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Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción

Bilingualism Team
Countable and uncountable nouns – telling the time Evidence Name


Milk – onions – water – banana – cheese – biscuits

Carrots – cereal – cherries – chicken – tomato – eggs – fish juice
– rice - apple – lemons – salad – chips – strawberries soup –
potato – meat – toast – crisps – peaches – sandwich apples –
money – people – butter – chocolate – chip – cake vegetable –
mice – ice-cream – music – children – flower information – food
– cup – shirt – bus – snow –child - legs pear – bread –
.vegetables – fruit – homework

Countable Countable Uncountable

singular plural

..………………apple .………………apples ..…………………tea

………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… ………………………… …………………………
………………………… .……………………… …………………………
………………………… .………………………

Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes tiene fines exclusivamente educativos

del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción- Sena- Regional Quarter 2021-2 Page 2
Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción
Bilingualism Team
Countable and uncountable nouns – telling the time Evidence Name

Clasify the countable and uncuntable nouns

Affirmative Negative Interrogative

Countable a lot of not many ?many
Uncountable a lot of not much ?much

?Do you have many friends *
.Yes, I have a lot of friends*
.No, I don't have many friends*
?Do you have much money *
.Yes, I have a lot of money*
.No, I don't have much money*

.Sara hasn't got …………. Children -1

.I've got ………… nice friends -2
.There isn't ………. Coffee in my cup -3
.There aren't ………. flats in our street -4
.I haven't got ……….. money -5
?A lot of, many or much .There aren't ………... eggs in the fridge -6
.My little brother has got ………… toys -7
?Have you got ………… e nglish books -8
We haven't got …............... cheese in the -9
Are there ………… trees in your -10
.She has got ………… work to do -11
.I don't like ………… sugar in my coffee -12
There aren't ……….. students in our -13
Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes tiene fines exclusivamente educativos
del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción- Sena- Regional Quarter 2021-2
.classroomPage 2
Antioquia Use a lot of, many or much to
fill the gaps ?Do ……….. animals live in the forest -14
Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción
Bilingualism Team
Countable and uncountable nouns – telling the time Evidence Name


:Complete the clock. Write the times in two different ways – )1

1:00 __________________________________
1:05 __________________________________
1:10 __________________________________
1:15 __________________________________
1:20 _________________________________________________________________
1:25 __________________________________
1:30 __________________________________
1:35 __________________________________
1:40 __________________________________
1:45 __________________________________
1:50 __________________________________
1:55 __________________________________

Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes tiene fines exclusivamente educativos

del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción- Sena- Regional Quarter 2021-2 Page 2
Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción
Bilingualism Team
Countable and uncountable nouns – telling the time Evidence Name

2)- Look at the clocks and write the times:

Toda la información tomada de otras fuentes tiene fines exclusivamente educativos

del Centro para el Desarrollo del Hábitat y la Construcción- Sena- Regional Quarter 2021-2 Page 2

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