Book Report #3

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Kmetic 1

6 May 2014

Free Choice Book Assignment-Narrative

1A. Tell me why you chose this book- For this book report, I read The End of Eternity

by Isaac Asimov. This was actually the first book for a book report that sounded interesting to

me. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and Flowers in the Attic, sounded alright, but I just went

along with what other people wanted to read. With this book, I actually didn’t just go with the

flow, I actually was excited to read it. I had heard you mention Asimov’s name before, but I had

never heard of his name before then. You seemed shocked that some, including me, had never

heard of him before. So, when Eli told me about this book, I was psyched about what the book

was about, and it was a bonus that Asimov wrote it.

2A. Prediction- I predict that Harlan, the main character, will eventually end up with

Noys in eternity. It’s kind of obvious that they will end up together in the end. If not, what else

would the point of the story be. Besides, most stories where there is a forbidden love, or

something along those lines, the two characters, usually, have a happy ending. Except, of

course, for Romeo and Juliet. It’s still a little early to predict too much more, because I’m still

trying to understand a lot of what is happening, and how things work in this book. It’s set in this

weird future with time travel, but with people changing the reality, and stuff like that. So, I still

trying to comprehend all of the terms and lingo of this book.

3A Visualization- This picture is an important scene in the book because this is the first

time Harlan meets Noys. Noys is a temporary secretary in Eternity, and Harlan first meets her

when scheduling an appointment. This is important, because if Harlan had never met Noys, than

he never would have fallen in love with her. If he had never fallen in love with her, then Eternity

wouldn’t eventually be destroyed in the end of the book.

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8A. Clarification- I was correct with my assumption about Harlan and Noys, although it

was way more complicated. Noys was actually from a century that the Eternals couldn’t enter,

and that she wanted to end Eternity, because it was suppressing humans creativity. It would also

make the human race go extinct. Harlan was going to kill her at first like he was told, but he

agrees that Eternity is doing more bad than good. They plot and carry out their plan to destroy

Eternity. They destroy Eternity and stay on Earth. The ending was such a plot twist from the

rest of the book, I was speechless when I finished it. The ending was great, but I never expected

for so much information to be thrown at me in the last few chapters, and for it to end like that.

1B. Rewrite the ending- I decided to rewrite the ending of The End of Eternity. It’s

always hard to rewrite an ending to an amazing book with a great ending to go along with. This

ending isn’t exactly as I would want the story to end, because I really liked the ending the book

had, but it’s a different ending to go along with the story. I don’t know if it’s allowed to be

similar, but I made it sort of similar, but with changes.

Andrew decided not to kill Noys, because she made some valuable points. He could not

kill the women he loved, no matter what new information she had just sprung on him. He

needed answers; answers about Eternity and it’s people.

“So if, or when, we decide to destroy the eternity of Eternity,” Andrew asked skeptically,

“what is to become of the Eternals?”

“Well,” began Noys, “This could play out in two different ways. One, we can make sure

no Eternals live. I personally like this option. You’ve experienced them Andrew. They are all

selfish, pompous; this would put them in their place once and for all. The world would be better

off without those cruel people in it. They don’t deserve to live after all of the deaths they have

brought upon people, without people even knowing it!

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“Or we could go with option two. We could let all of the Eternals live. They would be

able to live here on Earth with humanity. Either way Eternity is destroyed, which I am fine with.

Just think about the people of this planet Harlan. Would you want them to have to experience

the very people who were constantly changing, shaping, sometimes killing lives almost


Harlan pondered everything that Noys proposed to him. Either decision he picked

Eternity would be destroyed, so why not rid the world of all the Eternals with it? Then he

thought about Twissell, and Cooper. Twissell had once broken the rules in Eternity because he

had loved a human, and even got her pregnant. And Cooper, he would be wiped out for doing

what? Nothing. Harlan used Cooper to aid in the plan of destroying Eternity. He certainly did

not deserve to die.

“Could we erase the Eternals memory of them being Eternals? Then they would be like

normal humans. If we get to live, why can’t they? Especially Cooper, and Twissell. They

certainly don’t deserve to die Noys.” Andrew hoped Noys would see where he was coming from.

“I never thought of that Andrew,” Noys replied. “That is actually a quite better option

than my two.” Noys laughed a little bit. “Do you want to go through with this? Once you make

the decision, there’s no going back. The change will happen instantly.”

Andrew nodded with a smile. This way, is was actually doing no harm to anybody. All

of the Eternals would be saved, along with the rest of humanity. He and Noys would be able to

grow old together and have children. They could happy for the first time in their long lives.

Andrew grabbed Noys hand. They smiled at each other and Harlan made his decision. With

that, Eternity became extinguished.

Kmetic 4

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