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CSU07203 ERDs Exercise ,

Q1. A university course may have one or more scheduled sections, or it may not have a
scheduled section. The attributes of COURSE are CourseID (identifier),
Course_Name, and Credit_Hrs. The Attributes of SECTION include Section_Number
and Semester_ID. Semester_ID is composed of two parts such as Semester and Year.
Section_Number is an integer that distinguishes one section from another for the same
course but it does not uniquely identify a section

Q2. A university has a large number of courses in its catalogue

 Attributes of COURSE include Course_num (identifier), Course_Name, and
 Each course may have one or more different courses as prerequisites, or may have
no prerequisites.
 Similarly, a particular course may be a prerequisite for any number of courses, or
may not be a prerequisite for any other course

Q3. Draw an ER diagram for the following application of a database.

 A movie has a name and release date.
 A studio has a numeric id, name, and address
 A director has a SSN and a name
 An actor has a SSN and a name
 A character in a movie has a name and a role.
 Each movie is produced by a single studio.
 Each movie is directed by a single director.
 An actor plays a character in a movie
Q4. Create an ER diagram for the following situation (fields named id are
identifiers; HINT: Recursive relationship(s) are involved):
 We want to model curriculum information.
 We want to keep track of programs, for which we have its id, and abbreviation,
and a title.
 We also keep track of courses; for each course we keep its id, a title, the number
of credit hours, zero or more course objectives.
 Each course belongs to zero or more programs and a program will have one or
more courses; for each of the programs a course belongs to, we record whether
the course is required or elective for the program.
 We keep track of topics; for each topic we keep its id and title.
 We keep track of which course(s) cover which topic(s). Each topic is covered in
one or more courses, and each course covers zero or more topics. We also keep
track of how many contact hours the course includes for that topic.
 We also need to store information about professors. For each professor we keep
its SSN (identifier) and name (divided into first, middle, last). We also keep
track of which professor teaches which course. Each course is taught by one or
more professors, and a professor teaches zero or more courses.
 We also keep track of whether a course has other courses as prerequisites. Each
course could have zero or more other courses as prerequisites and be a
prerequisite for zero or more courses.

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