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Realizing The Potential


Realizing the Potential

We are pleased to present our second annual ranking of With this background, we have attached more attention this
the best Chinese brands, in cooperation with 21 Century year to the stories behind the success and failure of brands
Business Review. This year, we examine first-class Chinese which are an indelible part of the Chinese civilization, and
brands more closely to help Chinese companies and their are rapidly becoming part of the global market. Together
executives take notice of the deeper mindsets and methods with all of you, we wish to discover the principals that drive
influencing branding situations, learn from the experiences the progress of Chinese brands rather than add meaningless
of successful practices of Chinese brands, and get inspira- riot to the business world.
tion from our ranking.
During the long process of our evaluation, we have tried
According to Interbrand, the brand value reflects the dis- to understand the brand context among miscellaneous data
counted cash flow of the total earnings it will bring to the and special management patterns of each company. Clearly,
brand owner in future. In other words, the brand stands for the idiosyncrasies of Chinese companies are fostering some
a part of the future earnings of the company. Therefore, for new ideas about branding. It is the hope of Interbrand and
the company’s management, brands are economic assets 21 Century Business Review that, in our report, you will see
that need serious management. The change in the brand val- the essence of successful Chinese brands emerge.
ue of a company comprehensively reflects the performance
achieved by the management team using various tools.
When we follow strictly the methodology of brand evaluation,
we receive a clear signal of the progress outstanding Chinese
brands are making. The minimum brand value required to
reach our list this year increased from 1 billion to 1.1 billion
RMB, but the number of listed brands increased from 20
to 25, and 13 brands grew by more than 10%. At the same Frank Chen
time, the number of brands we consider prominent, but can Chief Executive Officer
not list due to the lack of public data or their B2B charac- Interbrand China
teristics, is rising as well. All these facts prove our observa-
tion last year: branding has become a management focus
of many excellent Chinese companies, and it is starting to
produce an abundant return.


1. Why the Ranking is Important 1

2. The Interbrand Method for Valuing Brands 2

3. Branding in China 4

4. Best Chinese Brands 2007 7

5. Brand Commentary 8

6. Other Prominent Chinese Brands 17

Appendices Frequently Asked Questions 22

Disclaimer: All brand value estimates in this study have

been calculated by processing data sourced from publicly
available information for the purpose of demonstrating
Interbrand's proprietary methodology. The accuracy of
the brand value estimates relies on the quality of this
input data, which would normally be sourced from the
client organization.

The branding practices employed by Chinese enterprises IS OUR MARKE TING EFFEC TIVE AND EFFICIENT?
are becoming more and more sophisticated. We hope our Your customers make decisions every day between you
annual ranking of the Best Chinese Brands assists in putting and your competitors. Analyzing the role of brand in those
emphasis on the contribution that brands make to business decisions helps you to focus your strategy on the attributes
performance. The brand values are top-line measures of eco- that differentiate your brand from others and to strengthen
nomic performance, stating what the brand is worth overall, your relationship with your best customers, ensuring future
and among competitors. earnings.

The most important information comes when one looks ARE SHORT-TERM TAC TICS DRIVING LONG-VALUE?
behind the number – as a single number only tells so much. By analyzing the strength of your brand, you can target
It is more important to understand what drives brand value: marketing campaigns to the most valuable customers, in the
intangible earnings (the cash flow of a business not associ- most competitive manner, to drive short-term sales without
ated with such tangible assets as equipment or materials), sacrificing long-term brand strength and relevance.
the role of brand (a measure of how much brand influences
purchasing decisions), and brand strength (a benchmark of a Most importantly, this ranking is presented to foster debate
brand’s relative risk compared to competitors). and put greater emphasis on the practice of branding. Our
goal is to communicate clearly that brands are important as-
Understanding the drivers of brand value can inform man- sets requiring proactive and consistent investment, manage-
agement action, from overall business strategy to specific ment, and measurement.
marketing tactics. It is an easy-to-use metric to help brand
owners determine where they are, where they are going, and
how to get there. Brand valuation can assist an enterprise in
brand building by answering the following questions:

Putting an economic value on a brand (overall and by seg-
ment) can help make a strong business case for marketing
investments, overall and across a brand portfolio.

1 Best Chinese Brands 2007


Interbrand has valued over 4,000 brands covering every The brand’s financial performance must be isolated.
business sector, around the world, over the last 20 years and This means companies with several brands that do not have
retains a clear position as thought leader and innovator. This separate brand-specific financial data were excluded.
wealth of practical knowledge provides the basis for all of
our league-tables, at a global and market specific level. The Interbrand method for valuing brands is a proven,
straightforward and meaningful formula that examines
To arrive at a particular ranking we first establish clear crite- brands through the lens of financial strength, importance in
ria for inclusion. This ensures we have the required informa- driving consumer selection, and the likelihood of ongoing
tion to complete the valuation and that the brands conform branded revenue. Our method evaluates brands much like
to the geographic or industry specific nature of the study. analysts would value any other asset: on the basis of how
much they are likely to earn in the future. There are three
For our annual Best Chinese Brands study, Interbrand fol- core components to our proprietary method:
lows a specific set of criteria:
Financial Analysis
The brand must originate in Mainland China. Our approach to valuation starts by forecasting the current
This means that foreign-owned brands operating in China and future revenue specifically attributable to the branded
are excluded (example, Coca-Cola). This means brands that products. Non-branded items such as amortization of good-
were once Chinese-owned but are now foreign-owned are will and finance costs are subtracted to assess what portion
excluded (example, Zhonghua part of Unilever). This means of those earnings is directly attributable to the brand.
brands that originate or are based in Hong Kong, Macau, or
Taiwan are excluded. All financial analysis for the Best Chinese Brands 2007 study
is based on publicly available stock exchange listed company
The brand owner must be a publicly traded company. information. These valuations represent “existing use values”
The company to which the brand belongs must be a listed not “market values” which could be considerably different.
company on a stock exchange. This enables Interbrand to
access the financial information to perform the valuation.

The brand must be consumer-facing.

This excludes holding companies and business-to-business
entities that do not directly interact with consumers (ex-
amples, China Resources, CNOOC).

Best Chinese Brands 2007 2

2. The Interbrand Method for Valuing Brands

Role of Brand Analysis Brand Strength Score

A measure of how the brand influences customer demand This is a benchmark of the brand’s ability to secure ongoing
during the purchase process is applied to the intangible customer demand (loyalty, repurchase and retention) and
earnings to arrive at Branded Earnings. For this ranking, in- thus sustain future earnings, translating branded earnings
dustry benchmark analysis for the role brand plays in driving into net present value. This assessment is a structured way
customer demand is derived from Interbrand’s database of of determining the specific risk to the strength of the brand.
more than 4,000 prior valuations conducted over the course We compare the brand against common factors of brand
of 20 years. In-market analysis is used to establish individual strength, such as market position, customer franchise, image,
brand scores against our industry benchmarks. and support.

3 Best Chinese Brands 2007


China’s economy is developing at an amazing rate. As the The rise of market-oriented brands
most valuable asset for an enterprise, brand is making an ir- Last year’s list was dominated by large-scale state-owned
replaceable contribution in this rapid economic growth. With enterprises with special advantages: dominant market share,
an increasing per capita disposable income, and a wider protection from competition, and consumer recognition ac-
range of goods and services from which to choose, brand is cumulated through a long history. But this year, several high-
playing a more important role in the purchase process. And ly market-oriented, competitive brands joined the list. These
although most consumers are still price-sensitive, Chinese brands have taken the lead in management innovation and
brands are just beginning to realize their great potential. brand-building in their industry, including reorganizing their
Compared with world-renowned brands, Chinese brand marketing departments, appointing chief marketing officers,
values are still a smaller proportion of market capitalization. increasing brand-building budgets, tracking results and so
Meanwhile, some of the top Chinese brands have enormous on. Like sports brand Li-Ning who is competing head-to-
room for growth. For example, China Life already owns head with world renowned brands Nike and Adidas in the
almost 50% of China's life insurance market, but only about Chinese market. And Chinese search expert Baidu who has
20% of the population is insured. out-maneuvered strong pressure from Google with better
localization, brand communication and understanding of the
This is the second time we have evaluated the most valuable Chinese language. In 2006, Baidu's market share had risen
brands in China. A quick glance shows the volatility in the to 60%, winning the lead position in China’s market. Young
composition and value of the brands. This situation is due to and highly market-oriented brands, like Li-Ning and Baidu,
three factors. First, many large Chinese enterprises are still are listening carefully to the market, gradually accumulat-
in the process of going public. Second, the reform of China's ing brand value, and taking their place alongside China’s
capital markets has strengthened the incentive for manage- resource-rich enterprises.
ment to more strictly supervise its financial information,
leading to fluctuations in profits, and therefore brand value. Globalization
Third, some Chinese enterprises are making large capital Former Secretary-General of United Nations Kofi Annan
investments to expand their business, which has temporary once said that arguing against globalization is like argu-
negative impact on brand value. Whether these investments ing against the law of gravity. Today, as the world becomes
will translate into returns in brand value still remains to be flatter, no ambitious enterprise can evade globalization.
seen. With multinational brands entering China, many outstanding
Chinese enterprises like Haier, Lenovo, TCL and Huawei are
Despite the volatility, we have identified a number of positive ready to compete on a global stage. There is no doubt this
trends in this year’s rankings: crucial step will be difficult. Chinese brands must learn to
adapt to global consumer demands, market environments,
business models, languages, cultures, and staff values.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 4

3. Branding in China

However, Chinese brand leaders have begun to break have earned their brand images through business acumen,
through. Lenovo’s merger with IBM’s PC business and its long history and classical heritage. Knowledge-intensive
sponsorship of the 2008 Olympics are leading to global brands can build high technology barriers by investing
brand awareness. According to a 2007 Interbrand survey in R&D and strengthening the awareness of intellectual
among 700 professionals, Lenovo's aided brand awareness property protection. Luxury brands can earn higher profits,
reached 59%, ranking it first among Chinese brands, and giving them the resources to reinvest in marketing and cus-
already exceeding some international brands. tomer experiences. In a sense, the culture for these modern
conveniences comes from the West. But with the phenom-
From learning to creating enal growth of Chinese consumer purchasing power, the
During the early stages of development, most Chinese breeding process has begun. Chinese brands willing to make
brands spent their time studying the successful experience of a breakthrough should focus on relevant aspects of Chinese
foreign brands. After years of practice, some Chinese brands culture and create lifestyle brand symbols.
have migrated from learning and following to creating and
exploring their own unique path. They are rooted in the soil From special advantage to brand equity
of a vast market, searching for their own brand principles in As mentioned earlier, some Chinese brands have special
China, and creating localized best practices. Vanke is among advantages; telecommunications and banking are conspicu-
these outstanding brands. Typically, real estate companies ous examples as they are core infrastructure for the coun-
in developed countries diminish the role of the corporate try. Their advantages lie in ownership by the government,
brand in favor of property brands. But in China, where mixed barriers to competition or from historical heritage, and can
developer quality has tested consumer confidence in buying bring high profit and dominant market share. However,
houses, Vanke treats its corporate brand as strategic re- as deregulation accelerates, consumers are beginning to
source and has cultivated it for long-term development. In a seek personalized solutions, creating opportunities for new
real estate market where developers are often criticized and foreign and local entrants. Enterprises that rely on their
questioned, Vanke is respected and beloved as a brand with scale and heritage as their only weapon will quickly be at a
rich principal and personality. disadvantage. They must find ways to transfer their special
advantages into brand equity to re-ignite progress. Lenovo
This year’s ranking also reflects some major challenges in is an outstanding example. In its early days, Lenovo received
Chinese brand growth: tremendous support from the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
But Lenovo also started its brand journey early and gradually
Few knowledge-intensive and luxury brands transferred its advantages to brand strength. The experience
Compared with the Best Global Brands, China’s list lacks of Lenovo is worth learning for many Chinese brands.
knowledge-intensive brands like Microsoft, Google and Intel,
and luxury brands like Rolex and Louis Vuitton. Although
there are examples like Lenovo or Moutai and Changyu, they

5 Best Chinese Brands 2007

3. Branding in China

Deepening brand experience

Brand experience is the ultimate brand management test.
Successful global brands deliver their core idea to the
consumer at every touch point, using advanced technology
to create a powerful experience. After more than ten years
of careful management and continuous innovation, some
Chinese brands have succeeded in building high aware-
ness and preference among consumers. However, as the
development of these brands continues, a typical question
is how they can enhance their brands further. Deeper brand
experiences mean more customer-oriented interactions that
lead to deeper reflection and action by the consumer. The
banking industry is a good example; to take their brands
to the next stage, they must gather insights by different
customer groups, deliver more focused services and design
more unique business environments.

We see great potential in Chinese brands. A group of 20-
year-old enterprises are very likely to become the new brand
leaders in China. Through patient development, continuous
study of international brands, and fully using their local wis-
dom to create best practices, Chinese brands will continue
to grow in value for years to come.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 6


7 Best Chinese Brands 2007


Rank: 1 Rank: 2
Industry: Telecommunications Industry: Financial services
History: Separated from China Telecom in 2000 History: One of four major banks separated from PRC's
Central Bank in 1954
China Mobile holds 68% of the 461 million mobile subscrib- Commentary:
ers in China, ranking first in the world in network scale and CCB reported 17% and 18% growth respectively in revenue
number of customers. In 2006, China Mobile owned 45% and profit last year, driving a healthy development in its
of the operating revenue and 60% of the profit of the total brand value. The bank maintains its competitive edge in
telecommunications market, securing its dominant position. housing and other construction loans, one of the hottest
Quite impressive when you consider that more than half the economic sectors in China today. It holds 28% market share,
Chinese population still does not own a mobile phone. second highest among Chinese peers. CCB is also seeking
overseas expansion opportunities, merging its retail business
China Mobile’s comprehensive network offers the widest with Bank of America in Hong Kong last year.
coverage, high quality, rich variety of choices and first-class
customer service. It recently updated its brand proposition The bank generated 93% of total revenue in 2006 from inter-
to be a "World-class Enterprise and Mobile Information Ex- est income, which may bring some challenges as deregula-
pert", providing comprehensive information services instead tion, disintermediation and government policy become less
of just traditional voice business. And its three sub-brands favorable in the future. Though CCB is strong in its core
are all clearly positioned. GoTone targets high-end custom- business, a real-estate bubble and weaker consumer brand
ers. M-zone focuses on young fashionable people. And represent substantial risk for the bank. Now is the time for
“Easy-own”, accounting for over 70% of all mobile subscrib- CCB to reinforce its relationship with customers by defining
ers, is positioned around the idea of "Easy Life of My Own". its brand and investing in its customer experience.
The brand stands at the first position in our list for the sec-
ond consecutive year and with its recent merger with Paktel,
has started the globalization journey.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 8

5. Brand Commentary

China Life is now the largest life insurance company in
China, providing a full range of individual and group life,
accident and short-term health insurance. In 2006, the
Rank: 3 company’s total revenue grew by 50%, capturing 45%
Industry: Financial services of the market share. At the heart of China Life is an exten-
History: Established in 1912, one of four separated from sive distribution network covering almost every county in the
PRC's Central Bank in 1954 country, employing 652,000 exclusive agents working
in 18,000 field offices and 87,000 outlets.
Bank of China possesses an unrivaled international bank- China Life’s brand is equally as impressive, enjoying 92%
ing network, dominates international trading and foreign brand awareness in a recent survey and capturing the
exchange services and is the most globalized bank among highest share of voice in CCT V advertising. The insurance
its Chinese peers. With a 45% net profit increase in 2006, industry in China is opening to foreign competition, and
BOC is transforming itself into a modern commercial bank, domestic rivals are strengthening, but the company managed
and remarkably generated 18% of its total revenue from to double its brand value in 2006, the single highest growth
non-interest income, the highest ratio among all state-owned on our list this year. And the company has not been a strong
Chinese banks. The bank is also looking for new revenue player in property insurance, which grew much faster than
sources and recently merged with Singapore Aircraft Leas- life insurance in 2006, showing substantial growth opportu-
ing Enterprise (now BOC Aviation). nity for the brand in the years to come.

BOC’s tagline, “Always With You” shows its commit-

ment to customer service, helping customers travel and
study overseas, but more remains for BOC to deliver on its
promise. Bank of China put substantial effort into marketing
and branding activities, e.g. Bank of China is the only bank Rank: 5
partner of 2008 Olympic Games, but its large marketing and Industry: Financial services
M&A expenditure limited the growth of its brand value this History: China Industrial and Commercial Bank was founded
year. BOC will need some time to prove to the world those in 1984
expenses will be transformed into brand power in the future.
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC) succeeded
in listing in 2006, making it one of the largest IPOs ever, and
a global business celebrity virtually overnight. The largest of
the state-owned banks, its strength lies in a robust banking
Rank: 4 network, with the largest number of branches, ATMs and
Industry: Insurance geographic coverage in China. As a result, ICBC’s personal
History: Restructured in 1999 based on first insurance com- banking revenue hit 34% in 2006, the highest among all
pany founded in 1949 Chinese banks, but 8% of revenue is from non-interest
income, showing an over-dependence on loan services.

9 Best Chinese Brands 2007

5. Brand Commentary

With its wide footprint, ICBC may rely too much on its
network and long history in the Chinese banking industry.
Heritage is declining in importance as a differentiator, and
the brand has struggled with customer service, a common
criticism of ICBC. With foreign banks entering the market, Rank: 7
ICBC is already facing a churn in high-end customers to Industry: Insurance
global banking brands like Citbank and HSBC. Instead of History: Started offering property in 1988, then life in 1994
waiting for its network to capture customers, ICBC must bet-
ter use its brand to maintain a leading position in a rapidly Commentary:
changing market. We are happy to see that ICBC is currently Ping An is a key player in China’s insurance industry, ac-
improving in the right direction. counting for 17% of the life insurance market and 10% of
the property insurance market. Although Ping An is the sec-
ond largest insurance company, it ranks far behind market
leaders in any one category. And while it is considered the
rookie in the industry, 2006 was a big year for Ping An.

It was among the first Chinese financial companies to inte-

Rank: 6 grate insurance, securities, trusts, banking, asset manage-
Industry: Telecommunications ment and annuity services into one financial holding group.
History: Restructured in 2002, but established even before At the same time, Ping An has aggressively introduced
the PRC was founded advanced IT systems for better information and risk manage-
ment. The company’s goal is to offer integrated financial
Commentary: services and the consolidation has been quite successful,
China Telecom was once the only choice. After several reflected in its more than 60% increase in brand value this
spin-offs and new competitors, it’s still the biggest fixed-line year.
and broadband provider in China with 61% of all fixed-line
and 55% of all broadband subscribers. It’s a leader in data
services, and it is expected to win a 3G license, enabling it
to offer wireless services. But like every market around the
world, mobile operators are improving coverage, cutting
prices and expanding value-added services – causing a
significant reduction in the fixed-line voice business. And
PHS subscribers are gradually turning to wireless for better Rank: 8
voice quality and mobility. With this trend, China Telecom
Industry: Financial services
achieved only 3% revenue growth and saw a 2% decline in
History: Founded in 1987, inheriting its name from a 100
profit this year.
year-old investment agency
Facing these shifts, China Telecom began a strategic
transformation in 2005 from a traditional telecom network
operator to a modern integrated information service provider,
including a breakthrough in the SMEs market. Based on this
substantial effort, China Telecom’s brand still maintains con-
siderable value, ranking second among all telecom operators,
despite adverse market conditions.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 10

5. Brand Commentary

Commentary: But it faces challenges from not only its direct competitor,
China Merchants Bank’s long-lasting and great efforts on Wuliangye, but also wine and beer brands. Nowadays, young
brand building have brought a sustained brand value. In people revert to wine and beer instead of Chinese traditional
2006, over five million users held a CMB credit card and spirit, because they want to pursue a healthier and modern
innovations in customer service has largely improved the lifestyle. Seen as the national spirit of China, Moutai needs
customer experiences. to expand its brand idea, strengthen its premium brand im-
age and face the challenges of younger audiences.
A narrow geographic coverage and comparatively small
customer base has been the bottleneck for CMB’s brand
value growth. But despite some short-term expenditures on
growth, the Chinese banking industry is becoming more and
more open, and CMB stands to gain great growth along the

Rank: 10
Industry: Telecommunications
History: Founded in1994

Rank: 9 In 2006, China Unicom held 32% of the market for mobile
Industry: Alcohol subscribers, and is the second largest operator in China with
History: The "Spirit of China" is more than 200 years old a full range of voice, SMS and other value-added business,
such as data, IP telephone and multimedia. China Unicom
Commentary: has a CDMA as well as a GSM network, giving it some
Moutai specializes in the production and sale of Chinese technology advantages and a basis for brand differentiation.
distilled spirits, holding 1/3 of the market for high-end sales After several years of marketing incubation, the CDMA busi-
volume. Historically, Moutai was served at many high profile ness was finally profitable and is the most important reason
political, military, and diplomatic occasions, establishing China Unicom enters the list this year. Moreover, Unicom’s
it as the liquor of choice for important occasions. Today, value-added business is growing very quickly and accounted
high quality and unique taste are the most distinguishing for 1/5 of its total revenue.
characteristics that make Moutai a household brand name.
In recent years, Moutai has expanded its product portfolio China Unicom is using its increasing strength by introduc-
to include 5 year, 15 year, 30 year, 50 year and 80 year aged ing several new sub-brands like U-power and Uni to target
products, reinforcing the overall high-end brand image of different audiences. But it’s overall brand image suffers from
Moutai. a perception of poor voice quality and limited network cover-
age. The company promises customers to “Get Connected",
but it still needs to deliver a corresponding experience to
enhance its brand.

11 Best Chinese Brands 2007

5. Brand Commentary

BoComm always takes initiatives ahead of its local competitors,
e.g. first Chinese bank to finish its financial reorganization, first
Rank: 11 to introduce a strategic investor (HSBC), and first to be listed on
Industry: Information Technology HKSE. Though BoComm lacks the wide geographic distribution
History: Founded in 1984, changed its name from Legend of an ICBC, its outlets are mostly concentrated in affluent areas,
Group in 2005 and it has a sophisticated creditworthiness system which it has
applied to its 40 million retail customers and cardholders.
Lenovo is the largest Chinese PC manufacturer, and the BoComm is also aggressive in its marketing and branding.
third largest in the world, providing products to more than Recently, hurdles champion Liu Xiang became a spokesman for
160 countries around the world. In 2005, it completed the the bank. It also launched two wealth management brands last
acquisition of IBM’s PC business and by the end of 2006, year, OTO Fortune and BoComm Fortune, but can do more to
more than 60% of Lenovo’s turnover came from markets promote its corporate level brand.
outside Great China. The company is focusing more on
transactions with individual and SME customers, and this
transformation is paying back in the U.S. market where it
showed profitability in first quarter of 2007.

Though Lenovo faces declining margins for the whole PC

industry and fierce competition from HP, Dell, and Acer, the Rank: 13
brand managed to grow its value by almost 60% this year. Industry: Internet
We attribute this growth to a huge investment in marketing History: Established in 1997, listed on Nasdaq in 2000
and branding activities, including replacing IBM to become
the only Chinese official global partner of the 2008 Olympic Commentary:
Games. As one of the most successful brands in China, After a long recession in the internet business, Netease has
Lenovo carries high expectations from Chinese people and finally succeeded in achieving consistent profitability. Its
can do more to more clearly assert its brand differentiation. "portal + online game" business model is differentiated from
Sina (portal + online advertisement), Shanda or The9 (online
game) and Tom (portal + wireless). Its market share in online
gaming grew from around 24% in 2004 to 35% in 2005 and
has stabilized around 30% in 2006.

A key strength is its R&D capability, representing Chinese

Rank: 12 game developers rather than buying foreign games, espe-
Industry: Financial services cially from Korea. Competitors like Shanda are introducing
History: Bank of Communications Company, Limited (Bo- new business models such as free-of-charge play (instead
Comm) was originally established by the state in 1908. of pay-for-play) that are finding success in the market, and
this will put intense pressure on Netease, who still stick to
the non-free game business model for now.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 12

5. Brand Commentary

Adhering to the idea of "People Insurance Brings Benefit

to the People", PICC aims to transform the company into
a world-class modern financial group. The group stretched
Rank: 14 its business into life insurance at the end of 2005, and will
Industry: Financial services see greater benefit if it can leverage the 50 years of history
History: One of the core subsidiaries of China CITIC Group in its brand.
founded in 1987

CITIC Bank counts half of China’s Fortune 500 companies
as customers, and was publicly listed in April 2007. It is ben-
efiting from the broader macro growth in China, and is able
to offer customers integrated financial services together with
other companies under the CITIC Group, including securi- Rank: 16
ties, funds, trusts, futures and more. Industry: Financial services
History: Established in 1996, publicly listed in 2003
Though CITIC Bank is one of the fastest growing in China,
it still has some key weaknesses. It has a relatively small Commentary:
market share, and though it has raised its brand awareness Minsheng Bank was formed with the mission to ensure
through marketing communications and sponsorships, it private businesses receive fair financing compared to large
does not seem to have a specific and differentiating brand state-owned enterprises. It is also the only bank in China
proposition that can be communicated to the public. whose majority share holders are private companies. While
still small in scale, its advantage is flexibility. For example,
while others target large acquisition deals overseas, Minsh-
eng became the largest shareholder of a highly profitable
foreign bank, the Union Commercial Bank Holdings.

Minsheng’s focus on fair financing for smaller enterprises

has become one of the most distinguishing traits of its
Rank: 15 brand. With many competitors beginning to focus on this
Industry: Insurance segment, Minsheng is well-positioned. But it must consis-
History: Founded in1949 tently communicate its brand idea to its target audiences,
deliver a customer experience aligned with its brand idea,
Commentary: and help customers associate Minsheng with its unique
With more than 4,500 branches nationwide, PICC is one of focus.
the largest property insurance underwriters in China. While
PICC’s premiums income increased over 2005, its market
share in property insurance fell, due to fierce competition
from other insurance companies. The company is trying to
advance its position, introducing telephone direct sales that
are showing some favorable results, and sponsoring the
Beijing 2008 Olympic Games, which will substantially raise
its awareness.

13 Best Chinese Brands 2007

5. Brand Commentary

Changyu cooperates closely with foreign wine brands in new

product development, production and branding, including
two joint ventures for its premium Chateau product. Changyu
is a frequent advertiser, and has introduced innovative
marketing techniques in China. It operates a wine culture
Rank: 17 museum and Castel Chateau to build its brand image, and
Industry: Alcohol launched a wine club and wine magazine to interact with
History: Founded in 1950’s, renamed Yibin Wuliangye in 1959 customers and foster a wine drinking culture among its
target audiences.
While lacking the long history and high profile presence of
Moutai, Wuliangye is recognized by consumers as a pre-
mium but more modern brand. The company has a complex
portfolio of high-end and low-end brands designed to pro-
tect its market share, but it has diluted its premium image.
And its retail distribution system has lead to lower prices
which have impacted the brand.
Rank: 19
In 2006, Wuliangye started to take action. It reshuffled its Industry: Real estate
marketing team, giving clearer responsible for the Wuliangye History: One of the earliest real estate companies estab-
brand, for OEM marketing, and for other sub-brands. And lished in 1984
it has raise its product pricing by 5%, indicating a more
rigorous approach in the market. Wuliangye’s brand value Commentary:
leapt ahead by 30% this year telling us the measures are Vanke focuses on residential property, and is widely rec-
taking effect. ognized as the best real estate developer in China. It is an
innovator in what it calls the "industrialization of real estate
development" by standardizing and modularizing production
to significantly improve the quality of houses. This strategy
has paid off, helping Vanke achieve 30% CAGR over the last
five years.

Vanke is an innovator in branding as well. It targets white

Rank: 18 collar workers with its motto “Build Boundless Life” and
Industry: Alcohol a humanistic tone of voice in communications in a sea of
History: Founded in 1892 “location, location, location”. It has established a reputation
for high quality and superior service, a rare exception in real
Commentary: estate. The company actively pursues CSR programs, and its
Changyu’s four main product lines are wine, brandy, sparkling Chairman, Mr. Wang Shi, is an adventurer and famous brand
wine and healthy liquor, covering the middle and high-end symbol. As a result, Vanke is able to use its brand to attract
of the market. It has a unique sales system, including over customers to its properties, and has been a major driver of
1,300 of its own sales representatives and more than 3,800 its booming business performance.
regional dealers, which gives the company more control over
the sales channel.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 14

5. Brand Commentary

Gree is actively promoting its brand to the international mar-

ket. It has established a sales and service network in more
than 100 countries for its air conditioners and more than 70
countries for its household appliances. The company faces
Rank: 20 intense competition from established local and international
Industry: Retail competitors, and will need to advance its brand to maintain
History: Founded in 1987 its leadership position.

Suning is the second largest home appliance retailer in
China, just behind Gome. The industry as a whole is highly
decentralized, with the top two holding 6% market share,
compared with 25% for their counterparts in the U.S.

Suning and Gome are long-time competitors and expanded

rapidly last year. Suning adopted a stable expansion pattern, Rank: 22
invested in a sophisticated IT system, and achieved solid Industry: Dairy
performance to reach our list for the first time. But it faces History: Less than 10 years old
intense pressure in the future: Gome purchased the fourth
largest retailer, Best Buy entered the market and merged Commentary:
with the 3rd largest retailer, and a number of alternative Mengniu is one of the fastest growing brands in China. It is
retail channels are emerging. located in Inner Mongolia, the milk capital of China, and has
built strategic alliances or joint ventures with a number of
local and foreign players, including Wuhan Frealth, Arla, and
Danone. Core to its strategy is building its own brand. At
launch, it spent one-third of its initial capital on advertising
and other marketing communications. And while it is now
one of the top two players in the market, it still spends about
Rank: 21 9% of its turnover on advertising.
Industry: Electronics
History: Entered appliance industry in 1991 Mengniu is an active sponsor of nationwide events, includ-
ing China’s application for the 2008 Olympics, an anti-SARS
Commentary: campaign, the Shenzhou V spaceship flight, and the “Super
Gree is the largest air conditioner manufacturer in the world, Girls” contest. Its corporate citizenship and social respon-
selling 13 million units in 2006, and also produces a range sibility approach has proven quite successful by aligning
of other household appliances. It has a reputation for good Mengniu with China’s growth miracle The company’s pri-
quality products and outstanding innovation, all at a reason- mary challenge in the future is the reduction of import tariffs
able price. But perhaps its greatest success has been its for foreign products (as mandated by the WTO agreement)
distribution strategy. Instead of relying on big retailers like which will bring intense competition from global brands.
Gome and Suning, Gree established a network of distribu-
tors tightly aligned around common interests.

15 Best Chinese Brands 2007

5. Brand Commentary

China Overseas Property is the second largest property
developer in China, with multiple projects in over 14 cities.
Its background in engineering and one-stop offering (design,
Rank: 23
development, sales, property management and customer
Industry: Apparel
service) has helped the brand earn a reputation for excellent
History: Founded in 1990 and named after the “gymnastics prince”
quality and high integrity.

Like some other large state-owned enterprises, China Over-
Li-ning’s broad product portfolio includes footwear, apparel
seas Property maintains a very low-profile in the market.
and accessories for running, basketball, soccer, tennis and
It can further strengthen its brand by more actively com-
fitness. In communications, the brand integrates its oriental
municating with customers, which will improve customer
essence with a spirit of sports to deliver a unique character
preference and ultimately its brand value.
that highlights the distinctive cultural difference between
Li-ning and its international peers. It is also sponsors the
Chinese national team and its products are featured each
time an athlete step on the medals podium.

Internationally, Li-ning has started to expose its brand more,

sponsoring international sports games and teams, and
Rank: 25
cooperating with NBA stars like Shaquille O’Neal. Although
Industry: Internet
it has generated some international awareness, Li-ning cur-
History: Founded in 2000, listed on NASDAQ in 2005
rently generates little sales outside China and international
competitors like Nike and Adidas are aggressively promoting
their brands in China. With local competitors offering similar
Baidu is the most successful Chinese internet search engine
products at a lower price, Li-ning will need to rely on its
and online media platform. Its name is inspired by an old
brand even more in the future.
Chinese poem, and literally means “hundreds of times”. Bai-
du’s breakthrough has been the application of state-of-the-
art technology to the ancient language of Chinese, enabling
users to find exactly what they want without compromising
their cultural identity. Baidu dominates the Chinese market
with over 60% market share, keeping global competitors like
Google, MSN and Yahoo! at bay.

Rank: 24
As the most powerful online media platform, Baidu is a lead-
Industry: Real estate
ing voice in China’s internet industry. It generates influential
History: Established in Hong Kong in 1979, active in Main-
ranking lists using internet users' search data and holds
land China from 1988
executive summits to help companies better understand the
importance of internet marketing. Baidu recently made the
decision to expand its business into the Japanese market.
Want to know its progress? Then “Baidu” it.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 16


Industry: Electronics Industry: Alcohol

Commentary: Commentary:
Haier is the leader in home appliance manufacturing in Tsingtao is one of a few Chinese brands that are well known
China. Its brand proposition of sincere service has been well in the global market. It is a brand with over 100 years of
recognised by consumers. Haier’s investment in overseas history, but has recently made several acquisitions to fulfill
markets has paid off in building this iconic Chinese brand. its ambitious strategic goals. Though Tsingtao beer export
It employs many principles of successful global brand man- volume only accounted for less than 2% of its total sales in
agement and will continue to be a force domestically and 2006, it has been responsible for more than half of China’s
internationally. total exported beer for many years.

Industry: Telecommunications Industry: Media

Commentary: Commentary:
One of the most influential Chinese companies for technol- As the most influential television media in China, CCT V has
ogy innovation, Huawei has regularly invested in its brand. a huge geographic coverage with an audience of up to 1
It has been a prominent player in the global market and a billion through 16 broadcast channels. Its role and influence
top rival for many first class IT companies. It launched its in Chinese life is unparalleled. Because of its dominant
new brand identity last year in order to refresh its communi- influence, CCT V has become a strategic media resource and
cations to customers and other stakeholders. partner to most of the top brands in China.

17 Best Chinese Brands 2007

6. Other Prominent Chinese Brands

Industry: Airline Industry: Retail

Commentary: Commentary:
To some extent, Air China has tried to control the risk caused Gome is the biggest home appliance retailer in China. By
by the dramatic increase in oil prices by hedging in the fu- mid-2006, Gome successfully completed its merger with
tures market. But it still caused a more than 30% operating China Paradise, the No. 3 Chinese home appliance retailer.
profit decrease, which is the major reason why Air China fell At the same time, Gome launched the “Eagle” brand under
out of the list this year. Nevertheless, Air China is the most which it planned to sell high-end appliances. Gome`s mas-
successful airline brand in China, taking continuous initia- sive expansion model has failed to deliver customers with
tives to build its brand, including becoming the only airline desirable experiences in the past year leading it to fall off
partner of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. our list this year. We still think Gome has large potential to
be a great brand if it addresses this problem.

Industry: Steel

Commentary: Industry: Telecommunications

Bao Steel is a giant within China and around the world. With
roughly 20 million tons of steel output each year, they ac- Commentary:
count for a large part of the market share in stainless steel, By the end of 2006, ZTE created more than 40% of its
and steel materials for home appliances and cars. They are revenue from oversea markets. At the same time, ZTE has led
committed to high quality and continuous innovation. Histori- a fierce price war, which explains the dramatic profit shrink
cally, branding in commodity industries is overlooked, yet, of ZTE last year. A price war not only impacts the bottom
Bao Steel recognizes the value and is appropriately investing line, but dilutes the brand performance and image. ZTE is in
in its brand. a transitional phase of globalization and needs more time to
secure a consistent position in our brand rankings.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 18

6. Other Prominent Chinese Brands

Industry: Internet Industry: Travel services

Commentary: Commentary:
Alibaba is an excellent proof of the principle that a brand Founded in 1999, Ctrip is the most famous bricks and clicks
is not successful solely from a big idea, but a sophisticated travel brand, focusing on flight and hotel booking through
system behind the big idea. When everyone in the online call center and online channels. Unlike its peers, Ctrip has
B2B market was trying to attract more eyeballs, Alibaba was found a profitable business model to re-invent a traditional
putting the concept into operations. After launching sev- business using cutting-edge technologies. By the end of
eral sub brands to solve the trust and payment problems of 2006, the brand achieved steady performance growth and
online transactions, Alibaba succeeded in boosting its online gained USD 100 million in revenue and USD 31 million in
revenue. Now Alibaba has over 24 million subscribers from net income.
more than 200 countries and regions. After a few years of
stable and solid growth, Alibaba recently went IPO on the
Hong Kong Stock Exchange.

Industry: Automobile

After ten years of operation, Chery has become one of
Industry: Internet the three most successful Chinese automakers producing
automobiles under its own name. Chery competes effectively
Commentary: against strong local brands and foreign auto brands that are
Sina is one of the most influential Chinese Internet opera- agreesively penetrating the market. Sticking to its proprietary
tors. As the biggest interactive online portal, it enjoys the innovation, Chery has grabbed about 8% market share and
highest volume of visitors and the greatest share of online has become fourth largest auto manufacturer in China. At
advertising. the same time, Chery seeks to break into the global market
and exported over 50,000 vehides in 2006.

19 Best Chinese Brands 2007

6. Other Prominent Chinese Brands

Industry: Automobile Industry: Telecommunications

Commentary: Commentary:
Geely officially became an auto manufacturer in 1997. After Originally only operating in 10 provinces in northern China,
ten years of operation, Geely stood out as the second largest CNC has now expanded into almost all major provinces. Like
auto manufacturer. Focused on the brand idea of “Creating China Telecom, the major part of CNC`s revenue is from the
cost-efficient life”, Geely is dedicated to building affordable fixed-line. But CNC has not performed as well in the battle
cars for consumers all over the world. At the end of 2006, against substitution of mobile services. From a branding
Geely sold 204,000 vehicles, accounting for over 5% of the perspective, CNC’s brand has a less differentiated and less
total sales volume in the Chinese auto market. relevant image compared to its telecom peers. And in China
today, standing still means stepping backwards.

Industry: Apparel
Industry: Hotel
Commentary: Meters/bonwe was founded in 1995 in Wenzhou. It provides
Home Inn is the most successful brand of economic hotels apparel of all sorts to youth and has become one of the
in China. Founded in 2002, Home Inn only took 4 years to most famous fashion brands in China. By the end of 2006,
list itself on Nasdaq. Ctrip supplies Home Inn with stable its sales revenue hit RMB 4 billion. and seized the atten-
sources of consumers, giving Home Inn’s a strong competi- tion of its target audiences. Employing young celebrities Jay
tive advantage. Furthermore, Home Inn’s customer experi- Zhou and Wilber Pan as brand spokesmen, Meters/bonwe
ence consistently delivers on its brand promise: “Your home has expanded to 2000 franchised stores, indicating a very
away from home”. Now Home Inns is operating 171 hotels prosperous future for the brand.
in 48 cities throughout China, well-placed for the surging
number of business and leisure travelers.

Best Chinese Brands 2007 20

6. Other Prominent Chinese Brands

Industry: Education Industry: Dairy

Commentary: Commentary:
New Oriental is the most sucessful private education institu- Yili is one of the two biggest dairy manufacturers in China.
tion, concentrating on foreign language training and educa- It originated from Inner Mongolia, now the milk capital of
tion. Their motto, “Hew a stone of hope out of the mountain China. Facing strong head-on competition from its biggest
of despair and you can make your life a splendid one”, has rival, Yili is attaching more importance to its brand, becoming
inspired more than one generation of Chinese youth to fight the only dairy sponsor of the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games.
for their future. The founder of New Oriental, Mr. Yu, has
transformed himself from a spiritual leader for a new gen-
eration of students to a successful business elite.

Industry: Pharmacy

As a traditional Chinese medicine chain store, Tongren-
tang has leveraged its rich heritage spanning more than
300 years. In the competition between Chinese herbs and
western medicine, Tongrentang has played an important role.
Its challenge now is to leverage that heritage and make it
relevant to customers who are loyal to the brand.

21 Best Chinese Brands 2007


W hat is B rand V alue? What was the basis of the financial

Brand value is the dollar value of a brand, calculated as net assessments ?
present value (NPV), or today’s value of the earnings the Interbrand formed an initial consideration set of brands
brand is expected to generate in the future. Like any other owned and operating in China. Annual reports sourced from
NPV, brand value is measured at a point in time, based on various stock exchanges were used to examine the revenues,
the assumptions and information available at that point in earnings, and balance sheets of the brand-owning compa-
time. Brand value is calculated according to the most widely nies.
accepted and used valuation principles. Brand value is,
therefore, comparable to business and all NPV-based asset What was the basis for the marketing
valuations. assessments ?
Our experience in creating and managing brands for over 30
The valuations of brands appearing in the China Best Brands years has resulted in the development of brand metrics that
survey are calculated in their current use to their current consider:
owner. They, therefore, do not necessarily represent the po-
tential purchase, extension, or licensing value of the brands. • Level of differentiation the brand has achieved;
• Success of the current position;
W hy value brands? • Ability to control that position; and
The purpose of these valuations is to demonstrate to the • Differentiation sustainability.
business community that brands are very important business
assets and, in many cases, the single most valuable company Our expertise was supplemented with press articles, analyst
asset. We also aim to make branding and marketing key commentary, and market research.
business issues that have direct impact on shareholder value.
Why are certain brands not on the list ?
How does I nterbrand derive the value of Interbrand employed specific criteria in order to conduct the
the brands? valuations:
Brand value is the net present value, or today’s value of the
earnings the brand is expected to generate in the future. This The brand must originate in Mainland China.
valuation approach is a derivative of the way businesses and This means that foreign owned brands operating in China
financial assets are valued. It fits with current corporate fi- are excluded (example, Coca-Cola).
nance theory and practice. A description of our methodology This means brands that were once Chinese owned but are
can be found in section two of this report. now foreign owned are excluded (example, Zhonghua part of

Best Chinese Brands 2007 22

This means brands that originate or based in Hong Kong, What are the limitations of these valuations ?
Macau or Taiwan are excluded. Compared to doing a proper formal valuation project for the
brand owner, the limitations are: they are based on public
The brand owner must be a publicly traded company. data only; there is no input from management (in order to
The company to which the brand belongs must be a listed maintain consistency); certain key brands are not listed;
company on a stock exchange. This enables Interbrand to and only a limited amount of time can be spent on any one
access the financial information to perform the valuation. brand. The main limitation is that the valuations tell you how
much value the brand creates, but not what is driving brand
The brand must be consumer-facing. value or what would increase brand value going forward.
This excludes holding companies and business-to-business A formal valuation would do just this and Interbrand works
entities that do not directly interact with consumers (ex- with our clients to understand the factors that drive value to
amples, China Resources, CNOOC). their brand and what measures could be taken to leverage
that value.
The brand’s financial performance must be isolated.
This means companies with several brands that do not have
seperate brand-specific financial data were excluded.

Please refer to the ‘The Interbrand Method for Valuing

Brands’ section of this report.

W as there a limit im P osed by industry?

No. However, one of the requirements of a leading brand is
that it is leading in its category. The mark of leadership is not
just about market share but also about acting like a leader
– setting trends, having high quality standards, commanding
authority in the category, and so on. So, there are brands
that have market share ranking in the top three of their
category but did not make the cut, and brands that are not
top-three that did. The rules described are guidelines and,
ultimately, each brand was assessed for inclusion on its own

23 Best Chinese Brands 2007

Best Chinese Brands 2007 24

China Media and Business Inquiries:

Frank Chen
Interbrand China
T: +86 21 6124 8188

2007 Report Inquiries:

Jonathan Chajet
Asia-Pacific Strategy Director
Interbrand China
T: +86 21 6124 8188

Brand Valuation Inquiries:

Renzo Scacco
Director, Brand Valuation
Interbrand Australia
Tel: +61 3 8416 3200

Global Media and Business Inquiries:

Graham Hales
Chief Marketing Officer
Interbrand London
Tel. +44 7710 742347

To learn more about how to build brand value, visit both:

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