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To: Professor Victor Tremblay

From: Eddie King <>

Subject: Interview Request In Regards to Economic Research

Date: January 31, 2020

Dear Professor Tremblay,

I hope you’re doing well during this busy midterm season. My name is Eddie King and I’m
currently a third year Economics and Accounting major at the University of California, Santa
Barbara. I am reaching out in regards to a group project I’m involved in with a few classmates in
my business writing class. My group and I are designing a formal business proposal for a
smartphone app, and I’ve been assigned to the “researcher” role. After much discussion, we
have decided to design a health and fitness app centered around individualized and fully
customizable workout and diet plans. Our goal is to become a fitness industry leader by
designing a comprehensive app that users will turn to for all of their fitness and diet needs. I’d
like to interview you about my project and role within it because as a professor of economics,
you are constantly conducting market research. I hope to learn from you how to analyze
economic markets and how to research effectively so that I can help my group do well on our

My role as the researcher is to find out more about my app’s genre; specifically its history,
usefulness, and economic success. Since you are a professor of economics, I was hoping that
you could provide me with a few tips about how to analyze the economic status of an industry.
My experience with conducting this kind of research is extremely limited, so any help at all
would be truly appreciated. Additionally, I’m not well-versed in consolidating researched
information into a concise report. I was hoping you could help me with this, since you had to sort
through a large amount of data, and pick what information was the most necessary when writing
your book on economics. During the interview, I’d like to discuss with you a few topics, including
economic research, how to conduct research efficiently, and how to deduce which pieces of
researched information are the most relevant. The interview should not take more than 10-15
minutes. If you’re available to talk on the phone sometime during the upcoming week that would
be excellent.

Thank you for taking the time to read my email. Let me know what day and time would be
convenient for you to do the interview, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.
I hope to hear from you soon!

Eddie King

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