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Questions for her:

- What is your business? -valley stem (stem education)

- What made you want to start a company? - been at the company for over a year now
and just became ceo, they wanted something to do after school and major in this and in
being a doctor, also noticed disproportional education, mnal has always been around
stem fields since they were young and wanted to give back to community
- When did you start developing your company ?
- Future plans for your company? - want to integrate it into music
- How many employees do you have or volunteers? - they don't have employees but have
many volunteers because they are a non-profit so its there isn't a given exact number
- How do you spread the word about your company? Especially now virtually?
- Do you have any social media? Instagram, youtube, twitter
- Where are you guys located? -they go to wherever they find they need to (mainly
- What are some of the struggles your company faced? How did you solve them? - they
didnt have much problems , getting kids to connect during covid virtually
- How do you gain customers/followers throughout your social media? -
- What type of fundraiser do you do/ charity? - Partnership atm and donations, connect to
donors on a level that makes them want to donate.
- Did you have to make any changes to your business because of the coronavirus? -
Having to be more communicative with other schools

Business idea:

- We want to help people who struggle financially by providing essential items they may
not be able to afford (clothes, masks, disinfectant products)
- Become a non profit
- Get funding from donations or fundraisers (yard sales, bake sales, etc)
- Put the money we make into supplying our business with cleaning products and

Things we have accomplished:

- We came up with different logo designs

- We’ve came up with multiple ideas as to how we will receive funding
- Getting results in our survey that have sort of helped us

Future Plans for our Business/ Ideas

- Maybe start with care bags

- Then after awhile give care boxes with other necessities
- Start planning out a map on where covid in fresno has impacted more people
- Getting volunteers?
- Creating a platform to have more teens being interested in helping their own
communities in different ways

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