Test Your Learning Part (2) Basic Human Rights in The Holy Quran

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Q5) What rule is mentioned in Surah Al-Nisa verse no.29, regarding right to ownership?

A) In Surah Al-Nisa verse No 29 it’s mentioned regarding the right of ownership that is defined
as “we should not devour others properties unjustified except with mutual consent and not use
unlawful procedure in mutual consent”.

Q6) Write concise idea about right to ownership?

A) A concise idea about right to ownership is we should not devour and eat each other’s
properties by unlawful means and should not commit suicide.

Q7) What is the message of Holy Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H) regarding right to honour?

A) The Holy Prophet (PBUH) told his followers at the time of performing his last Hajj that
“your life, your honour and your property are as holy as this day, this month and this city”.

Q8) Write concise idea regarding right to honour?

A) The concise idea about right to honour is that suspicions, spying and backbiting are severe
sins so we should avoid them in our daily life, at all cost
Q9) Who is the most trustworthy hand hold mentioned in Surah Al-Baqrag verse no.256?

A) It is mentioned in Surah Al-Baqrah verse No.256 that Allah Al-Mighty is the most
trustworthy hand hold
Q10) Write concise idea about right to faith?

A) The concise idea about right to faith is that compulsion in religion is not acceptable.
Islamic education is based on faith and free will so it would be fruitless if it is imposed by force:
Right and wrong paths have been quite separated and it depends upon human being what
he/she adopts either right way or wrong way.

Q11) What is the vital importance of right to equality?

A) The vital importance of right to Equality is the right of equality of all members of the
society is same without any preference of common race, color, creed and cast.

Q12) Write concise idea about right to equality?

A) The concise idea about right to equality is that the most honorable in the sight of Allah Al-
Mighty is the one who is the most righteous and pious among all people.

Q13) Which due is called compulsory due?

A) Allah has kept this right for poor people on rich people in their wealth in the shape of
compulsory due (i.e. Zakat) and other than that also i.e. Alms and charity etc.

Q14) Write concise idea about right to economic?

A) The concise idea about right to economic is that Helping poor and needy person is our
duty and it is recognized right of them in our wealth ordered by Allah (Al-Might).

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