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Test 2 / Reading comprehension - Low Intermediate

Adam: Alright, hi Jin!

Jin: Hi, Adam.

Adam: How are you doing?

Jin: I'm doing good.

Adam: Ah, you're from Nepal right?

Jin: Yes, I am.

Adam: I was thinking about going there. Could you tell me some good places to visit while I'm in Nepal?

Jin: Yeah, sure. It's really nice a nice place. I mean, you should totally come to my country. I would
recommend that you should go to a place called Pokhara because that's the most famous tourist site in
Nepal. There's a really beautiful lake there, and then I know that you like sports, so then there are so
many different kinds of activities like bungee jumping, rafting, kayoking... I don't know. What is it?

Adam: Kayaking?

Jin: Kayaking, yeah! So yeah, I think you'll love it there. That's the best place I would say.

Adam: Oh, cool! How far is that from the capital?

Jim: Ah, you have to take a mini-bus, and it will take you around six hours and you'll be there.

Adam: OK, cool! When's the best time to go there?

Jin: I think during spring would be better.

Adam: Yeah?

Jin: Yeah. It's really nice there, like, and the people are really nice. The food is amazing, and there's a
really good nightlife there because people ... like there's ... what do you call it ... pubs, and like live music,
so yeah, it's a really fun place to be at night and in the daytime.

Adam: That's great. I love live music. Do you have any like events or festivals that I should go to when I'm
in Nepal

Jin: Actually, in Nepal there's a lot of festivals, but I would recommend you to go there when there's a
festival called Holi. It's around February ... March. (Laughter) So yeah, the festival is around March and
what we do is we play with colors. We throw colors at each other, and then even throw water balloons. It's
really fun, like the whole environment is really colorful, bright and everyone is very happy.

Adam: Yeah, that sounds like a lot of fun. I think I've seen pictures of that before. How many days is that

Jin: It's actually only one day.

Adam: Oh, really?

Jim: Yeah.

Adam: Cool, I really want to go. Anything else you can tell us about Nepal?

Jin: If you like hiking, then Nepal has a lot of mountains. Actually, Mt. Everest is in Nepal so you can even
try going there.
Adam: Wow, that would be amazing. I really look forward to going there. Thank you so much for your time

Jin: Sure anytime!

In paragraph 3: What's the meaning of "how are you doing"? * 1/1

It asks about how you are doing an activity.

It is the same as asking "how are you"?

It means that you feel sad and someone can approach you in this way.

Who was thinking about going to Nepal? * 1/1



It is not mentioned in the text.

Why did Jim recommend Pokhara as a place to be visited? * 1/1

Because it is the most visited place in Nepal.

Because it is very close to the capital.

Because Adam was thinking about visiting Pokhara.

In paragraph 8: What's the meaning of "rafting"? * 1/1

Sporting and recreational activity that consists of touring the river downstream,
usually on some type of boat or raft

Sporting and recreational activity that consists of touring the river upstream, usually
on some type of boat or raft

I don't know, teacher.

How long does it take to go from the capital of Nepal to Pokhara? * 1/1

It takes a quarter of a day.

It takes three hundred and sixty seconds.

I don't know, teacher.

What's the best time to visit Pokhara? * 1/1

From December to March

From January to April

From April to July

In paragraph 16: What's the meaning of "pub"? * 1/1

It is the most popular stadium in Nepal.

It is a place where food and alcoholic drinks are served.

It is a place where dancing performances take place.

How many festival are mentioned in the text? * 1/1


What's the festival about? * 1/1

It is about colors. You buy them and throw them to the air, and then you catch them
with wate ballons.

It is about colors. You hurl colors and water ballons to people.

It is about colors. You toss colors at each other's feet and then run with water ballons
and hurl them all to people.
What would be the most appropriate title for this text? * 1/1

Jin's Adventures in Nepal.

Pakhara: the best place to visit.

Nepal and the activities you may do here.

Este formulario se creó en Universidad Tecnológica de Querétaro.


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