place… Something that will radically change the way we work and live.
This big change will “re-order” the global economy in a way that advancements like air
travel and the Internet did. A small group of people will make enormous amounts of
money as a result.
I plan on helping everyone I can become a member of this fortunate group. And this
report will introduce you to the big concepts you need to know.
Unfortunately, many people will find the coming transformation very tough to deal with.
It will bankrupt many companies and individuals.
Throughout history, epic economic shifts like this one have created winners and
losers. This one will be no different.
If you’ve read my work for some time, you know I don’t make these claims often. But
what’s coming really is that big, that important, and that transformative.
I hope you take it seriously.

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The good news, it’s very early in this game. There’s still time to position yourself to
benefit from this transformation, rather than be harmed by it.
We are in the early stages of the biggest change to the energy business in a century.
The coming change will create huge new industries in a very short period of time,
while demolishing old ones.
We’re on the cup of a revolution. It’s the biggest investment opportunity I’ll ever see in
my life.
If you didn’t make a big bet on the computer revolution and missed out on the life-
changing wealth it created for others…
Or if you didn’t make a big bet on the Internet revolution and the life-changing wealth it
created for others, don’t worry.
This is your opportunity to hit is very, very big by getting in early on a revolution that
will have similar extraordinary impacts on the world.

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Get Up to Speed - Clean Energy 101
Simply put, clean energy is energy that’s produced without producing harmful
emissions, or otherwise damaging the environment.
In the wake of widespread acceptance of climate change, as well as the proliferation of
green politics, interest in clean energy has surged.
It’s one of the primary tenets underlying the E in ESG (Environmental, Social &
Corporate Governance).
The history of clean energy goes back thousands of years, encompassing things like
windmills, watermills, and even sailboats.

In fact, “un-clean” energy (dirty energy) didn’t really become mainstream until the
advent of the coal and petroleum industries in the mid-19th century.
So, what does clean energy include these days?
The primary sources of clean energy are:
1. Solar power like solar panels,

2. Wind power like windmills,

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3. Hydropower like hydroelectric dams,

4. Geothermal energy like geothermal power plants, and

5. Bioenergy like wood burning.

Now while the terms clean energy and renewable energy, or sustainable energy,
are often used interchangeably…
It’s important to note that:
• Not all clean energy is renewable energy, and

• Not all renewable energy is clean energy.

Powering Profits: Where Does Green Energy Come From?

Let’s take a closer look at the main types of clean energy production that exist today.
Hydro is one of the most well-established of the various forms of renewable energy. Its
history dates back over 2000 years in uses like watermills in logging, smithing and
other industrial processes.
Today, hydropower provides 16% of global electric power generation.

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Hydroelectric power plants generate power by having running water drive a shaft
attached to a turbine, which generates electricity.
Modern hydroelectric dams are cost-efficient, reliable, and flexible sources of energy.
There are other types of hydroelectric power plants that don’t require the building of a
dam as well, such as run-of-river power plants and tidal power plants.
Hydropower is often touted as one of the safest and most consistent forms of
renewable energy generation.
But, large dams can have a significant environmental impact over large areas of land,
displacing local communities.
And in some cases even producing harmful emissions due to dead vegetation rotting
Hydropower availability comes down to geography.
Not all countries have access to enough water resources to be able to produce
meaningful amounts of electricity.
The five largest countries in the world (China, Canada, Brazil, the U.S., and Russia)
are also the five largest hydroelectric power producers in the world.
Solar power
This is another of the best-known types of clean energy.
The most recognized form of solar power is known as photovoltaics or PV.
This is where light from the sun is converted into electricity through the use of special
semiconducting materials.
It’s a very accessible source of energy - with
households able to easily add solar panels to
their own rooftops.
But, not every country has equivalent access
to solar power. Local geographies and
weather conditions can significantly impact
solar power generation.
• The darker the red areas on the
map below – the better potential for solar power solutions…

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As the map above shows, some regions of the world stand to benefit from solar power
much more than others. In addition, since solar energy only works during the daytime,
the amount of power it can provide can be inconsistent.
This will eventually be optimized when utility scale battery storage becomes the norm
(within 25 years), but for now it is an issue.
Still, solar power remains a convenient source of renewable energy and is a major
focus of investment for many countries.

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Annual Solar Installations
China United States RoW







2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

North American listed solar companies have performed exceptionally well over the past 3
years. These are companies that manufacture solar panels, inverters or install and sell
electricity packages to customers.
Sunrun is one the largest sellers of residential solar panels and installation services in the
United States. Shares have skyrocketed over the past 3 years.

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SolarEdge Technologies manufactures inverts which convert from DC to AC power. Every
solar panel needs an inverter, which makes SolarEdge’s products highly sought after and a
solid proxy for demand.
Unsurprisingly the share price has soared over the past 3 years and revenues increased from
$600 million in 2017 to an estimated $1.5 billion in 2020.

Wind Power
Wind turbines have been around for centuries. Used originally to pump water and
grind grains they were small and inefficient. Today’s turbines are 80 to 120 meters tall
and can be an incredibly efficient electric
generation source.
Countries such as Denmark have made significant
investments in wind power with great results.
• In 2019, Denmark generated 47% of its
total electricity consumption from wind
Vestas, one the world’s wind turbine
manufacturers has seen its share price has soar
150% since 2018.
Revenues have jumped from $11 billion in 2017 to an estimated $17 billion in 2020.

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The Crux for Intermittent Power Generation
The big hurdle in solar and wind power production is what happens when it’s nighttime
or the wind doesn’t blow?
In either of these circumstances, neither source can generate electricity.
This is where the concept of energy storage is so vital.
Battery technology has achieved immense feats over the past 5 years. Which brings
wind and solar that much closer to being a 24/7 source of electricity or what is called a
“base load” source of power, meaning power can be supplied to the users 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal relies on the heat deep in the Earth to generate electric power.
The interior of the Earth is extremely hot, and much of this heat makes its way to the
surface, like in the case of hot springs and geysers.
Iceland is the king of geothermal energy and is on the cutting edge of new geothermal
well designs, sometimes reaching a depth of over 4000 meters (13,000 feet).

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Many types of geothermal power plants take advantage of this high-pressure hot water
by using the steam it generates to drive turbines.
When the steam condenses back into water, it’s re-injected back into the ground to
start the process over again.
Older geothermal plants could only be built in areas with lots of natural seismic and
volcanic activity (along the edges of tectonic plates like Iceland).
But nowadays, technological advances have led to the development of geothermal
power systems that can be built without the same restrictions.
This includes both biomass sources like wood - as well as biofuels like biodiesel.
These are usually burned in order to generate power.
While the process of burning itself releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, this is
somewhat offset by the carbon dioxide that’s absorbed by the plants as they were
grown to be used as biomass.
While bioenergy is widely considered to be a source of renewable energy, its status as
a completely carbon neutral energy source is in dispute. I don’t see these as major
players in the electricity market.
Simply because they lack the scale required to generate production for entire towns or

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Nuclear Power
Nuclear Power has the potential to be one of the largest drivers of stable baseload
power around the world. Today it makes up 10% of global electricity production.
Nuclear power comes from uranium, which is mined around the world.
It’s also considered to be a clean energy source due to its lack of emissions – the
iconic “exhaust chimneys” of nuclear power plants are in fact cooling towers, and the
white smoke they blow out is merely steam.

The crux for nuclear is the enormous cost requirement to build the facilities and the
disposal of the used uranium fuel. Once up and running, they are very cheap and
extremely efficient.
The trick is getting them to that stage. Over the last twenty years, cost overruns and
delays have crippled many new build reactors.
I do believe there will be continued requirements for nuclear power, especially in
countries without access to significant sources of cheap natural gas. The growth of
nuclear will remain in China over the next few decades.
Nuclear has seen some incredible bull markets over the past 20 years.
Below is a chart which shows the average uranium price since 1930, you’ll see the
booms and the busts are significant.

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Average Annual Uranium Price







1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020
Source: USGS Yearbook

The boom from 2003-2008 was breathtaking and investors made fortunes. Below is a
chart of the largest uranium producer in North America. Cameco saw its shares rise
from CAD$5 in 2000 to over CAD$55 per share by 2007, leading a return of 800%.

Cameco Corp




Return %






Jan-2002 Jan-2003 Jan-2004 Jan-2005 Jan-2006 Jan-2007

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The Hydrogen Economy & Fuel Cell Technology

A fuel cell uses the chemical energy of hydrogen or another fuel to cleanly and
efficiently produce electricity.

If hydrogen is the fuel, electricity, water, and heat are the only products.

Fuel cells are unique in terms of the variety of their potential applications; they can
provide power for systems as large as a utility power station and as small as a laptop

Fuel cells work like batteries, but they do not run down or need recharging. T
hey produce electricity and heat as long as fuel is supplied.
What can fuel cells be used for?
• Transportation: Fuel cells act as the mini power plant in the vehicle. Hydrogen
reacts with a catalyst, which allows hydrogen to flow through the electric motor
and powers the car.

• Real Estate: hydrogen could be blended into existing natural gas networks,
with the highest potential in multifamily and commercial buildings. Longer-term
prospects could include the direct use of hydrogen in hydrogen boilers or fuel

• Power Generation: Hydrogen is one of the leading options for storing

renewable energy.

These fuel cell stocks have been on fire as of late, fueled by the electric vehicle
revolution and the ESG movement.

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How Much Money is at Stake to “Go Green”

The Pie is Huge…

And There is Some for Everyone
The Green New Deal is a congressional resolution that lays out a framework for
weaning the United States off fossil fuels and lowering greenhouse gas emissions.
The end goal envisions the United States sourcing all of its electricity from renewable
and zero emission power sources.
In addition, it is aimed to guarantee new high paying jobs in the clean energy sector.
If you think this program sounds expensive, you would be correct.
To quote the Electric Power Research Institute, revitalizing America’s depleted electric
grid could cost $500 billion. This number is probably low, and here’s why.
Currently the United States has approximately 200GW of coal fired capacity. Let us
assume this gets replaced with zero emission power sources.
Now, coal is base load power… which means it runs 24/7.

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The only true zero emission power source which can be baseload power today is
nuclear power. Nuclear power is no quick solution as it takes decades to permit,
finance and build a reactor. The reality is, no significant new nuclear power will be
added to the U.S. energy mix over the next decade.
Wind and solar will play a significant role and complement this baseload power but
storage technology is not there yet to be a 24/7 power source. It will come but it will
take time. And when it does, the ultimate profit for investors will happen.

This is just to update from coal to zero-emission power generation.

Now let’s say you also want to change all the US Postal Service trucks to electric.
Currently there are roughly 140,000 trucks in USPS fleet. At $50,000 per truck, this
contract is worth $7 billion.
Now tack on state and municipality government vehicles….
You can begin to see how these costs add up quickly. It would be hard to argue that
all-in this Green New Deal would cost less than $1 trillion.
As I showed in the math above, the power generation sector will see the largest dollar
amount invested. But there are many other angles to cash in on the sector, electric
vehicles, fuel cell technology and many others that are yet to be discovered.
This is the greatest benefactor of government stimulus.
There is no shortage of money to go around.

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3 Critical Letters Every Single Investor MUST Know
ESG Investing Makes You “Look Good”.
As Forbes correctly pointed out, there is another motive at play than just chasing big
Investing in ESG companies and funds makes you look good.
• A recent poll found that nearly three-quarters (73%) of people think more
positively of billionaires that stop investing in controversial industries.
Cancel Culture is having a major impact on how things “look”.
And high net worth investors and fund managers can’t afford to have a bad social
Contrary to the old Wall Street movie from the 1980’s, greed is no longer good. You
have to do good to get greedy in the 2020’s.
Or your headquarters or projects will be met with protesters, resistance, media, social
attacks and worst of all to the money managers, investors will pull their capital from
It’s another risk factor that never existed before.
If you are a mega-corp (like a Facebook or an oil company like Exxon) and you don’t
have a directive on ESG – you’re going to fall behind, FAST.
This will be mission critical to attract and retain the next generation of employees and
capital (think Millennials and Gen Z as the wealth from Baby Boomers transfer to their
These generations are rapidly increasing in the workforce right now in huge numbers
and will be over the coming decades.
If you’re company isn’t socially responsible, or at least is making it look like they’re
doing good. They will be left behind, no question.

What is ESG?
ESG stands for Environment, Social & Governance.
They’re a modern set of operating guidelines for companies that were established in
the wake of the global shift towards the 2 biggest buzzwords today: sustainability and
social responsibility.
The crux of ESG investing and ESG scoring is to align companies and investors, with
these brand-new corporate values.

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Let’s start by breaking down each of the components of ESG:
• Environmental

Measures the environmental friendliness of a company and its operations. If

you’ve heard the terms “eco-friendly” or “carbon neutral” from a company
before, that’s a prime example of the environment part of ESG.

• Social

Gauges a company’s attitude towards social concerns such as human rights,

labor practices and diversity. Unsafe working conditions, glass ceilings and
product safety would all fall under this umbrella.

• Governance –

Or Corporate Governance. This comes down corporate structure and

transparency, as well as business ethics. Executive compensation is the issue
that most often comes to mind when corporate governance is brought up, as it’s
a simple, if limited, metric of a company’s fairness and accountability.
When put together, each part of ESG comes together to form a comprehensive set of
standards. It checks how well a company handles these prevailing issues and
Now, many financial firms now provide “ESG Ratings” on corporations for investors
and regulators.
They do this to sort them by how well they perform based on the above mentioned
ESG criteria.
In the past, the most important metrics for any company were the financial ones. A
company that was growing quickly, or making a lot of money, was a good company.
What we’re seeing now, is that a company’s ESG metrics are also increasingly being
taken into account.
This has led to the advent of “ESG investing” – which is also known as sustainable
Companies are weighed by their ESG metrics just as much as they are by their
financial ones.

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An Avalanche of Money Is Going Coming into This Corner of the
You can choose to get on board and be ahead of the green money.
Or sit out the greatest coordinated capital infusion the world has ever seen.
Let me explain...
Today, there are more than 597 ESG-focused ETFs (exchange-traded funds) with
over $165 billion in Assets Under Management.
The flow of money into sector is approaching tidal wave standards.
Below is a chart which shows the annual flow of funds into ESG themed products.

Annual Fund Flow into ESG Themed Products



(Billions USD)





2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

From Jan 1st to Nov 10th 2020, over $60 billion has flooded into the sector, double last
year’s fund flow and over 6 times more than was invested not the sector in 2016.

How is ESG Impacting Companies?

On the surface, you might consider the rise of ESG and ESG investing to be a
negative value proposition for companies.

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After all, don’t things like environmental friendliness or competitive employee salaries
cost the company more – which leads to weaker financial performance in the long run?
Not necessarily.
You start by considering a company’s environmental footprint, like its energy
consumption and waste generation.
If a company can lower its energy costs and bills, that might lead to more savings, and
hence better profits, over the long term.
Even if it costs more capital up front to, say, build a more energy-efficient office
building or production facility.
And if they can produce less waste, that means less money spent on waste treatment
and disposal too.
Whether the money saved fully offsets the extra costs involved will vary depending on
the company and project in question.
But it’s certainly not as simple as “eco-friendly = more expensive”.
• Amazon, for instance, just recently placed a massive order for 100,000
custom electric delivery vehicles, as part of their plan to hit zero net
carbon by 2040.
Not only will these vehicles be more environmentally friendly…
They’ll also feature a plethora of automatic electronic safety features and direct
integration with Amazon’s logistics management and routing systems.
This will streamline their delivery operations – meaning both better performance and
lower costs, down the road. And most likely be equipped with self-driving and robotic
delivery abilities.
What about the costs of social concerns?
• Providing better salary and work environments for employees, or
• Taking more accountability when it comes to their products and services?
It’s no secret that treating your employees well leads to boosts in morale and
productivity. And makes attracting talent much easier.
On the other hand, doing the opposite leads to decreased productivity and more
employee turnover. That can be costly.
And when a company takes consumer protection more seriously, that leads a lower
chance of adverse government regulation or expensive litigation.

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The benefits of reducing corruption in any company should be plainly obvious…
Without enough transparency and accountability from a company’s leaders and
operations, you end up with cases like WeWork.
WeWork’s failed IPO in 2019 was tainted by serious failures in proper corporate
governance. It was all in connection with its now ousted founder and CEO, Adam
• Finally, one of the last factors that can cause ESG to seriously impact
companies is simply consumer and investor appeal.
The younger generations of today have shown an increased willingness to “vote with
their wallets”.
And many make the conscious decision to avoid products or brands associated with
companies with histories of poor ESG performance.

Adapt or Die: The Knockout Combination

To show this shift in consumer and investment sentiment, we can look at something
called Fund Flow. It is the net creation of shares for ETFs.
To make it easy for you - the greater the fund flow, the greater demand there is for the
product. Let’s take the Top 10 ESG ETFs and compare them to the Top 10 Oil & Gas

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Over the past 2 years, the trend is very clear. ESG ETFs are receiving money from
investors, while oil and gas is not.
This is a major shift in sentiment.

What’s the Outlook for ESG?

Make no mistake, ESG is here to stay and will only become a more dominant theme.
Though how companies are measured against one another and scored based on their
ESG practice will likely change.
For example…
One major problem with ESG is that there’s no set standard or clear methodology for
evaluating a company’s ESG profile.
Different analysis firms can give different ESG ratings for the same company.
You can see how that could be confusing for consumers and investors alike.
Another big problem with ESG investing is that ESG criteria are often applied
incorrectly in the due diligence process. That’s where analyst take a much deeper dive
into the data and company.
Sometimes, investors place too much importance on ESG criteria and not enough on
fundamental financial analysis. And that leads to wrong valuations.
At other times, investors only take a cursory look at a company’s ESG rating without
looking closer to check the exact breakdown. This causes them to miss any significant
underlying issues at play.
• A study conducted by Nielsen in 2015 found that 66% of consumers
around the world are willing to pay extra for sustainable products – but
for millennials, that proportion goes up to 73%.
And it’s not just empty talk…
Last year, NYU concluded from extensive research that products marketed as
sustainable accounted for 50% of the growth in consumer packaged goods from 2013
to 2018.
In fact, sales for products marked as sustainable grew 5.6 times faster than those that
This impact from ESG on customer and revenue growth simply can’t be ignored.
This is, in part, due to the massive $30 trillion generational wealth transfer that we’re
just starting to see take place.

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The aging baby boomer population is passing on their assets on to their millennial
A survey conducted by Morgan Stanley in 2019 found that 95% of millennials are
interested in sustainable investing.
And 88% of all surveyed believe that it’s possible to balance financial gains with ESG
What this all means is that ESG isn’t just a passing fad…
It’s already a major business and investing trend, and one that will only continue
to grow in size and importance.
Whether you truly believe that ESG investing can beat the market…
Wish only to invest in socially responsible companies…
Or even think it’s a load of bull…
ESG is around to stay.
That’s why it’s important to understand both the benefits and the pitfalls of ESG

In a Gold Rush, Sell Picks & Shovels: A License to

Print Money
At the end of the day, all this fanfare about ESG isn’t worth the paper it is typed on.
Unless there is an investment angle here for you.
When in it comes to ESG investing, I really believe there is only 1 pure play way
to get exposure to this massive sector.
Social and Governance are difficult if not impossible to find pure play exposure to,
because the ‘S&G’ are about how a company operates and its corporate culture.
You can buy a company that rates well on the Social and Governance angles but that
might not actually translate into higher share prices.
The ‘E’ is where the big money is.
The environment will be the largest financial benefactor of this movement. Trillions of
dollars have and will continue to go into segment.
It all starts with the flip of a switch…
We take it for granted that when we flip a switch our lights turn on, our phone charges
or our microwave works.

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Few people truly understand what it takes to make this happen, or where the power
comes from.
It is widely forecast that global power consumption is expected to increase by 50 to100
percent between now and 2050. Below are the projections from the US EIA.

Demand growth is only 1 side of the equation.

The other side of the equation needs to answer the fundamental question: How is that
demand going to be satisfied?
• It is in this transition from dirty to clean that I believe lies incredible,
wealth changing investment opportunities.
The progression from fossil fuels to clean energy represents an enormous transition.
Below is a chart which shows the past, present and future electricity generation by

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The transformation from fossil fuels to clean energy represents and enormous, wealth
changing shift.

The Incredible Warren Buffett Story No One is Telling…

You don’t want to be on the wrong side of the table from Warren Buffett…
Warren Buffett enjoys a well-earned reputation as one of the world’s greatest
investors. He’s part of a tiny club of people who have built multibillion-dollar fortunes
through investing alone.
Over the past 30 years, Buffett has carefully crafted his image as America’s “friendly
He always has folksy advice to serve up to reporters.
He explains complex financial ideas in terms regular people can understand. He lives
in the Midwest instead of New York City.
But don’t let the grandfather act fool you.
Buffett is a ruthless dealmaker.
He always gets the best price…for just about everything.

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You’re probably familiar with Buffett’s stock buying ability. He’s purchased elite
businesses like American Express and Coke at great prices and made billions.
But you might not be familiar with an extreme deal he struck with the investment bank
Goldman Sachs in 2008.
In late 2008, Goldman was reeling from the mortgage crisis. Desperate for capital, it
approached Buffett. Buffett agreed to invest $5 billion in the company. But his terms
would make a loan shark blush…
Buffett structured the deal so he would receive a 10% annual dividend on his position.
He also included a provision in the deal that would allow him to buy Goldman Sachs
shares at a very low price in the future.
• In addition to receiving $500 million in annual dividends, Buffett made
over $1 billion in capital gains.
The guys at Goldman had a long history of being the smartest guys in the room.
Goldman always got the best deals and the best prices. And Buffett bent them over a

I’m a big fan of Buffett’s deal-making. He loves to buy during a crisis. He has a great
eye for value. He always gets the best price.
That’s why one of Buffett’s most recent purchases is worth your attention. It’s a clue of
something truly huge approaching us.

If you know the story behind it, you could make a fortune in the coming years…
The Lowest Power Price in America
In the summer of 2015, Buffett’s energy company NV Energy paid an
extraordinarily low price for electric power…the lowest price in America.
It’s not surprising that Buffett got the best price. That’s just what he does.
What might surprise you is where that power came from.
Did it come from coal-fired power plants?
• After all, the price of coal has plummeted in the past five years.
Did it come from natural gas-fired power plants?
• The price of natural gas has dropped dramatically as well.
No…Buffett didn’t buy coal power…or natural gas power.
That cheap, cheap electric power…the cheapest in America at the time…cheap
enough for the ultimate value master, Warren Buffett…

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Is solar power.

Buffett’s energy company NV Energy agreed to pay 3.87 cents for a kilowatt-hour for
power produced by a plant being built in Nevada. It signed a 20-year contract. These
types of contracts are called PPA’s in the green energy sector. PPA stands for
Purchase Power Agreement.
It was the cheapest utility-scale power purchase agreement in America at the time.
This was a great deal for Warren Buffet at the time.
It’s also a sign we’re on the cusp of a revolution in the way we light up our homes and
power our factories. It’s going to be the biggest change to the energy business in a

If you know what is driving this revolution and how to invest it, you’re virtually
guaranteed to make the biggest investment gains of your life.

Dying Industries: From Dirty to Green, A Stunning Turn of Events…

During the 20th century, the world relied almost exclusively on “dirty” fuel to produce
For example, the burning of coal was responsible for more than 50% of U.S. power
generation. It was the source of power for most of the electricity generated in countries
like China and India.

© Copyright 2021 | 42
Global Electricity Fuel Source
Coal Gas Nuclear Hydro Solar Wind Geo / Biomass Oil Other



% of Annual Generation







1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015

“Dirty” fuel was so attractive because it was so cheap.

Burning coal and other fossil fuels produced incredible amounts of energy.
This cheap energy fueled amazing economic growth. It powered factories that built
refrigerators, cars, trucks, computers, and televisions. It lit up hundreds of millions of
homes around the world.
However, all that growth came at a price.
Burning all those fossil fuels produced massive amounts of pollution.
Now you may or may not agree…
But most of the world’s top scientists believe man-made climate change is causing
temperatures to climb, sea levels to rise, and ice caps to melt.
This is why “climate change” is often the number one worry for people around the
Many see it as the biggest crisis of our time.
And many people see renewable energy, which comes from fuel sources like solar
energy and wind energy, as the solution.

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You can’t blame people for thinking solar and wind power are the answers. You can
feel them on your skin. They are all around us…and their power is awesome.
The energy produced by the sun is nearly impossible to comprehend for most people.
• In 2007, an article in Scientific American estimated the energy in sunlight
hitting the Earth in just 40 minutes is equivalent to mankind’s total annual
energy consumption.
This simple stat shows you the huge potential of harnessing the sun’s power. Enough
power to run the entire world…arriving in less than an hour.
But as you probably know, collecting and storing the wind and sun’s output has been a
technological challenge for decades.
In the latter part of the 20th-century, solar and turbine technology were in its infant
Neither technology was advanced enough to produce energy cheaply on a massive
scale…the scale big enough to power cities and factories.
What was needed was hundreds of billions in investment dollars to fund research into
optimizing solar panel efficiency along with turbine blade and gearbox technology.

Comparing Apples to Apples With LCOE:

How to Get in Front of the Biggest Government Stimulus Plan in History
You may be unaware, but green energy has received enormous capital investments
over the past 2 decades. Over $3 trillion to be exact.
Globally, over $300 billion has gone into the green energy sector annually for the past
5 years.

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It’s almost unfathomable how much money has been invested already.
It has taken nearly 2 decades to make renewable power systems competitive with coal
and natural gas.
What was once a science experiment is now a real competitor…
Research and Development has funded incredible improvements in renewable power
technologies. Today, they are as competitive generation sources as coal and natural
One is able to measure this competitiveness based on the total cost required to build
and operate a power plant and its estimated output. This metric is called the LCOE.

 LCOE is an incredibly important measure because it allows for direct

comparisons across different types of power plant fuel like coal,
natural gas, and solar energy

Get ready to hear a lot more about LCOEs in the coming years.

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LCOE (pronounced EL-CO) is going to be a key driver for dozens of incredible stock
winners in the near future. If you understand why, you’ll be able to make a fortune over
the coming years.

LCOE is a commonly used term in the energy business.

It stands for “Levelized Cost Of Electricity.”
For a long time, solar energy and wind energy were more expensive than energy
produced from fossil fuels like coal and natural gas. They were much, much higher on
the LCOE scale.
That’s why many people saw government spending on renewable energy as a
wasteful boondoggle.
And in many cases, it has been.
But in just the past 5 years, a solar and wind revolution has begun…one that will lead
to the biggest change to the energy market in a century.
In the past five years, we’ve seen an extraordinary change in LCOEs.
Thanks to incredible advancements in computing power and materials technology, the
cost of solar and wind-powered electricity has plummeted.
All of these advancements would not be possible without hundreds of billions of dollars
All of these investments have led to incredible cost reductions in wind and solar
For example…
• Raw materials like polysilicon (a key “ingredient’ of solar panels) has
plummeted from $450 per kilogram in 2008 to $10 per kilogram–a 98%
reduction in cost.

• Optimization of turbine blades and magnetic gear boxes have improved

efficiency leading to higher capacity factors.

The list goes on, but at the end of the day, the total cost for the system, be it solar or
wind has fallen dramatically. Below is a chart which shows the cost reductions on a
per watt basis.

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Wind & Solar System Cost Reductions
Solar Utility Scale Cost $/w Wind Turbine $/w








2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020

Now we can apply these cost reductions to our Levelized Cost of Electricity metric.
Below is a chart which shows the historical costs per megawatt hour of power for wind,
solar, natural gas and coal.

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You can see back in 2009-2010, natural gas and coal were far cheaper than wind or
You can also see solar’s LCOE was $350 per megawatt hour of output. Today that
same megawatt hour of power costs under $40.
Can you use the LCOE to measure all types of power sources?
Yes you can.
Below is a chart which shows the current LCOE for major power generation sources.
These are unsubsidized calculations, which means government grants and incentives
are excluded in the cost analysis. If included, the subsidies would underestimate the
true cost of power production.

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New Build: Levelized Cost of Energy






Solar Wind Natural Gas Hydro Geothermal Nuclear Coal
Source: Lazard, Katusa Research

Against all major power generation sources, wind and solar now are the cheapest
forms of electricity generation.
The big loser in this is coal. Not only is it expensive, but burning coal is a major
Over the past decade, the coal industry has been crushed, loosing major market share
to renewables and natural gas.
What was once a staple of the utilities sector is now quickly being phased out. Also,
natural gas has benefited from the shale oil revolution. Without oil below $50 per
barrel, fewer shale oil wells will be drilled.
That also means the excess supply of natural gas will also decrease making electricity
generation from natural gas to increase.
The largest input cost of electricity generation from natural gas is the price of natural
Natural gas prices are directly correlated to the number of shale oil wells drilled as
natural gas because the excess natural gas is a by-product from shale oil wells.

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This means the higher the oil price, more shale oil wells drilled in North America, the
more natural gas is produced as a by-product which makes the price of natural gas
The opposite happens when a decrease in shale oil wells are drilled because oil is
under $50 per barrel.
That means the cost of electricity generated form natural gas increases.
In the next chart, you can clearly see how much coal power production (the “dirtiest”
energy source) in the USA has declined over the past ten years.
And you can see renewables like solar, wind and especially geothermal energy have
made large gains over the past decade.

Since March 2011, the value of the Dow Jones U.S. Coal Index has plummeted 99%
to the Index’s record low this August.
It had only recovered 2.7 points after the Index was discontinued by S&P Global on
September 18, 2020. Talk about an extinction…

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This phase out has led to major losses for investors and bankruptcies for companies.
Just further proving the point you always want to be onside with the “big” money.
This fact might come as a shock to you, so I’ll say it again…
• Solar power and wind power are now cheaper than energy derived from
old, conventional fossil fuel.
This fact is causing tectonic shifts in the electric power business.
On December 20th, 2015, sustained winds of 20 – 30 miles per hour allowed Texas to
produce 13.9 gigawatts of electric wind power.
It set a record for single-state wind power production… and allowed Texas to get 45%
of its electricity needs from wind power.
• In 2020 22% of Texas’ power generation comes from wind.
Falling costs have allowed solar-powered electric plants to reach or exceed “grid
parity” with fossil fuel plants in 10 U.S. states.
“Grid parity” is when one power source costs the same as another.
Investment bank Deutsche Bank predicts that solar powered electricity will be at grid
parity in up to 80% of the world’s electricity markets within a few years.
I’m showing you all this to drive home an incredible point…

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Cheap, widely available renewable energy isn’t some tree-hugger’s fantasy anymore.
It is real. It is happening right now.
Every day, more and more profit-conscious corporations are choosing renewable
energy. It’s simply a better deal now.
Every day, more and more spending-conscious consumers are choosing renewable
energy. It’s simply a better deal now.

This Mega-Trend Will Only Accelerate...

To be clear, I’m not saying renewable energy is the cheapest source of electrical
power in every country.
Some places don’t receive enough wind to make it a viable fuel source.
Some areas don’t receive enough sunlight to make it a viable fuel source.
I’m simply saying solar energy and wind energy have become cheaper and thus, more
attractive in many countries.
This means incredible amounts of clean, renewable electric power are now available
to us. It means an epic transition away from dirty electrical power and to clean electric
It means a reordering of a trillion-dollar-plus industry.
This transition will not happen in a few years. It won’t even happen in ten years. But it
will happen.
Below is what we expect the electricity generation stack to look like in 2050.

© Copyright 2021 | 52
Global Electricity Production by Source
Coal Oil Natural Gas Nuclear Hydro Wind+Solar Geothermal & Other

100% 1% 2% 3% 3%
90% 20% 17%

80% 16% 35%

15% 17%
14% 18% 13%
50% 23%
11% 8% 10%
20% 38% 39% 36%
1985 2000 2019 2050e
Source: BP Stat Review, Katusa Research Projections

The simple fact that solar and wind are now cheaper than fossil fuels is just one factor
in a coming “golden age” for renewable energy investments.
There’s an incredible second factor at work…
Investors in this sector are set to benefit from the biggest government stimulus
program in history.

Blink and You’ll Miss Cashing in on Climate Change

Many see man-made climate change as the biggest crisis in the world today.
It’s practically a religion for many people.
Now, you may agree or disagree with all the talk about climate change and global
However, I’m not going to spend a minute trying to change anyone’s mind.
I’m in the business of finding companies that will produce profits. I’m in the business of
finding stocks that will go up.

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When it comes to making money with our investments, it doesn’t really matter what
you or I think.
• What really matters–if you want to make money–is what the people who
are running the world’s richest, most powerful governments think.
It matters what they are doing right now…and what they’ll do in the future.
What they are doing right now is launching a massive effort to transition the world
away from “dirty” energy sources like coal.
To fight what they see as man-made climate change, governments are going to spend
trillions of dollars on solar and wind energy. They plan to completely reshape the way
we power our electrical and transportation systems. For example…
• From 2010 to 2014, over one trillion dollars was invested globally in wind and
solar power capacity.
This is larger than the amount of money the U.S. government spent on the big bank
bailout during the 2008 financial crisis.
According to Bloomberg…

 Renewable energy investment could draw $8 trillion of investment over the

next 25 years. That’s nearly double the amount countries will spend on coal,
natural gas, and nuclear.

To put this number in perspective, it’s more than 10 times the amount
the U.S. spends annually on its military.

Since 2006, China has invested over $1 trillion on clean energy. Over the past 5 years,
Chinese annual investment has averaged more than $100 billion per year.

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Chinese Annual Clean Energy Investment



(Billions USD)





2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020e
Source: BNEF, Katusa Research

RAND Corporation estimated that air pollution in 2012 cost China $535 billion, or 6.5
percent of its gross domestic product, due to losses in labor productivity.
The Chinese government knows this. Which is why they are making such a massive
push towards clean energy.
Chinese premier Li Keqiang said his nation will cut carbon emissions per unit of GDP
by 60% - 65% by 2030 from 2005 levels.
This will require China to produce 30 times more solar or nine times more wind power
than it had at the end of 2014.
What about India?
India is home to enormous population growth, which in turn leads to enormous power
generation requirements.
Ambitious targets, comprehensive government policies and economics have placed
India amongst the most vibrant clean energy markets in the world.
In 2015, India announced a target of building 175GW of clean energy by 2022, a
more-than-fourfold increase in installed capacity in just seven years.

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By 2030, Prime Minister Narendra Modi wants India to reach a new goal of 450GW of
India is also home to one of the most competitive solar power auctions in the world,
which allows utilities to buy power at incredibly low prices.

Even the Kingdom of Oil is Going Green!

Even oil rich Saudi Arabia is embracing renewables.

The Kingdom created the King Salman Renewable Energy Initiative, which targets
60GW of wind and solar power production over the coming decade.
This values the initiative at over $60 billion dollars.
And nearby Qatar holds the world record for the lowest power purchase agreement,
1.57 cents per kilowatt hour.
The math is obvious for the Kings of oil.
Its more profitable for them now to invest in
the generating green energy for their
domestic electricity consumption and save
the oil for exporting.
Make no mistake…
Saudi Arabia has no intention of shooting themselves in the foot by curbing their oil
and gas production in the long term.

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But this year they have also committed to tripling their previous renewable energy
What are other regions doing?
Glad you asked…
• In 2015, California passed legislation that targets getting 50% of its electricity
from renewables by 2030, with the state’s three investor-owned utilities already
on their way to meeting the state’s 33% renewable energy goal by 2020.
Billions more will be spent on this.
The International Energy Agency estimates that $68 trillion will be allocated to
tackle energy needs…
And an additional $16.5 trillion to meet temperature targets leading up to the
year 2040.
Read that again.
That’s an INSANE amount of money!
It’s a stupendous amount of spending. It will provide a huge boost to the bull market
coming in clean energy, green energy, fighting climate change and ESG investing.
As an added bonus for politicians, all this spending will create jobs. It will stimulate
spending. It will stimulate economies.
This spending will be billed as vital “infrastructure spending” and “investing in our
children’s future.”

The “Irresistible Equation” for Politicians

For a politician, the math is simple…and it’s irresistible…

Fighting global warming…

• Plus…
Investing in our children’s’ future…
• Equals…
Great press, the love of the people, the votes of the people, and
more power.

This equation will prove irresistible for both well-meaning politicians who truly want a
clean environment.

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AND opportunistic politicians who will say and do anything for more power and more
time in office.
• This equation is why we’re going to see the biggest government
“stimulus” programs in history.
To spur even more spending, governments are cutting hundreds of “sweetheart” deals
with businesses.
These deals offer tax breaks, subsidies, and outright handouts.
Now…you can get angry about this situation. You can deny it.
You won’t be alone. Plenty of people are reacting this way.
You can also invest against the government as a matter of principle.
Me? I don’t have an ax to grind. I just want to find great investments.
I’m just following the numbers and facts to a logical conclusion. And following the
The way I see it, I’m not in the “oil and gas or the mining” business, I’m in the “making
money” business.
Over the past five years, we’ve spent hundreds of hours in meetings. We’ve flown
around the world multiple times.
We’ve spoken to top government officials.
We’ve talked with the billionaires who fund political campaigns.
Every single thing we see and hear leads us to a simple conclusion: A giant wave of
money is headed for the renewable energy sector.
You can hate it or fight it or ignore it.
But we see it as one of the greatest investment opportunities of our time.
Marin Katusa
Katusa Research

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