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Sub: Organizational Behavior

Title: Chapter 7 Q&A

Class: ACC B

Mogadishu University

Key Terms

Job enrichment: Is the process of making a job more motivational and satisfying by
adding variety, responsibility, and managerial decision making
Empowerment: is the process of sharing power with group members, thereby enhancing
their feelings of self-efficacy.
Job characteristics model: is the method of job design that focuses on the task and
interpersonal demands of a job.

Job crafting: refers to the physical and mental changes workers make in the task or in the
relationship aspects of their jobs.
Positive reinforcement program: is the application of reinforcement theory for
motivating people in work settings.
Stock option: A financial incentive that gives employees the right to purchase a certain
number of company shares at a specified price.

2. What are the characteristics and consequences of enriched job?


1. Direct feedback 2. Client relationships 3. New learning 4. Control over method.

5. Control over scheduling. 6. Unique experience. 7. Control over resources.

8. Direct communication authority. 9. Personal accountability.

PrepareBy: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed(Kulmiye).

3. The Four areas will most likely increase the meaningfulness of work for employees,
what are they?


 On society.
 On the customer.
 On the workgroup or team.
 On themselves.

4. According to the job characteristics model, they are five measurable characteristics of a
job can improve employee motivation, satisfaction, and performance, list all of them?


 Skill variety.
 Task identity.
 Task significance.
 Autonomy.
 Feedback and performance.

5. Write down three common types of job crafting?


 The number and type of job tasks.

 The interaction with others on the job.
 One’s view of the job.

6. Summarize the basics of a positive reinforcement program in the workplace?

Ans: Positive reinforcement programs are an application of reinforcement theory. Such

programs have been used to strengthen employee wellness programs, with wellness
incentives for completion of lifestyle modification programs, including weight control and
smoking cessation.

PrepareBy: Mohamed Hassan Mohamed(Kulmiye).

7. Identify rules and suggestions for motivating group members through positive


Rule 1: Choose an appropriate reward or punishment.

Rule 2: Reinforce the behaviors you really want to encourage.

Rule 3: Supply ample feedback.

Rule 4: Rewards should be commensurate with the good deed.

Rule 5: Schedule rewards intermittently.

Rule 6: Rewards and punishments should follow the observed behavior closely in time.

Rule 7: Make rewards visible to the recipient and to others.

Rule 8: Change the reward periodically.

Wrote By: Kulmiye

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