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rffm - EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance Command-line Tool
Version 9.0.x 2011-2012


addTask [--Type=TYPE] [--Policy=POLICY] [--Schedule=SCHEDULE]
[--Source=SOURCE] [--Destination=DESTINATION]
[--DestinationType=DESTINATIONTYPE] [--force]
[--Encryption=yes|no] [--Compression=yes|no]
[--ProviderName=PROVIDERNAME] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
[--DelayPeriod=DELAYPERIOD] [--NetworkBandwidth=NETWORKBANDWIDTH]
getTasks [--Enable=0|1] [--Format=list|detail] [--TaskID=TASKID]
[--TaskName=TASKNAME] [--Type=TYPE]
deleteTask [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
enableTask [--Enable=0|1] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
getTaskProgress [--EndDate=ENDDATE] [--StartDate=STARTDATE]
[--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
stopTask [--Queue=all|active|pending] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
runTaskNow [--Simulation=summary|detailed] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
editTask [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME] [--Schedule=SCHEDULE]
[--Policy=POLICY] [--RecursiveFileThreshold=RECURSIVEFILETHRESHOLD]
getTaskQueue [--Queue=QUEUETYPE] [--Type=TYPE]
setTaskQueueLimits [--All=ALLQ] [--ArchiverThreads=ARCHIVERQ]
[--PendingTasks=PENDINGQ] [--StubScannerThreads=STUBSCANNERQ]
celerraFMSettings [--action=get|set]
addServer [--acd-dnsname=ACDDNSNAME]
[--domainname=DOMAIN] [--fqdn=FQDN] [--exclude-dir=DIRLIST]
[--fpolicy-secondary-ip=IPLIST] [--is_source=yes/no]
[--is_vdm=yes/no] [--netapppassword=PASSWORD]
[--netappusername=USERNAME] [--password=PASSWORD] [--pea=PEA]
[--shared_secret=SHAREDSECRET] [--uid=UID] [--username=USERNAME]
[--vfiler-host-ip=VFILERHOSTIP] NAME TYPE [IP ...]

EMC CTA 9.0.x 1


editServer [--acd-dnsname=ACDDNSNAME]
[--domainname=DOMAIN] [--fqdn=FQDN] [--exclude-dir=DIRLIST]
[--fpolicy-secondary-ip=IPLIST] [--is_source=yes/no]
[--is_vdm=yes/no] [--netapppassword=PASSWORD]
[--netappusername=USERNAME] [--password=PASSWORD]
[--port=http|https[:PORT]] [--shared_secret=SHAREDSECRET] [--uid=UID]
[--username=USERNAME] [--vfiler-host-ip=VFILERHOSTIP]
NAME [IP ...]
deleteServer NAME
authServer [--cloud-target=CLOUD-TARGET]
[--centera-target=CENTERA-TARGET] [--nas-repository=NAS-REPOSITORY]
editFpolicyExclusionIP IP [IP ...]
editFpolicyBlockIP IP [IP ...]
archivedList [--StartTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM] [--EndTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM]
[--exact-match] [--limit=LIMIT] [--offset=OFFSET]
[--format=list|detail|simple] UNCPATH
orphanList [--expiredretention] [-limit=LIMIT] [--missing=DAYSMISSING] UNCPATH
stubRecovery [--makewritable] [--modtime=MODTIME] [--restoreall] UNCPATH
deleteOrphan [--deleteall] [--force] [--limit=LIMIT] [--missing=DAYSMISSING] [--noCheckPrimary]
dxConversion [--CenteraMappingFile=CENTERAMAPPINGFILE] [--ExportName=EXPORTNAME]
[--ShareName=SHARENAME] [--Simulation=summary] [--SanityTest=FULL_PATH_TO_FILE]
backupSettings [--action=get|set] [--Destination=DESTINATION]
[--DestinationType=nas|centera] [--DRDestination=DRDESTINATION]
minFileOverride [--Enable=0|1]
addNASRepository [--Source=SOURCE] [--MaxDiskUsagePercent=DISKUSEPERCENT]
listNASRepositories [--RepositoryName=REPOSITORYNAME]
deleteNASRepository [--RepositoryName=REPOSITORYNAME]
editNASRepository [--MaxDiskUsagePercent=DISKUSEPERCENT]
listPolicies [--Format=list|detail|simple] [--Type=POLICYTYPE] [POLICYNAME ...]
version [--daemon]
listServers [--SourceOnly] [--Type=TYPE] [--Format=list|detail|simple] [SERVERNAME ...]
getFileSystems [--Protocol=cifs|nfs] SERVERNAME
importPEACentera [--FileServer=FILESERVER] [--pea=PEA]
multiTierRepoMigUpdate [--action=get|set|runnow] [--StartTime=STARTTIME]
delayedStubUpdate [--action=get|set|runnow] [--StartTime=STARTTIME]
setNetAppPassthrough [--FileServer=FILESERVER] enable|disable
addNetAppPassthroughExcludedExtension EXTENSION
deleteNetAppPassthroughExcludedExtension EXTENSION
addNetAppPassthroughExcludedExpression REG_EX
deleteNetAppPassthroughExcludedExpression REG_EX

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addSIDTranslationFile [--SIDFilePath=SIDFILEPATH]
deleteSIDTranslationFile [--SIDFileNameToDelete=SIDFileNameToDelete]
archiveReportSettings [--action=get|set]
[--FileTypes=FILETYPES] [--FileSizeUnit=kb|mb|gb|tb|pb]
[--GroupA=GROUPA] [--GroupB=GROUPB] [--GroupC=GROUPC] [--GroupD=GROUPD]
[--ReportCleanupDays=REPORTCLEANUPDAYS] [--TimeRange-
[--TimeRangeStartDate=TIMERANGE_STARTDATE] [--TimeRangeEnd-
addImportProvider [--username=USERNAME] PROVIDERNAME PASSWORD
editImportProvider [--Password=PASSWORD]
deleteImportProvider PROVIDERNAME
importFromXmlFile [--background] IMPORTFILEPATH
getImportFileHistory [--EndTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM] [--ImportID=IMPORTID]
[--ProviderName=PROVIDERNAME] [--StartTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM]
[--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
getPendingImportedFiles [--ErrorOnly] [--ExportName=EXPORTNAME]
[--FileServer=FILESERVER] [--Format=count|list|detail|xml]
[--ImportID=IMPORTID] [--ImportDateOlderThan=IMPORTDATE]
[--MinNumErrors=MINNUMERRORS] [--Path=PATH]
deletePendingImportedFiles [--ErrorOnly] [--ExportName=EXPORTNAME]
[--FileServer=FILESERVER] [--ForceDelete] [--ImportID=IMPORTID]
[--ImportDateOlderThan=IMPORTDATE] [--MinNumErrors=MINNUMERRORS]
scheduleVacuumTask [--VacuumStartTime] [--VacuumWeekRepetition]
setFileMigrationTotalBandwidthMBs [--FileMigrationTaskID=FILEMIGRATIONTASKID]
setTaskExitThreshold [--ThresholdPercent=THRESHOLDPERCENT]
setFileMigrationErrorThreshold [--ErrorThreshold=ERRORTHRESHOLD]
fullyQualifiedDomain [--action=get|set|clear] [--Name=KERBEROS_FQDN] [--DCIP=DCIP]
generateEncryptionKey [--KeyName=ENCRYPTIONKEYNAME]
setEmcSerialNumber [EMCSERIALNUMBER]
setFileMigrationJournalingEnable [enable|disable]

rffm is used to configure and manage the features and functionality available within EMC Cloud Tiering

rffm can be used to add, edit and delete file servers configured in Cloud Tiering Appliance. These file
servers contain the servers in the primary and secondary storage tiers, specifically NetApp, Celerra, Centera

EMC CTA 9.0.x 3


and ATMOS. For CTA/VE, only the Celerra and Centera server types are supported. When configuring a
NetApp file server, Cloud Tiering Appliance will automatically register with NetApps Fpolicy, using the IP
address of Cloud Tiering Appliance as the primary callback agent. Multiple primary and secondary call-
back agents can be added to the NetApp configuration to register with FPolicy to provide high availability
for recalling files. When configuring a Celerra file server, secondary connections must be created manually
on the Celerra DART 5.5. The secondary connections can be created automatically for DART 5.6 and above
by the archiver task. Secondary connections are necessary to perform any archiving and recalling opera-
tions. When configuring Centera, a connection string is provided, using a comma separated list of the IP
addresses of the Centera access nodes. A username/password credentials or PEA (Pool Entry Authoriza-
tion) file can be used to authenticate with the Centera. When configuring an ATMOS service, an ATMOS
user ID (uid) and shared secret must be provided. To archive to another NAS platform, the target server
must be configured within Cloud Tiering Appliance to create a NAS repository.

rffm can also be used to add, delete, edit, run, and monitor tasks in the Cloud Tiering Appliance configura-
tion. Tasks can be configured for archive, multi-tier, multi-tier-stub, delete orphans and stubs with expired
retention or repository migration. Tasks can be scheduled to run immediately, run on a scheduled interval,
run at a specific date and time in the future or run based on a disk usage threshold. Once a task has been
configured and submitted, the task schedule can be edited to modify the repeat interval (daily, X-weeks,
Y-months), the repeat time at each interval or set to run immediately. Cloud Tiering Appliance provides
reporting for each archiving task run as well as a summary of the total data archived and space saved per
share/export and file server.

Each task utilizes the FileWalker process to perform simulation, perform file level archiving, multi-tiering,
orphan deletion, repository migration and stub scanning for orphan management and stub recovery. The
archiver task walks the specified CIFS share or NFS export to perform policy-based archiving operations.
Files found by the FileWalker to match policy criteria will be archived to the secondary storage tier and
replaced by stub files. The stub file written to the primary storage contains all necessary metadata to recall
the data from secondary storage and write back the primary tier. The multi-tier task is similar to archive
task with the difference that it operates on stubs in addition to normal files. If the stub matches the policy
criteria it will copy the data from the secondary storage to the tertiary storage and update the stub to refer-
ence the new location. The multi-tier-stub task will operate on stubs only.

The delete orphan task selects orphan files from the database and utilizes the FileWalker process to perform
the file deletion from the secondary storage. The delete stub task selects files with expired retention from
the database and utilizes FileWalker to perform the stub deletion and the associated file on the secondary

The Repository Migration task is a specialized task used to move all files from the specified secondary stor-
age to a new secondary storage and update the stubs to reference the new file location. A list of NAS secon-
daries can be specified. The task will iterate through the list of NAS secondaries and will use them in
ascending order until it reaches the disk usage limit before moving to the next repository in the list.

The stub scanner is a specialized task used to discover stub files on the primary storage for orphan manage-
ment and stub recovery. It is automatically scheduled during archive task schedule but can also be manually
scheduled. It scans the source share/export looking for stub files and updates the stub timestamp in the local
database. Orphan management and stub recovery utilize the stub scanner to identify stub files on the pri-
mary storage. If the Stub Scanner did not update the file timestamp in the local database for at least 30 days
the file is considered orphan. Stub recovery can be used to recreate stubs for archived files that were
deleted from the primary storage tier as well as provide versioning for archived files.


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Stub file
A small file created by an archiving application that references data on secondary storage.
A file that has been archived to secondary storage but does not have a corresponding stub file on
the primary storage.
Collection of one or more file matching criteria, a secondary storage destinations, data retention
period and policy type.
A definition of a source dataset, a recurring or non-recurring schedule, and a task type.
NAS Repository
A share/export on a Celerra, NetApp, Isilon, Windows (CIFS) or DataDomain (NFS) file server
that can be used as an archiving destination. A NAS repository is defined with a maximum disk
usage percentage.
NAS Group
A NAS Group is a collection of NAS repositories used for archiving or multi-tier tasks. The task
will archive to the first repository in the NAS group until is reaches the specified maximum disk
usage limit. It will continue to iterate through all the repositories in the group until the task is com-

-h, --help
Show basic help.
Show extra information.
Show a lot of extra information
rffm supports the following commands. Individual commands may have their own set of supported
options. Any such options are described below each command.

addTask [--Type=TYPE] [--Policy=POLICY] [--Schedule=SCHEDULE]

[--Source=SOURCE] [--Destination=DESTINATION]
[--DestinationType=DESTINATIONTYPE] [--force]
[--Encryption=yes|no] [--Compression=yes|no]
[--ProviderName=PROVIDERNAME] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
[--DelayPeriod=DELAYPERIOD] [--NetworkBandwidth=NETWORKBANDWIDTH]

Add a recurring or non recurring task for archiving., multitier, delete tasks, or filemigration tasks
or add a recurring task for stub scanner or backup, or run-once repositorymigration task. You can-
not add a non recurring task for stub scanner and backup tasks. The task can be scheduled to start
immediately, start at some time in the future, or repeat at a particular interval.

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Task type. For non-importarchive policy tasks there is no need to give this option as
--Policy has a task type associated with it. Specify filemigration type only for Windows
as migration source.
Define the policy to be used for a policy task. Needed for archiver, multitier, multitier-
stub, deletestub, deleteorphan and filemigration tasks. Policy is not applicable for Win-
dows as migration source. Specify filemigration in the --Type field. No need to specify
--Type if this option is specified, but for an importarchive task --Type is a must.
Scheduling option associated with the task. The scheduling options are

* For a run-now task, --Schedule=now

* For a simulation run task, --Schedule=simulation:SIMULATIONTYPE

Example: --Schedule=simulation:detailed, --Schedule=simulation:summary

* For a run-once task, --Schedule=once:DATE@TIME

Example: --Schedule=once:2012-07-25@18:45

* For a recursive daily task, --Schedule=daily@TIME

Example: --Schedule=daily@22:30

* For a recursive weekly task, --Schedule=x-weeks:DAYOFWEEK@TIME

where, x can be from 1 to 4 (weeks), DAYOFWEEK must be Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri,
Sat, Sun.
Example: --Schedule=weekly:Mon@11:00 or --Schedule=1-week:Mon@11:00,

* For a recursive monthly task, --Schedule=y-months:DAYOFMONTH@TIME

where, y can be 1 to 12 (months), DAYOFMONTH must be from 1 to 31
Example: --Schedule=monthly:10@23:15 or --Schedule=1-month:10@23:15, --Sched-

* For capacity-based archive task, --Schedule=archive@ARCHIVETHRESH-

Example: --Schedule=archive@90%, --Schedule=archive@85%:warning@75%

* For a run-on-import importarchive task, --Schedule=onimport

Full UNC path to the data set the task will be run against. Entered in the format: //server-
name/sharename/dirname or \servername\sharename\dirname for CIFS shares and server-
name:/exportname/dirname for NFS export. For a repositorymigration task this will be a
NAS repository or a Centera or Cloud (Atmos, Amazon S3). Source should not be speci-
fied for a backup task.
--force Force adding the task without asking a confirmation question. Valid for deleteorphan and
deletestub tasks. Has no effect for other types of tasks.
To force or not to force moving orphan files for repository migration. If omitted the
default value is no

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Optional. Cloud destination option for repository migration. If omitted the default value
is ’no’. If specified, option is applied on data that is not currently compressed.
Optional. Cloud destination option for repository migration. If omitted the default value
is ’no’. If specified, option is applied on data that is not currently encrypted.
Destination for repositorymigration task. Can be the name of a Centera or Cloud (Atmos,
Amazon S3) or it can be the names of one or more NAS repositories separated by com-
mas. In case of NAS repository the protocol type of each must be the same as that of
Optional. DestinationType for repositorymigration task. Valid values are centera, Cloud
(Atmos, Amazon S3) and nas. If omitted it will automatically detect from --Destination.
Provider Name configured on the CTA. Valid only for importarchive task.
Unique name of the task (case in-sensitive). Valid only for importarchive task.
Delay period in number of days for repositorymigration task. This is an optional parame-
ter. If it is not specified it is taken as 0.
The total network bandwidth for the FileMigration task in MB/s. The default is 0
Recursive File Threshold value for automatic recursive file migration. Indicates total
number of files. After a file migration task is completed if the total number of files
migrated is more than the file threshold value the task is spawned again. This step is
repeated until the total files migrated becomes less than the file threshold. A value of zero
disables recursive file migration. If this option is specified only run-now or run-once
scheduling option is made available.
The CIFS SID Translation File name already added through GUI or through addSID-
TranslationFile cli command for a FileMigration task. To see the list of translation files
run rffm listSIDTranslationFiles

getTasks [--Enable=0|1] [--Format=list|detail] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]


Return the submitted tasks matching the type and enabled criteria, or return a specific task based
on the task ID. Note that the --Enable option and --TaskID can be provided to optionally filter the
results, --Type is a required parameter. Specifying --TaskID and --Enable will only return the
specified task if both fields match, ex: rffm gettasks --Enable=1 --TaskID=5 --Type=stubscan-
ner will only returnstub scanner task 5 if it is actually enabled.
Return disabled or enabled tasks.
Display format of the tasks. If it is not provided the default value is list if --TaskID is not
specified (or) detail if --TaskID is specified. The user can change this default behavior by
forcefully setting the other format.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 7


* list displays the task information in one line for each task.
* detail displays all the details of the task in multiple lines.
If specified, only that TASKID’s information is displayed. Alternatively the user can use
If specified, only that task name’s information is displayed. Alternatively the user can use
Task type or task group to be returned

deleteTask [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]

Delete specified task. Only tasks which have not executed successfully can be deleted. Use the
rffm getTaskProgress command to verify whether the task has run successfully at least once. Once
the command has been run once successfully it can only be disabled using the rffm enableTask

enableTask [--Enable=0|1] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]

Enable or disable the task with the specified ID.

Disable|Enable the specified task
TaskID for which the action is requested. Alternatively the user can use
Task name for which the action is requested. Alternatively the user can use

getTaskProgress [--EndDate=ENDDATE] [--StartDate=STARTDATE] [--TaskID=TASKID]


Return the progress results of a submitted task. To get the task results from a previous date, the
start and end date of the task can be specified. Note, only the date of a particular task can be spec-
ified. If the task has run multiple times in the same day, only the progress of the first run can be
YYYY-MM-DD format for the timestamp when the task completed.
YYYY-MM-DD format for the timestamp when the task started.
TaskID for which the action is requested. Alternatively the user can use
Task name for which the action is requested. Alternatively the user can use

EMC CTA 9.0.x 8


stopTask [--Queue=all|active|pending] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]

Abort running task by TaskID or Task Queue type. Any remaining progress for the tasks will be
discarded and the effects of the task will not be rolled back.
Task queue type. If this is specified all the tasks in the specified queue is stopped.
TaskID that needs to be stopped. This TaskID must be running. Alternatively the user can
use --TaskName=TASKNAME
Task name for that needs to be stopped. This task must be running. Alternatively the user
can use --TaskID=TASKID

runTaskNow [--Simulation=summary|detailed] [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]

Start a submitted task immediately. The --Simulation argument allows you to run the task as a
simulation. Using this command will not affect the schedule originally configured for the task.
Running this command on a task that is already running will cause the task to be run additional
times concurrently. This will typically not have any adverse effect on the dataset unless files have
been recalled between tasks causing multiple archiving events.

editTask [--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME] [--Schedule=SCHEDULE]

[--Policy=POLICY] [--RecursiveFileThreshold=RECURSIVEFILETHRESHOLD]

Edit the existing schedule for a submitted task. Use the rffm getTasks TaskID=TASKID com-
mand to get the current schedule configuration. The StartTime field cannot be set to now, only a
time in the future. To have a scheduled task run immediately use the rffm runTaskNow com-

TaskID for which the action is requested. Alternatively the user can use
Task name for which the action is requested. Alternatively the user can use
Scheduling option associated with the task. The scheduling options are

* For a run-now task, --Schedule=now

* For a simulation run task, --Schedule=simulation:SIMULATIONTYPE

Example: --Schedule=simulation:detailed, --Schedule=simulation:summary

* For a run-once task, --Schedule=once:DATE@TIME

Example: --Schedule=once:2012-07-25@18:45

* For a recursive daily task, --Schedule=daily@TIME

Example: --Schedule=daily@22:30

* For a recursive weekly task, --Schedule=x-weeks:DAYOFWEEK@TIME

where, x can be from 1 to 4 (weeks), DAYOFWEEK must be Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri,
Sat, Sun.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 9


Example: --Schedule=weekly:Mon@11:00 or --Schedule=1-week:Mon@11:00,


* For a recursive monthly task, --Schedule=y-months:DAYOFMONTH@TIME

where, y can be 1 to 12 (months), DAYOFMONTH must be from 1 to 31
Example: --Schedule=monthly:10@23:15 or --Schedule=1-month:10@23:15, --Sched-

* For capacity-based archive task, --Schedule=archive@ARCHIVETHRESH-

Example: --Schedule=archive@90%, --Schedule=archive@85%:warning@75%

* For a run-on-import importarchive task, --Schedule=onimport

Change the policy assiciated with an importarchive task only. This option cannot be
used with any other task type.
Recursive File Threshold value for automatic recursive file migration. Indicates total
number of files. After a file migration task is completed if the total number of files
migrated is more than the file threshold value the task is spawned again. This step is
repeated until the total files migrated becomes less than the file threshold. A value of zero
disables recursive file migration. If this option is specified only run-now or run-once
scheduling option is made available.

backupSettings [--action=get|set] [--Destination=DESTINATION]

[--DestinationType=nas|centera] [--DRDestination=DRDESTINATION]

Used to configure or retrieve the backup settings. The backup settings are stored in the rain.xml
and this configuration is used to do backup when a backup task is scheduled.
Action to be performed. Valid actions are
* set is used for setting the backup settings. Used as both add and edit. When running
this command for the first time after installation, it works as add. Running it after the first
successful --action=set, it works as edit.
* get displays the backup settings.
A configured Centera Name or a NAS Destination Name. Run rffm listNASRepositories
to view all the NAS repositories. rffm listServers lists all the servers from which a Cen-
tera can be selected.
Represents the type of destination.
Disaster Recovery NAS Destination Server Name. Currently supports an already config-
ured Celerra and NetApp servers only. rffm listServers lists all the servers from which a
Celerra or NetApp can be selected.
Disaster Recovery Start Directory relative to DRDESTINATION. Must be an NFS path.
To find the list of NFS exports run rffm getFileSystems --Protocol=nfs DRDESTINA-
TION. Note: The cli checks only the export name and not the entire path. (If /fs1 is a
valid export and if you specify /fs1/subfolder1/subfolder2, the cli checks only for /fs1.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 10


The user must ensure subfolder1/subfolder2 exists under /fs1)

The Number of Backups to be saved. Valid values are from 5 to 15. If this parameter is
omitted at the time of setting for the first time it defaults to 5.
1) While setting it for the first time after installation of CTA, all but --NoOfBackups are

rffm backupSettings --action=set --Destination=’Repository at cifsgorilla1:/fs1’

--DestinationType=nas --DRDestination=cifsgorilla1 --DRStartDir=/fs1

2) For making changes to the existing settings it is not necessary to give all the parame-
ters. To change number of backups to 8:

rffm backupSettings --action=set --NoOfBackups=8

3) To list the backup settings: rffm backupSettings --action=get


restoreBackup command is used to restore a Backup file. It will list all the backups available and
will promt the user to enter which file he wants to restore from the list. Once the user gives the
filename, the command will do the restore and will return the location of the restored file to the

getTaskQueue [--Queue=QUEUETYPE] [--Type=TYPE]

Get the tasks in the scheduler’s active and pending queues. Pending queue includes all the run-now
tasks and the task scheduled by the scheduler in the pending queue.
The queue type of interest.
The task type or task group for which task queue is required.


Displays the queue size limits of various tasks in the scheduler.

setTaskQueueLimits [--All=ALLQ] [--ArchiverThreads=ARCHIVERQ]

[--PendingTasks=PENDINGQ] [--StubScannerThreads=STUBSCANNERQ]

Sets queue size limits of various tasks in the scheduler.

Shortcut for setting the queue size of all the options. Valid values are
* default
* any value from 1 to 5
default sets the daemon’s default value for each of the queue sizes.

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Maximum size of the pending queue. Valid values are
* default
* any value from 1 to 1000
default sets the daemon’s default value for this option. This option overrides --All for the
size of pending queue.
Maximum number of archiver threads that can run simultaneously. Valid values are
* default
* any value from 1 to 5
default sets the daemon’s default value for this option. This option overrides --All for the
maximum number of archiver threads.
Maximum number of stub scanner threads that can run simultaneously. Valid values are
* default
* any value from 1 to 5
default sets the daemon’s default value for this option. This option overrides --All for the
maximum number of stub scanner threads.

celerraFMSettings [--action=get|set]

Global celerra FileMover settings. The credentials provided here are used for both FileMover and
callback credentials for CCD and ACD.
Action to be performed. Valid actions are
* set is used for setting the callback credentials.
* get displays the callback credentials (masks the password).
Username used for filemover and ccd/acd callbacks.
Password used for filemover and ccd/acd callbacks.

addServer [--acd-dnsname=ACDDNSNAME]
[--domainname=DOMAIN] [--fqdn=FQDN] [--exclude-dir=DIRLIST]
[--fpolicy-secondary-ip=IPLIST] [--is_source=yes/no]
[--is_vdm=yes/no] [--netapppassword=PASSWORD]
[--netappusername=USERNAME] [--password=PASSWORD] [--pea=PEA]
[--port=http|https[:PORT]] [--profile-password=PROFILEPASSWORD]
[--shared_secret=SHAREDSECRET] [--uid=UID] [--username=USERNAME]

EMC CTA 9.0.x 12



Add a server to the CTA configuration. The server can be of type Celerra, NetApp, Centera, Win-
dows, DataDomain, Isilon (or) Cloud (Atmos, Amazon S3). A file server must be configured
within CTA if it will be used as an archiving source or a NAS repository target. To authenticate
with a NetApp file server, the local administrator credentials must be provided, as well as CIFS
specific authentication. If the administrator login or CIFS authentication information is incorrect,
an error will be returned indicating CTA could not register with the NetApp. To authenticate with
a Celerra file server, CIFS authentication information is required. If the Celerra will be used as a
source, the CCD and FileMover credentials are required as well. For archiving and recalling
between Celerra and Centera, the CCD username and password are required for authentication to
use the secondary HTTP connection configured on Celerra. If there are any errors in the CIFS or
FileMover authentication, no error will be reported until an archiving task is run and reports an
error. If a PEA file or profile username and password are needed for Centera authentication but
none is specified no error will be reported until an archive task attempts to write to the Centera and
is unsuccessful. Isilon file server supports both NFS and CIFS, but providing CIFS credentials is
The Fully Qualified DNS name for the Cloud callback daemon that is used in the HTTP
connection for recalling from Cloud (Atmos, Amazon S3) to Celerra or VNX. Ex: If the
secondary connection uses the HTTP path, http://acd.domain.prv to resolve the Cloud
callback daemon, acd.domain.prv should be entered here.
The Fully Qualified DNS name for the Celerra callback daemon that is used in the HTTP
connection for recalling from Centera to Celerra or VNX. Ex: If the secondary connec-
tion uses the HTTP path, http://ccd.domain.prv to resolve the Celerra callback daemon,
ccd.domain.prv should be entered here.
IP address of the control station for Celerra/VNX/VNXe. Required for DART version >=
5.6. Not required for DART version <= 5.5
DNS Name of ATMOS cloud.
NetBIOS or FQDN format of the domain that the NetApp belongs to, ex: domain or
domain.prv are both acceptable.
Fully qualified Kerberos domain name. Used instead of --domainname.
Directory(s) that will be excluded from any tasks (except StubScanner, Delete_Stub, and
Delete_Orphan) run by CTA. Note that system directories such as .etc, lost+found, will
be ignored by design and do not need to be entered here.
Celerra username and password that can be authenticated to use the Filemover API used
for archiving on Celerra. If the Celerra will be used as a source for archiving, the File-
mover username and password are required fields.
Host machine IP addresses to register with FPolicy as secondary callback daemon(s). By
design FPolicy will always try to reach each of the primary agents for recalls before try-
ing secondary agents. By default, all available agents will be registered as primary unless

EMC CTA 9.0.x 13


user specifies agent IPs as secondary.

Specify whether the file server will be used as a source for archiving. If this is set to no,
the file server can only be used as a NAS repository.
The local NetApp administrator username and password with root privileges for
CIFS administrative username and password.
Username and Passwrod for authentication with a Centera
Path on the local machine to a PEA (Pool Entry Authorization) file for authentication
with a Centera
Port for ATMOS cloud: http maps to 80, https to 10080. To override the port append
":PORT". For example, to select HTTPS port 443 use "https:443". If not provided the
default is HTTPS port 10080.
ATMOS shared secret.
ATMOS uid.
NDMP Username for Celerra
NDMP Password for Celerra
NDMP Port Number for Celerra. If this argument is not provided or if the argument
value is default, it defaults to 10000, otherwise it must be a numberic value between 1
and 65536
URL corresponding to the Amazon S3 bucket as displayed in the AWS Management
The key that CTA uses to gain REST access to the Amazon S3 bucket. The Amazon S3
account manager generates the key.
The secret credential used with the Access Key ID. The Secret Access Key is generated
with the Access Key ID.
The Amazon S3 bucket destination where CTA adds, deletes, or edits objects. The Ama-
zon S3 account manager configures the Amazon S3 bucket.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 14


If the file server is a NetApp vfiler, the IP address of the host filer must be specified with
this field.
If the file server is a Celerra VDM, the flag needs to be specified, and CIFS only can be
NetBIOS name for Celerra and NetApp file servers. Logical name for Centera servers.
TYPE=Celerra|NetApp|Centera|Windows|DataDomain|Isilon|Cloud (Atmos, Amazon S3)
Server type.

editServer [--acd-dnsname=ACDDNSNAME]
[--domainname=DOMAIN] [--fqdn=FQDN] [--exclude-dir=DIRLIST]
[--fpolicy-secondary-ip=IPLIST] [--is_source=yes/no]
[--is_vdm=yes/no] [--netapppassword=PASSWORD]
[--netappusername=USERNAME] [--password=PASSWORD]
[--port=http|https[:PORT]] [--shared_secret=SHAREDSECRET] [--uid=UID]
[--username=USERNAME] [--vfiler-host-ip=VFILERHOSTIP]
NAME [IP ...]

Edit an existing server, other than a Centera, in the CTA configuration. Any changes made to the
existing NetApp authentication information will not trigger an error to be generated if a mistake is
made. However authentication errors will be printed to the debug log when CTA attempts to
reregister with the NetApp after 30 seconds. Changes made to the primary FPolicy IP will not be
valid if the target machine is not running the FPolicy callback daemon. Changes made to the
existing Celerra authentication information will not trigger an error if a mistake is made. How-
ever, errors will be generated once an archiving task is run if there is a problem with the CIFS,
FileMover or CCD authentication information. You are not allowed to edit a Centera. The only
way to do it is to delete an existing Centera and create a new one.

The Fully Qualified DNS name for the Cloud callback daemon that is used in the HTTP
connection for recalling from Cloud (Atmos, Amazon S3) to Celerra or VNX. Ex: If the
secondary connection uses the HTTP path, http://acd.domain.prv to resolve the Cloud
callback daemon, acd.domain.prv should be entered here.
The DNS name for the Celerra callback daemon that is used in the HTTP connection for
recalling from Centera to Celerra or VNX. Ex: If the secondary connection uses the
HTTP path, http://ccd.domain.prv to resolve the Celerra callback daemon,
ccd.domain.prv should be entered here.
IP address of the control station for Celerra/VNX/VNXe. Required for DART version >=
5.6. Not required for DART version <= 5.5
NetBIOS or FQDN format of the domain that the NetApp belongs to, ex: domain or
domain.prv are both acceptable.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 15


Fully qualified Kerberos domain name. Used instead of --domainname.
Directory(s) that will be excluded from any tasks (except StubScanner, Delete_Stub, and
Delete_Orphan) run by CTA. Note that system directories such as .etc, lost+found, will
be ignored by design and do not need to be entered here.
Celerra username and password that can be authenticated to use the Filemover API used
for archiving on Celerra. If the Celerra will be used as a source for archiving, the File-
mover username and password are required fields.
Host machine IP addresses to register with FPolicy as secondary callback daemon(s). By
design FPolicy will always try to reach the primary agent for recalls before trying sec-
ondary agents.
Specify whether the file server will be used as a source for archiving. If this is set to no,
the file server can only be used as a NAS repository.
The local NetApp administrator username and password with root privileges for
CIFS administrative username and password.
Port for ATMOS cloud. (See description under the addServer command.)
ATMOS shared secret.
ATMOS uid.
If the file server is a NetApp vfiler, the IP address of the host filer must be specified with
this field.
NDMP Username for Celerra
NDMP Password for Celerra
NDMP Port Number for Celerra. For default, it defaults to 10000, otherwise it must be a
numberic value between 1 and 65536
If the file server is a Celerra VDM, the flag needs to be specified, and CIFS only can be
NetBIOS name for preconfigured Celerra or NetApp file server.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 16


deleteServer NAME

Remove the specified server from the CTA configuration. Servers containing NAS repositories
cannot be deleted unless the repository is deleted first from the CTA configuration.

When this command is run to remove a NetApp, the CTA Fpolicy configuration will be removed
from the file server. Recall/FPolicy events will not longer be sent to the CTA after running this
command, making archived files inaccessible to CIFS and NFS clients.

When this command is run to remove a Celerra, CTA will no longer authorize HTTP recall
requests received from the file server. After running this command archived data stored on Cen-
tera is inaccessible to the Celerra server through the CTA.

When this command is run to remove a Centera, CTA will no longer be able to access archived
data stored on the server. Recall requests sent to the CTA for data stored on the Centera from
NetApp or Celerra file servers will not complete successfully. Once an archiving task has been run
to write data to Centera, it should never be removed from the configuration for this reason. Recall
can be restored if the same Centera is added back to the configuration with the same logical name.

authServer [--cloud-target=CLOUD-TARGET]
[--centera-target=CENTERA-TARGET] [--nas-repository=NAS-REPOSITORY]

Authenticate server credentials. The user the perform authentication on any of the servers available
in rffm listServers. Celerra server configured as as source requires one or more of the following
parameters for performing filemover, CCD or ACD authentication.
Atmos or Amazon S3 name. Should be already available in the server list. Required if
you want to perform ACD authentication if SERVERNAME is a Celerra server.
Centera name. Should be already available in the server list. Required if you want to per-
form CCD authentication if SERVERNAME is a Celerra server.
Secondary NAS repository name (from rffm listNASRepositories). Required for verify-
ing filemover authentication if SERVERNAME is a Celerra server with an empty Cel-
erra Control StationIP. Not needed if Celerra Control StationIP is specified for the Celerra
or if CENTERA-TARGET or CLOUD-TARGET is specified.
SERVERNAME’s export or share of the form /fs1 for an NFS export and \fs1 for a CIFS
share. Required if SERVERNAME is a Celerra server for performing ACD/CCD authen-
tication and for filemover authentication if Celrra Control StationIP is empty.
Name of the server whose credentials are to be authenticated.

editFpolicyExclusionIP IP [IP ...]

Configure an IP address(s) that will be excluded from recalling on NetApp for backup purposes.
The specified client IPs will not trigger a recall and will have access to read the stub file content.
Each time this command is run the existing list will be replaced by the new IPs.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 17


editFpolicyBlockIP IP [IP ...]

Configure an IP address(s) that will be excluded from recalling on NetApp for backup purposes.
The specified client IPs will not trigger a recall and will have not access to read the stub file con-
tent. When the client attempts to access the stub file, they will get an ’Access Denied’ message.
Each time this command is run the existing list will be replaced by the new IPs specified.

archivedList [--StartTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM] [--EndTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM]

[--exact-match] [--limit=LIMIT] [--offset=OFFSET]
[--format=list|detail|simple] UNCPATH

archivedList takes <UNCPATH> and returns the list of files that have been archived for
that particular share/export. Entering a share or export will cause all the files archived
under that share/export to be displayed. In order to show just the files under a particular
directory, you must end the path with a directory delimiter. If no stubs are found for a
particular directory, only a blank line will be returned.
Archived start time. Used to restrict the search results starting from this time.
Archived end time. Used to restrict the search results until this time.
Perform an exact match on the UNCPATH. If this option is omitted it searches
Limit the number of orphans with the --limit value and supply the desired num-
ber to show as <LIMIT>. If omitted it defaults to 1000.
Start displaying the result starting from the given OFFSET. If omitted the OFF-
SET is 0.
Display format of the files. If omitted, the default value is list. The user can
change this default behavior by forcefully setting the other format.
* list displays the results in a formatted fashion with header and footer.
* detail displays all the details in multiple lines.
* simple displays the results in a tab-separated fashion. It is formatted in such a
way the scripts can easily parse them.
UNCPATH is of the form \\SERVER\SHARE[\PATH] or
NFS. It can also contain path with wildcard characters * or ?. To specify a
directory, the path must end with a directory delimiter character.

orphanList [--expiredretention] [--limit=LIMIT] [--missing=DAYSMISSING] UNCPATH

orphanList takes <UNCPATH> and returns the list of orphaned stubs that have been dis-
covered for that particular share/export. If no orphans are found for a particular directory
or --missing value, only a blank line will be returned. With the --missing option, you can
view only the orphans seen longer than DAYSMISSING days ago. However, an orphan
will not be "found" until the stub scanner has been run. Thus, if you delete a stub, it
won’t immediately show up in the orphan file list. You can force the stub scanner to run

EMC CTA 9.0.x 18


with rffm runTaskNow --TaskID with the task ID of the stub scanner. As long as it has
been at least 1 day since the stub was deleted it will show up in the list.
Only show orphans whose retention period has expired
Limit the number of orphans with the --limit value and supply the desired num-
ber to show as <LIMIT>
Limit the number of orphans to only ones "missing" after <DAYSMISSING>
Without the --missing option, only orphans not seen for 30 days or more will be
UNCPATH is of the form \\SERVER\SHARE[\PATH] or
NFS. It can also contain path with wildcard characters * or ?. To specify a
directory, the path must end with a directory delimiter character.

stubRecovery [--makewritable] [--modtime=MODTIME] [--restoreall] UNCPATH

stubRecovery will take a <UNCPATH> and attempt to restore or recover that file’s stub.
You must specify a full UNC path, in the form of \\SERVER\SHARE[\PATH] or
ally, a <MODTIME> can be supplied to specify which particular version of a file you
would like to restore the stub of. If you have archived multiple instances of the same file,
you can specify which one to restore by its modified time as listed in the archived files
list. The format for <MODTIME> is: "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS".
Create the file with write permission
Recover a specific version of FILEPATH specified by last modified time at
Recover all stub files matching the specified FILENAME or DIRECTORY path.
i.e. a path like ’/export/dir0/file’ will match the files file1.txt and file2 in dir0 and
the sub-directory filesFromMarketing in dir0. Note: if you only want to match a
particular directory then add a directory divider at the end of the path, like
UNCPATH is of the form \\SERVER\SHARE[\PATH] or
NFS. It can also contain path with wildcard characters * or ?. To specify a
directory, the path must end with a directory delimiter character.

dxConversion [--CenteraMappingFile=CENTERAMAPPINGFILE] [--Export-

Name=EXPORTNAME] [--ShareName=SHARENAME] [--Simulation=summary] [--Sani-

dxConversion will take a <SERVER> and a <ExportName> or <ShareName> (one of

these must be specified) and convert all DX NAS stubs to CTA stub files. IMPORTANT
NOTE: before running the conversion. The source and destination servers must be

EMC CTA 9.0.x 19


added to the CTA configuration. It is also important to use the <SanityTest> option to
try to convert a file on each destination to verify that you have correctly added all needed
destination servers to the CTA configuration. If there is a network or server failure during
the conversion, the conversion must be run for the entire file system again, but any suc-
cessfully converted stubs from previous runs of the conversion will be skipped. The DX
NAS Conversion will verify that the secondary data file exists on secondary storage. For
Centera secondary data, no modification is done to the Centera Clip or metadata. For
NAS secondary files, the secondary repository file is copied to the CTA repository. If no
de-duplication was using in the DX NAS repository, then the file is removed from the DX
NAS repository after the copy is successful. If the DX NAS repository uses de-dup, the
repository file is not deleted and the user is responsible to delete the de-dup repository
files after the conversion is completed.
This file must be specified if archiving to Centera was performed with the DX
NAS product. The Format is, one Centera server mapping on each line with the
DX NAS server Netbios name followed by a colon followed by the Centera
internal ID then spaces followed by the CTA Centera name. The Centera inter-
nal ID is shown in the DX NAS GUI in the Details for the Centera configured on
the Destination tab. i.e. dxserver:centera4 labCentera dxserver:centera5 eng-
Nfs export on the server.
Cifs share on the server.
This option can be specified to just count the number of DX NAS stubs to be
converted on the file system, but this option must scan the entire file system and
detect the DX stubs so this is not much faster than running the conversion on the
file system.
This option is used to convert a single file to test the CTA configuration and Cel-
erra DHSM configuration. The path specified should be a full path relative to the
share or export specified. -TP SERVER The net bios name of the Celerra pri-
mary server to run the stub conversion against.

deleteOrphan [--deleteall] [--force] [--limit=LIMIT] [--missing=DAYSMISSING] [--noCheck-

Primary] [--modtime=MODTIME] UNCPATH

The deleteOrphan command can delete the file data for a single orphan file or all orphans
under the specified file path. The deleteOrphan command defaults to deleting data from
secondary storage for a single orphan file. To delete all orphan data located in the
<UNCPATH> location, the [--deleteall] option must be specified. The <UNCPATH>
must specify the last location, on primary storage, of the stub file that was deleted (creat-
ing an orphan file). This command only deletes the data stored on secondary tier storage.
This can be either a NAS repository on a Celerra or NetApp file server or Centera. If the
secondary storage is Centera, It will only succeed if the retention period for that particu-
lar file on the Centera has expired. You must specify a full path, in the form ’\\SHARE-
Optionally, a <MODTIME> can be supplied to specify which particular version of a file
you would like to delete (when deleting a single orphan). If you have archived multiple
instances of the same file, you can specify which one to delete by its modified time as
listed in the orphan list. The format for <MODTIME> is: "YYYY-MM-DD

EMC CTA 9.0.x 20


The orphanList command or deleteOrphan --deleteall command use the CTA database to
find orphan files. It is possible that the stub file may have been recreated or copied from
backup tape and exist on the primary storage. If deleteOrphan finds that the primary stub
file exists, it will not delete the data for this file and it will update the CTA database so it
is no longer marked as an orphan file.
Removes all orphan files under the specified FILEPATH
Only applies to deleteall, will not prompt the user to continue; automatically
deletes all orphan data
Only applies to deleteall, LIMIT is the maximum number of orphans that will be
process (10,000 is the maximum and default)
Only applies to deleteall, Only stubs missing for this many days will be removed
from secondary storage (30 days is the minimum and default)
This option will remove orphans without checking to see if the primary stub file
exists. IMPORTANT: This option exists to remove orphan files when the
primary share, export, or even server has be removed from the user envi-
ronment. It should not be used normally because it can delete orphan files
when the original stub file still exists and create data lose.
Recover a specific version of FILEPATH specified by last modified time at
UNCPATH is of the form \\SERVER\SHARE[\PATH] or
NFS. It can also contain path with wildcard characters * or ?. To specify a
directory path, the path must end with a directory delimiter character.


Used to update the Archived Files Count in the Database. This command can be used
when the archived files limit is exceeded. It updates the current number of archived files
incase orphan deletion is run to make room in the database to archive more files.


doDBMaintenance command will do Database maintenance task. This will stop the file-
management daemon and gui before executing these maintenance tasks and restarts them
back once it is done.

minFileOverride [--Enable=0|1]

When this option is enabled, files smaller than 4k on NetApp and less than or equal to 8k
on Celerra can be archived by the policy engine. By default this option is disabled, caus-
ing files smaller than the minimum block size to be ignored during archiving. This option

EMC CTA 9.0.x 21


is only available through the CTA command line.

Disable or enable the minimum file size override option.

addNASRepository [--Source=SOURCE] [--MaxDiskUsagePercent=DISKUSEPERCENT]

Create a new NAS repository that can be used as an archiving destination. To create a
new NAS repository, the file server must be added to the CTA configuration beforehand.
The repository name will be created automatically in the format "Repository at
//SERVER/SHARE" or "Repository at SERVER:/EXPORT".
The location on NAS to create the CIFS or NFS repository where:
SERVER is a NetApp or Celerra/VNX/VNXe or DataDomain or Windows or
Isilon file server configured in CTA
SHARE is the name of a CIFS share
EXPORT is the name of an NFS export

Set the maximum disk usage percentage of the NAS repository. The default
value is 90%. CTA will not archive data to a NAS repository which has passed
the specified disk usage.

listNASRepositories [--RepositoryName=REPOSITORYNAME]

Display all currently configured NAS repositories.

List a specific NAS repository.

deleteNASRepository [--RepositoryName=REPOSITORYNAME]

Remove a NAS repository from the CTA configuration. Deleting a NAS repository will
invalidate any policy that uses it as an archiving destination. After running this com-
mand, the CTA will not service NetApp recall requests for files stored in the deleted
repository. Care should be taken when removing a repository to ensure that recall ability
is not affected.
Specify the repository to be deleted.

editNASRepository [--MaxDiskUsagePercent=DISKUSEPERCENT]

Change the maximum disk usage of an existing NAS repository.

Specify a new maximum disk usage percentage.
Specify a NAS repository to edit.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 22



List all the NAS groups defined in the configuration.

listPolicies [--Format=list|detail|simple] [--Type=POLICYTYPE] [POLICYNAME ...]

List all or the specified policies that are defined in the configuration.
Display format of the policies. If it is not provided the default value is list if no
POLICYNAME is specified (or) detail if one or more POLICYNAME is
specified. The user can change this default behavior by forcefully setting the
other format.
* list displays the policy tasktype and the policy name in one line for each policy
in a formatted fashion with header and footer.
* detail displays all the details of the policy in multiple lines.
* simple displays the policy tasktype and name in one line for each policy. It is
formatted in such a way the scripts can easily parse them.
Filter the output by policy type. Must be one of all, archive, multi_tier,
multi_tier_stub, delete_stubs, delete_orphans, migrate_file
Name of the policy as provided at the time of creation. You can get the list of all
the policies by calling rffm listPolicies

version [--daemon]

Display the current version of the CTA software. --daemon can be specified to show the
version of the running daemon.

listServers [--SourceOnly] [--Type=TYPE] [--Format=list|detail] [SERVERNAME ...]

Lists all or the specified servers that are currently configured in CTA
Display format of the servers. If it is not provided the default value is list if no
SERVERNAME is specified (or) detail if one or more SERVERNAME is
specified. The user can change this default behavior by forcefully setting the
other format.
* list displays the server type and the server name in one line for each server.
* detail displays all the details of the server in multiple lines.
Displays only the file servers that are enabled as source.
Displays only the file servers that are of the given type. TYPE can be Celerra,
NetApp, Windows, DataDomain, Isilon, Centera, Cloud (Atmos, Amazon S3)
Logical name of the server as provided at the time of creation. You can get the
list of all the server names by calling rffm listServers

getFileSystems [--Protocol=cifs|nfs] SERVERNAME

Lists the CIFS/NFS filesystems available on the given server.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 23


Optional. Filesystem protocol. If omitted it list both cifs and nfs filesystems.
Logical name of the server as provided at the time of creation. You can get the
list of all the server names by calling rffm listServers

importPEACentera [--FileServer=FILESERVER] [--pea=PEA]

Imports a Centera PEA file, replacing any existing PEA file for that Centera.
Logical name of the Centera.
Path to the new PEA file. Do not overwrite any existing PEA file imported to
CTA - that is, do not put the new PEA file under /opt/rainfinity/filemanage-
ment/conf/centera. The import will copy the file to the correct location.

multiTierRepoMigUpdate [--action=get|set|runnow] [--StartTime=STARTTIME]

Used for getting/setting the start time or run the multitier/repositorymigration update task.
Action to be performed. Valid actions are
* get displays the starttime of the multitier/repositorymigration update task and
tells whether it is running or not.
* set is used for setting starttime of the multitier/repositorymigration update
task. The default time is 20:00 every day.
* runnow forces the multiter/repositorymigration update task to run right away.
StartTime of the task in HH-MM format. Applicable only if --action=set

delayedStubUpdate [--action=get|set|runnow] [--StartTime=STARTTIME]

Used for getting/setting the start time or run the delayedstub update task.
Action to be performed. Valid actions are
* get displays the starttime of the delayedstub update task and tells whether it is
running or not.
* set is used for setting starttime of the delayedstub update task. The default
time is 23:00 every day.
* runnow forces the delayedstub update task to run right away.
StartTime of the task in HH-MM format. Applicable only if --action=set

setNetAppPassthrough [--FileServer=FILESERVER] enable|disable

Enables or disables NetApp passthrough recall either globally or for individual file
File server to be enabled or disabled. Use ALL to enable or disable all config-
ured file servers. Passthrough must be globally enabled before individual file
servers can be enabled or disabled.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 24


Lists the status of NetApp passthrough recall, which can be enabled or disabled.

addNetAppPassthroughExcludedExtension EXTENSION
Add a CIFS file extension for which NetApp passthrough recall is disabled. CTA will
always perform a full recall of files with this extension.

deleteNetAppPassthroughExcludedExtension EXTENSION
Delete a CIFS file extension for which NetApp passthrough recall is disabled. CTA will
support passthrough recall for files with this extension. (See listNetAppPassthrough to
review NetApp passthrough support for configured file servers.)

addNetAppPassthroughExcludedExpression REG_EX
Add a regular expression for CIFS file names (not full paths) for which NetApp
passthrough recall is disabled. See the regex man page, REGEX(7), for regular expres-
sion syntax. CTA always performs a full recall of CIFS files with matching names.

deleteNetAppPassthroughExcludedExpression REG_EX
Delete a regular expression for CIFS file names for which NetApp passthrough recall is

List the CIFS file extensions and regular expressions for which NetApp passthrough
recall is disabled. CTA always performs a full recall of CIFS files with matching file
names or extensions.

addSIDTranslationFile [--SIDPath=SIDPATH]
Adds the CIFS SID Translation file to the Database and copies the specified SID Transla-
tion file to /opt/rainfinity/filemanagement/SID
Full Path to the SID Translation File

deleteSIDTranslationFile [--SIDFileNameToDelete=SIDFILENAMETODELETE]
Deletes the CIFS SID Translation file from /opt/rainfinity/filemanagement/SID and also
deletes it from Database
The name of the SID Translation File to be deleted

Lists all the SID Translation Files added to the CTA

archiveReportSettings [--action=get|set]
[--FileTypes=FILETYPES] [--FileSizeUnit=kb|mb|gb|tb|pb]
[--GroupA=GROUPA] [--GroupB=GROUPB] [--GroupC=GROUPC ]
[--ReportCleanupDays=REPORTCLEANUPDAYS] [--TimeRange-

EMC CTA 9.0.x 25


[--TimeRangeStartDate=TIMERANGE_STARTDATE] [--TimeRangeEnd-

Gets or sets archive report settings.

Action to be performed. Valid actions are
* get displays the archive report settings in a detailed format.
* set is used for setting the one or more of the following parameters.
Add a new file server group. SERVERGROUP should be a unique name. There
must be atleast one server defined in a server group. SVR<n> must be source
server. You can get a list of all valid source servers using the command rffm list-
Servers --SourceOnly
Redefine an existing file server group with source servers
File server group that needs to be deleted
File types to be enabled. Must be of the form BMP,PST,TIF.... default is a spe-
cial value that defaults to BMP,JMP,LOG,PDF,PPT,PST,SVD,TIF,XLS,ZIP
Filesize unit for the file size buckets defined below.
--GroupA=GROUPA, --GroupB=GROUPB, --GroupC=GROUPC,
File size buckets. They must be in increasing order of numeric values.
Number of days to wait to perform the next report cleanup. The value must be
between 1 and 730. default is a special value that defaults to 365 days.
Archive report time range in months. The value must be between 1 and 12.
default is a special value the defaults to 12. Cannot be combined with
--TimeRangeStartDate / --TimeRangeEndDate.
--TimeRangeStartDate=TIMERANGE_STARTDATE, --TimeRangeEnd-
Archive report time range by start and end date. Date must be of the form
YYYY-MM-DD. Cannot be combined with --TimeRangeMonths.

Lists all import providers configured in the CTA.

addImportProvider [--username=USERNAME] PROVIDERNAME PASSWORD

Add an import provider to the CTA configuration.
Optional system username for the provider. If omitted PROVIDERNAME is
taken as the system username
Case in-sensitive name of the provider name to add. (The system username cre-
ated is case-sensitive)

EMC CTA 9.0.x 26


Password for provider system user

editImportProvider [--Password=PASSWORD]
Edit the import provider password in the CTA configuration or install ssh/scp public key.
Password for provider system user
Absolute path to public key file
Case in-sensitive name of the provider name to edit.

deleteImportProvider PROVIDERNAME
Delete the import provider from the CTA configuration.
Case in-sensitive name of the provider name to delete.

importFromXmlFile [--background] IMPORTFILEPATH

Load an import XML file containing paths of files to be archived.
Instructs the daemon to process the import file in the background and return this
command immediately. If not given the daemon imports the file in the fore-
ground and returns the complete import status of the command.
Full path to the import XML file. Must be of the form import_file_<n>.xml,
where <n> must be the same as the <ID> tag inside the XML file.

getImportFileHistory [--ImportID=IMPORTID] [--ProviderName=PROVIDERNAME]

[--StartTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM] [--EndTime=yyyy-mm-dd,HH:MM]
[--TaskID=TASKID] [--TaskName=TASKNAME]
Returns the history of all imports for the task or provider.
XML import file ID as mentioned in the <ID> tag of the import file.
Provider Name configured on the CTA.
Import files that was started after this time.
Import files that ended before this time.
Task ID as returned by getTasks command. Alternatively the user can use
Name of the import task. Alternatively the user can use --TaskID=TASKID

EMC CTA 9.0.x 27


getPendingImportedFiles [--ErrorOnly] [--ExportName=EXPORTNAME]

[--ShareName=SHARENAME] [--FileServer=FILESERVER]
[--ImportID=IMPORTID] [--ImportDateOlderThan=IMPORTDATE]
[--MinNumErrors=MINNUMERRORS] [--Path=PATH]
[--Format=count|list|detail|xml] TASKNAME
Dumps a list of files pending archive for the task
Used to dump records for only those files that have failed archive.
Must be just a top level export name no subdirectories or nested exports. (Eg:
/fs1). Must be accompanied by --FileServer=FILESERVER. To get the list of
NFS exports run rffm getFileSystems --Protocol=nfs FILESERVER.
Must be just a top level share name only. (Eg: HOME). Must be accompanied by
--FileServer=FILESERVER. To get the list of CIFS shares run rffm get-
FileSystems --Protocol=cifs FILESERVER.
File Server name.
XML import file ID as mentioned in the <ID> tag of the import file.
Used for selecting files imported on or before this date.
Used for selecting files with MINNUMERRORS or more archive failures.
Filepath relative to SHARENAME or EXPORTNAME. CIFS path can have
either / or \ as directory delimiter.
Display format. If omitted the default is list.
Name of the import task.

deletePendingImportedFiles [--ErrorOnly] [--ExportName=EXPORTNAME]

[--ShareName=SHARENAME] [--FileServer=FILESERVER]
[--ImportID=IMPORTID] [--ImportDateOlderThan=IMPORTDATE]
[--MinNumErrors=MINNUMERRORS] [--Path=PATH]
[--ForceDelete] TASKNAME
Deletes pending imported files by the given critera.
Used to dump records for only those files that have failed archive.
Must be just a top level export name no subdirectories or nested exports. (Eg:
/fs1). Must be accompanied by --FileServer=FILESERVER. To get the list of
NFS exports run rffm getFileSystems --Protocol=nfs FILESERVER.
Must be just a top level share name only. (Eg: HOME). Must be accompanied by
--FileServer=FILESERVER. To get the list of CIFS shares run rffm get-
FileSystems --Protocol=cifs FILESERVER.

EMC CTA 9.0.x 28


File Server name.
XML import file ID as mentioned in the <ID> tag of the import file.
Used for selecting files imported on or before this date.
Used for selecting files with MINNUMERRORS or more archive failures.
Filepath relative to SHARENAME or EXPORTNAME. CIFS path can have
either / or \ as directory delimiter.
Suppress confirmation of delete. If unspecified the CLI asks for confirmation to
the user for deleting.
Name of the import task.

scheduleVacuumTask [--VacuumStartTime] [--VacuumWeekRepetition]

Schedules a Vacuum Task to be run every (VacuumWeekRepetition) weeks. The fileman-
agement daemon will be shutdown and all archiver/stubscanner and other processes will
be killed before the vacuum starts.
Specifies the start time in future at which the first vacuum task will run. Syntax
will be "YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS" . The VacuumStartTime should be spec-
ified as a future time value.
Specifies the weeek repetition for the configured vacuum task. This defaults to
8, which means vacuum task will run every 8 weeks by default. Vacu-
umWeekRepetition value can range currently from 4 to 24

Delete a Vacuum Task that had been scheduled before

setFileMigrationTotalBandwidthMBs [--FileMigrationTaskID] [--TBBandWidthMB]

Sets the total bandwidth for the specified FileMigration task
Specifies the task id of the file migration task
Specifies the total bandwidth in MB

Returns the current minimum success threshold percent for the filewalker for Archiver,
Repository Migration and StubScanner tasks.

setTaskExitThreshold [--ThresholdPercent]
Sets the minimum success threshold percent below which the filewalker would exit for
Archiver, Repository Migration and StubScanner tasks. If this is set to a high value on a
failed migration we will have to manually copy files to the destination. This value is

EMC CTA 9.0.x 29


applicable only as long as fmd is running. If it is restarted, this value is lost. Currently
this feature is not being used
The minimum success threshold percentage below which rfwalker would exit.

setFileMigrationErrorThreshold [--ErrorThreshold]
Sets the threshold for the number of errors for FileMigration task
Specifies the error threshold

Get the FileMigration Error Threshold

fullyQualifiedDomain [--action=get|set|clear] [--Name=KERBEROS_FQDN] [--DCIP=DCIP]

Get, set or clear Kerberos Fully Aualified Domain from CTA configuration.
Action to be performed. Valid actions are
* set is used for setting Kerberos Fully Qualified Domain to CTA configuration.
Used as both add and edit. When running this command for the first time after
installation, it works as add. Running it after the first successful --action=set, it
works as edit.
* get displays the settings from configuration, if it exists.
* clear clears the settings from configuration, if it exists.
Fully qualified kerberos domain name.
Domain controller’s IP address.

generateEncryptionKey [--KeyName=ENCRYPTIONKEYNAME]
Generate new global encryption key
Name or reason for new encryption key.

Get Global Encryption Key

Get EMC serial number

setEmcSerialNumber [EMCSERIALNUMBER]
Set EMC serial number
EMC serial number

Get the current global state of File Migration Journaling

EMC CTA 9.0.x 30


setFileMigrationJournalingEnable [enable|disable]
Set the state of File Migration Journaling globally
State of File Migration Journaling

Log file for all orphan deletion attempts using Orphan Management
Log file for NetApp file recall attempts by CTA
Log file for all stub file recreation attempts using Stub recovery
Log file for stub files detected on primary storage by the stub scanner
Status log for CTA and FPolicyCallback processes

* To define a non-recurring CIFS stub scanner task scheduled to start 10/10/2006 at
rffm addTask --Source=//server/share --Schedule=once:2006-10-10@12:00
* To define a recurring NFS stub scanner task scheduled to run every week on Mon-
day at 12:00PM:
rffm addTask --Source=server:/export --Schedule=1-week:Mon@12:00
* To define a recurring CIFS archiving task with policy largefiles scheduled to run
every 2 months on the 1st at 12:00PM:
rffm addTask --Source=//server/share --Schedule=2-months:01@12:00
--Type=archiver --Policy=largefiles
* To return all disabled stub scanner tasks:
rffm getTasks --Enable=0 --Type=stubscanner
* To return all orphan files within //server/share that have been missing for 90 days
and have expired retention:
rffm orphanList --expiredretention --missing=90 --ShareName=//share server
* To create a new NAS repository using the CIFS share //server/share with a maxi-
mum disk usage of 75%:
rffm addNASRepository --Source=//server/share --MaxDiskUsagePercent=75
* To authenticate a NetApp server’s credentials:
rffm authServer NetAppsvr1
* To authenticate an ATMOS server’s credentials:
rffm authServer atmossvr1
* To authenticate a Celerra server’s filemover credentials when Celerra Control Sta-
tionIP is empty:
rffm authServer --primary-source=/fs1 --nas-repository="Repository at
server:/export1" celerra55

EMC CTA 9.0.x 31


* To authenticate a Celerra server’s CCD and ACD credentials (any DART version):
rffm authServer --primary-source=/fs1 --centera-target=centera1 --cloud-tar-
get=atmossvr1 celerra55
* To add an import provider with (1) the default system user (provider name
becomes the system user name) and (2) a different system user
(1) rffm addImportProvider kazeon password
(2) rffm addImportProvider --username=usrkazeon kazeon password
* To add an import xml file (1) in the foreground and (2) in the background - the
GUI behavior
(1) rffm importFromXmlFile /home/user/xml/import_file_1.xml
(2) rffm importFromXmlFile --background /home/user/xml/import_file_1.xml
* To get view the import file history of all files by provider
rffm getImportFileHistory --ProviderName=kazeon
* To get the pending imported files on the NFS share bball-ns702a:/intel for the task
name kazeon-task
rffm getPendingImportedFiles --FileServer=bball-ns702a --Export=/intel
* To add a File Migration task
rffm addTask --Source=//CIFSGORILLA1/fs1/dir1 --Destination=//CIFSGO-
RILLA1/fs2/dir2 --Type=filemigration --Policy=file_migration_policy --SID-
TranslationFile=sidfile --NetworkBandwidth=1000 --Schedule=now
* To add a SID Translation File
rffm addSIDTranslationFile --SIDFilePath=/var/dir1/sidfile

Copyright EMC, 2006-2008
rffm(1), rfpolicy(1), fmsupportdump(1), rssystat(1)

EMC CTA 9.0.x 32


EMC CTA 9.0.x 33


Policy Document Syntax for EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance
Version 7.x 2009-2010

This document describes the syntax of the policy definitions as they are stored and processed internally by
the EMC CTA application. When a policy is defined through the CTA graphical user interface (GUI), a
policy document of the format described here is generated and stored for use. The CTA CLI (rffm com-
mand) does not currently provide a way to create or edit policies. For a quick start, jump ahead to the

The policy definition language was designed with simplicity in mind. Most of the constructs are borrowed
from other languages and basic familiarity with, say, shell scripting will go a long way. Some of the overar-
ching language properties are:
* Whitespace (spaces, tabs and newline characters) is ignored and does not affect the semantics of any
statement unless it appears inside a string literal or needed to separate adjacent tokens.

* Keywords are case-insensitive but identifiers are case-sensitive. This means the statement

for $old_files do $my_action

is equivalent to

FOR $old_files DO $my_action

but different from

for $OLD_FILES do $my_action

* The body of the document is assumed to be UTF-8 encoded text. However, non-ASCII characters are
not generally recognized outside of string literals.
There are two distinct types of documents that can be written in this language, end policies (or just policies)
and the global symbols document. The two differ in the types of statements that they may contain, however,
both types obey the same basic syntax.
End Policies
For the most part, this document type is the one that you will need to be concerned with. A document of
this type defines a “policy” as it is known throughout the rest of the product. A document is considered to
be an end policy document if the following are true:
* There is at least one action definition
* There are no file matching expression definitions
The Global Symbols Document
There are two documents of type and they define what are refered to as “file matching expressions” and
“action definition” in the GUI. To change any of these definitions you must export the symbols document
with the rffm exportSymbols command, editing the resulting document and reimport it with the rffm
importSymbols command (see rffm(1) for details). The following must be true for the global symbols
* The document may not have any rules.
These restrictions may loosen in future releases.

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 1


Comments in the policy document begin with a pound sign (#) and extend to the end of the line. Any text
may safely appear in a comment and will be ignored by the policy document parser.
There are several places in a policy document where arbitrary string values may appear, on the righthand
side of a filename primary expression being the most common. Like many other languages, a string literal
is a sequence of characters enclosed in double quotes (ASCII 34). Also, as is typical in other languages,
several escape sequences are recognized to represent special characters in the string:
\n A UNIX newline character (ASCII 10)
\t A horizontal tab character (ASCII 9)
\’ A single quote character (ASCII 39)
\" A double quote character (ASCII 34)
\\ A backslash character (ASCII 92)
Putting a bare backslash in front of any character other than those described above is considered a parse
error and will cause the policy import to fail. Otherwise, string literals may contain arbitrary UTF-8 char-
Certain values can be bound to identifiers using definition statements. Unlike keywords identifiers are
always treated case-sensitively. Unquoted identifiers may contain any sequence of alphanumeric charac-
ters, periods (.), hyphens (-) and underscores (_) but must begin with a non-numeric character. In order to
include any characters beyond those mentioned here an identifier must be “quoted”. A quoted identifier is a
string literal. An unquoted and a quoted identifier that contain the exact same characters are the same iden-
tifier and may be used interchangeably,

# These two statements are identical

define file_expr very_large_files = size > 30 gb
define file_expr "very_large_files" = size > 30 gb

However, the quoted form gives you the flexibility to, say, embed spaces or use non-ASCII UTF-8 charac-
ters in the identifier,

define file_expr "very large files" = size > 30 gb

In policy documents generated by the GUI, all identifiers are quoted.

There are two basic types of statements in a policy document: definition statements and rules. A definition
binds a value to an identifier so that it may be used later. A rule associates an expression that matches a set
of files with an action to be taken out on those files. In a given policy document all definition statements
must appear before the rules. Refer to the section DOCUMENT TYPES for limitations on where each
type of statement may appear.
Definition statements take the general form

define type identifier = value

There are two legal types: file_expr and action. File matching expression definitions (file_expr) may only
appear in the global symbols document. See DOCUMENT TYPES for more information. What consti-
tutes a legal identifier and value depends upon type.

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 2


File matching expression definitions

A file matching expression definition binds an arbitrary expression, value, to an arbitrary identifier.
For details about the expression syntax, see the Expressions in the Rules section below.
Action definitions
Action definitions are special in that there may be at least one with the specific identifier “my_action”
as prefix, if there are more action definitions, they will have a sequence number following the prefix,
like “my_action#”. Presently, rules may only use one of two actions: the no-op action, nothing and the
standard action bound to “my_action#”. The value of an action definition must take the form

archive to target [ delay_stub value days ] [ retain retention ]

[ policy_type value ] [ stub_retention value ]

try action expression then action expression [ delay_stub value days ]

[ policy_type value ] [ stub_retention value ] [ retain retention ]

$identifier [ delay_stub value days ] [ retain retention ]

[ policy_type value ] [ stub_retention value ]

delete [ delete_all value ] [ days_missing value ] [ policy_type value ]

(The brackets around the clauses indicate that it is optional and they should not appear literally in the
document.) Currently, there are two kinds of action, archive and delete action; and it could be more in
future. The target is a string literal and must be the name of a Centera cluster, Atmos, NAS Reposi-
tory, and NAS group as it has been configured with the CTA application. See rffm(1) for details. The
try and then is for recursive action definition, and the action expression is the value of another action
defintion. The referenced identifier is the name of action defintion in global symbols document, which
accepts archive action definition only in global symbols document now, and the identifier name in
global symbols document does not limited to start from “my_action”, see more in the References sec-
tion below. The delay_stub clause, if provided, specifies the minimum number of days to delay stub
the files archived by this action. The delay stub time allows the Centera Replication to safely backup
the files before converting the archived files into stub files. The retention clause, if provided, specifies
the minimum retention time to be given to any files archived by this action. The stub_retention clause
is to set stub file on Celerra under retention or not. The policy_type clause specifies the type of policy,
it could be “archive”, “multi_tier” and “multi_tier_stub” for archive action, “delete_stubs” and
“delete_orphans“ for delete action. The delete_all clause is to decide to delete stub file under retention
or not, it is for “delete_stubs” type. The days_missing clause specifies the missing days for orphan
file, it is for “delete_orphans“ type. For details about the clauses syntax, see the age values in the
Rules section below.
Rules form the bulk of an end policy document. Rule evaluation proceeds as a filter against files. For each
file, the rules are evaluated in the order in which they appear in the document. The first rule whose expres-
sion matches the file takes effect and the rest of the rules are ignored for that particular file. In this way
complex archiving policies can be constructed by designing rules to archive files with specific traits and
proceeding them with other rules designed to catch and filter out the exceptions. Any file that is not
matched by any rule is left untouched. See the EXAMPLES section.
A rule has the general form

for expression do action

It should be emphasized that this is NOT a looping construct despite syntactic similarity to loops in other

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 3


An expression may appear in a rule or in a file matching expression definition. Each expression con-
sists of a sequence of pieces logically “anded” together,

piece [ and piece ... ]

The operator && may be used interchangeably with the and operator. Each piece can be either a file
matching primative or a reference to an expression defined in the global symbols document.
All primatives have the form

attribute operator value

Note that the order is important.

size > 100 mb

is a legal primative, however,

100 mb < size

is not. The legal attributes are:

size Matches based upon the file’s size
Valid operators: <, <=, ==, >=, >
Valid values: See Size Values
last_accessed Matches based upon the file’s atime
Valid operators: <, <=, ==, >=, >
Valid values: See Age Values
last_modified Matches based upon the file’s mtime
Valid operators: <, <=, ==, >=, >
Valid values: See Age Values
filename Matches based upon the filename, not including the path of the parent direc-
Valid operators: ==, matches regex
Valid values: any string literal
dirname Matches based upon the directory path.
Valid operators: ==, matches regex, matches singlefile
Valid values: any string literal with forward slash as directory separator.
Note that in the proceeding the operator == (two equals signs) indicates exact equality. For
numerical values (size and age) this will very rarely be desirable.
The matches regex operator matches the filename or directory path against the regular expression
in the string literal value. The policy engine implements a superset of POSIX regular expression
(see regex(7)). For examples of how to use regular expressions in policies see the document
CTA Expression Matching.
The matches singlefile operator compares the concatenation of directory path and file name with
the string value.
Both operators for the filename and dirname attribute are conditionally case sensitive depending
on the case sensitivity of the protocol used for the policy evaluation. NFS generally respects dif-
ferences of case while CIFS generally ignores them.

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 4


Size Values
The size attribute takes values that consist of a non-negative integer followed by a size unit.
NOTE: It is very important that the number and unit are separated by some whitespace. “7kilo-
bytes” is not a valid size value; “7 kilobytes” is. The size units are standard (base 1024) prefixes
on the keyword byte. As with all other keywords, case is ignored. Furthermore, several varia-
tions are accepted for each keyword:
Unit Acceptable alternatives
bytes byte, b
kilobytes kilobyte, kb, k
megabytes megabyte, mb, m
gigabytes gigabyte, gb, g
terabytes terabyte, tb, t
Age Values
The last_accessed and last_modified primatives and the retention clauses (see Action defini-
tions) take values that consist of a non-negative integer followed by an age unit. NOTE: It is
very important that the number and unit are separated by some whitspace. “7years” is not a valid
size value; “7 years” is. The legal units are:
Unit Acceptable alternatives
seconds second, secs, sec, s
minutes minute, mins, min
hours hour, hrs, hr, h
days day, d
weeks week, wks, wk
months month, mos, mo
years year, yrs, yr, y
One note about the months unit. A month is considered to be exactly 1/12th of a year (specifi-
cally, 2629744 seconds). No attempt is made to compensate for the varying number of days in
each month of the Gregorian calendar.
In addition to primatives, a piece may consist of a reference to a file matching expression that has
been bound to an identifier using a file matching expression definition statement in the global
symbols document (see Definitions and DOCUMENT TYPES above). A reference has the


where identifier follows the same rules as outlined in IDENTIFIERS. In particular, identifier
may be quoted or unquoted as necessary. identifier must have been defined by a definition state-
ment prior to this point in the document. For rules containing references, this is trivially accom-
plished since all rules must come after all definitions. For file matching expression definitions
containing references, this implies that the definition may not create any explicit or implicit self-
In a rule, only two values are legal for action: the no-op action, nothing, and a reference to the action
bound to “my_action#”.
nothing A file that matches a rule with this action is left alone (no more rules are evaluated) and
the next file is processed.

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 5


$my_action# A file that matches a rule with this action is archived according to the parameters speci-
fied in the action definition statement for “my_action#”.
First, here’s a sample global symbols document:

# This is a sample global symbols document

define file_expr slightly_old = last_accessed > 6 months

define file_expr moderately_old = last_accessed > 1 year
define file_expr very_old = last_accessed > 10 years

define file_expr bin_file

= filename matches regex "\\.exe|\\.dll|\\.bin"
define file_expr doc_file
= filename matches regex "\\.doc|\\.xls|\\.pdf"

define file_expr "Slightly Old Documents"

= $slightly_old and $doc_file

define action "dest_cifs" =

archive to "Repository at \\\\celerra55\\cifs2"
define action "dest-multi" =
try archive to "Repository at \\\\win2k3-fs\\share_1"
then archive to "Repository at \\\\netapp7-2x\\cifs1"

Some things to take note of in the preceding example:

* Whitespace, even line breaks, may appear anywhere and it does not effect the meaning of the defini-
* When using regular expressions be mindful of backslashes. Regular expressions often require a single
backslash to treat a metacharacter (such as a period) as a normal character. However, because regular
expressions are represented as string literals, those backslashes will need to be doubled. In the
extreme case, to write a regular expression that matches the backslash character, you will need four
backslashes: two for the regular expression and two more for the string literal.
* The correct way to use regular expressions to match a file extension is \.ext$ or, inside a string literal,
“\\.ext$” where ext is the extension in question. “*.ext” is not a legal regular expression and will cause
a parse error. Regular expressions are not file globs!
* Bound file matching expressions may refer to other file matching expressions so long as they appear
beforehand in the document. “Slightly Old Documents” demonstrates this.
* Action definition in global symbols document has no clause.
Now here’s a sample policy that uses some of those symbols:

# This is a sample end policy

# Define our destination for this policy

define action my_action =
archive to "my_first_centera" delay_stub 0 days
policy_type "archive" retain 7 years stub_retention "false"

define action "my_action1" =

archive to "Repository at \\\\celerra56\\cifs1" delay_stub 0 days
policy_type "archive" retain 0 years stub_retention "false"

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 6


# Never archive Windows binaries under any circumstances

for $bin_file do nothing

# Archive slightly old documents to destination with high performance

for $"Slightly Old Documents" do $my_action1

# Archive anything else that’s really old and large to CAS

for $very_old and size > 100 mb do $my_action

Here you should note that:

* The action definition statement must come before all of the rules.
* The order of the rules is very important. The first, “do nothing” rule effectively acts as a filter, ruling
out files with the extensions “.exe”, “.dll” and “.bin” before they encounter the subsequent rules. As a
result, no file with one of those extensions will ever be archived regardless of its size or age. If that
rule were to come after another rule, it would not have that effect.
* Multiple “$my_action” rules in sequence has the effect of a logical “or” operator. In this case (assum-
ing it has not been caught by the first rule) a file that is either a “Slightly Old Document” or is very old
and large will be archived.
Copyright EMC, 2009
rffm(1), rfpolicy(1), fmsupportdump(1), rssystat(1)

EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance 7.x 7


fmsupportdump - EMC CTA Support Diagnostic Command-line Tool
Version 7.x 2009-2010

fmsupportdump [-h] [-v] [-b] [-nosys] [-capture-binaries] [-mail <address>]

fmsupportdump is the command line tool that is used to gather data for support and diagnostic purposes.
It gathers a complete view of the EMC CTA installation including configuration and running state, operat-
ing system CPU/memory/network state, and all log and diagnostic files. It also proactively seeks problems
that might otherwise be missed and alerts IT support. This greatly accelerates the support process by avoid-
ing repeated requests for information. In most cases the support dump is the only piece of information that
will be requested.

[-h] Show basic help.
[-v] Show version number.
[-b] Be brief. Do not package up log or other files.
Skip OS and system checks
Capture binary and cores.
[-mail <address>]
Send support dump output as e-mail to <address>. This option requires sendmail to be running. To
start sendmail, enter the command: /etc/init.d/sendmail start

Copyright EMC, 2007


rffm(1), rfpolicy(1), fmsupportdump(1), rssystat(1)

fmsupportdump 7.x 1

rssystat - EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance
Version 7.x 2009-2010

rssystat [-h] [-v]
rssystat [command [options]]

Live Status Commands

-net [-a] [-nc] [-s <sample_secs>]

Log File Processing Commands and Options

-report sys
-report net < all | <iface list> >
-info <file.log>
-cols <file.log> [col list]
-avg <file.log> [col list]
-d <logfile_dir>

Daemon Control Commands

-ctl < <opt> <val> | show | reset | clearlogs >

rssystat is used to provide information on the running system. This includes both live monitoring and his-
torical system load. The historical information is sampled periodically by a running daemon called rssys-
tatd. Historical information is recorded in /var/log/rainfinity/histogram. rssystat is a user interface to this
information. rssystatd, the daemon, is not run by the user, but is started and stopped as part of the normal
CTA init scripts.

rssystat can be used on it’s own for live network monitoring, or as a front-end to the historical information
gathered by rssystatd. It can give information on the log files gathered, extract and average information
from the log files, and control various aspects of the running rssystatd process.

This facility is largely focused on the historical gathering of load information. In addition to being of gen-
eral interest, this historical load information can be used by users, engineers, and support in diagnosing
load-related problems. This information is also gathered by the fmsupportdump tool, when run.

[-h] Show basic help.
[-v] Show version.


-net [-a] [-nc] [-s <sample_secs>]
Watch live network activity, sampling the system by default every 2 seconds. With "-a", all net-
work interfaces are displayed, not just those that are part of bridges. With "-nc", the screen is not
cleared between updates, creating suitable output for sending to log files. With "-s <sam-
ple_secs>", the sampling interval is set.

rssystat 7.x 1


-report sys
Prepare a report summarizing system information. This includes CPU usage, memory usage, num-
ber of proxied connections, and ops per second. The "-from" and "-to" options can be used to con-
trol what range of times should be reported on.

-report net < all | <iface list> >

Prepare a report on network interface statistics. This includes throughput and packets per second.
With "all", all interfaces are displayed. Alternately, specific interfaces can be listed for analysis.
The "-from" and "-to" options can be used to control what range of times should be reported on.

-report proc < all | <proc name list> >

Prepare a report on monitored processes. This includes cpu, threads, and memory usage. Moni-
tored processes include fmd, fcd, archiver, datacollector, and stubscanner. The "-from" and "-to"
options can be used to control what range of times should be reported on.

-list List all log files available in /var/log/rainfinity/histogram. The names as given here are the names
used later when an option <file.log> is required. These logs are rotated monthly, and the backups
are not listed with this command. However, you can use the rotated file name (such as sys1.log.1)
in any of the processing commands below, if you wish to analyze older logs.

-info <file.log>
Show column field information for the given log file. This output describes and numbers each col-
umn in the file, which can be used later by -cols and -avg to specify the columns in which you are

-cols <file.log> [col list]

Extract the given columns from the given log file. "col list" is the list of columns to be processed.
The format is a space separated list of columns or column ranges, such as "5 6 8" or "5 6 8-12".
Column numbers for a log file can be found with the "-info" command listed above. The "-from"
and "-to" options can be used to control what range of times should be extracted.

-avg <file.log> [col list]

Calculate statistics for the given columns and for the given log file. "col list" is the list of columns
to be processed. The format is a space separated list of columns or column ranges, such as "5 6 8"
or "5 6 8-12". Column numbers for a log file can be found with the "-info" command listed above.
The "-from" and "-to" options can be used to control what range of times should be extracted.

-d <logfile_dir>
Work on log files in the given directory. This would be used for analysing data offline, using a col-
lection of log files most likely collected by an rssupportdump.


Restrict log file processing to entries starting from this date and time. If the date is omitted, the
current day is used.


Restrict log file processing to entries before this date and time. If the date is omitted, the current
day is used.

rssystat 7.x 2


-ctl <opt> <val>
Set rssystatd daemon runtime options. The only supported option is currently "sample_secs",
which changes the frequency with which system load measurements are taken. Use "-ctl help" to
see available options. Note: if changing the sample_secs option or any other option, the change
will be picked up at the next sample time. For example, if the current sample period is set to 60
seconds, changing the sample period to 10 seconds will take up to 60 seconds to take effect.

-ctl show
Show current rssystatd daemon runtime options.

-ctl reset
Reset any rssystatd daemon runtime options to system defaults.

-ctl clearlogs
Clear ALL logs in /var/log/rainfinity/histogram. You will be prompted for confirmation before this

Watch network activity on all interfaces:

rssystat -net -a

Get a report on system activity for the given time range and the current day:

rssystat -report sys -from 00:00:00 -to 04:00:00

Get a report on network activity for eth2 and eth 3, for the given time range and the current day:

rssystat -report net eth2 eth3 -from 00:00:00 -to 04:00:00

Get a process for the archiver, for the given time range and the current day:

rssystat -report proc archiver -from 00:00:00 -to 04:00:00

Display log files available for analysis:

rssystat -list

Display information about what is contained in the file sys1.log:

rssystat -info sys1.log

Extract date, time, cpu, cpu0, and cpu1 columns for the given date and time range:

rssystat -cols sys1.log 1 2 4-12

-from 2004-06-04 04:00:00 -to 2004-06-04 04:02:00

Extract average cpu, cpu0, and cpu1 columns for the given time range and the current day:

rssystat -avg sys1.log 4-12 -from 04:00:00 -to 04:02:00

rssystat 7.x 3

Average eth2 rx_Bps, rx_pps, rx_err, txBps, tx_pps, and tx_err columns for the given date and time range:

rssystat -avg eth2.log 4-8 -from 2004-06-04 00:00:00 -to 2004-06-05 00:00:00

Change rssystatd daemon sampling frequency to once every 10 minutes:

rssystat -ctl sample_secs 600

Optional config file for controlling rssystatd.
Directory containing rssystatd log files.
Main system log file. This contains information on CPU usage, memory, and other items. This is the
main file in which users will be interested.
Per-interface log files. All interface statistics for an interface can be found here.
Per-process log files. This includes statistics for each monitored process, including fmd, fcd, and
rfwalker as archiver, datacollector, and stubscanner.
Any standard output/error from rssystatd. Use this to diagnose runtime problems with rssystatd. This
file will typically be empty.

Copyright EMC, 2007


rffm(1), rfpolicy(1), fmsupportdump(1), rssystat(1)

rssystat 7.x 4

rfnet - EMC Cloud Tiering Appliance Network Configuration Command-line Tool
Version 7.2.x 2009-2010

rfnet [-h] <command>

show [-]
show <interfacename>
show <firstname>-[lastname]

mtu [-]
mtu <interfacename>
mtu <firstname>-[lastname]
mtu - <mtu>
mtu <interfacename> <mtu>
mtu <firstname>-[lastname] <mtu>

hostname <hostname>

domain <domain>

dns <dns>
delete dns <dns>

duplex [-]
duplex - <Full/Half>
duplex <interfacename>
duplex <interfacename> <Full/Half>
duplex <firstname>-[lastname]
duplex <firstname>-[lastname] <Full/Half>

ipaddr <interfacename> <ipaddr> <netmask>

add vlan <vlanname>

add vlan <firstname>-<lastname>

delete <vlanname | bondname>

delete <firstname>-<lastname>

rfnet 7.x 1


bond <bondname> slaves <interfacename> mode <mode> ip <ip> netmask <netmask> gw <gateway>
bond <bondname> slaves <interfacename> mode <mode>

route add <gateway> <interfacename>
route del <gateway> <interfacename>
route add net <ipaddr> <netmask> dev <interfacename>
route del net <ipaddr> <netmask> dev <interfacename>
route add host <ipaddr> dev <interfacename>
route del host <ipaddr> dev <interfacename>
route default gw
route add default gw <gateway>
route del default gw <gateway>

rfnet is used to configure network.

[-h] Show basic help.

show [-]
Show the configuration of all interfaces

show <interfacename>
Show the configuration of one interface

show <firstname>-[lastname]
Show the configuration of the interfaces which belong to the range

mtu [-] Show the mtu of all interfaces

mtu <interfacename>
Show the mtu of one interface

mtu <firstname>-[lastname]
Show the mtu of the interfaces which belong to the range

mtu - <mtu>
set mtu for all interfaces

mtu <interfacename> <mtu>

set mtu for one interface

rfnet 7.x 2

mtu <firstname>-[lastname] <mtu>

set mtu for the interfaces whose name is in the range from firstname (to lastname)

show hostname

hostname <hostname>
configure the hostname

show domain

domain <domain>
configure the domain

dns show dns

dns <dns>
configure the dns

delete dns <dns>

delete one dns

duplex [-]
show duplex of all physical or VLAN interfaces

duplex - <Half/Full>
configure duplex for all physical or VLAN interface

duplex <interfacename>
show duplex of one interface

duplex <interfacename> <Full/Half>

configure duplex for one interfac

duplex <firstname>-[lastname]
show duplex of the interfaces whose name is in the range from firstname (to lastname)

duplex <firstname>-[lastname] <Full/Half>

configure duplex for the interfaces whose name is in the range from firstname (to lastname)

ipaddr <interfacename> <ipaddr> <netmask>

set ipaddr and netmask for one interface

add vlan <vlanname>

add one vlan

rfnet 7.x 3

add vlan <firstname>-<lastname>

add multiple vlans

delete <vlanname | bondname>

delete one vlan/bond

delete <firstname>-<lastname>
delete multiple vlans

load all the physical interface info into rain.xml

bond <bondname> slaves <interfacename> mode <mode> ip <ip> netmask <netmask> gw <gateway>
add/modify one bond

bond <bondname> slaves <interfacename> mode <mode>

add/modify one bond

route show all the route

route add <gateway> <interfacename>

add the route with "route add -net default gw <gateway> dev <interfacename>"

route del <gateway> <interfacename>

delete the route with "route del -net default gw <gateway> dev <interfacename>"

route add net <ipaddr> <netmask> dev <interfacename>

add the route with "route add -net <ipaddr> netmask <netmask> dev <interfacename>"

route del net <ipaddr> <netmask> dev <interfacename>

delete the route with "route del -net <ipaddr> netmask <netmask> dev <interfacename>"

route add host <ipaddr> dev <interfacename>

add the route with "route add -host <ipaddr> dev <interfacename>"

route del host <ipaddr> dev <interfacename>

delete the route with "route del -host <ipaddr> dev <interfacename>"

route default gw
show default gateway

route add default gw <gateway>

add default gateway

route del default gw <gateway>

delete default gateway

rfnet 7.x 4

Show the configuration of one interface:

rfnet show eth0

Copyright EMC, 2008


rffm(1), rfpolicy(1), fmsupportdump(1), rssystat(1)

rfnet 7.x 5

rslog - Manage logging configuration
Version 7.4.x 2010-2011

rslog [-h]
rslog [-f] [-n] <command>


addoutput <type> <dest> [ <key> ] [ --filter <type> <value> ... ] [ --supression <type> <length> ]
deleteoutput <type> <dest>
enableoutput <type> <dest>
disableoutput <type> <dest>

setgrouplevel <program> <metagroup> <level>

cleargrouplevel <program> <metagroup>
setlidlevel <program> <logid> <level>
clearlidlevel <program> <logid>

rslog is used to manage logging configuration.

[-h] Show basic help.

config Show logging configuration

addoutput <type> <dest> [ <key> ] [ --filter <type> <value> ... ] [ --supression <type> <length> ]
Add or change an output Multiple filters and an optional supression may be specified.

deleteoutput <type> <dest>

Delete an output

enableoutput <type> <dest>

Enable an output

disableoutput <type> <dest>

Disable an output

setgrouplevel <program> <metagroup> <level>

Set logging level for meta group

rslog 7.x 1

cleargrouplevel <program> <metagroup>

Clear logging level for meta group

setlidlevel <program> <logid> <level>

Set logging level for a log id

clearlidlevel <program> <logid>

Clear logging level for a log id

Note: Clearing logging levels does not immediately set that logging level back
to the default level. It only removes it from the configuration so that the
next time the relevant program is run, it will not have this logging level
configured. Similarly, changes to logging configuration will not take effect
until the FMD daemon is not running.

Copyright EMC, 2009


rffm(1), rfpolicy(1), fmsupportdump(1), rssystat(1)

rslog 7.x 2

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