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Esther Jansen Martín

Task 6: Applied cog.constructive tasks

Bloom´s Example of task or activity Learning mode/s
taxonomy level (Bruner)
EXAMPLE 1: Name and recognize different images
related to the seasons and locate them in their 1.Iconic level
perspectives groups. As prerequisites, to have
treated in another session the concepts of the
seasons. Examples: dry leaf; autumn. Child on the
beach; summer. Flowers; spring. Snowman; winter.
EXAMPLE 2: Put them in contact with different
geometric figures. Their task will be to describe their
shape, touch and finally name them. Example: circle, 2.Enactive level
triangle and square figures.

EXAMPLE 1: Narration of a story, in which the

children will be asked to later draw something
related to the story that they liked the most. In this 1.Symbolic and
way they will interpret the story and summarize the iconic level
most important part for them in a drawing.

EXAMPLE 2: Split the students into pairs and ask a

question such as, “What did you do after school
Understand yesterday?” or “Tell where you would like to go on
vacation and why you would like to go there.”
Student A answers the question in three or four 2. Symbolic level
sentences. Next, Student B paraphrases Student A’s
answer. Then, the partners switch roles.

EXAMPLE 1: Apply and implement some

maintenance rules for the class through a classroom
mural where different images of where everything
goes will be shown. Example: site for the disposal of
school materials, such as paintings on the red table, 1.Iconic level
or the area where the toys are placed in the blue

Apply EXAMPLE 2: Carry out an activity related to recycling

using different materials, such as plastics, cartons or
papers for later classification in each barrel of
recycling. This activity will be carried out always
after having had the concepts related to the
acquired recycling. Once in this activity the 2. Enactive level
knowledge has been acquired, it will be
implemented as a rule in class for when different
materials are used and classified in their
corresponding place, there will be a reinforcement
Esther Jansen Martín

for performing the tasks. Example: plastic bottles:

yellow. Carton and green paper or organic food.

EXAMPLE 1: Divide the class into pairs, then they will

be asked to compare their physical appearance in
terms of eye color and hair color. Therefore children 1.Iconic level
will have to attribute the physical characteristics of
each one to the corresponding colors that identify
them. (3-4 Years old)

EXAMPLE 2: Group activity that will be very useful at

the beginning of the school year when the students
Analyse are complete strangers to each other. A roulette will
be placed in class, in which there will be two spins to
perform the interaction. The first child chosen in the 2.Symbolic level
first run will be responsible for asking the other child
questions such as: What is your name? What do you
like to do?,always with the help of the teacher. With
this activity they will learn to ask in order to
socialize, and attribute each name to their
respective partner.

EXAMPLE 1: This will be an experimental activity in

which the activity will take place outside the school.
Children will visit a farm with many different 1.Enactive level
animals. And with some of them like the goats, can
be touched. In this way, they will experience life
with animals and they will see a new environment in
which we, as teachers, will be the ones in charge of
Evaluate promoting a safe environment with the help of the
caretakers of the farm, so that they can enjoy this

In this activity, children will be told a story in which
the teacher will describe a character who does not
behave well with others in the story. In this activity
the teacher will ask questions like: what do you think 2.Symbolic level
of this character? He is good or bad? What can he do
to change his behavior? In this way children will
judge this character and create new hypotheses
about how the story can change, changing the
character's behavior.

EXAMPLE 1: In this activity different geometrical

figures of different colors will be delivered to the
Create children, that will be used to join them and build 1.Enactive level
different objects. Example: square and triangle to
build a house. Circles and squares to build a car. In
this way, children will learn to build, design and
differentiate objects from logical blocks.
Esther Jansen Martín

EXAMPLE 2: The activity will be individual, which will

consist of making their pet's class with different
materials. Like: plasticine, fabrics, stickers. The
children will first have to plan an idea of how they 2. Enactive and
want their pet to be for its subsequent design and symbolic level

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