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Resume of Landslide Analysis in Jemblung Area, Sampang Village, Karangkobar

SubDistrict, Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province

By: Susilowati

Indonesia is located between the Pacific, Eurasian, and Indo-Australian tectonic plates that made up
alignment of volcanoes, which is known as Ring of Fire. The impact for Indonesia is rich in mineral
resources as well as potential disasters such as volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis, floods and
landslides. The most frequent disasters in Indonesia are floods and landslides.
Unlike several previous years, where floods dominated at the end of the year. In December 2014,
landslides were the most common. Landslides occurred 111 times, far more than floods (86 incidents),
where the highest frequency is in Central Java, West Java and East Java (BNPB, 2014). The worst and
deadliest landslides in Indonesia since 2006 is Karangkobar landslide (Wijaya et all, 2016).

Location Morphologically, a rotational slide is

characterized by a prominent main scarp
The landslide is located in Jemblung Area,
(“head scarp”) and a back-tilted bench forming
Sampang Village, Karangkobar Sub-District, the head of the slide. Rotational slides occur in
Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province. homogeneous massive clay deposits excavated
The coordinates are 109° 43 '15,3912 "LE and by stream erosion or artificial earth works and
7° 16' 52.5828" LS (Kristianto et all, 2015). It in manmade fill slopes (Hunger O., et al, 2014).
occurred on Friday, 20 Sept 2014 at 05.30 p.m. In this case, there is artificial terraces (for
(Naryanto H.S., 2017). farming) on slopes that should be covered by
Geometry of Landslide conservation forest.

The source of the landslide came from Debris flow initiated by slide from Telagagede
Telagagede Hill, where is above the Jemblung Hill. Once soil material begins to move, the
Area with an altitude about 990-1,010 meters. water spring from above of Telagagede Hill
The distance between head scarp to the end descended into streams and mixed with some
point of slide is around 600 meters. Direction material of landslide.
from centre position of head scarp is N 190°E
(Naryanto H.S., 2017).
Based on Kristianto et all (2015), the landslide
occurred on a cliff as high as 75 meters with
width of head scarp is 75 meters and the body
of slides reaches 150 meters. The length of
landslides about 450 meters towards rice fields
and settlements with direction N355°E. The
length of the talus about 400 meters to the
north until the road is buried with an altitude
more than 5 meters from the river level. Talus
also develops to the east along 200 meters, so
the land width reaches 500 meters.
Type of Landslide Fig. 1 The landslides at Jemblung Area, Karangkobar
Banjarnegara, which initiated as a rotational slide
Based on Naryanto H.S. (2017), the type of then develop into debris flow (Courtesy of Naryanto
landslides is rotational slide then develop into H.S., 2017)
debris flow on the bottom part of landsides.
Causes of Landslide December 2014). This statement reinforced
by data from BMKG shows that the highest
The causes of Karangkobar landslide can be rainfall in Banjarnegara was recorded in
divided into controlling factors and trigger Sigaluh on Friday, which was 153 mm.
factors. The controlling factors are related to
geological characterisation such as 3. Human Activity
geomorphology, lithology and geological
structure in Jemblung Area. The trigger factors The hills at Jemblung area are used for mixed
of Karangkobar landslides are rainfall and plantations that interspersed with large trees,
human activity. while in the lower areas are used for palawija
plantations and rice fields. There are
1. Geological of Jemblung Area settlements between palawija plantations and
a. Geomorphology rice fields (southern part of the river) and
around hills (northern part of the river)
Based on Kristrianto et all (2015), morphology (Kristianto et all, 2015).
of Jemblung Area is a hill with steep slope until
very steep slope (40°-60°). In the valley, the Farming activities have considered water and
slopes are between 5°-15°. Naryanto H.S. soil conservation. It can be seen from the
(2017) also said the morphology of Jembung swales or terraces on sloping land, the
Area has a steep slope (75°) around the head presence of irrigation, and the construction of
crap. The slope below of head crap is gentle dam. However, the lithological factor makes
which is used for settlements, rice fields and their way of conserving water and soil less
farming. became not effective (Naryanto H.S., 2017).
b. Lithology The Impact of Landslide
Lithology in Jemblung Area is Volcanic breccia Jemblung landslide, Banjarnegara was one of
rocks that easily weathered and forming very the worst and deadliest landslides in Indonesia
thick weathered soil (more than 5 meters). The since 2006. In this disaster, the victims reached
soil is very high waters absorption so it is easily 95 people died, 13 others were missing, 5
saturated then causes slope instability people were seriously injured, 9 people were
(Naryanto H.S., 2017). slightly injured and thousands of people were
forced to flee to a safer place. The landslides
c. Geological Structure buried about 105 units of houses along with
The alignment of the geological structures rice fields and community plantations (BNPB,
shows the directions N330°E and N55°E which 2014). The landslide also caused destruction of
forming fractures in the rock. This structure about 500 m stretch of an important access
has accelerated the physical weathering and road that connecting Karangkobar District,
erosion of the weathered material. The north- Banjarnegara (Wijaya et all, 2016).
south alignment has the same direction as the Hazard Mitigation
flow patterns of the north-south tributaries
(N0°E). This pattern becomes an active vertical Based on Rahman, A.Z., (2015), Karangkobar
erosion path that causes instability of the Landslides mitigations are divided into
surrounding hillsides (Widagdo A. and Setijadi structural mitigation and non-structural
R., 2015). mitigation. Structural mitigations are carried
out by compiling a database of potential
2. Rainfall hazard areas and installing an Early Warning
Based on Naryanto H.S., (2017), an extreme System (EWS). Non-structural mitigations are
rainfall has triggered landslides in Jemblung carried out by providing information about
Area. The daily rainfall is above 100 mm landslides, doing some socialization and
occurs from Wednesday to Friday (10-12 disaster simulations
Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (BNPB) 2014, Info Bencana, Online: (22.09.2020)
Hunger O, Lereouell S, Picarelli L 2014, ’The Varnes Classification of Landslide Types, An update’,
Landslide 11, pp. 167-194.
Kristianto, Triana Y.D, Nursalim A 2015,’Longsor Besar di Karangkobar’, Geomagz, vol.5, no.1, pp. 78-
Naryanto, H.S. 2017, ‘The December 12, 2014 Landslide Disaster Anylisis in Jembung Area, Sampang
Village, Karangkobar Subdistrict, Banjarnegara District, Central Java Province’, Jurnal Alami, vol.
1, no. 1, pp. 1-10.
Rahman, A.R. 2015, ‘Kajian Mitigasi Bencana Tanah Longsor di Kabupaten Banjarnegara’, Jurnal
Managemen dan Kebijakan Publik, vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 1-14.
Widagdo, A and Setijadi, R 2015, ‘Structural Control of Sampang Landslides Area-Karangkobar,
Banjarnegara Regency Central Java’, Dinamika Rekayasa, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 63-66.
Wijaya I.P.K, Zangerl C, Straka W, Ottner F, Arifianti Y 2016, ‘Geology, Geomorphology and Failure
Mechanism of Volcanic Landslide: A case Study from Large Landslide in Banjarnegara,
Indonesia’, The 3rd International Conference on Earthquake Engineering and Disaster Mitigation
2016 (ICEEDM-III 2016).

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