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Niveau :3ASLLE Mai2017

English Exam Third term Duration :03h00

Topic 2
Part One: Reading/comprehension (14pts)
Read the text carefully then do the activities.
The 20th century was marked by the expansion of the educational systems of the industrial nations,
as well as by the emergence of school systems among the newer developing nations in Asia and in
Africa. Compulsory basic education has become nearly universal, but evidence indicates that large numbers
of children, perhaps 50 per cent of those of school age throughout the world, are not attending school.
In order to improve education on all levels, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and
Cultural Organization (UNESCO) inaugurated literacy campaigns and other educational projects to
eliminate illiteracy, some progress has been noted, but it has become obvious that considerable time and
effort are needed to produce universal literacy report released on December 8,1998,by the united nations
children’s fund (UNICEF) claimed that about 130 million children between the ages of 6 and 11,including
73 million girls, go without basic education. The report devoted special attention to girls and women, who,
according to the report, comprise two thirds of the world’s illiterate population. Although the 1948
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the 1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child established the
right to education as a basic human right, more than 850 million people about a six of the world’s
population could enter the 21st century unable to read or write , said UNICEF.
(Encarta online)
A/ Comprehension. (7pts)
1-the discourse is: ( 0.5pt)
a) -a report b) - a magazine article c) - a newspaper article
2-In which paragraph is it mentioned that: (1pt)
a) Some measures have been taken to ameliorate education
b) Nearly half of the world’s children don’t have access to school
3- Say if the following statements are true or false according to the text: (1.5pts)
a)Most of the world’s illiterates are girls
b) Compulsory education has become worldwide
c) UNESCO doesn't do any thing to fight illiteracy
4- Answer the following questions from the text: (2pts)
a)What did UNESCO do in the field of education?
b) Why were girls devoted special attention?
5- What do the underlined words refer to? (1pt)
those (§1):…………… Who (§2) :………………………………………..
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6- Give a suitable title to the text: (1pt)…………………………………………………

B) Text Exploration: (7pts)

1) Find in the passage above words corresponding to the definitions below: (1.5pts)
a) made obligatory by law: (§1)…………………………..
b) increase in size and importance:(§1) ………………………………..
c) that concerns all the world:(§2) ………………………………….
2)which verbs can be derived from the following words? (1pt)
Expansion - progress -organization - emergence
:3) Rewrite sentence (B) so as it has the same meaning as sentence (A): (2.5pts)
a1- The 20th century was marked by the expansion of educational systems
b1- The expansion of educational systems……………………………………………………….
a2- Although various declarations established the right to education, more than 850 million people
would be illiterate
b2- Despite of………………………………………………………………………………………………
a3- Why don’t you start your project on education in South Korea .
b3- you 'd better .........................................................................................................................................
a4- They are digitizing all text books.
b4- All text books..................................................................................................................................
a5-If they create and deliver mobile learning materials,education will be improved
b5- .unless................................................................................................................................
4/Re-order these sentences to make a coherent paragraph: (1pt)
a-,at home and at school,in profound & unexpected ways.
b-But the main hazard is that there are too many classrooms.
c-Computers are reshaping our children’s lives.
d-we must however focus on their potential hazards.
e-where children have little or no access to the internet.
5/Classify these words according to their final /s/ (1pt)
plans – tablets – devices – rivals
Choose ONE of the following topics:
Topic I: Write a composition of about 10 lines on the following topic:
Education in ancient Greece.” Use the following notes:
 Education was non-fee paying / available only for boys.
 Children go to state schools or private academies.
 State schools: children learn a craft or a trade.
 Private academies: students pass a rigorous probationary period to be officially accepted.
 They provide practical training for a position in government or commerce.
 Teach a wide range of subjects: mathematics, philosophy, astronomy by highly qualified teachers.
Topic II: Write a composition of about 10 lines on the following topic:
Do you think that education is essential in fighting corruption? Justify your answer.

when there is a will there is a way

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3FL Correction of experimental bac Mai 2017

A/ Comprehension. (7pts)

1-The discourse is: ( 0.5pt)

a report

2-In which paragraph is it mentioned that: (1pt)

a) Some measures have been taken to ameliorate education in § 2

b) Nearly half of the world’s children don’t have access to school in§ 1

3- Say if the following statements are true or false according to the text: (1.5pts)

a)Most of the world’s illiterates are girls true

b) Compulsory education has become worldwide true

c) The fight against illiteracy has become a global issue false

4- Answer the following questions from the text: (2pts)

a) inaugurated literacy campaigns and other educational projects to eliminate illiteracy,

b) girls were devoted special attention comprise two thirds of the world’s illiterate population.

5- What do the underlined words refer to? (1pt)

those (§1): children Who (§2): girls and women

6- Give a suitable title to the text: (1pt) education ,a basic human right

B) Text Exploration: (7pts)

1) Find in the passage above words corresponding to the definitions below: (1.5pts)

a) made obligatory by law: (§1) = compulsory

b) increase in size and importance:(§1) =expansion

c) that concerns all the world:(§2) = universal

2)which verbs can be derived from the following words? (1pt)

to expand - to progress - to organize - to emerge

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:3) Rewrite sentence (B) so as it has the same meaning as sentence (A): (2.5pts)

a1- The 20th century was marked by the expansion of educational systems

b1- The expansion of educational systems marked the 20th century.

a2- Although various declarations established the right to education, more than 850 million people
would be illiterate

b2- Despite of establishing the right to education, more than 850 million people would be illiterate.

a3- Why don’t you start your project on education in South Korea .

b3- you 'd better start your project on education in South Korea. your

a4- They are digitizing all text books.

b4- All text books are being digitized by them.

a5-If they create and deliver mobile learning materials,education will be improved b5- .unless they create and
deliver mobile learning, education will not be improved.

7/Re-order these sentences to make a coherent paragraph: (1pt)

a-,at home and at school,in profound & unexpected ways. ........................2
b-But the main hazard is that there are too many classrooms....................5.
c-Computers are reshaping our children’s lives. ..........................................1
d-we must however focus on their potential hazards. ....................................4.
e-where children have little or no access to the internet................................3

8/Classify these words according to their final /s/ (1pt)

plans /s/ – tablets /s/–

devices /iz/

rivals /z/


Relevance: 2pts / Cohesion: 2,5 pts / Coherence: 1,5 pts

Web site : /Fax023.94.83.37 - Tel : 0560.94.88.02/ :

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