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Department: CS & IT
Course Instructor: Muhammad Ahmed Total Marks: 20


1- Submission is online at given time period.

2- Do it yourself because you are superb.
3- Do not compare yourself to other because you are unique.
4- Its Major assignment.

Q1: Implement the SQLite in your semester project as per instruction which was gave to you in class.

Q2: Consider yourself as mobile application developer for Android OS in Superior Solutions
Software House. Your client wants you to develop an “Remember the Location” application for
Android OS with the following requirements.
1- In order to use the application user should register himself/herself with the following key
1- Name
2- Address
3- Password

2- After completing the registration process user should be able to add the notes about a
particular location with the following requirements.
1- User can add location name.
2- User can add location descriptions.
3- User can add one picture about the location.

3- Final requirement for the application is that user can edit, update, delete a particular note
he/she has saved in the application, user can’t update the his/her profile after creating the

☺☺☺☺ Good Luck ☺☺☺☺

Department of Computer Sciences & Information Technology, Superior University, Lahore 1-1

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