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NIM : 2006030045
Differences in the education system in Indonesia and Singapore
Agenda Style
01 Comparasion of education levels

02 The difference of examinations that took place

03 several issues related to the world of education

Comparison of education levels

1 2 3 4 5

Kindergarten Primary school Junior high school Senior high school Lecture

2 years 6 years 3 years 3 years 4 years

The difference between Indonesia and Singapore is very clear from the tiering. In Singapore, children
start school at the preschool level from the age of 3. They then entered primary school for approximately
6 years.
Comparison of education levels

1 2 3 4 5

Higher Education
Kindergarten Primary school High school Preparation Lecture

3 years 6 years 5 years 3 years 4 years

After that students in Singapore will continue their education to the secondary level, which is a
combination of junior high and high school for 5 years. From here, they will be divided into several
categories based on academic achievement. Then then the students there will continue to the Pre-college
The difference of examinations that took place

The former British colony is known for its series of
tests and exams. Uniquely, unlike Indonesia,
which has a different rating system, Singapore
tends to be stable. It should be noted that this is
one of the bases why education there can
develop rapidly.
Indonesia & Singapore
The difference of examinations that took place

PSLE is also a placement test

At the end of Primary (grade 6),
where students will be divided into
students in Singapore will face a
3 groups based on their test scores,
PSLE ​or Primary School Leaving
namely; Express, Special and
Normal (Academic and Technical).

actually in Indonesia also do this, the great thing is that this PSLE ​has been
around since the 1960s and until this article was written it is still continuing. It is
very different from Indonesia, which chooses to be busy changing curricula and the
assessment system on a regular basis.

After graduating from primary, they will be classified into 3 categories. All of this
turned out to have the intention of making students focus on developing their
interests and potential
Indonesia & Singapore
several issues related to the world of education

INDONESIA Infrastucture

Political Stability
The biggest problem in Singapore is the
tremendous pressure on students to pass
the test with a perfect score. This is the Gap in salary of PNS and non PNS teachers.
reason for the large number of suicides and
depression among students.

Curriculum that changes regularly

Thank you

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