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Submitted By: AlKhaldi, Lucille G.

Is the Statement Theoretically and Operationally defined and is
it organized? Elaborate
• From Novice to Expert (Patricia Benner)

Theory forms the structure of nursing practice both (theory and practice) are therefore
intertwined as a nurses transitions from Novice to Expert. Patricia Benner developed and introduced an
idea called “ From Novice to Expert”. (1) Beginner, (2)Advanced, (3)Competent, (4)Proficient
(5)Expert. this idea explains that expert nurses develop skills and an understanding of patient care over
time from a mix of a powerful educational foundation yet as multitude personal experiences. the
first purpose of theory within the profession of nursing is to boost practice by positively influence the
health and quality of lifetime of the patients. the link between theory and operational is reciprocal.
Operational practice is that the basis for development of nursing theory whereas nursing theory must be
validated in practice. Theories are narrow and must have specific form of practice. Novice to expert
theory together of the guided theory the core of nursing practice, to produce effective, efficient, and
holistic care, following of Patricia Benner framework novice to expert principles is to develop student
confident to be expertise. 2
Is the Statement Theoretically and Operationally defined and is
it organized? Elaborate
• From Novice to Expert (Patricia Benner)

Benner’s approach endures to be used to help develop clinical advancement ladders. That the
significance of her Theory that support theoretically and operationally organized, it the profession
understanding of what it means to be adept, placing this label not on the nurse with most highly paid or
most prominent position, but on the nurse who provided the most excellent nursing care.

Finally, it can be seen that theory and practice are interrelated as the moves towards from
novice to an expert. Abstract knowledge forms the framework of nursing practice and practice
enlightens the theory. The novice starts by utilizing theoretical knowledge acquired in training and in
practice. As a transition is made towards becoming an expert experienced is attained which gives the
nurse the grant to gain more and more knowledge that will also provide nursing care that is capable and
complete method.

Is the theory consistent and are the outcomes clearly stated?
Novice to Expert Theory is consistent and are the outcomes clearly stated, because pattern or
model they used to show a clear relationship among the existing academically works in nursing. These are
the aspects of performances occur in movement through levels of skilled achievement:
 Movement from a confidence on theoretical principles and rules to use of past, concrete experience as
 Shift from reliance on analytical, rule-based of thinking to awareness.
 Change in the learner’s perception of the situation from viewing it as a compilation of equally relevant
bits. to view as an increasingly complex whole.
 And separate observer would switch from one position of participation with fully engaged to the position.
The overlying and growing experience in Benner’s structure represents the growth proficient by the
nurse as she progresses through the different levels of expertise, from Novice to finally becoming an Expert.
Believed to be the key to nursing clinical capability because of the allowance it gives the nurse to continue
expanding his/her knowledge constant providing patient care in a holistic approach and expert style
(George,2011). 4
Is the model or diagram clarify the theory?
 Different levels of skills reflect changes in learner's
perception of situation as a complete whole in which
certain parts are relevant.
Yes, Novice to Expert model basically
vehicles towards expertise.
 Each step shapes on the previous one as abstract
principles are enhanced and expanded by experience and
the learner gains critical proficiency.

 This theory changed the profession's understanding.

This of what it means to be an expert, by engaging this
designation not on the nurse with the foremost highly
waged or most prominent position, but on the nurse who
provided “ the foremost hardworking medical care.

 It also recognized that nursing was poorly attended by the

paradigm that immersed for all nursing theory to be
developed by researchers but rather comprehend the
innovation of notion that practice itself could and should
inform theory.
Does the theory fit with current nursing standards, education or
administration and does research support the use of this theory
in practice?
Absolutely, Novice to Expert Model fit for all to support current nursing practice application:

1. Nursing Standard and practice - the theory is markedly vital in ensuring a quality nursing care in
clinical practice. It is essential to identify the expertise level of nurses and pair up a lower
of proficiency to a higher one. The role of the "guide at the side" is deprecatory moving from novice to
expert. It is impossible to teach the myriad occurrences and conditions that the clinician might face daily
in a clinical area.

2. Nursing Administration - the theory from Novice to Expert, may be used as a structure for
professional progress and advancement model in different hospital in recognizing the
clinical proficiency of nurses who impart direct patient care. This would serve in promoting reflective
practice, generate a peer review system and provide rewards based on a nurse's level of competence.

Does the theory fit with current nursing standards, education or
administration and does research support the use of this theory
in practice?
3. Nursing Education- this can function as a guide for an educator in creating a teaching plan. The
amount of nursing expertise are supported based on the educators teaching strategies. Nurses who
practice at the novice and advanced beginner levels to place on reliance on the policy and procedure,
have difficulty with vague problems, and have less experience with a range of clinical situations on
which to base decisions. A nurse educator must formulate highly structured learning activities for
nurses at different levels of professional development.

4. Nursing Research - this can be used as a conceptual structure to advance reflective practice and
transformative learning experiences not just based on any kind of experience. The experience must be
right type experience, a transformative awareness of knowledge to develop the capability and ability of a
truly adept nurse.

Is the theory relevant socially and across cultures and settings?
Definitely, yes it is very relevant socially and across culture and setting, here is
the example (medication Error) a step up nurse from a novice, an advance beginner may
be able to execute simple emergency unit tasks. A competent nurses utilize significant
analytical and critical thinking exertion in order to assess numerous significant
elements in the patients condition and arrive at plans that possess both short and long
term goals. As the level of competency of nurses progresses the incident of medication
error in the clinical area significantly lessening.
Practical knowledge is essential to socially and cultural development and
professional growth of nursing. Reflection in practice is one of a tool that can be used to
find deeper meaning with applied experience as a means to advance learning as well as
to enhance one’s skill level. In every clinical situation is an chance for learning. Through
experience a nurse can attain a philosophical understanding of themselves and the
practice of nursing and eventually improve patient care outcomes.
Is the theory relevant socially and across cultures and settings?

Guided learning can foster students knowledge development, interact socially

with confidence and self- awareness which in turn will help to advance there level of
skill acquisition, thus understanding the skill level of the student is essential to
facilitate successful learning every settings they will encounter.


Benner, P (2001). From novice to expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice (commemorative ed.).
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice-Hall.

Benner, P (1984). From novice to expert: Excellence and power in clinical nursing practice Menlo Park: Addison –
Wesley. Pp. 13 –34.

Benner, P., Tanner, C., & Chesla, C (1992). From beginner to expert: gaining a differentiated clinical world in
clinical care nursing. Advances in Nursing Science, 14(3), 13-28

Collins, S. D. (2008). Achieving Expertise. Minority Nurse. Retrieved


George, J. B. (2011) Nursing Theories: The base for professional nursing practice (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ:


Gentile, D. L. (2012). Applying the Novice-to-Expert Model. Journal of Infusion Nursing,101-107. Retrieved

Parker, M. E, & Smith, M.C. (2011). Nursing Theories & nursing practice (3rd ed.)Philadelphia, PA: F.A. Davis


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