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 Most advertising agencies put so much effort into making other companies

marketing efforts work that they often neglect their own. Marketing  for
agencies themselves rarely consists of more than “word of mouth” hardly a
sustainable growth strategy so as a director of account for JWT advertising
agency my strategy to react maximum potential clients would be:

 Build relationships with agency search consultants:

 Do a quick internet search for agency search consultants and I will be met with list
after list of top search consultants, advisors, and experts of every shape and size. Just
because a certain consultant comes highly recommended doesn’t mean he or she is
the right fit, however I will look for agency search consultants, matchmakers,
and collectives that not only have deep networks, but also a reputation for
relationship based approaches. While developing a single relationship might
not change the game for my agency, working to expand JWT agency’s network
with many different search consultants can open up loads of new
opportunities. Each of those relationships can be a pipeline for our advertising

 Take Advantage of Online Directories

 One of the most overlooked strategies is to get onto as many online directories as I can.

It’s the easiest way to reach companies looking for digital marketing. There are a few

routes to take. Of course, I want to be on the general, widespread directories like Google

and Yelp to start.Next, focus on industry-specific online directories like advertising

agencies directories . These are especially helpful because everyone in the audience is a

qualified buyer, looking for the specific service we provide.

 Prioritize Your Portfolio
 You can tell prospective clients all day about how great you are at your job, but they

won’t know until they see it themselves. If you want to know how to get digital marketing

clients, your portfolio is the proof they need to see. Your online portfolio needs to have a

few key qualities. First, it needs to show variety. Clients want to know if you can capture

their voice, so by displaying a broad range of brands you’ve already mastered, you’ll

show your ability to take on any voice necessary.Second, you want your portfolio to

reflect the work you want to pull in. If you want more clients in the Healthcare industry, for

example, prioritize your work for past healthcare clients on your portfolio. This shows the

right companies that you have expertise in their area.

 4.Get Interactive for Finding More Digital Marketing
Potential Customers
 Social media is a cornerstone of so many digital marketing strategies, but most brands

fall short on the “social” aspect. They spend plenty of time posting their own content, but

little time-sharing, commenting, and otherwise engaging online. Start by identifying some

of the companies you’d love to work with. Follow them on social media and engage with

their posts from time to time. One or two comments per week go a long way.This gets

your name in front of that business, especially if it’s a small business where an owner or

manager does their own social media. After they’re familiar with your name, you can

make a cold call that suddenly isn’t so cold.

 Partner Up Even with the Competition
 Partnerships are a great way to gain new clients. As a marketing or advertising
agency, you can partner up with non-competing companies and organizations
that are complementary to your business and whose target audiences are
similar to your own. You can even partner with other agencies. An agency
that’s much bigger than you can refer clients with small projects that are
below their usual scope and

 How to Find Clients for advertising Agency: The

Most Effective Ways.
 As a advertising agency, it can be difficult to find the right balance between working on

your clients’ businesses and your own. Too many agencies put themselves on the back

burner. Then one day they lose a critical client and have little hope of pulling in a new

one because they haven’t marketed themselves in months. The above strategies will help

JWT advertising agency to get potential clients.

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