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Field Report

Cassandra Conaton
Education Specialist

Name of School District

Troy School District

Name of School
Baker Middle School

Name of Mentor and Title

Johnathan Cross, Principal Baker Middle School

Brief Description of Duties of Administrative Mentor

The Principal is the educational leader at the school and creates and maintains a positive, safe,
and high-standards learning environment, supervising building faculty and staff, and managing
all resources in accordance with the District’s mission, goals and policies. Provides effective
evaluation and professional coaching to instructional and support staff; develops and
implements professional learning communities.

Description of Environment
Baker Middle School is in the southeast corner of the City of Troy, Michigan. Troy is a highly
populated suburb of Detroit, upper-middle class with pockets of low-income neighborhoods
bordering surrounding cities. Troy is a very diverse city, representing many ethnic backgrounds,
religions, and socio-economic statuses. Baker Middle School serves 727 students, white
students being the majority, followed by Asian, the African American. 17% of students receive
free or reduced lunch. This is the 2nd highest free and reduced need in the district.
Academically, Baker performs above State and comparable schools in standardized testing,
such as PSAT or MStep. Our subgroups of economically disadvantaged and minority students,
and student with disabilities perform below proficiency.

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