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(Ref.- Assam Government Advertisement No.- S(E)179/2018/96 dated Dispur the, 24 July, 2020)
Government of Assam has commissioned the Assam Institute of Management to design and administer the selection
process for recruitment of Junior Administrative Assistant in the Secretariat Administration Department, Govt. of
Assam. With reference to your application to the above mentioned post, you are required to appear in a written
examination to be held as per the Date, Centre and Venue mentioned in the ADMIT CARD.
In context of the above, the candidates are required to note the following instructions carefully-
1. The candidate should bring the ADMIT CARD to the Examination Hall to secure Admission as per the Date
and Venue as specified in the Admit Card along with valid identification proof (Driving License/Voter Id/Aadhar
Card/PAN card/Passport/any other Government recognized photo identification).
2. Candidate should retain the ADMIT CARD till the final stage of the selection process is over. Loss or
misplacement of the ADMIT CARD after the written examination will debar the candidate from appearing in the
next stage of selection process, even if qualified in the written examination.
3. Candidate must report in the venue at least 90 minutes before the prescribed examination time to enable authorities to
follow the Covid-19 protocol as announced by the Government. Details provided in Instructions to be strictly followed.
Wearing of mask is compulsory.
4. No candidate shall be allowed to enter the Examination Hall after the commencement of the
5. Immediately after entering the Examination Hall/Room the candidate should make sure that he /she has no
unauthorised book or paper with him/her or in the desk. Only articles specified in the instruction appended to
the ADMIT CARD would be allowed.
6. Electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones, Smart/Analog Watches, Calculators of any model or other
communication devices, Bags/Handbags/Baggages are strictly prohibited in the Examination Venue.
Authorities will not be responsible for safe custody of any such items.
7. Loaning or interchanging of slide rule, pen, pencil, eraser, sharpener etc. in the Examination Hall are not
8. The candidate should check that the Question Booklets supplied to him/her has the required number of
pages immediately after receiving the same. In case there is short of any page(s) the fact should be
brought to the notice of the Invigilator/Supervisor immediately.
9. The candidate should not tear out any page(s) from the Booklets. Doing so will lead to disqualification.
10. The candidate must note that he/she should write the examination with his/her own hand. In no
circumstances, any sort of help from scribe to write answers for him/her would be allowed.
11. A signal would be given at the beginning of the examination. It would be repeated 10 minutes before the
closing time and again at the closing time. The candidate must stop writing or revising his/her answers on the
signal of closing time. The candidates must not continue to write or revise after the expiry of the time. Any
candidate who is found doing so will be disqualified.
12. The duration of the examination is Three and a half hours in one sitting. (10:00 A.M. to 01:30 P.M.). No
candidates would be allowed to leave the examination venue during this time, even if they have submitted
their OMR Answer Sheet.
13. No candidate may be allowed to go to Toilet/Urinal during the last 30 minutes of examination. Candidates
intending to go to the Toilet may be escorted by an Invigilator. In no circumstances, should a candidate go to
the Toilet/Urinal without clear permission of the Invigilator. He/she must not carry any examination material to
the Toilet/Urinal.
14. If a candidate slips away from the Toilet/Urinal, he/she will not be allowed to re-enter the Examination Hall.
Before going to the Toilet/Urinal, the candidate must close the Booklets.
15. The candidate should hand over the OMR Answer Sheet personally to the Invigilator on duty, if he/she leaves
the Examination Hall. The Question Booklet may be carried by the candidate after the examination.
16. The candidate must not indulge in copying or communication with other candidate in the Examination Hall.
He/she will be disqualified if found doing so.
17. Smoking in the Examination Hall/Room is strictly prohibited as per relevant rules of Government imposing ban
on smoking in public places.
18. Discipline and silence must be observed in the Examination Hall. Talking and consuming tea etc. is strictly
19. The candidate must abide by such further instruction as may be given by the Invigilator/Supervisor of the
Examination. If a candidate disregards any of the instructions or indulges in disorderly/improper conduct,
he/she will render himself/herself liable to disqualification.

Some Important Instructions-
20. Candidates will be permitted to carry only the following items with them into the examination venue:
(a) Personal transparent water bottle.
(b) Personal hand sanitizer (50ml).
(c) Transparent ball point pen (blue/black).
(d) Admit Card and Instructions
(e) Valid identification proof
(f) 3-ply mask on face. (Shall remove to uncover face only for identification.)

21. The candidate should read and follow carefully the instructions provided in the ADMIT CARD.
22. The candidate should read carefully and follow thoroughly the instructions printed on the cover of the
Question Booklet.
23. The candidate should write the ROLL NO. only in the space provided for the purpose on the Question Booklet
and OMR Answer Sheet
24. The Question Booklet will contain 250 multiple choice questions to be answered in a separate OMR ANSWER
SHEET using Blue/Black Ball Pen. Do Not Use Ink/Gel Pen.
25. The candidate should mention his/her Booklet Series (A, B, C, D) in the designated space provided in
the OMR Sheet and darken the corresponding circle.
26. In the Question Booklet, Q. No. 201-250 includes questions from the optional language – English, Assamese,
Bengali & Bodo. The candidate must decide on his/her optional language selection and mention the same in
the OMR sheet and darken the corresponding circle. Failure to do so will entail loss of credit for the Paper.
27. In the OMR Sheet the candidates should darken the circles corresponding to their Roll No., Optional
Language slected and Question Booklet Series This is very important for evaluation purpose.
The Question Booklet can be retained by the candidate after the examination.
Directions for giving the answer:
Each question is followed by four alternative suggested answers. Candidates are required to select the
correct answer and darken the appropriate circle using Blue/Black Ball Pen so that the circle is
completely darkened.
Example: Question No. 48
Given below are four words, three are alike in some way and one is different. Find the odd word:
(a) Cricket (c) Hockey
(b) Football (d) Chess
Here, the correct answer is Chess (indoor game) i.e. (d).
So, in the OMR ANSWER SHEET the darken circle 48. a b c d
the darken circle should be given as
The OMR Answer Sheet should be submitted to the Invigilator.
28. At the end of the examination the candidate should ensure that he/she submits the OMR Answer Sheet
to the Invigilator before leaving the Examination Hall / room.
29. The candidate should note that his/her candidature is based on the information provided by
him/her in the application form which is still under scrutiny. The authority reserves the right to
cancel his/her candidature as and when any in-eligibility condition is detected or any of the
particulars declared by the candidate is found to be false at any stage.
Advisory for Candidates regarding COVID-19 :
30. Candidates are advised to maintain Social Distancing from each other at all the time. Wearing of mask is
compulsory throughout the examination process.
31. Infrared Temperature check may be done at the entrance of the examination venue. Candidates are advised to
cooperate in the process and also sanitize their hands before entering the venue. Hand sanitising/hand washing
facility would be available at the entrance.
32. Candidates should note that the authorities will not be responsible for safe custody of any belongings of
any candidate. Accordingly, candidates should not carry prohibited items except as mentioned above in
the list of permitted items.
33. While entering and on completion of the examination, candidates should move out in an orderly manner. Please
wait for instructions from the invigilator and do not get up from your seat until advised.
34. Please note that no one will be denied permission to appear for the examination, until he/she violates the COVID-
19 directives/advisories of Government (Central/State) applicable on the day of exam and instructions mentioned.

Please note that being called for the Written Examination does not automatically render you
eligible for the post of Junior Administrative Assistant in the Assam Secretariat.


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