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have to Co yot; fusye fs fenrh srns/l rfuffdreru?

ffi l/you/we/they hove to go he/she/it has to go

ffi do l/you/we/they have to go7 does he/she/it have to go7
# ll/you/we/they do not have to go he/she/it does not have to go
Contractions: don't: doesn't

Have to is not a modal verb, but we use it very like musf.

We use have to when we want to say 'This is necessary' / 'ls this necessary?' (like must).
You have to drive on the left in Britain. I hove to go to New York for a meeting every month.
My sister has to work on Saturdays. Do your children have to take lunches to school?

i,# Complete the sentences with hove to or hasto and expressions from the box.

be,/ be carry / do have have know know like practise read wear

) An accountant ..h.?.q.!?..Q9.. gooa with numbers. 5 A politicianhas to do ...... good at speaking.

) Builders ..\qyp.!.q.p.q.r.YA............. heavythings. 6 Footballers have to like ........ a lot of traintng.
'l A soldier has to wear ... a uniform. 7 A secretary has to be ..-.... a good memory.
2 Studentshave to read alotof books. 8 Agardener.................-r........aboutflowers.
has to have
3 A schoolteacher .........
has to know ... children. 9 Doctors have to know about drugs.
4 Cooks have to have has to-...
very clean hands. 10 A musician .......... practise ....... a lot.

Put the beginnings and ends together. Add Do/Does ... have to.

0 'Mary's a swimming teacher.' A Does he have to finish it today?' .. 7....

1 'Here is some work for you and lanJ B Do they have to 3
speak 5panish?' ......
2 'l want you to go to your aunt's partyJ c Do you have to 4
tell you nolv?' ......
3 Jo and Alec work for a Mexican firmi D Do you have to 5
stay until the end?' ......
4 'When would you like your holiday?' E
, Does she have to teach small children?' ..9.
5 'Dad and I are going out tonightl F Does it have to 6
6 'That will be 250 Euros.' G Do you have to 1
7 'Peter works in marketing.' H Do you have to 2

,$i:'i!i; Write five things that you have to do every day, or most days.
> ..| .b.qy. ?.
.l 999. .ttr9. y.y ?.1.*.! p. .v. s.rP, .
1 I have to read a newspaper.
2 I have to get up very early every morning at six o'clock.
3 I have to wash my hands.
4 I have to stay home with the puppy in the mornings.
5 I have to start preparing dinner at 8:00 pm.

ri.'ii write five things that you never have to do.

> . .! .ry.ey pr .\.qyg.y I .st?IP. gh y*:.: p... . . .
I ................
I never have to work in the nigths.
2 I never have to read the bible.
3 I never have to play soccer.
4 I never have to swim for the Olimpycs.
5 I never have to London.
: For negatives (do not / don't hoveto) see page 77

76 tu4ilnAi VF:RE5
would l#nuld you lr&e s Crfr:&l I # ll&s f* fos fcllsn

We often use would in the expression I d like (='l would likeJ, to ask for things. lt is more polite than I want.
lA like a return ticket, pleose. lA fike a seat by the window.
We can offer things with would you like ..,?
Would you like a drinkT How many eggs would you like?

ffi muf" sentences with td like ..., please or Would you like ...?
two tickets S . .1.4. l.L.Pq.W p .lip.?,F:, tk ? 1?,.. . .........

corree g!
..Wp.*l4.Asx !.L.F.e:pffqg?.
1 a blackT-shirt $! I'd like a black T-shirt, please.
2 an aspirin fil Would you like an aspirin?
3 the newspaper $l Would you like the newspaper?
4 an ice cream ll I'd like an ice cream, please.
5 some more toast &I Would you like some more toast?
6 a receipt Sl I'd like a receipt, please.

We can use would like to talk about things that people want to do.
lA fike to learn Chinese. What would you like to do on Sunday?
Would you like to have lots of brothers and sistersT I wouldn't like to be an astronaut.

ffi Which of these things would you like to be or do? Write sentences beginning ld like to ...
or I wouldn't like to ...
) be shorter . .f.4.!!.Pe.y.0..9p.:\efrpr....9'1 . . . I .wg*l:d ry'.y. .L!.Pq .\?. .V?.l\.q*3r. ....

1 be taller I'd like to be taller.

2 beyounger ..............
I'd like to be younger.
3 be older I wouldn't like to be older.
4 go to the moon I'd like to go to the moon.
5 live in a different country I wouldn't like to live in a different country.
6 have a lot of dogs I'd like to have a lot of dogs.
7 write a book I'd like to write a book.
I (your sentence) I'd like to know more English.

We often use Would you like to...? in invitations.

Would you like to come to Scotland with us?
Don't confuse would like (='want') and like (='enjoy'). Compare:
lA fike some coffee, please. (not Hikesene<offeerpkase) I like coffee but I don't like tea.
Would you liketo go skating today? (NoT WiWoge--J) Doyou like skating?

ffi correct forms.

1 Do / Would you like to come to dinner? 6 Do you like dancing? Yes, I do. / Yes, please.
2 'Would you like coffee?' 'Yes, I do.' / 'Yes, please.' 7 I like / would liketo get up late tomorrow.
3 I like / would like mountains. 8 I don't / wouldn't like old music.
4 Do / Would you like to go out tonight? 9 I don't / wouldn't like to be an animal.
5 I like / 'd liketo go home now. l0 An apple?' 'Yes,l like / d like one!


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