Ethnic Conflicts Newspaper Contribution 4

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Ethnic Conflicts

In many countries and many periods a person·s ethnic identity has had profound consequences for
his or her physical safety, political status, and economic prospects. Violent confrontation along ethnic lines
is the most apparent form of ethnic conflict, and it recently has claimed lives in such diverse places
throughout the world. The three most terrible ethnic conflicts have been the conflict in Rwanda, in former
Yugoslavia, and The HolocaustVduring World War II in Europe.

First of all, since 1994 Rwanda started to have problems with the conflict between Hutus and
Tutsi, because of the economic differences between social classes. The Tutsi were a small town formed by
the ruling people, in western of Africa. And the Hutus were farmers located in a western village, but they
were a traditional kingdom at that place. The Tutsi were favored by the German colonists, and when they
were defeated in World War I the Belgians replaced them continuing with the same policy, rejecting the
Hutus. Thus, while the Tutsi received some education and the greatest jobs, the Hutus who were farmers
were denied to have access to schools. Despite they were the majority at that county; the Tutsi who were
minority submitted them, treating them as servants.

Although Rwanda had passed by those conflicts, they were not the oiliest country in the world.
Yugoslavia stared to have inner problems since 1991 to 2001. There were two different types of conflicts
which affected the six ex republics of Yugoslavia. The problem was called as Balkans war. All those
conflicts were characterized by being ethic problems between Serbs, Croats, Bosnians and Albanians. The
political, economic and cultural situation, as well as religious tension, formed the biggest problem ever
seen in Yugoslavia. These wars were the bloodiest conflicts in Europe since the end of World War II, as a
result of this problem were 300,000 deaths and millions of people taken out of their homes. This problem
left to much poverty, economic disruption and a persistent instability in those territories.

As well as Rwanda and Yugoslavia, the Holocaust left to much mess and destruction at German in
the World War II. The word Holocaust comes from Greek, which meaning is: ´sacrifice by fireµ. This
incident was characterized by the persecution and systematical murder, organized by the German`s State
and the Nazi`s regime to the Jews. The Nazis arrived at German`s power at January, 1933 they believed
that Germans were a ´superior raceµ and the Jews were inferior and a foreign threat for German racial
community. During the Holocaust German authorities pursued some other groups of people because of
their ´inferior racialµ condition. Few of those groups were: Gypsies, disable persons, Poles, Russians and
some other Slavic people. Other groups were persecuted because of political reasons, ideological and
behavior, among them communists, socialists Jehovah·s witnesses and homosexuals.
Ethnic conflicts such as in Rwanda, former Yugoslavia, and The Holocaust during World War II
triggered the worst feelings a human being can have. Any country or society can go through such terrors.
Different religion, race, and beliefs are not good reasons to kill each other. It depends on new generations
not to repeat the terrible crimes against

Works Cited

United states Holocaust memorial Museum. Yahil, Leni. The Holocaust: The Fate of European Jewry,
1932-1945. New York: Oxford University Press, 1990:

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Slaughter Rwanda of Tutsis and Hutus:


CIDOB. Eslovenia. Milan Kucan. December 21, 2009:


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