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OpenShift BootCamp Series

OpenShift Container Platform enables rapid application development, deployment, and 
scaling for organizations moving to a DevOps model. It builds upon industry standard 
Docker containers and Kubernetes, allowing orchestration of complex applications across 
multiple containers. OpenShift can be deployed into public clouds, such as AWS, or into 
an enterprise data center. Given the explosive growth in OpenShift, increasingly the 
entire Red Hat portfolio (EAP, Fuse, CloudForms, and others) is being optimized to work 
with the platform.   

Assess Your Cloud Skills   

Use the skills assessment tool to discover what training opportunities you may benefit 
from. ​Individual Skills Assessment   
Group Skills Assessment  

Benefits of Skills Assessment   

● No-cost assessments for group and individuals  
● Identifies strengths and areas for improvement  
● Provides personalized recommendations   
● Helps IT professionals focus on what they need to learn    
OpenShift BootCamp Series

Developer Track   
Series 1: OpenShift Fundamentals | 1 Day   
Target Audience: Developers and Administrators who are new to container technology   

Course Outline   

Introducing Container Technology, Kubernetes and OpenShift  

o Overview of the Container Technology   
o Overview of Container Architecture   
o Overview of Kubernetes and OpenShift   

Creating Containerized Services  

o Provisioning a Database Server   
o Managing the Life Cycle of Containers   

Creating Custom Container Images  

o Design Custom Container Images   
o Building Custom Container Images with Dockerfiles   
o Building Container Images with Advanced Dockerfile Instructions   
o Injecting Configuration Data into an Application  
OpenShift BootCamp Series

Series 2: Containerizing Applications | 2 days

Target Audience: Software developers who are keen to adopt containers as a preferred method
for deploying applications

Course Outline
Deploying Containerized Applications on OpenShift  
o ​Describing Kubernetes and OpenShift Architecture   
o ​Creating Kubernetes Resources   
o ​Creating Routes   
o ​Creating Applications with Source-to-Image   
o ​Creating Applications with the OpenShift Web Console   
o ​Integrating External Services   
Publishing Enterprise Container Images  
​ anaging Images in an Enterprise Registry   
o M
o C​ reating Image Streams   

Building Applications  
​ escribing the OpenShift Build Process   
o D
o M​ anaging Application Builds   
o ​Triggering Builds   
o ​Implementing Post-commit Build Hooks 
Customizing Source-to-Image Builds  

​ escribing the Source-to-Image Architecture   

o D
o C​ ustomizing an Existing S2I Base Image   
o ​Creating an S2I Base Image   

Creating Applications from OpenShift Templates  

​ escribing the Elements of an OpenShift Template   
o D
o C​ reating a Multicontainer Template   

Managing Application Deployments  

​ onitoring Application Health   
o M
o S​ electing the Appropriate Deployment Strategy   
o ​Managing Application Deployments with CLI Commands 

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