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DISTRICT  INTERNET  AND  E-MAIL  RULES  -  ​All  students  will  be  required  to sign a "positive use" permission slip to use the internet 
at  Clovis  North  Educational  Center.  This permission slip is included in the registration materials.  Students are responsible for good behavior 
on  school  computer  networks  just as they are in a classroom or a school hallway.  Communications on the network are often public in nature. 
General school rules for behavior and communications apply. 
Network  storages  may  be  treated  like  school  lockers.  Network  administrators  may  review  files  and  communications  to  maintain  system 
integrity.  Users  should  not  expect  that  files  stored  on  district  servers  will  be  private.  See  Student  and  Parents  Rights  and  Responsibilities 
Acceptable Use of Information Resources (​ Policy #7203). 
The following are not permitted and violations may result in disciplinary/legal action as well as a loss of access to the computer network: 
1) Sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures 
2) Damaging computers, computer systems or computer networks 
3) Using another person’s password or login credentials 
4) Intentionally wasting limited resources 
5) Using obscene language or intentionally accessing obscene/pornographic material 
6) Harassing, insulting or attacking others 
7) Violating copyright law 
8) Trespassing in another person’s folders, work or files. 
9) Using the network for commercial purposes. 
POLICY  FOR  DELIVERING  LUNCHES,  MESSAGES,  ETC.  -  Due  to  the  distraction  and  to  eliminate  classroom  disruptions,  the 
following policy will be enforced at CNEC: 
1) No personal messages between friends will be taken (e.g., boyfriend/girlfriend, ex-student, etc.). 
2) Lunches must be delivered to the counter behind the Student Services Office. P ​ LEASE KEEP THESE TO A MINIMUM​. 
3) Forgotten homework assignments, P.E. clothes, books and binders will not be delivered. 
4) Emergency messages from parents or guardians will be delivered, but these should be restricted to genuine emergencies. 
5) Balloons,  flowers, pizza and gifts cannot be delivered to students and such deliveries from vendors will not be accepted by the school. 
Additionally, CUSD Transportation Department policies preclude the carrying of balloons or other large items on school buses. 
6) Uber Eats​or other professional food delivery services are strictly prohibited. 
THE  DAILY  ANNOUNCEMENTS  -  The  daily  announcements  will  be  read  during  the  third  period.  In  addition,  it will be posted in the 
offices, library, at CART and on our website. 
STUDENT  INSURANCE  -  All  Clovis  North  Educational  Center  students  may  be  included  in  a voluntary accident insurance program to 
assist  in  the payment of doctor and hospital services for injuries occurring on campus or while participating in activities or sports under school 
supervision.  Information  on  these  policies  is given early in the school year.  For approximately $49.00 to $67.00, a student may be insured for 
accidents  or injuries occurring during the school day for one full year.  For the same coverage, twenty-four (24) hours a day, the cost is $210.00 
to  $270.00.  Interscholastic  Tackle  Football  insurance  is  $212.00  for  the  Basic  Policy  and  $275.00.00  for  the  Premier  Policy.  Extra  dental 
insurance is available for $17.00 – 21.00 per year. For more information, contact the Athletic Director’s office.  
1) Students  must  be  passing  all classes to attend dances as stated on the most recent progress report or grade period. ​There must be no 
more than one “F” grade and at least a 2.0 on the most recent grade report​(6, 12, or semester grade reports). 
2) To provide a safe and positive environment at school events the site administration reserves the right to deny admission to anyone. 
3) Activities  are  for  Clovis  North  Educational  Center  students  and  their  invited  guests.  Guest  permits  may  be  obtained  from  the 
Activities Office and must be approved in advance. Guests must be under the age of 21. 
4) Guest  passes  will  be  issued  to  school  activities  under  the  following  condition:  The  guest  must  be  in  good  standing  at  their  high 
school of residence (see conditions for alternative educational students). 


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