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Open Cast Working MCQ
Sr. Answer
Question Option a Option b Option c Option d
No. (a/b/c/d)

While assisting Cracks &
Pre operation Damage of All abc are
1. Check then Body Fuel level Water level Lubricant level Correct
If observe any
Leakages from Inform Inform Allabc are
2. Hoses then Supervisor Inform mech.fitter Operator None of abc Correct
Pre operation
Checks All are abc is All are abc
3. Inculudes…. Water level Hydraulic oil level Fuel level Correct Are correct
Tooth points and
Lock pins also Mid shift
4 Check during …….. Pre operation After start Inspection Constant watch Pre operation
What are the
Associated with
The leakages of
5 Oil in machine.. Loss of oil Increase cost Fire None of abc Fire
Every crawler
Nted machine
Should be checks
6 For…. Chain pad Bolts Links All are abc All are abc
What factors Horn
Monitors in side the , backupalarm, mirror Gauges, indicator Switches,con
7 Cabin in loader Seat belt Head lights S Trols
What is the duty
Of Stop the
If any alarm Work Work fast
Massage hearing &inform Carry out work as And leave All abc are
8 In the cabin… Technician Usual Machine Correct Sot
While handling
Tralling cable
9 Used ppe… Gagale Dust mask Hand gloves None ofabc Hand glaves
Person have
Knowde of tools Allatted Overall
10 And tackles for…. Work Repairing work Work All of the abc All of the abc
Why cleaning of
Work area For comfortable For safety of work For avoid Safety of work
11 Needed… Atmosphere Person Pollution None of abc Persons Incharge
Should follow Incharge Fitter/technic
12 The order of.. Manager Fitter/technician Operator None of abc Ian
No repair
Work is Lockout
Performed on Engine is Engine temperature /tugout Allabc are All abc are
13 Hemm before….. Stoped Cooldown Properly Correct Correct
Damper while
Running observe Inform Write in Inform
14 Leakage then Operation Report to fitter Report None of above Operator
While inspecting
Excavator bucket
Teeeth found
15 Damaged then Stop machine Change teeth Both a&b None of abc Both a&b
If you want to
Lift any part/axle
Of machine then
16 Use Power jak Sppanner Slide wrinch None of abc Power jak
&lubrication is Moving parts Moving parts
17 Nessassary for Of machines Frame of machines Boom safety None ofabc Of machines
For changing of
Oil or filter what
Prceedure Manufractur Change as per our As per Manufractur
18 Followed Er mannual Mind Operator None of abc Er mannual
How to inflate
Tires in mining Under the cag In seprate Under the cag
19 Area Safety Normally Room None of abc Safety
Regular washing
&cleaning is Performanc
20 Improve the Efficiency Life E Allabc All abc
If you are
Deployed to
Shifting of Rules
Machine then you Related to
21 Check first….. Routes Site of shifting Shifting All abc All abc
The distance of
W0rking places
From blasting site
Should be………
22 Maintained. 100 mtrs 200 mtrs 300 mtrs 500 mtrs 500 mtrs
The length of
Trailling cable
Used with
23 Excavator in ocm 1000 mtrs 2000mtrs 3000mtrs 300mtrs 300 mtrs
While guiding the
Drill machine to
Marked site Position is Stand at Stand at safe
Position which is Visible from Maintained distence Safe place Place to
24 True to fallow Distence From machine To guide None of abc Guide
What factors
You observed at Ground Route All ab c are All abc are
25 Site be shifting…. Stabilty Water percolation Clearance Correct Correct
What factors No water
You observed in Accumulate
Dumping area for Stability of On or All abc are All abc are
26 Safety……. Damps No visible cracks Seppages Correct Correct
No one
Allowed at/
What are the rule To
For safe damping No person No sitting at damp Unloading All abc are All abc are
27 Area Sleeping Site Area Correct Correct
If you observed
Any unusual
Sound, vibrations
,leakages during Inform Report Inform
28 Operation then.. Operator Inform manager Engineer Report director Operator
If you are
Working as a
Helper of drill Cleaning
Operator then And
You will help Changeing of Cleaning of drill Maintaining All are ab c
29 During.. Drill rod Cuttings Machines All are of abc Correct
How to suppress
Dust in working By water By water
30 Places…. By cleaning By brooming Sprying None of a b c Sprying
What are the
Activity needed to
Safe cabin of Cleaning of Cleaning o f mirrors Cleaning of All a b c are All a b c are
31 Operator….. Floor mats /glasses Dash board Correct Correct
Chouse the drill
Machine from Jack
32 Below Excavator Dozar Road rollar Jack hammers Hammers

What are the dia.

33 Of wagan drill? 25to 35 mm 100mm 200mm 150mm 25 to 35 mm
What are the most
Important factor in
Communication Use of Proper
34 Without any aides.. Proper signaling Verbal talk Instrument None of abc Signalling
Shall kept a
Minimum distance
From edge of
Excavation or
35 Machine….. 100mm 10 mm 50cms 100cms 100cms
What is the
Gradient of the
36 Main haul road ? 1in6 1in2 1in 5 1in 16 1in16
What is the
Gradient of the
37 Temporary ramp? 1in5 1in10 1in8 1in6 1in10
Safety functions
Of the excavators Cutoff Cutoff
38 ? Switches Retarder Both Pull card Switches
What are the
Safety function Dynamic All of abc are All of abc are
39 Of damper ? Turbo guard Blind mirrors Retarder Correct Correct
Choose personal
Equipments to
Prevent personal Hand All abc are All abc are
40 Injjuries ? Mining shoes Gagales Gloves Correct Correct
What ppe used for
41 Protection Gagale Shoes Ear plug Dust mask Dust mask
What ppe used for
Noise protection Hand
42 ? Ear plug Seat belt Gloves Shoes Ear plug

Seat belt is used By blasting Pump Hemm

43 By ……… Crew Supporting crew Operator Hemm operator Operator
What is an exaple
Of safe behavior Never use
At working Always used Insist co workers to Hazardous All abc are All abc are
44 Places…… Ppe Do safe actions Material Correct Correct
A jack never be
Used to support
45 ……. Load Lifted load A and b both None of abc A and b both

Motor grader is Levelingof Leveling of

46 Used for…….. Drilling Digging Haul roads None of abc Haul roads
Failure to
Explode entire
Charge of an hole
47 Is…. Socket Blast Drill hole Misfire Misfire
Co2 gas type fire
Extinghushers use
48 To extinghuse…….. Class a&b&c Class b&c Classa&c None of above Class b&c
Dcp type fire
Used to
49 Extinghushe… Class b fire Class c fire Class a fire A and b both A and b both
What besic steps
You can take in Deside excute Check call Recognise deside Call check
50 Emergency.. Call Call check care Care Call Care
If you injured at
Working place Report & take Stop Report & take
51 Then … First aid Work continuously Working Go home First aid
Unstable surface will
Be designated by
52 …….colour flags Red colour Yellow Green Blue Red colour
If any incident or
Accident occure Inform safety Inform
53 Then you.. Officer Inform supervisor Manager Inform all abc Inform all abc
Report daily
Activities about Daily
Equipment in Attendence Weekly log Operation
54 The……. Sheet Daily log sheet Sheet Manual Daily log sheet

Safety function
55 Of crusher is Pull card Retarder Mirror Retailer Pull card

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