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NAMES: Julian Henry

Carlos Contreras


1. T= Taster
t= Nontaster

Nontaster: tt

Taster: TT and Tt

b. Yes, it may be possible with the union of 2 parents with alleles

heterozygous for this ability.

Nontaster: 1/4

Taster: 3/4

2. This may be due to the fact that this disease occurs in the recessive alleles,
so that the parents do not have the disease but generate a child that yes,
the parents have heterozygous alleles.

S= Sick
s= Not sick
The possibilities that the children generated by this union have this disease are 1/4

3. L= Long wings
l= Vestigial wings
H= Hairless body
h= Hairy body

LLHH ----- llhh = 4 Gametes: LlHh (F1)


Long wings and Hairless body: 9/16

Long wings and Hairy body: 3/16
Vestigial wings and Hairless body: 3/16
Vestigial wings and Hairy body: 1/16

4. When the heterozygous trait is completely different from the homozygous

traits it is due to the lack of dominance and recessiveness, and is therefore
a case of incomplete dominance.

WW: White
BB: Black
WB: Gray (or blue)
A cross between white and black generates 100% grays (or blues) heterozygotes.

A cross between two grays (or blues) generates:

1/4 White
1/2 Gray (or blue)
1/4 Black

A cross between gray (or blue) and black generates:

1/2 Gray (or blue)
1/2 Black

5. There are more chances that palomino horses are generated in greater
quantity than in the other colors.

PP= Pale
BB= Brown
PB= Palomino
A cross between pale and brown generates 100% palominos.

A cross between palominos generates:

1/4 Pales
1/2 Palominos
1/4 Browns

Therefore the data of the cross between palominos agrees with the
proportion and helps my answer.

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