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In chapter 6 “Rogerian Argument, Toulmin Logic, and Oral Arguments” there were many

essays talked about. The essay I am going to talk about is one written by Zoya Kahn
titled “Why cell phones do not belong in the classroom” Within this essay Zoya states
that both students and instructors know that cell phones in the classroom can be very
distracting and disrespectful. A way to prevent distraction and ensure respect in the
classroom cell phones should not be in the classroom. “In addition, texting in class
decreases students’ ability to focus, lowers test performance, and lessens students’
retention of class material (Tindell and Bohlander 2).” This quote was used to show the
writer's view of the situation. The writer Zoya Kahn is trying to get her point across on
how and why cell phones should be in the classroom. She also stated that “Even more
disturbing, cell phones enable some students to cheat.” She gave examples such as
using photographs of the tests and searching on the web to cheat. She even said that if
cell phones were allowed in the classroom students might text each other the answers.

Zoya also included in her essay a possible compromise. She said that instructors might
create their own cell phone policies for different types of settings and situations. In high
school my junior year math teacher had a cell phone policy for test days. She would
have us take out our phones and turn them off. Once the phones were off we would put
our phones back in our backpacks and take our backpacks and set them against the
wall. I do think this is a great compromise when it comes to having cell phones in the
classroom. During regular days in this math class we were allowed to have our phones.
We never actually were allowed to take our phones out and use them but at the end of
class we were allowed to take pictures of the notes written on the board and sometimes
use our calculator. There were calculators provided to us in this class but when we had
homework and we needed to use calculators at home my teacher would let us use our
phone calculators so we knew how to do the work at home with these calculators.

After reading this essay as a student your eyes are open to know why there are such
rules in school for why cell phones are not allowed. Many students hear the rule that
schools and teachers do not allow cell phones in class but when presented with the
reason why I feel that the students would be more understanding. “Although instructors
should be able to restrict cell phone use, they should make sure that students
understand the need for this policy.” When in school some students do understand why
cell phones are not allowed in classrooms but others do not. That is why on the first day
of school instructors should say that their classroom is a cell phone free zone.
Presenting a reason why will make students more understandable on why there is such
rules like these.

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