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Governance Report Card

Councilors cannot account for 65 percent Newsletter Date

of LATF Bursary allocation. Volume 1, Issue 1

T he Mbale Market
Neighborhood As-
sembly a newly established
sary , leaving 42 000
un-accounted . In Wamu-
luma ward the councilor
total disbursement , a
whooping 195 000 account-
ing for 65% of the total
Inside this issue:
community outfits has spent 12000 only 38 funds cannot be accounted
launched a scathing attack 000 cannot be ex- for . Meanwhile LYDUYWA MAR- 2
on the municipal council plained .In Lyaduywa ward 300000 is set aside annually KET LIES
for misappropriation of the report further states for office rent only the
public funds . According to that 12000 was spent on North Maragoli Councilor MUNICIPAL 2
the LASDAP Monitoring bursary . In Izava North Mr. Luvai has an office ,
and Evaluation team report only 22000 was used the rest do not have offices HALOMBEVE NA 2
over 190 000 cannot for the intended purpose . yet they have been drawing REVIVED
be accounted for , the mon- While in Chavakali ward monies as a office running
ies was meant to assist the where His worship the ex- WHAT IS LATF 3
needy children in the re- mayor represents could penses
spective ward as bursary . only account for the re- SCHOOLS MISS 4
A total of 300000 14000 out of 50000 port OUT ON LATF
was allocated for this pur- allocated bursary funds . re-
pose . Each councilor was North Maragoli councilor vealed .
allocated fifty thousand for could not account for his
his ward In central 19000. In total CHAVAKALI 6
Maragoli the report indi- 300000 allocated to wards STREETLIGHTS
cates a paltry 80000 only 105 000 was spent Members of NA
being interviewed
spent was spent on bur- representing 35% of the by Oxfam Novib
Special points of
Christian Partners
A case of wastage of LATF public funds Agency through its
Governance and
Democracy office
is working wit the
There is a sad state of affair munity as a result of poor 85 000 was expended un- community through
when it comes to the imple- project management at der the Kazi kwa Vijana its legally estab-
mentation of the LATF both grass root and at the initiatives a duplication of lished structures
funded projects by the Vi- council level . the work .This is one of the called Neighbor-
hood Assemblies to
higa Municipal council . 1 million shillings was allo- example through which the bring about the
These are some of the pro- cated to Enderi , Kegoye , public funds have been community change
jects initiated and have not Chambiti road and used siphoned without the a that everyone is
had any impact on the com- for gravelling and only trace . yearning for .

Lyaduywa Ward ( Nadanya Market ) case of broken promise

the false promised made by the council velopment at the proposed site is the
during the consultative meetings each sinking of two pit latrines . The con-
year . The matter has been addressed by struction of the market is over due ,
he idea of putting up the Demesi Neighborhood Assembly and it is been the wish of the commu-
Nadanya Market has been in the resi- where members discussed about it and nity to for the market to be constructed
dence minds for over five years . The petitioned the council immediately factoring in
reports from the council indicate a officials about it however the at the allocation of the
whooping 400000 is allocated to there has never been any funds has been judiciously
the same project annually for the last response . To add the in- reimbursed for the last 4
fours yet there is no sign project start . sult to peoples view , a years totaling to close to
The ground for earmarked for the mar- report of community audit 1.6 million. The
ket was identified and the community indicated that the project question posed here is
donated the land for the same . Despite has been a major set back where is our money.
numerous attempt by the residence to in development of the The proposed Solongo sta-
dium ground , notice the
have the market , has been thwarted by area .The only sign of de- uneven ground

The Municipal Council Hall

The Municipal Council of Vihiga has million . The clerk indicated that they used to accommodate the new officers
been faced with the problem of com- needed more funds to complete the and probably new Assembly under the
pleting the construction of the social hall closely 24 million is needed to members from the new devolved gov-
hall . The construction of the Hall is complete the building . He added that ernment structure .Despite the promise
funded by the LATF funds , it has when the hall is complete it will be the monitoring committee is not satis-
taken a while since the construction fied with the work so far done . It iden-
stated . According to the monitoring The county hall will be used to tified poor workmanship evidenced
team the council has sank in over accommodate the new officers and visible fissures on the inner walls .The
15 million in the incomplete . However probably new Assembly under the committee has taken the council to task
according to the town clerk , the con- new devolved government to explain the suspect use of the LATF
struction so far has consumed 19 structure . fund on this particular project .

Halombeve NA Assembly revived .

Halombeve NA – This wanted to know location. The demand was
amongst the old NAs that the amount of made against the back-
have been rejuvenated after funds allocated drop of poor gravelling of
long years of dormancy one to their area for the roads . Through the
remarkable activities that the development petitions made the con-
NA has undertaken was the purposes espe- structor was stopped from
restructuring of its leadership cially the LATF further work till he
structure through elections. funds for the brought on the site the
After successful election the financial year Women participants in a right quality material .the
Neighbourhood Assembly
NA engaged Vihiga County 2010/2011 in session constructor complied and
and the Ministry of roads Wanondi sub good work .

Page 2 Governance Report Card

What is this Local Authority Transfer Fund ( LATF)
The Local Authority Transfer Fund authorities. The balance is shared out seminated through newspaper adver-
(LATF) was established in 1999 based on the relative urban population tisements. 60% of LATF allocations is
through the LATF Act No. 8 of 1998, densities. LATF monies are combined released based on LAs meeting set re-
with the objective of improving service with local authority revenues to imple- quirements. The remaining 40% is
delivery, improving financial manage- ment local priorities An advisory com- released based on LAs performance
ment, and reducing the outstanding mittee comprising the private sector, measured through LASDAP and other
debt of local authorities (LAs). LATF, the Ministry of Finance, the indicators. No disbursement
which comprises 5% of the national Permanent Secretary Minis- is made unless LAs meet the
income tax collection in any year, cur- try of Local Government, requirements .
rently makes up approximately 24% of and the Kenya Local Govern-
local authority revenues. At least 7% of ment Reform Programme’s
the total fund is shared equally among secretariat, guides LATF
the country's 175 local authorities; 60% operations. LATF annual
of the fund is disbursed according to reports and other disburse- A LATF meeting held at
Chavakali ward
the relative population size of the local ment information are dis-

Schools yet to receive the LATF funds for 2007

Schools within the municipal council Meanwhile In Izava North Munoywa pain to explain the delay in the actual
are yet to receive their LATF allocation dispensary was allocated 1.2 million funding of the funding of the project .
of 2007 to date , they include Kidundu and only 640 000 has been put The council says its is important that
Primary , Kegondi Primary school , to good use while 560 000 cannot be they settle the statutory dedications as
Mulundu Primary school which were accounted for . The council has been at one condition before any disbursement
supposed to be built two classrooms can be made to the council , this is the
each at a cost of 900000 . While reason why they has bee delay in the
Chavugumi Primary is yet to receive 560 000 cannot be accounted finalization of the initiated projects 600000 to construct a single class- for out of 1.2 million allocated for whoever the residence would want the
room construction of dispensary . communication to served to them at a
reasonable time .

Mmpaka NA takes on the Ministry of roads

Mmpaka Neighborhood Assembly of letters between the Ministry and the scheme . The complaint was supported
established in 2009 successfully took local community . Even by the fact that their coun-
on the Ministry of Roads about the the area Member of Parlia- terparts in Nandi Hills
delay in the compensation of parcel of ment was involved in one had long ago been com-
land set aside by the community to way , the PM when the pensated . The NA has
pave way for the construction of Kipsi- was the roads minister . successfully petitioned
gak—Serem—Shamakhoko road . The When the NA was the government which
convenor Mr. John Amiani lamented launched it took upon has promised to compen-
that the issue has been in the public itself the duty of ensuring sate the beneficiaries as
A keen listener follows the
domain for the last ten years . Mr. that the beneficiaries not NA proceedings soon as the correct names
Amiani was able to produce a number locked out of the benefit are identified

Volume 1, Issue 1 Page 3

Christian Partners
Development Agency
Executive Director ,
Christian Partners Development
Agency (CPDA) Waiyaki way ,
AACC Building , Ground Floor Christian Partners Development Agency (CPDA) is non profit ,
Phone: +254 204 442 838,
non partisan , organization registered as a Non Governmental
4441994 Organization (NGO) under the NGO coordination Act of
Fax: +254 204 442 838,
1990 in 1993. CPDA was started as a relief organization dur-
ing the 1985 drought that led to widespread famine in the
whole of Kenya , but later changed its focus to Governance and
Developmental activities . Our programmatic focus is in two
Christian Partners categories ; Governance and Democracy and Integrated Food
Development Security for Sustainable Livelihoods. These programme are cur-
rently being implemented in Kenya .


Chavakali street lighting project

The installation of street lights at rity in the area . The area had ex- park . Members of the NA made
Chavakali has is dubbed as one of perienced many incidences of mug- several meeting with the District
the most participatory and successful Officer and the Police Vihiga Police
LASDAP project by the Vihiga Mu- boss whoever there was nothing
nicipal Council . The project was forthcoming until they took the
matter with the Provincial Police
initiated in 2008/2009 financial
boss in Kakamega . The police boss
year , the project was allocated close send additional police at the police
to 800000 fir the ten poles in post . The security condition im-
the first phase and in phase II an proved for a while but the case of
additional 600000 was allo- mugging continued on the dark
cated for the same . A LASDAP meeting at Ivona streets . It is this concerned that the
friends church Chavakali NA presented the street lighting
The project was initially started by
Evojo Neighborhood Assemblies project as a priorities which was
under the leadership of Mr. Samuel ging and robberies. The NA dis- completed with installation of 12
Obondo who dubs as the Larger cussed a number of options which power posts . Sadly the lights have
Vihiga District Reconciliation chair- included the increase in numbers of been working intermittedly and this
man . The need for security light was police personnel at the Chavakali was attributed to vandalism of cable
raised as a result of frequent insecu- police post . The posting of police wires and lack of switching appara-
personnel was not a walk in the tus only found in Nairobi .

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