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- The complaints more to the time

- Made all product by himself


- The customers are usually kids who 18 years old and below
- Depends by the weather

The second point in SWOT analysis is weaknesses. The first weaknesses is about time.
The complaints are also many in terms of time because Mr. Adam needs more time to
produce resins art for this product which takes 2 or 3 days. This is because irregular time
management causes customers to complain about waiting too long for this product to reach
the buyer. this gives a disadvantage to this product. Moreover, the manufacture of this sales
product was made independently by Mr. adam himself. He mixes the ingredients to make this
product and bakes it to dry then he sells it, sends it to the customer. All of the works was by
himself and this makes the job difficult because there is so much to do.

Lastly, the threat. Most often, Mr. Adam's clients are kids 18 years old and younger. they
face online banking problems and they do not have an account or even an online banking
system. They need someone to help them bank in money into Mr. Adam's account through
online banking. This is one of the big problems because 50% of them have the same problem
which do not have a bank account and they are quite far from it. The weather is also a threat
because if it rains, the art of resins takes more than 3 days to harden the resins and sometimes
the manufacture of resins fails because it does not harden completely and has to be reworked.
time is the complaint received by Mr. adam to produce the product

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