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Inside Listening and Speaking 1

Unit 7 Answer Key




Page 74
A. Cross out the word in each group that has a different meaning.
1. failure
2. agreement
3. unusual
4. song
5. different
6. individual

Page 74
B. Use the target words, or forms of them, to complete the paragraph.
1. corporate
2. equivalent
3. obvious
4. guarantee
5. conflicts

Page 74
C. Work with a partner. Match the pairs that are equivalent.
1. a
2. d
3. e
4. b
5. c
6. f

Page 75
D. Work with a partner. Check (✓) the things that are obvious when you first
meet someone. Then, with a partner, discuss other things that might be
obvious when you first meet someone.
✓hair color
✓native language
favorite book

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Inside Listening and Speaking 1
Unit 7 Answer Key

mother’s name

Page 75
E. For each sentence, write V if the word conflict is a verb. Write N if conflict is
a noun. Then read each sentence to a partner. Be sure to pronounce conflict
as con-FLICT if it is used as a verb or CON-flict if it is used as a noun.
1. V
2. N
3. N
4. V
5. V
6. V


Page 76
Read the questions about the audio. Work with a partner to ask and answer
these questions.
1. Patents protect inventions.
2. Since the 1300s
3. It has to be a new idea that is not obvious.
4. The first person to apply gets the patent.
5. The person who invented it first.



Page 78
A. Use the target words, or forms of them, to complete the Word Form Chart.
Noun: editing, editor, paragraph, quotation, revision, quote
Verb: edit, edited, quote, quoted, revise, revised
Adjective: edited, quotable, revised

Page 78
B. Choose the best form of the word to complete the sentences.
quoted, revisions

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Inside Listening and Speaking 1
Unit 7 Answer Key


Page 78
C. Complete the paragraph with the target vocabulary words from the box .
1. paragraph
2. editing
3. revisions
4. quote

Page 79
D. Check (✓) the things that describe a paragraph. Explain your ideas to a
20 sentences or more
✓at least several sentences
✓starts on a new line, but each sentence does not
includes many ideas
✓is about one topic
every sentence is on a new line
every sentence is numbered
uses a lot of abbreviations

Page 79
E. The target word edit can have slightly different meanings depending on the
context. Match the dictionary definitions on the left with the example
sentences on the right.
1. b
2. e
3. c
4. d
5. a


Page 80
Watch the video again. Work with a partner. Mark each sentence P if it
describes a patent, C if it describes a copyright, or B if it describes both.
1. B
2. P

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Inside Listening and Speaking 1
Unit 7 Answer Key

3. C
4. P
5. C


Page 81
Apply A. Go online to watch the video again. How does the speaker ask for
clarification? Match each statement with the question that follows it.
1. a
2. d
3. b
4. c


Page 82
Apply A. Go online to listen to the sentences. Check if you hear can or can’t.
1. can’t
2. can
3. can’t
4. can
5. can
6. can’t


Page 83
B. Listen to the presentation about intellectual property theft. Take notes,
leaving room for annotations.
Answers will vary. Possible answers below.
Downloading songs, games, movies from Internet
- legal - paid for or got permission
- illegal – to send without permission or buy / sell on street
intellectual property theft = stealing
Who does it?
- Criminals who sell illegally downloaded
- College students
Hurts – artists, corporations, jobs

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