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Design and Implementation

of an Electronic Document
Management System

Arkan Mahmood1* , Ibrahim Taner Okumus2

Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Graduate School of Natural and Applied Sciences

Assoc. Prof. Dr., Kahramanmaras Sutcu Imam University, Computer Engineering


Geliş Tarihi/Received: 13.06.2017

Kabul Tarihi/Accepted: 03.08.2017 Araştırma Makalesi/Research Article

Günümüzde gelişmekte olan ülkelerin bir- Nowadays most of the developing countries
çoğunda geleneksel kağıt belge yönetimi
use traditional paper documents management
yapılmaktadır ancak e-posta, web sayfaları
ve veritabanları gibi bilgisayarlarda ve su- system (DMS), but also the electronic form of the
nucularda depolanan elektronik döküman- documentation has increased including e-mails, web
tasyon biçimleri de yaygınlaşmaktadır. Bir pages, and database packages, which have been
eğitim kurumunda ya da işletmelerde bü- stored in workstations and servers. For integrated
tünleşik veri toplama işlemi için elektronik data gathering in an institution or organization,
belge yönetim sistemi (EBYS) yönetim için
electronic document management system (EDMS)
en gerekli araçlardan birisi haline gelmekte-
dir. Ancak bu gereklilik kurumun ya da işlet- often becomes one of the most required tools for
menin ihtiyacı doğrultusunda dikkatli bir bi- management. However, this requirement should be
çimde gerçeklenmelidir. Bu nedenle kurum, implemented careful1y depending on the institution
bünyesindeki verileri oluşturmak, saklamak or organization need. Therefore, organization
ve düzenlemek ve tüm senkronizasyon sü- should have an EDMS for creating, keeping and
reçlerini yönetmek için EBYS kullanmalıdır.
organizing data in the organization and handle all
Bu araştırmada bir politeknik üniversitesi-
nin bilgisayar bilimleri enstitüsü için system synchronization process.
gereksinimleri analizi, yazılım tasarımı ve In this research, system requirements for computer
kullanılabilir kaynak tespiti yapıldı ve ma- science institution of polytechnic university
saüstü tabanlı bir uygulama geliştirilerek is analyzed, software design and identifying
başarılı bir şekilde gerçeklendi. Diğer EBYS available resources is determined and a desktop
sistemlerinden farklı olarak dışarıdan gelen
based application is developed and implemented
belgeler için bir döküman notasyonu eklen-
di, mevcut e-imze tekniği değiştirildi ve gü- successfully. Distinguishing the developed EDMS
venlik seviyesini arttırmak için yeni özellikler from other management systems is that it adds
eklendi. İlave olarak arşivlenen dosyaların document notation for external documents and
güvenliği, belgelerin içeriklerinin takibi ya- existing digital signature technique has been
pılarak arttırıldı. Son olarak yazılım kurum modified and new features added for improving
ihtiyaçlarına gore özelleştirildi ve system
security level. In addition, security of archived
yöneticisinin taleplerine gore değiştirilebilir
şekilde tasarlandı. files is increased by monitoring the contents of
the documents. Finally, institution structure is
Anahtar kelimeler customized and can be modified based on the
EBYS, Güvenlik, Yönetim, Yazılım, system administrator’s request.
Elektronik İmza
Keywords: EDMS, Security, Management,
* Sorumlu yazar/Corresponding author Software, Digital Signature.

MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. 9

INTRODUCTION with the digital content for ensuring non-
Today, document management repudiation and history information about
systems support the life cycle the digital content.
management of document based
information. Researchers worldwide • Control: various control procedures have
have conducted many studies in order been applied to control user, document,
to evaluate traditional document data, access, backup and restore.
management system (DMS) and electronic The aim of the study is to design and
document management systems (EDMS) develop a DMS application that can be
(Anderson, 2012; Noyes and Garland, used by organizations in order to move
2008) in terms of user performance and from traditional system to an organized
showed advantages of newly developed and cost saving electronic system.
electronic systems.
As new technologies have been emerged, 1. RELATED STUDY
organizations have moved from traditional EDMS can be defined as a group of
DMS to an electronic form of DMS since it information containing various type of
facilitates the managerial work through documents that may exist in different
file integration and control. Based on places within a network and support
the previous studies, an electronic DMS multiple access, update and modification
provides many advantages including simultaneously and automatically
management support, budgetary, (Asogwa,2012; Ostroukh,2014).
Security, Cooperation, performance, EDMS have been applied in different
privacy and Systems integration organizations across the world. It has
(Abdulkadhim et al., 2015). Therefore, in helped organizations to be successful
order to have a good management and in terms of management strategy,
administration system, every organization budgetary, anti-corruption, security and
should adopt an electronic DMS. privacy, user requirements, cooperation
and systems integration (Abdulkadhim
Considering general requirements of et al, 2015) (Singh et al., 2007). Moreover,
an Electronic DMS, the designed system in Alshibly(2016) and Vevaina(2007)
this study have three major characteristics. indicated that EDMS can be used to help
• Management: three main features have organizations to achieve more efficient
been added to this system in order to operations by reducing transaction
facilitate the work of users. They can easily costs, automating processes, improving
retrieve files in a short amount of time and capacity, minimizing errors, and saving on
also can search required files using many labor.
criteria. Moreover, the performance of this EDMS have been used in governmental
system is increased by adopting some and public organizations. EDMS
techniques while users process data. implementation studies in government
sector began to grow in the early 2000s
• Security: Digital signature has been (J. McLeod, and C. Hare,2010). For the
used for controlling user’s access and purpose of providing productivity, space
document validation. In this system the saving and a general improvement
identity of the creator as well as the users in business processes, government
of a digital content is captured and stored organizations are increasingly

10 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017

implementing EDMS in order to transform to send a document, the system checks
service delivery within the organizations the hardware as well as the username and
and to citizens (Adam, 2008; Hung et password of the manager.
al., 2009; Cimtech, 2007). In addition,
Applying EDMS in governments can 1.1. The Use of EDMS in
be used to reduce operating costs and Education Sector
minimize office space for filing and Özdemirci(2008) indicated that electronic
reducing the cost of labor (Grange and document management system is crucial
Scott, 2010). for education institutions. He carried
Wicaksono(2015) have conducted a study a study in order to analyze records
and developed a web based application management and archive processes in
for managing documents in higher Ankara University. As a result, a model
education environment. He suggests a for all universities in turkey is proposed in
thorough system requirement process order to execute the records and archive
and high level management should be processes according to the principles
involved in tackling user’s acceptance and methods of records and archives
of EDMS systems. In addition, Hwang et management. The proposed model
al.(2013) concluded that most institutes of Özdemirci(2008) have been taken
consider document standardization into consideration in developing the
to be very important in which 76% of application for polytechnic institution and
institutes (19 out of 25) answered that new features have been added.
a systematic document management Moreover, Basibuyuk(2015) have
system was necessary. Moreover, due developed an application for Kırıkkale
to the capabilities of EDMS in creating, University that can be accessed twenty
saving, distributing, archiving, and four hours through EDMS’s web-based
accessing the documents by searching infrastructure. The developed system can
according to desired criteria, Yaldır and be accessed from inside-outside of the
Polat(2016) stated that applying an EDMS university using any mobile device which
for university is very important. In term has internet access such as PC, laptop,
of security, most of the papers have not tablet. However, security for documents
mentioned any specific technique to in the system has not been provided
provide a security level for the system. and digital signature is recommended.
The proposed EDMS system in this study This lack of security has been solved as
differs from the other EDMS systems since a part of the application developed for
various security levels have been applied. polytechnic institution in which digital
This system uses digital signature besides signature has been used.
the basic authorization technique that
asks for a username and password in 2. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE
order to login to the system. Every user In order to design an effective EDMS
that has manager permission should use that can be applied to an educational
a digital signature in order to send files to institution, previous studies have been
other departments. The digital signature analyzed and various ideas have been
is applied by using a hardware that combined. Moreover, organizational needs
contains username, password and serial and new ideas have been considered
of the hardware. When a manager tries for the design of the developed system.

MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. 11

For the requirement gathering and data • Document management: in the
analysis phase, many people have been developed system, documents are
interviewed in different organizations and managed in two ways.
existing documents of those organizations o External documents that are in
have been considered for the analysis and a form of hard copy will be scanned
designing of the new system. and imported into the system. The
The developed desktop application reason behind this idea is to manage
for computer science institution of the documents that may come from an
polytechnic university is implemented external organization that have not still
and has been used by 30 users in 12 transformed to an electronic system.
departments. The system is developed The external documents is first received
based on predefined requirements of by the dean then will be sent to other
the employees and managers in the departments. In this system, a new feature
institution. Therefore new features have is added called document notation which
been added and some existing features will help the dean to share documents
of the popular EDMSs have been modified with all departments without creating a
based on the user request. new document to explain the received
external document.
2.1. Document Management
Fig.(1) shows the design of the
proposed EDMS system. The system is
divided into three modules including
document management, document
storage and document retrieval and

Figure 2. External document management

o Internal documents can still be

created by system users. After the created
document is saved and archived, the
content of the document will be saved
in a table which it can be used later to
check whether the document have been
modified by unauthorized users.
• Document storage: In this system,
two servers have been used for storing
documents. File server is used to store
files that have been either captured or
Figure1. Proposed EDMS architecture. created by a system user in a form of
PDF type. The reason behind using this
server is to increase system security and

12 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017

archiving; while, database server is used involves the following properties:
to store system data and operate the • Add Users: This system has three
entire system. types of users: administrator, manager and
• Document Retrieval and sharing: secretary. Each of them is responsible for
In this system, users are able to perform specific actions based on the permissions
various actions including writing, provided. Administrators are able to add
searching, sending, editing, reporting, new users to join their organization’s
attaching, routing and approval of department. New users can be either
documents. manager or secretary for a department.
• Manage Users: Existing users can be
2.2. User Management edited or deleted at any point in time.
The User Management System •Access permissions: User
provides functionality to manage user permissions depend on the type of user
profile. It implements user authentication and the department they belong to.
and provides classification. User profiles Different permissions have been assigned
contain information such as user to the types of user based on their
identification number, email, first and last responsibilities
name, etc. In order to access user profile • User security: two levels of security
for reading and modification, user ID is have been applied for each user. The
used for authentication. User information first level is user authentication which is
contains user identification number, provided by usernames and password for
username, password and session for accessing the system. The second level is
authentication. the combination of user authentication as
Fig (3). Shows the user Management well as an external hardware for the users
and their functionalities in the system. In that are authorized to have electronic
the proposed system user management signature.

Figure 3. User management flowchart

MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. 13

The popular feature of electronic document feature displays all the
signature is modified in the developed documents that have been received from
system by using a special USB drive external organizations. On the other hand,
that contain unique serial and a key. The a normal user will have access to note and
unique code will be attached to the sent internal document.
document every time the drive is used by
managers or head of departments. This 3.1. Document Handling
code is working instead of a stamp which Procedures
was used in the institution. This system handles the documents in
two ways: hard copy document processing
3. IMPLEMENTATION AND and new document creation.
This chapter presents the actual 3.1.1. Hard copy documents
implementation of the system and shows (External documents)
various functionalities that can be useful Figure (4) shows the procedure of
for any educational institution moving External Document Registrations This
from a traditional paper based system to type of document comes from outside
an EDMS. the organization, the hard copy document
When a manager authorized to access passes through some procedures
the system, he/she will have three main including document scanning which
features including note, internal document directly converts the document into a PDF
and incoming document. Notation is used format file and gets document details
so that users can comment on a specific such as (document number, title, issue
document to express their ideas while date, issuer name). Before saving the file,
internal document option displays all the a new document ID and registration date
documents that have been created inside will be given to the scanned document
the organization. In addition, incoming and will be sent to the manager.

Figure 4. External document registrations.

14 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017

3.1.2. New document creation the details of the new document, users
(Internal documents) can view a sample MS-word template of
Figure (5) shows the procedure of new the document. Showing the view option
document creation. Every department in in an MS-word document eases the
the system can create new documents editing functionality of the document. If
inside the organization and this is no change is required, users can directly
performed by only head of departments send the newly created document to the
and department secretary. Every new departments and in this sending option
document has the following parameters: the MS-word documents will be converted
Document Number, to, document type, into a PDF file.
title, date and the content. After filling

Figure 5. New document creation.

3.2. Using Digital Signature 3.3. Manage Departments

for Sending Documents The relation of departments in
In this system, sending documents the system can be determined by the
require some verification in which only head administrator according to the structure
of the departments has this permission. The of the organization. The procedure
system verifies user permission by checking behind creating relation between these
user name, password which is different departments is applied by loading each
from the user name and password for login. department and specifies relationship.
Moreover, each head of department must
have a USB disk that contains public and 3.4. Dashboard for
private keys which can be used for digitally Document Search
signing files before sending. Therefore, In this system, a dashboard is created
the system security is provided via digital so that users can check all documents
signatures using a hardware and user including seen, non-seen, created and
authentication method. received files. This dashboard ensures that

MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. 15

after a file is seen by the user, it will be out manage and share their documents using
of reach for modification. In Addition, the new techniques and modifying some
document registration manager can check features in security and management. The
whether document processes have been system enables users to manipulate, share,
finished or not. synchronize and considers the support of
heterogeneous client devices. Moreover,
3.5. Advantages and every action in the system will be audited.
Disadvantages of Finally, archiving in the system is performed
The Developed System by saving the document data in the SQL
The developed system provides many server and save the documents as a PDF
advantages for computer science institution file in the file server. This functionality
of polytechnic university. Firstly, it is ensures data integrity and prevents
specifically designed to fulfill the institution data loss. This application can be further
requirement. Secondly, the management extended by adding new sections including
structure can be redesigned based on the human resources, versioning and student
changes required by managers without the registration. In addition, the hardware
help of the software developer. Thirdly, the used for digital signature can also be used
developed system is user friendly and can as an identity for the users of the system
be adopted by any educational institution. containing all user information.
Finally, it provides many other features
that are common in every EDMS including
search, cost savings, reliability, increased
document security using digital signature,
control, archiving and cooperation.
However, the developed system has
some shortcomings. It is only designed for
managing documents; it does not contain
any functionality for student and employee
information management. Moreover,
this system does not support email and
message facility from outside the system.

Moving from a traditional paper
work system to an Electronic Document
Management system helps educational
institutions to reduce costs, automating
processes increased document security
and minimizing errors. This article shows
the implementation of a document
management system that is specifically
designed for an educational institution
based on their requirement. The developed
EDMS provide users in the institution with a
simple and efficient mechanism to access,

16 Mahmood, A. & Okumus, İ. T. MAKÜ-Uyg. Bil. Derg., 1(1), 9-17, 2017

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