Interview With Deanna Shrewbury

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Interview With Deanna 1

Colorado Technical University

Interview With Deanna Shrewsbury

Interview Essay

Pat Adragna

Submitted in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

PSYCH 1005

Introduction to Psychology


Sari Barnes

May 2012
Interview With Deanna 2

Interview With Deanna Shrewbury

Deanna Shrewsbury deals with all types of therapy from individual therapy, family

therapy, art therapy, group therapy and even equine assisted psychotherapy. She is a woman that

enjoys her work and devotes much of her time to helping others and helping them grow as

individuals. She finds that it is within her to contribute and help others with their conflicts and

issues. Deanna describes why she enjoys her job and what she finds most rewarding and things

that are least enjoyable.

1.) What do you find is most rewarding in your job?

Deanna: “The most rewarding thing is when I can help someone to grow and make changes,

making a difference.”

2.) What is the thing you like least about your job?

Deanna: “What I like least is dealing with managed care and insurances. The paperwork can be

overwhelming as well, and it is a stressful job at times. The rewards of helping others of course

outweighs the negative though.”

3.) Did you ever think of doing something else in your lifetime career-wise?

Deanna: “I have sometimes thought about being a professional artist or just waiting tables or

running a coffee house just because of the low stress and interacting with people.”

4.) What inspired you to take the path that you did?

Deanna: “I was inspired to become an art therapist and counselor by self introspection looking at

my strengths as a person, but also a friend’s mother mentioned I would be a great art therapist

one time and the thought came back to me when I was in college and trying to figure out what I

was going to do.”

Interview With Deanna 3

5.) If you could change anything about your job, would you?

Deanna: “If I could change something it would be both managed care/healthcare issues as well as

improving our foster care system as I work a lot with kids that go through a lot in the foster

care/adoption process.”


It seems that Deanna enjoys her job although there are some struggles and stressful things

she had to deal with. She could’ve settled for a job that would be less stressful on herself, but

because she wished to give back to others and feels it’s rewarding, she chose her job. She also

finds that improving our foster care system would be beneficial.

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